E&fSo/iSoi - A5S1 IM2-*P-Ml&h ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, EGYPT (Proceedings oft fie Jirst InternationalSpring School &Symposium Editors Prof Dr. Louis N. Shehata Prof Dr. Abdel Wahab A. El-Sayed SAMS 94 VOL.11 CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 15-20 MARCH1994 CAIRO, EGYPT We regret that some of the pages in the microfiche copy of this report may not be up to the proper legibility standards, even though the best possible copy was used for preparing the master fiche FIRST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL & SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE (SAMS 94) UNDER THE AUSPICES OF HIS EXCELLENCY ENGINEER MM. mAZA MINISTER OF ELECTRICITY AND ENERGY JJedicaticn The Materials Science and. Engineering Community in Egypt is presenting this symposium in the Honour of 2Pu>£. ^.31. Jlammad Chairman. Atomic Energy Authority On his 60th Birthday Anniversary In recognition of his outstanding record and his sustained effort in promoting educational, RSiD and industrial activities in the field of materials science and engineering at the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority as well as universities, research institutions and industry. Prof. Hammad contributed to the education of fundamentals of materials science in several Egyptian univerisites and his students ranged from physicists and chemists to metallurgical, chemical, nuclear, mechanical and electrical engineers. A good number of these students are holding prominent academic and industrial posts in Egypt and on the international level. Several RSiD activities and programmes in various areas of materials science and engineering >> the AEA and elsewhere in Egypt haw been of his initiation and/or enjoying a great share of his contribi.'.ion. This has been published in national and international journals in more than one hundred publications. Prof. Hammad have always preached for and practically contributed to the interaction between academic institutions and industry and also to promoting approaches to develop materials strategies in Egypt. i SAMS 94 CHAIRMAN: PROFESSOR F.H. HAMMAD CO-CHAIRMAN: PROFESSOR H.F. ALY ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PROF. A.A. EL-SAYED PROF. LOUIS N. SHEHATA PROF. I.D. ABDEL RAZEK PROF. M. KHORSHID FAYEK PROF. S.M. EL-RAGHY PROF. H.I. SHABAN PROF. M. EL-SAYED ALI - iii - SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE CHAIRWOMAN PROF. V.K. GOUDA MINISTER OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 1. INTERNATIONAL PROF. V.L. AKSENOV (RUSSIA) DR. CN. DE CASTRO (PORTUGAL) DR. DEDINKO (RUSSIA) PROF. A. FAHMY (USA) DR. H.P. FRITZER (AUSTRIA) PROF. P. HREN (USA) DR. D. JENSEN (DENMARK) DR. BUCHKREMER (GERMANY) DR. M. NASTASI (USA) PROF. H. NICKEL (GERMANY) DR. NIELS HANSEN (DENMARK) PROF H.R. OTT (SWITZERLAND) DR. H. SCHUSTR (GERMANY) DR. O.T. SORENSEN (DENMARK) PROF. J.L. SOU9UET (FRANCE) PROF S. BEDAIR (USA) DR. N. EL MASRY (USA) - v - SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (Continued) II. NATIONAL PROF. A.A. ABDEL AZIM (CMRDI CAIRO) PROF. A.R. ABDEL HALIM (CAIRO UNIV) DR. O. ABDEL WAHAB (INDUSTRY) PROF.A.AAMMAR (MENOF UNIV) PROF. S.R. ATALLA (CAIRO UNIV) PUOF. R. EL KOUSSY (CAIRO UNIV) PROF. N. EL MAHALLAWI (AIN SHAMS UNIV) PROF. M.A EL MOUSLY (AIN SHAMS UNrV) PROF. M EL OKKER (AZHAR UNIV) PROF. S.M. EL RAGHY (CAIRO UNIV) DR. A. EL SEBAI (INDUSTRY) PROF. A. EL SHANSOURY (AEA CAIRO) PROF. A. F. EL SHAZLY (AIN SHAMS UNIV) PROR. N. EL TAYEB (INDUST CONSULT) PROF. M. FARAG (AUC, CAIRO) PROF. M. FARID (CAIRO UNIV) PROF. N.M. GHONEIM (NRC CAIRO) PROF. M.M. HAFEZ (ASSUIT UNrV) DR. A. HELMI (INDUSTRY) PROF. R. KAMEL (CAIRO UNIV) PROF. S. KANDIL (ALEX. UNIV.) PROF. A. NOFAL (CMRDI CAIRO) PROF. A. RAMADAN (MINIA UNIV.) ENG. S. REDA (INDUSTRY) PROF. M. TAHA (AIN SHAMS UNIV) PROF. G.H. TALAAT (NRC CAIRO) PROF. B. ZAGHLOUL (CMRDI CAIRO) PROF. F.N. ZEIN (ALEX. UNIV.) VI - CO-SPONSORS 1. UNESCO, CAIRO, EGYPT 2. MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, EGYPT 3. MINISTRY OF TOURISM, EGYPT 4. ICTP, TRIESTE, ITALY 5. ARAB ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, TUNISIA 6. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, EGYPT 7. THE HOLDING COMPANY FOR METAL INDUSTRIES 8. MISR ALUMINIUM COMPANY, NAGAA HAMMADI 9. EGYPTIAN IRON AND STEEL COMPANY 10. EL NASR CASTING COMPANY 11. INVAP, EGYPT 12. EGYPTIAN ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY 13. ARAB ORGANIZATION FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION 14. ELECTROMITRY 15. TECHNICAL & CHEMICAL SERVICES CO. 16. JEOL EGYPT 17. SCIENTIFIC SERVICES CO. - vii - STATEMENT OF HIS EXCELLENCY Eng. M.M. ABAZA MINISTER OF ELECTRICITY & ENERGY IN THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE FIRST INT. SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE SAMS-94 DEAR GUESTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT GIVES ME A GREAT PLEASURE TO WELCOME YOU IN EGYPT ON THE OCCASION OF THE INAGURATION OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE SAMS-94. WE ARE HONOURED AND PREVILAGED TO HAVE WITH US THIS GATHERING OF MORE THAN FORTY DISTINGUISHED SCIENTISTS REPRESENTING UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS OF 17 COUNTRIES FROM NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. EUROPE, ASIA AND AFRICA. THE TOPICS ADDRESSED IN THIS SYMPOSIUM REPRESENT THE MOST RECENT ADVANCES IN SPECIAL MATERIALS COVERING CERAMICS. COMPOSITES, SUPERCONDUCTORS, SUPERALLOYS, - viii - HIGH TEMP. MATERIALS AS WELL AS SYNTHESIZED AND MODIFIED SURFACES. THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES IN THE VITAL AND RAPIDLY DEVELOPING .AREA OF ADVANCED MATERIALS. THE INTERACTION WITH THE RECENT ADVANCES IN THE MATERIALS SCIENCE THROUGH HOLDING SYMPOSIA OF THIS TYPE, ATTRACTING SCIENTISTS AND EXPERTS OF THIS HIGH CALIBER SHALL HOPEFULLY HELP TO COPE WITH CHALLENGES TO DEVELOP MANY INDUSTRIES. THIS INCLUDES ENERGY INDUSTRIES : CLASSICAL, NUCLEAR AND RENEWABLE, IN ADDITION TO METALLURGICAL, CHEMICAL AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES. I AM AWARE ALSO THAT YOUR SYMPOSIUM IS DEVOTING SESSIONS TO DISCUSSING THE STRATEGY OF METAL INDUSTRIES IN EGYPT AND I AM SURE THAT THE PARTICIPATION OF THIS OUTSTANDING FOREIGN EXPERIENCE WILL BE VERY BENEFICIAL ONCE AGAIN I WELCOME YOU IN OUR COUNTRY AND WISH YOU A SUCCESSFUL MEETING AND A PLEASANT STAY IN EGYPT. - IX - Firnt International Spring School & Symposium on Advances in Material Science (SAMS 94) Cairo, 15 • 20 March 1994 PREFACE It gives me a great pleasure to introduce these valuable proceedings to the scientific community in the field of materials science in Egypt and in the world at large. These two volumes embody invited lectures and research papers from distinguished scientists in various disciplines of advanced materials representing reputed research institutions and universities all over the world. These scientists gathered in Cairo to contribute to this First International Spring School and Symposium on Advances in Materials Science (SAMS 94) in celebration of the 60th birthday of the AEA ex-chairman Prof. F.H. Hammad, a distinguished materials scientist. It gave the AEA a great honour to host this distinguished group of scientists, who contributed to the success of the symposium through their presentations and discussions, and who generously displayed their experience in vital advanced fields of materials science. This covered areas like composites, ceramics, powder metallurgy, superalloys, solid state chemistry, superconductivity.... etc. 1 would like to thank all contributors to the success of the symposium; the scientific committee, guest scientists from all over the world and local participants. I would also like to thank all members of the organizing committee, who worked extremely hard for almost one year to make this international event a real success. The effort given in the editing of these proceedings is greatly appreciated. y^Ut F fi\ Prof. H.F. Alz~-—± Chairman, AEA, Egypt January 1995 - x - First International Spring School & Symposium on Advances in Material Science (SAMS 94) Cairo, 15-20 March 1994 CONTENTS OF VOL. II Page 1- A Study of the Durability of Palm-Tree Fronds as a Reinforcing Fibre-Cement Composite Used for Low-Cost Construction Material. Samir Abdel-Azim M., Khedr S. andMorsyS. 9 2. Squeeze Casting of Hybrid SiIicon-12% Aluminium Matrix Composites. Khedre C, Attia AN and El-Desouky A.R. 25 3- Impact and Fracture Toughness Properties of Austempered Ductile Iron. Ahmed F.S. and Ghoneim MM. 45 4. Instrumented Impact Properties of Some Advanced Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels. Ghoneim MM., Nasreldin AM., El-Sayed A.A., Pachur D. and Hammad F.H. 61 5. Fracture Analysis of Silicon Nitrides AbdEl-Razik ID., BishayAF., ElAslabiAM. KleistG.and Nickel H. 77 6. Formation of Austentic Stainless Steel by Solid State Reaction El-Eskandarany M.S. and Ahmed HA 93 7. Formation and Characterization of Nickel- Titanium Hydride Alloy Powder. El-Eskandarany M.S. and Ahmed HA 113 -1- Reactive Powder Metallurgy for NiAl-Base Alloy and Composites. Mohamed K.E., Stover D. and Buchkremer H.D 131 Mechanical Alloying of NiAl-Cr Eutectic Alloy with Non-Metallic Dispersoids Mohamed K.E., Stover D., Buchkremer H.P. and Hammad F.H. „..„ 157 The Aluminium-Oxygen Coordination of Anodically Formed Oxide Layers on Pure Aluminium. El-Mashri S.M. 173 Behavior of Ni and Fe Base Alloys in Arsenic Vapor Atmosphere. Afifi Y., Abd El-Razik L, Agamy S. and Krawczynski., S , 181 Crevice Corrosion of Hastelloy C-276 and Inconel-625 Alloys in Chloride Environments. I: Determination of the Critical Crevice Solution (CCS). GadM.MA., El-Sayed AA and El-Raghy S.M. 217 Crevice Corrosion of Hastelloy C-276 and Inconel-625 Alloys in Chloride Environments. II- Effect of Bulk Solution Environment Gad M.M.A., El-Sayed AA. and El-Raghy S.M. 239 A Study on the Corrosion Behaviour of X-750 Nickel Base Alloy. Abd-Elhady MA. and Kassem MA 255 -2- 15. Sulfidation of Iron-25% Managenese Alloy in H2S-H2 Environment at Temperature in the Range 973-1173 K. El-Refaie F.A., Ahmed H.A., Abdel Reheim N.A. and Smeltzer W.W. 265 16. Effect of Ultrasonic Agitation on Chromium Electroplating. Morsy S.M., Hosny A. Y., El-Rafey M. W. and El-Saycd MM. 285 17. Recrystallization of Cold Worked AI-AI2O3 Alloys and Commercial Purity Aluminium. Taha A.S., El-Houte S., Hammad F.H.
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