PASSPORT OVERVIEW Brilliance - Won G1 Beldame Versatility - Won from 6 furlongs by 8 lengths to 1 ¼ mile Speed - Wired the G1 Del Cap Durability - Raced 36 times field in thefastest from ages 2 - 6 running in 25 years In foal to BELLE GALLANTEY HIP RUNHAPPY, AFTER MARKET X REVEALED (OLD TRIESTE) 1 Cover 161 BARN 7 Selling Sunday, November 4 OVERVIEW BELLE GALLANTEY is a Multiple Grade 1 winning millionaire that hails from the family of Champion ARROGATE. She is presented in foal to BC Sprint winner and champion RUNHAPPY (2/24, 1 cover) She rounded into her best form during her 5yo year capturing the G1 Delaware Handicap and the G1 Beldame by an impressive 8 ¼ lengths to earn a 103 Beyer. In her 9 career wins, Belle Gallantey showed great versatility having the speed to win by 3 lengths going 6 furlongs on the dirt and the durability to route two turns at 1 ¼ miles in G1 company on the dirt. Belle Gallantey was last offered at the 2015 Fasig-Tipton November sale however, Champion ARROGATE was an unraced 2yo and not present on the page. Belle Gallantey offers a rare opportunity to tap into the family of a Champion, Breeders’ Cup winner and now Stallion standing at the world renowned Juddmonte Farms – ARROGATE. RACE CAREER HIGHLIGHTS JULY 12, 2014- G1 DELAWARE HANDICAP AT DELAWARE PARK Won by 2 ¾ lengths, 99 Beyer WATCH RACE REPLAY (SHE IS #1) CLICK TO VIEW CHART BELLE GALLANTEY captured her first Grade 1 win in the historicG1 Delaware Handicap. Completing the 1 ¼ mile test in the fastest time in 25 years – 2:01.00 – Belle Gallantey wired the field and drew away to win by 2 ¾ lengths. In this impressive performance, Belle Gallantey decisively put away G1 Kentucky Oaks heroine PRINCESS OF SYLMAR. SEPTEMBER 27, 2014- G1 BELDAME INVITATIONAL AT BELMONT PARK Won by 8 ¼ lengths, 103 Beyer WATCH RACE REPLAY (SHE IS #1) CLICK TO VIEW CHART Belle Gallantey captured her 2nd G1 win of her 5 year old career in the G1 Beldame Invitational wiring the field. She earn a strong 103 Beyer and defeated MG1 Breeders’ Cup Distaff winner STOPCHARGINMARIA by an astonishing 8 ¼ lengths. “She was a big, beautiful horse with speed and stamina. I still have a photo of her hanging in my kitchen!” “Her Beldame performance was awesome. When we passed the 3/8th pole, she was so confident I knew I had it…it was just a matter of by how far.” – JOSE ORTIZ ELiTE COMPANY Only 4 fillies and mares have won the G1 Beldame by over 8 lengths in the past 20 years. Belle Gallantey joined this ELiTE group of mares in 2014 which includes: MG1W MG1W and Champion MG1W and Horse of the Year ELATE ROYAL DELTA HAVRE DE GRACE Individual Horse Horse Horse Past Past Past Performances Performances Performances - Lifetime: - Lifetime: - Lifetime: Belle Belle Gallantey Belle Gallantey Gallantey Ch. m. 9 (Feb) Life 46 9 13 7 $1,134,270 103 D.Fst 28 7 8 4 $982,615 103 Ch. m. 9 (Feb) Life 46 9 13 7 $1,134,270 103 D.Fst 28D.Fst 7 8 4 28 $982,615 7 8 4 103 $982,615 103 Belle Gallantey Ch.Sire: m. 9 After(Feb) Market (Storm Cat) $3,925 Life 46 9 13 7 $1,134,270 103 Wet(328) 8 2 2 1 $117,700 95 BelleOwn: Dubb Gallantey Gallantey Michael and Bethlehem Stables LL Sire:Sire: After AfterMarket Market (Storm (Storm Cat) $3,925 Cat) $3,925 2015 2 0 1Wet(328) 0 $23,000 8Wet(328) 2 81 2 1 8 $117,700 2 2 1 95 $117,700 95 Own: Dubb Dubb Michael Michael and and Bethlehem Bethlehem Stables Stables LL LL Dam:Revealed (Old Trieste) 2015 2 0 1 0 $23,000 81 Synth 4 0 2 1 $20,550 78 Dam:RevealedDam:Revealed (Old Trieste) (Old Trieste) 2015 2 0 1 0 $23,000Synth 81 4Synth 0 2 1 4 $20,550 0 2 1 78 $20,550 78 Br: PamBr: and Martin Pam and Wygod Martin (Ky) Wygod (Ky) G1 win by 2014 8 5 02014 0 $851,400 8 1035 0Turf(312) 0 $851,400 6 0 103 1 1Turf(312) $13,405 6 77 0 1 1 $13,405 77 Br: Pam and Martin Wygod (Ky) 8+ lengths 2014 8 5 0 0 $851,400 103 Turf(312) 6 0 1 1 $13,405 77 Tr:Tr: RodriguezTr: RodriguezRodriguez Rudy R Rudy Rudy R R 6á15=76á15=7AquAqu fst fst 1° 1°ÖÖ 49¦ 1:1449¦ 1:14 1:41 1:411:554ÎçLadiesHL100k 1:55 4ÎçLadiesHL100k81 4 /681 4§81 2ô4 /6 2Ç 4§ 2¦ 2ô 2ªô 2ÇOrtiz 2¦ I Jr 2ªô OrtizL I123b Jr 1.45L 64=34L123b DividdAttnton115ªô 1.45 64=34 DividdAttnton115ªô BllGllnty123¨ô MomntnDx117¦õ BllGllnty123¨ô Attended MomntnDx117¦õ 3w, no match Attended 3w, no match 6á15=7Aqu fst 1° ÖC 49¦ 1:14 1:41 1:55 4ÎçLadiesHL100k 78 4 /6 4§ 2ô 2Ç 2¦ 2ªô Ortiz I Jr L 123b 1.45 64=34 DividdAttnton115ªô BllGllnty123¨ô MomntnDx117¦õ Attended 3w, no match 1â15=31â15=3AquAquAqu 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3/8 back btw 3/8 27æ14=5Bel fst 1° 47§ 1:11¦1:35 1:47§ 3ÎçBldmInv-G1 7103 /7103 1¦ 1§ô 1¨ 1ª 1¤õ Ortiz J L 123b 4.70L 95=08L BllGllnty123¤õ Stopchrgngmr120§õ EndlssChttr123É In hand 2p, kicked clr 22Ý14=927æ14=5SarBelBel myø fst fst 1° 1° 1° 46¨47§ 1:1147§ 1:11¦1:35 1:11¦1:35 1:36©1:50¨ 1:47§ 3ÎçPrsnlEns-G1 1:47§ 3ÎçBldmInv-G1 3ÎçBldmInv-G1 58 5 /77 4ª /7 7ª7 /71¦ 6«ô 1§ô 1¦ 6¦© 1¨ 1§ô 6§ªõ 1ª 1¨Ortiz 1¤õ 1ª J LOrtiz 1¤õ JOrtiz L L J120b L 10.90123b 58=22123b 4.70 CloseHtches123ª 95=08 4.70 BllGllnty123¤õ 95=08 Fiftyshdesofhy118¨ö BllGllnty123¤õ Stopchrgngmr120§õ Stopchrgngmr120§õ Stnwyck116¨õ EndlssChttr123É 3-4w 1stEndlssChttr123É trn,2p2nd In hand trn 2p, In kicked hand clr 2p, kicked clr 12Û14=922Ý14=9DelSarSar fst myø myø 1² 1° 1° 49§46¨ 1:13¨1:37§2:0146¨ 1:11 1:11 1:36©1:50¨ 1:36©1:50¨ 3ÎçDelH-G1 3ÎçPrsnlEns-G1 3ÎçPrsnlEns-G1 99 1 /658 5 1ô58 /7 1¦5 /74ª 1Ç 7ª 4ª 1¦ô 6«ô 7ª 1§ö 6¦© 6«ôOrtiz 6§ªõ 6¦© J LOrtiz 6§ªõ JOrtiz L L J115b L 6.80L120b 101=09L 10.90120b BelleGllntey115§ö 58=22 10.90 CloseHtches123ª 58=22 PrincessofSylmr123ô CloseHtches123ª Fiftyshdesofhy118¨ö Fiftyshdesofhy118¨ö FlshyAmericn118§ö Stnwyck116¨õ Roused Stnwyck116¨õ sharply 3-4w 1st trn,2p2nd 3-4w 1st trn trn,2p2nd trn 12Û14=97Þ14=7BelDelDel fst fst fst 1 1² 1² 22§49§49§ :45 1:13¨1:37§2:01 1:13¨1:37§2:01 1:09¦1:40§ 4ÎçOPhipps-G1 3ÎçDelH-G1 3ÎçDelH-G1 100 3 /699 1 6®99 /6 4¬1 /61ô 5© 1¦ 1ô 5¦ö 1Ç 1¦ 5¦ö 1¦ô 1ÇOrtiz 1§ö 1¦ô J LOrtiz 1§ö JOrtiz L L J115b L 25.25L115b 95=04L115b 6.80 CloseHtches123Ç 101=09 6.80 BelleGllntey115§ö 101=09 PrincessofSylmr123É BelleGllntey115§ö PrincessofSylmr123ô PrincessofSylmr123ô Antipthy115ö FlshyAmericn118§ö Some traffic, FlshyAmericn118§ö no gain Roused sharply Roused sharply 1Ü14=37Þ14=7BelBelBel my fst fst 1 1 1 23©22§22§ :47 :45 1:11¦1:43§ :45 1:09¦1:40§ 1:09¦1:40§ 3ÎçOC 4ÎçOPhipps-G1 4ÎçOPhipps-G1 62k/N2X -N 90 4100 /51003 2Ç /6 2Ç3 /66® 2Ç 4¬ 6® 2Ç 5© 4¬ 1¨ô 5¦ö 5©Ortiz 5¦ö 5¦ö J LOrtiz 5¦ö JOrtiz L L J122b L 2.35L115b 82=23L 25.25115b BelleGallantey122¨ô 95=04 25.25 CloseHtches123Ç 95=04 CloseHtches123Ç Antipthy122¦ö PrincessofSylmr123É LunrSurge124¨õ PrincessofSylmr123É Dueled Antipthy115ö 3p, edged Antipthy115ö awaySome traffic, Some no gain traffic, no gain 17á14=11Ü14=3AquBelBel gd my my 1 1 1ÂÖ 24¨23©23© :48©1:14 :47 :47 1:11¦1:43§ 1:11¦1:43§1:48 4ÎçAlw 3ÎçOC 3ÎçOC 12500s 62k/ 62k/N2XN-N2X -N95 6 /790 4 2¦90 /5 2¦4 /52Ç 2Ç 2Ç 2Ç 1¦ 2Ç 2Ç 1§õ 2Ç 2ÇOrtiz 1¨ô 2Ç I JrOrtiz 1¨ô JOrtiz L L J120b L *.65L122b 75=21L122b 2.35 BelleGllntey120§õ 82=23 2.35 BelleGallantey122¨ô 82=23 NtlieVictori123¦§õ BelleGallantey122¨ô Antipthy122¦ö VeryCherryCndy120¬ô Antipthy122¦ö LunrSurge124¨õ LunrSurge124¨õ Rated 2p Dueled to upper 3p, edgedDueled away 3p, edged away 20â14=617á14=1AquAquAqu fst gd gd 1¬¥ 1 1ÂÖÖÖ 24¦ 24¨24¨ :48¦1:12©1:42§ :48©1:14 :48©1:14 1:484ÎçAlw 1:48 4ÎçAlw 4ÎçAlw 67000 12500sN1X 12500s 85 4 /795 6 4¦õ95 /7 3§6 /72¦ 3É 2¦ 2¦ 1ª 2Ç 2¦ 1«ô 1¦ 2ÇOrtiz 1§õ 1¦ I JrOrtiz 1§õ IOrtiz Jr L I118b Jr 3.30L120b 88=14L120b *.65 BelleGllntey118«ô 75=21 *.65 BelleGllntey120§õ 75=21 LunrSurg120¬õ BelleGllntey120§õ NtlieVictori123¦§õ KrsMtchPoint118¤õ NtlieVictori123¦§õ VeryCherryCndy120¬ô Stumbled VeryCherryCndy120¬ô st, drew off Rated 2p to Rated upper 2p to upper N L 64 85 Alvarado J L L 19ã13=320â14=6AquAquAqu gd fst fst 6f 1¬¥ 1¬¥ÖÖÖ 23¨ 24¦24¦ :47¦ :48¦1:12©1:42§ :48¦1:12©1:42§ :59 1:11 3ÎçOC 4ÎçAlw 4ÎçAlw c-35k/ 670003 67000N1XN1X 1 /44 485 /7 4§ô4 /74¦õ 4¨ 3§ 4¦õ 4ªô 3É 3§ 4¬ö 1ª 3É 1«ô 1ªOrtiz 1«ô IOrtiz Jr I120b Jr 2.35118b 78=14L118b 3.30 P J's 88=14 Superego114¦ö 3.30 BelleGllntey118«ô 88=14 BelleGllntey118«ô Masasi119ªô LunrSurg120¬õ Love Contract120ô LunrSurg120¬õ KrsMtchPoint118¤õ KrsMtchPoint118¤õ Inside, no Stumbled rally st, Stumbled drew off st, drew off Claimed from Sunny Meadow Farm for $35,000, Friedman Mitchell Trainer 2013(as64 of 12/19): ( 118 15 17 23 0.13 ) L 19ã13=3AquAqu gd gd 6f 6fÖÖ 23¨23¨ :47¦ :47¦ :59 :59 1:11 1:11 3ÎçOC 3ÎçOC c-35k/ c-35k/N3LN3L 164 /41 /44 4§ô 4 4¨ 4§ô 4ªô 4¨ 4¬ö 4ªôAlvarado 4¬ö Alvarado J J 120bL120b 2.35 78=14 2.35 P 78=14 J's Superego114¦ö P J's Superego114¦ö Masasi119ªô Masasi119ªô

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