-;; •... .*:.• ;• w.', .!;;;• k-> Norwalk Gazette lk Gazette is > Published every Tuesday Morning at S2 per Terms Tor A.<ivertisiz»e»iste Year lu Advanre: Single Copies 5 cts. :1V)' H Furnished oil application. Liberal, aaifofln, ratei to long time and iar,e Space Advertisers. Tie Oldest, Largest & most Widely "™jated *n.I y^ute 5 Newspaper in this lection of the State. Transient; ad vs.1 square (1 Inch)1 time ».» fgf|g Subsequent Insertions, per wee^ .^TEAAQSH^MW Funeral and Obituary Notices, 'game rates. • • Birth*, Marriages and Death*, inserted free. mmm* Entered as 2d class matter and Postage prepaid M all Subscribers not served by Carrier# Questionable advrts. not inserted at anyprlCoT Address blips indicate time when Subscription* An Enterprising Bepiiblican Journal, especially devoted to LocaJ. News and Interests. AU Bills CoUectabhiionmy and Yearly , by mail expire. Established 1800. Two Dollars a Year. Accoumts 01 prorata Rates. | A H. Byiixgton Jc Sons. I'. ';>* 4. L ii'BSMS. Publisher. 5. S. BTUfiTOS, Kunfint Kit*. NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1884. dumber 18. Job Printing of every Variety; Yolume LXXXIV. SbATEY,'Qu-imOiT a CmtwiT.r Tiig nmi'Pli ••W A TOLLES Ass ciat* Editor TUV W;:' A Heroine oi the War. How Magnates Smoke; Cost of Living Abroad. JDR. D. HITCHCOCK, 'Stijh * REAL ESTATE] ; BVSINESS DIRECTORY. ,, SNOW SLIDE IN THE SIEKBA9, 1 .. The Prodigals. ,r From the Inter-Ocean: I saw by ihe Chicago Inter-Ocean: Genera1 Grant, Philadelphia Press: "There is t > ' [ Advcrtisementsunder this head,81.00 perline When th« roses of summer were budding and the Best I per year.] When Mont resumed his journey next Philadelphia papers the other day thit the for example, who is the greatest smoker iu which you can get more for 188! For Sale Cheap. * of the age, uses his cigar as if be enjoyed or lew for a guinea than in London." Place, " ATTORNEYS'AT LAW. H M JF, ^ day the air was raw and chilly; a slate- Grand Army posts hail given a reception ILLbesoldat a Bargain,if applied tor v < And'tbB yeUow wheat bent 'noath its bur- This is what Richard Rusb,'iie Ami rn»u Third house below the Methodist Churth. JOHNS. SEYMOUR. ' — BankBuilditfg colored cloud closed over tha foot hills, Mrs. R. M. Bonsai, and happening to it._ He cuts off tlm tip with his pocket- Wsoon-i a small, neat Cottage; ol' six rooms. F.W.PERBY, • . .'Gazette " diplomatic representative w> Knnlai d. < C l0UrB trom 7 10 9 a m 210 in good neighborhood, and tlirue minutes' and a mild but exasperating drizzle per­ walk down street with Gen. Sheriden, j kuifr, and, once lighted, the cigar never Co» «p. m! * " Mn*7 walk of the Bridge. Apply at UAZETI^K BUTTER DEALER. • vaded the plain as ha left it and. began isked him if he knew her. 'Do I know leaves his lips until the fire gets so close said away back in the twenties, 'i hi w W-A/VOaEL, OFIflCIC R. P.BEATTY, Cor. Wall and Water Sts. F b,a >lt a words are as true to-day as ibey r>: to aseand the undulations which here l I T„1S™..'.««W»'»»'" * " * her ?" he replied, with a surprised look on to his mustache as to singe i», and then BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. when the shrewd, observant American A. H. BALDWIN, M. D., seem like a ground swell, and, higher of old. ' his face: "I should say I did- That he slicks it on n wooden toothpick and To Let. ANDREW SELLECK, riW- 49 Wall St gave utterance to them. Bread to-day is [Homeopathic Physician and S jrgeon. up, break into the tumultuous waves of •t » i ,„(* in his garments with tears vornan WHS worth a whole brigade of hangs on until the last whiff can be HE large, commodious front, room 'in HOTELS. * And thsy clang to ni» cheaper in London than in New York, Keiidenee in the Charles Isaacs Homestead, SianifactoriiiE Barpcist, Gazette lluildinir just vacated by Francis the Sierra. -oldiers and seve ill batteries of artillery drawn. He is a connoisseur in tobacco, Wall St., Norwulk.'Ot. TMcKeon. Full particulars of THE ARLINGTON, Cor. Main & Wall Sts and cares&es, ... Paris, Vienna, Berlin or Brussels. You (If B.J.STURGES. fill the cup of nis welcome ran oyer with down in the Winchester campaigu, and and always strokes a medium strength Office hours till9a.m.,1 to8and7toSp.m . LIVERY STABLES. , Mont pushed on impatiently, riding cigar, which he imports himself from cdu get ii suit of clothes made to measure i ti"i ';ji( I.!. AN13: .- ;ia -it :1 GEO. S. GREGORY, 14 Knight St. when the trail was easy, and leading his she was one of the genuine heroines of For Sale or to Let. 'A: An, tlSowers of love and forgiveness were •avana. He smokes slowly and delib­ from real Scotch tweed for $15, fashion­ W0: RNOTOGISAPJIEBH. leaded steed where the way was steep IsSfti the war." Dr. T. E SWIFT, The Coal Yard t^d Sheds, with large erately, with the greatest eDjoj ment, snd ably cut and well finished. Hundreds of WHOLESALE ANI> ICKTAIL. W.B.GLINES. .I, Main St. and rough. Both horse and man were in "Tell me about her." j ISD E3ST T 1.3 T , Storehouse and office near A. J. Meeker BEADMANBitos., ' * v' Gazette Building la a Wossoming crown for the Prodigal Boy. believes that to knock off the ashes tailors will be i;lad lo tuke your measure, haste to get home. Jlont grew feverish "Well, you see, I always believe in ArtiOalal tecjli without platea by the perfect & Bros', yards on Norwalk river, Nor­ FANCY GOODS AND KOTIONS. spoils the flavor of a cigar. He does not and furnish a well-fitting suit of common, walk, Conn. Euquire of and apprehensive as he saw the snow, •P When icicles hung from the oaves and the fighting on information. Peoplesaid I was * . ^Drowning system. S. STEPHENS, 58 Wall St. use a gnat many a day, although be Is but still a fair material, for $10. I can "^'rDruggistr''^ ; o. E. WILSON, beginning to fall heavily, whild he was branches, , , reckless and daring,und all that, and when 1* 9 West Ave. airiiLiinjiir. \ buy ready-made shoes for $3.SO every bit HK 35 tf ' Room 3, Gazette Building. And the winter winds moaned round the I happened to win a fight' they said it was constantly smoking. A box of fifty will BjXht llaDd Bell. MISSES ST. JOHN, fi ; '38 Main Street only yet on his second day from Nye's as good as I can purchase in New York dwellings ot men, . -,,,,1, Sheriden's luck. But I tell you there last him a week or ten days. General 21 Main Street, Norwalk, ct. OKOCKn8.;<? ranch; and when he camped that night -J# ; iV a&; T V:'k;r-. For Sale. Forsaken and homeless the Prodigal Daugh wasn't any luck about i>. I never went 8herman's habits ara the very reverse. for $5, while for that sum I can get as ALBX, 8. 01BI<0N, SPLENDID country seat s i ted in the FINNEY & BENEDICT, 41 Wall S in the manzanita bushes it was with great town of Wilton, witbin C minutes walk He smokes quite as constantly as General good h pair of band sewn "understand­ Organist-it the First Oonffrog.itional C'lurch A R. P. BEATTi, Cor. Wall &Water Stat difficulty that he could Hnflia a fire. But it blind. I always knew what 1 was None but absolutely pure and ot the South Wilton depot and miles from GEO. WARD SEI LECK, 18 WallSt > OrajJ back to the home of her girlhood ings" as I wish to wear. A good silk hat Norwallc. This place has 0 acres of good he found a partly screened spot, where going to bit before-I made a strike, and Grant, but uses five cigars to Grant's one, Teacher of perfectly , fresh and reliable medi­ land with abundance of well solected SELLECK Boos.,' 14 & 1G Wall S *• again. and be isn't particular about the quality. may be bought for $3, and a Derby of the fruit trees, and. 300 choice grape vines, all in the snow sifted lightly in, and he could generally tried to strike at the right time. Vlauo-Forte, Orsau and. iWuNlcal 0 BOOTS AND SNOES. latest fashion for a trifle over $2. Shirts POWDER cinal preparations, Drugs and good bearing condition, large gardens and Bat they turned her away in the storm and "And down there in '64," continued the He knows a good cigar when he tastes Composition, excellent well of water. Ilouse largo and A.H. HGYT, Wall St. camp in comparative comfort. Jim was and underwear are less than two-thirds Absolutely Pure. Chemicals. convenient with 10 rooms besides pantries EUGENE FANCHER, i-i. .Ml Main Street relieved of his load and tied in a clump General, "when I lay before Winchester, it, but is indifferent whether be lias a kook Box 89.P.P.. NORWALK.CONN. »nd closets in abundance, cellar large and To the "icy-cold winds with their chill, the price asiied for them in New York, m MEAT, FISH AND PROVISION MARKETS. of trees, which sheltered him, and Mont 1 wanted tnformatioa of what was going Wheeling Moga or a Reina Victoria in This!^ Powder neverAM a * varies.^.1 ABAVIl AAn A.**.marvel dry. The bnrn and wagon house are nicely and the gloves I wear cost me 75 cents a complete stock of j>;v arranged.
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