MATHEMATICS COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAMS - ALL GRADES Student Workbooks are used in grades 1-3 only 018726 Meeting Book only 13.50 8 .50 and contain student materials, flash cards and 021349 Teacher Edition only 59.50 36 .95 SAXON MATH practice pages. The Math K Home Study Kit The most popular homeschooling math pro- contains teacher edition and meeting book. Math 2 gram hands down! Highly recommended by Math 1, 2, and 3 kits contain teacher edi- Skip counting; comparing numbers; solving both Mary Pride and Cathy Duffy, Saxon Math tion, meeting book, and a set of 2 workbooks. problems; mastering all basic addition and also wins our award for the “Most Requested Manipulatives are a vital, integral part of the subtraction facts; mastering multiplication to Text.” Saxon math is a “user-friendly” math program; these are not included in the Home 5; adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers; program - even for Algebra, Trigonometry, Study Kits, but are available through us also. measuring; perimeter and area; telling time to Calculus and other usually difficult math topics. 5 minutes; identifying geometric shapes; iden- Learning is incremental and each new concept Math K tifying symmetry; identifying angles; graphing. is continuously reviewed, so the learning has Counting, number recognition, and sequenc- 132 lessons. time to “sink in” instead of being forgotten when ing; addition and subtraction stories; sorting; 018400 Home Study Kit . 96.50 59 .95 the next topic is presented. Higher scores on patterning, identifying shapes and geometric 001526 Workbooks only . 27.50 16 .75 standardized tests and increased enrollments designs; telling time to the hour; using a cal- 018727 Meeting Book only 13.50 8 .50 in upper-level math and science classes have endar. There are no workbooks. 112 lessons. 021134 Teacher Edition only 59.50 36 .95 resulted where Saxon has been used in public 018398 Home Study Kit . 63.50 39 .95 schools. Students like Saxon because they feel 018725 Meeting Book only 13.50 8 .50 Math 3 successful in math instead of overwhelmed. 007918 Teacher Edition only 59.50 36 .95 Using math in real life; identifying place value, Because of the format, children are able to work completing patterns; mastering multiplication more independently. and division facts; adding/subtracting multi-digit Math 1 numbers; multiplying a multi-digit number by a SAXON K-3 PROGRAM Skip counting; ordinal positions; sorting single digit; dividing by a 1-digit divisor; adding The Teacher’s Manual contains the actual les- rules and patterns; solving problems; mastering positive and negative numbers; fractions; add- son plans and information vital to the effective basic addition and most basic subtraction facts; ing/subtracting fractions with common denomi- presentation of math concepts. The consumable adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping; nators; telling time to the minute; change for a Meeting Books are used during the teacher- measuring; comparing volume, mass and area; dollar; graphing. 140 lessons. student “meeting” in which concepts are intro- counting money; telling time to half-hour; iden- 018401 Home Study Kit . 99.50 62 .95 duced, demonstrated and practiced. If teaching tifying polygons; graphing. 130 lessons. 001527 Workbooks only . 27.50 16 .75 more than one student at the same level, you 018399 Home Study Kit . 96.50 59 .95 018728 Meeting Book only 13.50 8 .50 will only need one meeting book. Consumable 001523 Workbooks only . 27.50 16 .75 021055 Teacher Edition only 61.50 37 .95 MANIPULATIVE KITS Since manipulatives are vital to the program’s success and are NOT INCLUDED in the home study kits, we are stocking these also - both as sets and separates. We have duplicated the chart from Saxon’s catalog below showing the required materials for each grade level: Required Manipulatives Qty K 1 2 3 Required Manipulatives Qty K 1 2 3 Balance 1 X X X Folding Meter/Yard Stick 1 O O O Learning Clock (Teacher’s) 1 O O O O Multilink / Mathlink Cubes 100 X X Student Clock 2 X X X X Teacher’s Number Line 1 X X 2-Color Plastic Counters 10 X Pattern Blocks (Plastic) 100 X X X X 1-inch Teddy Bear Counters 48 X Plastic Ruler (inch/cm) 2 X X X Dominoes 1 set X Tangrams 1 set X X Geoboard w/ Rubber Bands 2 X X X Outdoor Thermometer 1 X X Geometric Shapes 1 set O 1-inch Color Tiles (4 colors) 100 X X Hundred Number Chart 1 X X X X = Required, O = Optional Note that “O” items in the chart are “optional.” They are used in the program, but you might be able to substitute other materials for them. In the case of the teaching clock, they felt that you could get by with just the smaller student clocks. We would strongly suggest, however, the use of a teacher clock with geared hands when teaching time. From our personal experience, it is a great aid when demonstrating how the hour passes as the minute hand sweeps around the clock. Our grade level manipulative kits contain all the materials specified for that grade in the chart above. Our COMPLETE KITS contain all of the materials required for grades K-3. Please note, however, that we have substituted two student number lines with plasti-mark crayons for the 36-ft teacher’s number line. Although we are not the “official” supplier of manipulatives for the Saxon program, Saxon has reviewed our offerings and has sent many home schoolers our way. We are offering our own manipulative kits for several reasons. First, the other kit did not include everything specified by Saxon. Second, we wanted to upgrade the quality of one of the components. And, third, we felt that the homeschool market needed more flexibility! Since these kits are a fairly major expenditure for home schoolers, we assume you’ll want to know the differences between ours and theirs: The balance they include is a “teeter-totter” type whereas ours is a simple scale balance (bucket balance). Pan or bucket balances cost more than simple balances. We were very dissatisfied with the performance of the simple balance. Just as with a teeter-totter, if two equally-weighted objects are on each end, they will only balance if both are seated an equal distance from the fulcrum. This does not happen with a bucket/pan balance. We do include number lines... they do not. We do not include a “tote box.” We do include the wall thermometer... they do not. Our price is lower. We include the one set of tangrams required by the program. They include four sets. See page vi for key to Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act warning labels. Mathematics 369 Now, about our flexibility! Because you may be starting Saxon Math with a child who is not in kindergarten, or might want to see how you like the program before committing for all four levels, we offer kits by grade level that contain only the manipulatives needed for that grade. For your convenience, we offer kits both with and without the optional items on Saxon’s chart. Additionally, you may substitute either a set of 250 1 cm.- thick solid plastic or wooden pattern blocks for the set of 100 0.5 cm.-thick set normally included in kits. Simply use the correct item number and price from the table below - CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not <3yrs.: Standard With Plastic With Wooden Kit Pattern Block Upgrade Pattern Block Upgrade Grade K Kit Without Optional Items MPK000 37 .00 MPK0P0 45 .00 MPK0W0 48 .00 Grade K Kit With Optional Items MPKW00 51 .00 MPKWP0 59 .00 MPKWW0 62 .00 Grade 1 Kit Without Optional Items MP1000 33 .50 MP10P0 40 .50 MP10W0 43 .00 Grade 1 Kit With Optional Items MP1W00 50 .00 MP1WP0 57 .00 MP1WW0 60 .00 Grade 2 Kit Without Optional Items MP2000 34 .50 MP20P0 41 .00 MP20W0 44 .00 Grade 2 Kit With Optional Items MP2W00 53 .00 MP2WP0 60 .00 MP2WW0 62 .00 Grade 3 Kit Without Optional Items MP3000 20 .50 MP30P0 27 .50 MP30W0 30 .25 Grade 3 Kit With Optional Items MP3W00 37 .00 MP3WP0 44 .00 MP3WW0 47 .00 Complete Kit Without Optional Items MPC000 48 .50 MPC0P0 55 .50 MPC0W0 58 .00 Complete Kit With Optional Items MPCW00 66 .00 MPCWP0 73 .00 MPCWW0 76 .00 NOTE: To substitute Judy Teacher’s Clock for standard teacher’s clock in kits with optional items - substitute “J” for the sixth digit (ending zero) in the above item numbers and add $3.00. For example, to purchase the Grade 2 kit including optional items, upgrading the pattern blocks to a set of 250 1 cm.-thick wooden ones, and substituting a Judy clock in place of the standard teacher’s clock, use item #MP2WWJ - cost will be $_____ . Because you may already have some of the manipulatives included in kits, we offer manipulatives separately and in the quantities needed for the program. After reviewing the materials lists in the Saxon books, three items are worth mentioning: Although not indicated on the chart, a set of double-six dominoes is used in one lesson in Saxon Grade 2. In one lesson in grade 3 (L130), directions indicate the use of 12 2-colored counters (more than the kit provides). Use color tiles instead. In Saxon grade 3, you need 20 $100 bills, 50 $10 bills, and 50 $1 bills. While some of you may have this laying about the house, and others have ample play money from a board game, we carry what you need for the program.
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