
ATerage Net Press Rao JhtHy The WiMther Week End^ Foreesal of 0. 8. Wesifeer B m April 9, 1960 IlcrooeliW eloadisess S a i eatj oold tofUe&t. Leer 99 to 4ii^ TM 13,095 dagr rsttoMe etoodtoee Member o f the AndK eheerms aad wanoer. ngk Borera of OIreiilstloB Manehe$ter-^A City of ViUage Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 163 (SIXTEEN PA6ES) MANCHESTER, (CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 11, I960 (CUeolfled AdTortMof os Ps|o 16) PRICE FIVE CENTO From Any Country Death of Boy, State N ew s Elections Spur Raundap Algeria Rebels Korea Rioting \ Hartford, April 11 (/P)— A Seoul, Sobth Korea, April 11 religious awakenifig while an (yp)— An angry anti-govern­ inmate at the State Prison in ment demonstration broke out Wethersfield did not save a Bid Volunteers tonight in- Masan. The Hap- New York City man from a dong News Agency said an federal prison , term today for 18-year-old student was killed forgery. Artermio . Velez-Rosa pleaded Tunis, April 11 (ff)— Thetup thW veUed otfere. There have and three others seriously -9 reports that guUty to four counts of indorsing I^ «.h ip of the Al^ri.0 some Red Chinese weapons have wounded by police fire. U.8. Treasury checks while living bellion announced today vol­ turned up in Algeria. The demonstrators were protest­ in,New York, The case was trans­ unteers will be accepted from A recent Tunis meeting of rep- ing the death of a 16-year-old boy ferred to the federal court hero un­ whose body , hsd been recovered Sauer Gets any country to join in the resen^tives of African states de­ der Rule 20 which permits cases to cided to encourage volunteer forces earlier In the day from the har­ be transferred from one federal w • mi fight for indepejidence from for the rebellion if the rebel lead­ bor. Masan is 220. miles south of court to another. France. ership asked for them. Seoul. Federal Court Judge J. Joseph -T r"-' . Controls in Thlo opened the way for any The rebels say they have about Demonstrators led by high Smith sentenced Velez-Rosa to one fc."'* *t; volunteer* who might anewer the 100,000 men in Algeria fighting a school students stoned buildings year in Danbury to be served and itf-y-'v, - r- ' call iasued at-a meeting of Afriaui French army of 500.000__ French and . wrecked a jeep , of ..the . police one year on each of three counts repreaentative* here last month. A estimates of the rebel army run to chief in Masan, news reports said, with execution suspended and pro­ Cape Town recruiting office opened In Cairo, about 30,000 men. adding that police refrained from bation for three years. but no recrulta are known to have The rebel government also an­ use firearms until 9 p.m. but His attorney, James H, Ihrowe, arrived In Algeria It also could nounced it win ratify the Geneva began firing warning shots /when told the court -that his client hsd Johannesburfl', South A fri­ open the way for Communlat vol­ Conventions on Prisoners of War. the crowd refused to disperse. had a "religious awakening" while ca, April 11 {/P)~Paul Oliver unteer!, although this waa not No mention was made of French Masan waa the ecene o f bloody serving a term at Wethersfleid. Sauer, chief of the Nationalist menUoned In the announcement. Preeident Charles de Gaulle's of­ violence on election day, March 15, CHarence Kantrowitz, 17 - West party in Parliament, took over fer of self-determination for Al­ Ridge Rd.. Weet Hartford, pleaded The rebel cabinet met laat week when seven persons were slain by today as government leader in in Tripoli. Ubya, and Issued a geria's nine million Moslems. The police gunfire. not guilty to six counts of wringe- communique from its headquarters rebels insist ,on^ negotiating guar­ Hapdong said the demonstration ment of copyrights involvingjHlnis. place of wounded l^ m e Minis-" here. antees, but De GauHe has refused began at 6:30 p.m. at the provincial The case was continued for two ter Hendrik F . 'Verwoerd. any talks with the rebels. hospital in Masan. The b ^ y of 16- weeks during which time his attor­ "The provisional government of ney plans to file motions in the Sauer promptly pledged to the Algerian Republic.” it said, Six rebel guerillas were killed year-old Kim Choo-yul was taken c a ^ on 'Verwoerd’s apart­ in the east Algerian town o f Tizi case. "has taken decisions to reinforce there from the harbor where it had Sallv L. Siiral. 26. of 153 Mohawk- heid policieg. the fight of the Algerian people (Oontinued on Page Nine) (CoBttoued OB Pmge Nbie) Dr.. West Hartford, formerly em­ Sauer, 62, is minister of lands and of its army of nation^ lib­ ployed by the Internal Revenue in the cabinet He tai es over the eration. In this connection ..... Service, was placed on probation helm aa senior member, of the cab­ .. it .decided to .accept foi:eign volun­ for thraeryears today. Judge Smith inet but will not serve as acting teers without any distinction of Nixon Test Tomorrow suspended imposition of-sentence in prime minister. Foreign Minister origin.” the ambezzlemenf case. Eric Louw said. But Sauer Military technicians will be The court was told that Miss preside at cabinet meetings. given priority, the communique Sigal had made restitution of $82 . Sauer told, parliament the gpve added. taken in the form of two checks emment will continue on its regu­ So far as is known, no fqreign from the Internal Revenue Service. lar program and Verwoerd’i volunteers have participated in the A New Britain public accountant, course, adding "the rest of the Algerian NaUonallst rebellion. But William Buechner, 7 Wallace St., cabinet wdU .see that peace and or­ wounded rebels have been cared said that the pressure of business der are maintained.” for in Tunisia, Egypt, Yugoslavia this week made it imperative that As far as parliament is con­ anr Czechoslovakia. Rebel arms Primary in Illinois he have a 2-week continuance be­ cerned there will not be any devi- and training missions have oper­ fore he be tried on chargee of fail­ ations from the. existing program ated in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco ure to file income tax returns. aa a reault of what has nappened,** and Oechoslovsikia. George Moore, 16 East St., Hart­ Sauer declared. Chicago. April II i/P) TwoaWitwer should emerge from a 6- High ranking rebel leaders began ford, was given a six months sen­ "We don’t know how long Dr. visiting Peiping last year and the political empires are at stake in way race as GOP candidate for tence with Danbury recommended IllinoU .primary balloting tomor­ U.8. senator, In opposition to the Verwoerd will be incapadtated Chinese Communists have ' hinted on a charge of for^ng theindorse- and when he wrill be able to re­ that volunteers are available. The row — the downstate Republican Democratic incumbent, Paul H. ment on a (;heck for the purpose of domain of Gov. William G. Strat­ Douglas. IJouglas. who is seeking sume his duties but parliament rebels have never officially taken cashing it. 'Ihe check, he told the will carry on its present pro­ ton and the big-city Democratic his third term, is imopposed in the court, he found In a wallet and forireas of Chicago's Mayor Rich­ primary. gram.” "j cashed it because h6 was desperate In parliament at Cape Town* ard Daley. But in this race, it looks like for money. The hottest contestk in both Sauer said he wanted to "give the C ensus Shows a close fight between Witwer, a New Judge First for State country aaeurances that aU as- parties have pointed this up. Candi­ Chicago attorney associated with dates favored by Stratton or Daley Man Wound* Self Mrs. Margaret Connors Driscoll of Bridgeport takee the oath as judge of the First District pecta of violence that haa been government reform movements, done will be investigated by the County Growth have been bombarded witfar attacks Stamford, April 11 {IP)—Harold Juvenile Court serving Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. Administering the oath today and ly.tlliam Rentschlsr, a young in Bridgeport is Arthur B.. Weiss, her associate in the practice of law. Mrs. prlscoU Is police.” on “ bosslsm.” suburban Lak« Forest eandy U.ButhSrUnd Vwt early today to cBmax a lonely birthday the first woman Judge in a stkte court in Connecticut; Sh«i succeeds Judge Stanley P. Mead, He aeked the public “to ha-re National GOP leaders -will be Bianufacturer. A third independent who has'retir^ after 17 years, of service, (AP Photofax). During Decade watching with interest the show­ celebration tiiat found him in full confidence In & e police In matter. They wU carry out ttwlr ing of Vice President Nixon, the (C^ttoiM f Png* Twf) trouble with the law. only major presidmtial candidate Police said 6hithsrlan4 teak t#e duty to the full.” Hartford. April 11 W — The ‘T know there will be rSvuiekm suburban population explosion entered in the'hon-binding pres-,. shots at his head, but that hU Idential preference primary. There wounds weto stmerflctal. He-was C in fei R o y a ls and candenpiation of theiv^ootbir which the 1960 census is expected of Verwoerd.” Sauer ssdd, ‘Hjut I to confirm is already quite evident is no DemocVatic popularity test reported in good condition at S t Letter to GOP Joseph's Hospital. want to appeal again to all South .-J to the Hartford County census for preaidential candidates.
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