FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 19B1 Rtotttlfpatgr t upnittg N^rulb J: f AvtragR Dolly Nat Praas R o r Tha Waothar nad help to flniab eonega. D ila aa- flowell Chanav, vlo# pnaldant; Cte Pack lU wlU bold Ita F or Ite Wsah Btetaig rofoeaol of 0. 0. WaaMMt OaiMR ■iatance la in Um form of non- Edaon M. Bailey, aacretary; and March u , la a i March aMetlng toMgbt at the B e t r o t h e d Ig Again Head Intereat baaring loana which ra- tbe Manchester Trust oompany, Town Waat Bide Recrtatloa building at dplenU ata akpaetad td rapky ttwaaurer. In addition to tha of­ Today geaoraOy fteri trctgkt aetan o'ciodi. Aa InUraatlng and within a faw yeart after gradua­ flcen and Mr. Smith, another mem­ 1 0 , 1 5 8 \*aiied program baa boon arranged OfF^oifoundation fair SRd eoslart Soadiy telr and o f a M B M l tion. ber of the Board of Tmateaa Is Mtebor at «W AadH _______m Im M tkalr around the theme for the month, Aaalated FUty Oradaatea former State Senator Charles 8. •X>ib ScouUng Around the ■urcaRotaroslaMiBa M M v teoIgM at • ^ln. The Foundation has ao far help­ House. M a n e h e s i e r — A City o f ViUago Charm ■ Wortd." Ward Krauae. Cubmaater, tC s iW w i ooaimRtM ooMtata G Elmore Watkins Re- ed approXimately SO MH8 gradu­ catenda a warm invitation to all ates to finance their college ca­ «rM iT«i MW- Wwiey >*r. parenta and Cube to attend^ thla elecletl President of reen. These include docton, den- lu * A«vartWng uo rasa 19) MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 19.'51 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVB CENTS meeting. ' The Verplanck Fund tiata, teachen, nurses, foreaten, VOL. LXX, NO. IfiS A j t t m r n I M ^ tM dieticians, engineen and several Joaeph M. FalkowaM, eon of Mr. bualnesamen. A ll o f them are In­ GUARANTEED _ MOw IH m and art bt* C. Elmore Watklne was re- J iac A iM ai br Mr. and Mra. J- and Mra. Joaeph Falkowakl o f 6* debted In part to the Foundation Sanaan, Mr. and Mra. lUy* Alton atreet, haa been elected elected president of the Verpinnek for tho training that haa led them WATCH ■wnd Wasmaa and Mr. and Mra. preaident of the Boeton Univeraity Scholarship Foundation nt the an­ to Buoccseful careers. All-Unlvemlty Peychologlcal A»- Say Armed Rebels, iniMI|b 0< Hack. nual meeting yesterday at tho . The present assets of the Foun­ REPAIRING ■oclaUon. an organiaatlon whoae home of Fred A. Verplanck. Rob­ dation are $7,500 and there are WHAT IS YOUR * M Q - New Propeller Factory ________ Poat No. *048. purpoae la to eupplement the aca­ ert H. Smith waa re-elected a trus­ currently five college students re­ demic aapect of the held of pay- 9t rortirn Wart, ta tee for a five-year term at a meet­ ceiving aealatance. ^MANCHESTER QUOTIENT chology with the nodal aapect. AD Watch a fraa danet tvtry ing of the Foundation members Other offlcen elected were Albania Reds War M w w y nlfht at tht dubhouM. which precede the trustees' ses­ Repairs Are This Is one o f a proJry:tcd series o f Informal Mendteater Orton. Muaie it btInR John M. Coughlin, 390 Woodland sion. quizzes designed to give you more than a nod­ Tested On The London, March 31.— (A*)— farWwd by Art McK»y> orchta- atreet, Sylvia Keith, 119 Pitkin The Foundation was eatabllahed ding Bcqualnbuire with your town, Ita rhanicler. stieet, and Robed L. Wood, M In 1927 In honor o f Mr. Verplanck, Bast Vonneiit Yugoslavia contended today Its nlstorv and Its problem. Knowing .Manrhealer tra: WA'ICH MASTER Set for Bradley Field Woodbiidge atreet. all atudenU at who waa the first principal of the armed rebels are being para­ News Tidbits better will gla-e you a better nnderatandlng of Its Boeton Univeraity, wlli padlclpate Manchester High achool and who Mapis Syrap $5.50 gal. problems and perhaps point Ihe way for molding H r. ted Mra. John r. Baratow chuted into Albania to fight in the Second Annual Mualc Fea- served the Ninth School District Called From (A») Wires Ita fntnre. and daudbtar. Jo Ann, of 460 Main tlval which the univeraity will pre- Mrs. GarfioM Darling GAUDET against the Kremlin-control- and the Toyvn ns superintendent of Manchester De\'elopment Commission atiaat. ara apandbic tbe wt«k>tnd aent aa ita maJor contribution to South Peacham, Vermont J E W E L E R S Unitcfl Aircraft Announ* schools for 42 years. The piirpose regime of Premier Enver South Boeton longshoremen la Ploailactan. N. J„ attrndinK the the muaical life of N ew F.ngland 801 MAIN ST. Senate Cites Red Buildup for PoAMilde Spriu^ OfTenHive waddtnc of Mra. Baratow'a broth- Mian Msargaret Benoit of the Foundation Is to provide as­ or Tel. Manchester S-8460 Haxha. To combat the appar- refuse to handle 12 carloads of ccH Ten Million Dol* thla year, over a twelve day period, sistance to graduatea of MH8 who (Across From St. James’s Church) or, Mago Marked. from April 9 to JO, entl.v growing unrest in the wool scrap ready for shipment to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Benoit, of Poland. Indoaesla and Burma 2 0 lar Plant for Windsor 43 Fairfleld street, announce the small Balkan Soviet satellite | 12 Witnesses algn five-year friendship treaty. D m Magllaneaa Society win hold Children of St, John's CJiurch engagement of their daughter, nation, Russian reportedly hne ' STATUTI Milts I.ock6; Part of Huge . .Allied High Commission In Ita fagalar monthly meeting Sun­ school will hold their final re­ Mien M nigarct M ary Benoit, to sent about s dozen MIG Jet lighter Germany bann Htuttgart Commu­ day. An membera are urged to at­ hearsal at ten o'clock tomorrow Private narence Tracy, son of planes to Albania. For Contempt KxpanHion Program; nist newspaper for 90 days for tend tbi« Important meeting at morning, in preparation for the Mra. Jennie Tracy of 114 North Yugoslavia also declared that publishing article hostile to Allied o'.rrlv GaH Turbine Factory to wkidi a report from the commit- program at the traditional Easter Elm street and the late Clarence tha Albanian rebel campaign ap­ forces. .Corporal Johp Waller > \ tat far tte aanual banquet to be fupper, Sunday afternoon at four Tracy. parently Is being directed by "re­ NORTH B p Confitructed in Area of the British Army, who desert­ Probers \Uiii Uiiuiiimoiis kaM OB M u >0 will be made by o'clock when the Josephs and Mlaa Benoit was graduated from actionary" Albanians now living WtUiam ngani. Refreahmenta ed to East Germany and then re­ I CHanQion Josephines in the pariah will be Manchester High school with the In Italy. There was no Immediate Barking on Chiirgrs .•Koksnn'v KOREA I Soiilli of Wallingford wfll be aarved foHowlng the meet- turned "fed up" with Communist honored, v. class of 1950 and Is presently em­ comment from Albanian eXiles in - 1 i "■ system, to be tried as deserter. tag. ployed by Cheney Brothers. Italy. Against Coslrllo, (iii- . .Common Pleas court decision (Special (o The Herald) Oommittea membera of the new­ Pvt. Tracy, formerly with the Besides parachutists Yugoslavia holds that Stratford registrars of zik, klrinniuiiy Others Ka.sl Hartford, March 31. D ie Oomaratono club o f St. ly organized Boy Scout Troop Capitol Equipment company le said planes are showering anti­ voters cannot, under State Consti­ B iM gat’Brt’B aahfoch h vc h arin mam att Sun­ sponsored by the HoUiatar Parent stationed at Camp Pickett, Vir­ communist leaflets over Albanian -f' - V A — A privately financed major tution, receive eXtra pay for addi­ day oTMilng at eight o'clock at the —Teacher AaaocUtlon will meet ginia. cities and towns. Wii.ahlngtnn. March 31 (yPI-- V Kantong) cXpan.sion program o f United tional hours worked. Chnrdi haU. Pariahlonera are urg­ Tuesday, A pril 8, at 7;30 p, m. In No definite date has been set for The Yugoslav disclosures were Senator Kcfmivor (P., Tcnn.), aald Democrats in Rhode Island lose Aircraft Corporation'8 two ed to attend, aa Father Jamea the library of the Hollister atreet the wedding. FIRST .LADY 51 GAUGE SHEER made by Vladimir DedIJer, former Dmmina will be the guert epeaker. rontrol of the State Senate ns today he eXports to pro|X)sr "a ' Hwang po*l Ea.st Hartford divisions was school. Any boy. 11 years of age Yugoslav Information Erector, in mcllKKl of conllnulng Inquiry iinil Mra. Robed Mclntoeh la in charge or over, who la interested in be­ an article in the Belgrade Borba, Senator Florence Murray goes to Sibyon announced t(Klay liy H. M. of refiMlunenta. the maternity hospital. .Carvel atudy" of crime conditions cx- Horner, president. The eX­ coming a member of thie Troop, Local Man Hurt official newspaper of Marshal po.scd by his Senate Investigating may reglater at thla meating pro­ Tito's government. Hall, Annapolis, badly damaged NYLON HOSIERY by early morning fire. .PrlAe Suhconimlttec. pansion involves construction vided he la accompanied by one of So far as Is known there are no ^ Yaogvene In Truck Crash Minister Nehru heads off move in He (lid not elaborate. Rut he of two new Connecticut bla parenta. F\iU fashioned, in new Spring colors. Reinforced foot for western correspondents In Albania Indian Parliament to have Kash­ told a reporter flatly that he Is plants, one at Bradley Field,' eXtra wear.
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