Hungary - United States

Hungary - United States

MATCH REPORT Vodafone Kupa 2018 Hajós Alfréd Sportuszoda 50m-es 2018.06.29. 20:15 Hungary - United States (white) 3 - 12 (blue) (1-3,0-2,1-3,1-4) Timeouts Bench (YC) (RC) Hungary I 1:08 Attila Bíró 3 II 2:15 László Tóth (1,0,1,1) III 0:28 Bertalan Áts IV - - - - ID Played Personal fouls Goals (Saved/Missed Shots) Others NAME NSSZ N° I. II. III. TF GA GC GF GP GT GX Sum AS BL CS TA 115996 Orsolya KASÓ X 1 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 3 115920 Dorottya SZILÁGYI X 2 EF EC 0 1(2/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(2/0) 0 0 4 0 115927 Rebecca Grace PARKES X 3 EC 4 0(0/0) 0(2/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(2/0) 0 0 0 0 115922 Gréta GURISATTI X 4 2 1(1/3) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(1/3) 0 0 0 2 115923 Gabriella SZÜCS (X) 5 EC EC 0 0(1/1) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(1/1) 0 0 0 0 115995 Zsuzsanna MÁTÉ (X) 6 EF 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 0 115924 Brigitta HORVÁTH (X) 7 EF 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(1/0) 0(1/0) 0 0 0 0 115926 Rita KESZTHELYI X 8 0 0(3/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/1) 0(1/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(4/1) 0 0 0 1 115921 Dóra LEIMETER X 9 0 0(1/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(1/0) 0 0 0 2 115928 Anikó GYÖNGYÖSSY (X) 10 2 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 0 115929 Dóra CSABAI (X) 11 1 0(2/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(1/0) 1(3/0) 0 2 0 3 115930 Krisztina GARDA X 12 EC EC 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(1/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(1/0) 0 0 0 0 115919 Edina GANGL 13 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 0 Timeouts Bench (YC) (RC) United States I 2:27 Adam Krikoman 12 II 1:47 Daniel Kratt (3,2,3,4) III 0:53 Natalie Benson IV - - - - ID Played Personal fouls Goals (Saved/Missed Shots) Others NAME NSSZ N° I. II. III. TF GA GC GF GP GT GX Sum AS BL CS TA 115958 Ashleigh JOHNSON 1 0 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 0 115959 Madeline MUSSELMAN X 2 PF 0 1(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(0/0) 3 0 0 1 115998 Brigitta GAMES (X) 3 EF 1 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 0 115964 Stephanie HARALABIDIS (X) 4 EF EF 0 0(2/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/1) 0(2/1) 0 0 0 2 115962 Paige HAUSCHILD (X) 5 EF EF 0 1(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(0/0) 0 0 0 1 115997 Margaret STEFFENS X 6 1 0(0/1) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/1) 0(0/2) 0 1 0 2 115965 Jamie NEUSHUL X 7 0 2(1/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 2(1/0) 0 0 0 2 115966 Kiley NEUSHUL X 8 EF 0 1(0/3) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/5) 0 0 0 0 115967 Aria FISCHER X 9 EF 1 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 2(0/0) 2(0/0) 1 0 0 0 115968 Kaleigh GILCHRIST (X) 10 0 1(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(0/0) 0 0 0 2 115969 Makenzie FISCHER (X) 11 0 1(1/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(1/0) 0 0 0 0 115970 Alys WILLIAMS X 12 0 1(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 1(0/0) 2(0/0) 0 1 0 0 115971 Amanda LONGEN X 13 PF EF 1 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0 0 0 1 Function Name Signature Function Name Signature Delegate Gianni Lonzi Referee Yuriko Udagawa Referee Flahive Danielle AS Assist BL Blocked shot CS Competition (sprint) CT Corner throw EC Exclusion centre forward EF Exclusion in the field EN Exclusion 4 minutes ES Exclusion w substitution GA Goals action shot GC Goals center shot GF Goals free throw GH Goals man under GP Goals penalty shot GT Goals counter attack GX Goals extra player MA Missed action shot MC Missed center shot MF Missed free throw MH Missed man under shot MP Missed penalty shot MT Missed counter attack MX Missed extra player PF Penalty PI Player In PO Player Out PS Posession RC Red Card SA Saved action shot SC Saved center shot SF Saved free throw SH Saved man under shot SP Saved penalty shot ST Saved counter attack SX Saved extra player TA Tackle (steals) TF Turnower foul TO Time Out YC Yellow Card X Played at start (x) Bench player (S) At injunction Comments: MATCH REPORT Vodafone Kupa 2018 Hajós Alfréd Sportuszoda 50m-es 2018.06.29. 20:15 Hungary - United States (white) 3 - 12 (blue) (1-3,0-2,1-3,1-4) Time Code Event Nr. Player Time Code Event Nr. Player 1 8:00 GK Goalkeeper F1 Orsolya KASÓ 1 0:32 MA Missed shot K8 Kiley NEUSHUL 1 8:00 GK Goalkeeper K13 Amanda LONGEN 1 0:32 BR Block F11 Dóra CSABAI 1 8:00 CS Sprint won possession F2 Dorottya SZILÁGYI 1 0:32 PS Possession 1 7:39 TF Turnover foul F3 Rebecca Grace PARKES 1 0:27 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) K8 Kiley NEUSHUL 1 7:07 TA Steal F1 Orsolya KASÓ 1 0:27 EF Exclusion from F11 Dóra CSABAI 1 6:38 SA Action shot - Saved F4 Gréta GURISATTI 1 0:02 SA Action shot - Saved F8 Rita KESZTHELYI 1 6:38 PS Possession 1 0:02 PS Possession 1 6:27 GA Action shot - Goal K7 Jamie NEUSHUL 1 0:00 PE End of period 1 6:27 AS Assist K2 Madeline MUSSELMAN 2 8:00 CS Sprint won possession F2 Dorottya SZILÁGYI 1 6:05 TF Turnover foul F4 Gréta GURISATTI 2 7:36 TF Turnover foul F10 Anikó GYÖNGYÖSSY 1 5:47 EC Exclusion in centre (20s) F12 Krisztina GARDA 2 7:09 GA Action shot - Goal K2 Madeline MUSSELMAN 1 5:47 EF Exclusion from K9 Aria FISCHER 2 7:00 TA Steal K6 Margaret STEFFENS 1 5:32 GE Extra player shot - Goal K12 Alys WILLIAMS 2 6:33 TF Turnover foul K9 Aria FISCHER 1 5:32 AS Assist K9 Aria FISCHER 2 6:19 TF Turnover foul F4 Gréta GURISATTI 1 5:12 TA Steal K7 Jamie NEUSHUL 2 6:00 TA Steal F8 Rita KESZTHELYI 1 5:05 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) F6 Zsuzsanna MÁTÉ 2 5:40 TF Turnover foul F11 Dóra CSABAI 1 5:05 EF Exclusion from K9 Aria FISCHER 2 5:11 PS Possession 1 5:00 MX Extra player shot - Missed K6 Margaret STEFFENS 2 4:50 MA Missed shot F5 Gabriella SZÜCS 1 5:00 PS Possession 2 4:50 PS Possession 1 4:31 TA Steal K7 Jamie NEUSHUL 2 4:37 TA Steal F11 Dóra CSABAI 1 4:03 SA Action shot - Saved K7 Jamie NEUSHUL 2 4:11 SA Action shot - Saved F5 Gabriella SZÜCS 1 4:03 PS Possession 2 4:11 PS Possession 1 3:43 SA Action shot - Saved F2 Dorottya SZILÁGYI 2 3:44 MA Missed shot K6 Margaret STEFFENS 1 3:43 CT Corner throw 2 3:40 TA Steal K2 Madeline MUSSELMAN 1 3:23 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) K9 Aria FISCHER 2 3:29 GA Action shot - Goal K7 Jamie NEUSHUL 1 3:23 EF Exclusion from F4 Gréta GURISATTI 2 3:05 TA Steal K6 Margaret STEFFENS 1 3:02 MA Missed shot F4 Gréta GURISATTI 2 2:57 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) F7 Brigitta HORVÁTH 1 3:02 BR Block K6 Margaret STEFFENS 2 2:57 EF Exclusion from K10 Kaleigh GILCHRIST 1 3:02 PS Possession 2 2:42 TF Turnover foul K3 Brigitta GAMES 1 2:55 MT Counter attack - Missed K8 Kiley NEUSHUL 2 2:17 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) K5 Paige HAUSCHILD 1 2:55 PS Possession 2 2:17 EF Exclusion from F3 Rebecca Grace PARKES 1 2:30 SA Action shot - Saved F8 Rita KESZTHELYI 2 2:15 TO Time-Out 1 2:30 PS Possession 2 1:54 SA Action shot - Saved F2 Dorottya SZILÁGYI 1 2:27 TO Time-Out 2 1:54 PS Possession 1 2:22 TA Steal F11 Dóra CSABAI 2 1:49 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) F2 Dorottya SZILÁGYI 1 2:06 MA Missed shot F4 Gréta GURISATTI 2 1:49 EF Exclusion from K6 Margaret STEFFENS 1 2:06 PS Possession 2 1:47 TO Time-Out 1 1:39 EC Exclusion in centre (20s) F5 Gabriella SZÜCS 2 1:34 MX Extra player shot - Missed K4 Stephanie HARALABIDIS 1 1:39 EF Exclusion from K3 Brigitta GAMES 2 1:34 BR Block F11 Dóra CSABAI 1 1:17 GA Action shot - Goal K8 Kiley NEUSHUL 2 1:34 PS Possession 1 1:08 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) K4 Stephanie HARALABIDIS 2 1:16 EF Exclusion in the field (20s) K4 Stephanie HARALABIDIS 1 1:08 EF Exclusion from F11 Dóra CSABAI 2 1:16 EF Exclusion from F4 Gréta GURISATTI 1 1:08 TO Time-Out 2 1:04 TA Steal K10 Kaleigh GILCHRIST 1 1:00 GE Extra player shot - Goal F11 Dóra CSABAI MATCH REPORT Vodafone Kupa 2018 Hajós Alfréd Sportuszoda 50m-es 2018.06.29.

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