BEVERLY S. QUAYE, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE bquaye@ PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Transformation and change specialist with a breadth of experience in teaching, acute care hospital operations, ambulatory care and integrated patient and family care delivery models. Known for advancing strategic initiatives and bridging academic-service partnerships and the community through innovation and teamwork. Expertise in leadership and organization change. Clinical experience in behavioral health and substance abuse, critical care, outpatient surgery and orthopedics. Elevates leadership development and creates high reliability teams that contribute to programs and organizational effectiveness. ACADEMIA AMERICAN CAREER COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES, CA Advisory Board Member 2000-2003 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS, CA Preceptor BS to MSN ClinicAl NursE LEAdEr (CNL) ProgrAm 2013 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON, CA Assistant Professor, Post-licEnsurE ProgrAm, 2015-prEsEnt CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE, CA Faculty, RN to BSN ProgrAm, 2014-2015 MOUNT ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, GRADUATE NURSING PROGRAM, LOS ANGELES, CA Faculty 2008- prEsEnt, GrAduAtE Nursing ProgrAm; LEAdErship/AdministrAtion PrActicum OrgAnizAtionAl MAnAgEmEnt in HEAlthcArE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE, PASADENA, CA Advisory Board Member 2003-2005 ST. FRANCIS CAREER COLLEGE, LYNWOOD, CA Vice President 2009-2013, ADN Nursing ProgrAm/EAst Los AngElEs CArEEr CollEgE, and LVN program WEST COAST UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES, CA Faculty 2013-prEsEnt, GrAduatE Nursing ProgrAm; Nursing ThEory, Ethics in HEAlthcArE, HeAlthcArE Policy, Nursing InformAtics And QuAlity, LEAdErship/AdministrAtion PrActicum UCLA SCHOOL OF NURSING, LOS ANGELES, CA Assistant Clinical Professor 2003-2016, GrAduAtE Nursing ProgrAm; Leadership/Administrative Practicum and REsidenciEs VANGUARD, COSTA MESA, CA Faculty, GrAduAtE Nursing ProgrAm, 2014-2015 Beverly S. Quaye, EdD, RN 2 PRACTICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH SYSTEM, LOS ANGELES, CA Faculty Practice Group 2015-present Comprehensive Care Coordination for Population Health Management Education Specialist Curriculum development and training for Comprehensive Care Coordinator role for 30 clinics in the Patient Care Innovation Model (PCIM). NO ONE WALKS ALONE (NOWA), LLC, ALTADENA, CA President and Founder 2013-present Sole propriety operations for healthcare consulting and professional coaching. Expertise in leadership development, values’ clarification, mission/vision/strategic planning and facilitation for individuals, specialty groups, teams and executive clientele. Focused transformation and culture change work to elevate service measures; employee engagement/satisfaction, patient/family experience, leadership coaching and succession planning. Client list: Cedars-Sinai Health System, Providence Health and Services, Keck Medical Center of USC, and VHA. SAINT FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER, LYNWOOD, CA 384-bed Level II trauma center; a member of the Daughters of Charity Health System Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer 2007- 2013 Patient care operations for nursing, patient experience, and multiple service lines; perioperative, emergency, trauma, behavioral health/dual diagnosis, SNF/palliative care services; 1200 FTEs. • Resource management of operating budget $100 million—six years of actual/budget savings ranging $350-500,000. Hospital throughput resulting in increased ED capacity (70,000-75,000) and reductions in LWBS (from 13% to 4.5%). Mobile Admitted Patient (MAP) with MAP RN workforce and behavioral/ED collaborative models to reduce ED holds. • Site lead for multiple quality/safety teams; Sepsis, CAUTI, Core Measures, NPSG, TJC survey prep, instituted daily safety briefing. Sepsis mortality from 33-15% with nurse driven protocol @100%. Overall Core Measure scorecard @ 93%. YOY reduction in falls from 2.6 to 1.6 falls per 1000 pt. days, and restraint use from 11.6% to 4%. • Full implementation of electronic health record/CPOE, medical device integration, McKesson HSM installation and upgrades, GE QS software upgrades, IBEX software upgrades. Smart-board technology to monitor and track patient flow. • Patient experience senior lead/Studer model; AIDET, rounding, discharge calls. Overall top box rating from 64 to 75% YOY. • Designed Patient and Family Centered Care delivery model resulting in family as “partner” in care decisions, rounds, hand offs, open visitation and Patient Family Advisors/Council membership in hospital committees and Governing Board. KECK MEDICAL CENTER OF USC – formerly USC UNIVERSITY AND NORRIS CANCER HOSPITALS, LOS ANGELES, CA 411-bed integrated academic medical center staffed by Keck School of Medicine of USC Associate Administrator 2006-2007 Executive leadership for quality & outcomes, medical staff administration, risk management, infection control, and regulatory/survey preparedness. Beverly S. Quaye, EdD, RN 3 TENET HEALTHCARE, DALLAS, TX One of the largest investor-owned healthcare delivery systems in the United States Operations Excellence; Successive roles as team member, Operations Lead, Sr. Director - CA Region 2003-2006 HOLLYWOOD PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER, LOS ANGELES, CA 434 bed acute care for-profit medical center Chief Nursing Officer 2001-2003 Operations; 700 FTE’s, $85 mil. budget. Medical/surgical, direct observation, ICU, 36,000 annual visits in emergency department, 4,800 annual deliveries, perioperative services, SNF, clinics. BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER, CULVER CITY, CA 420 bed general medical-surgical hospital Assistant Chief Nursing Officer 2000-2001 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER, ANAHEIM, CA 88 bed general medical-surgical hospital Nursing Director 1999-2000 TUSTIN REHABILITATION HOSPITAL, TUSTIN, CA Freestanding acute rehabilitation hospital formerly managed by Tenet HEAlthcArE-45 acutE, 55 skillEd bEds and outpatiEnt. Administrator 1997-1999 ExEcutivE leAdErship; controllEd, dirEctEd, facilitatEd opErations, businEss plAnning, devElopmEnt, and markEting, govErning boArd And medicAl stAff functions. MISSION COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, PANORAMA CITY & SAN FERNANDO, CA 152 bEd, two-campus, not-for-profit community hospitAl Vice President, Patient Care Services 1996-1997 ExEcutivE mAnagEment for All nursing dEpArtmEnts, sExuAl AssAult rEsponsE tEAm liaison (SART), infection control, pErformAncE improvEmEnt, And hospital EducAtion. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF VA MEDICAL CENTER, LONG BEACH, CA 237 bEd acutE carE fEderal facility Nurse Manager 1995-1996 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER, LOS ANGELES, CA 896 bEd world-renownEd mEdicAl center Nurse Manager (89-95), Clinical Instructor (87-89), Assistant Nurse Manager (85-86), Clinical Nurse (84-85). 1984-1995 • OpEnEd acutE carE substAncE Abuse unit. REsponsiblE for manAgEment, EducAtion, and clinical carE for dEtoxification and rEhabilitation. Multi-disciplinary tEAm collAborAtion facilitAtEd individuAl And group intErvEntions, progrAm sEssions, And aftErcarE. CENTURY CITY HOSPITAL, CENTURY CITY, CA 176 bEd mEdicAl-surgical hospital (closed 2008) Charge Nurse 1982-1984 • Led evening shift in acutE carE substancE abusE unit. REsponsiblE for shift manAgEment, EducAtion, And clinicAl cArE for dEtoxificAtion And rEhAbilitAtion. Multi-disciplinary tEAm collAborAtion, co-led individuAl And group intErvEntions, progrAm sEssions, And AftErcArE. Beverly S. Quaye, EdD, RN 4 UCLA HOSPITAL AND CLINICS, LOS ANGELES, CA WEstwood cAmpus Administrative Nurse I, Outpatient Surgery Clinic 1977-1979 MT. SINAI MEDICAL CENTER, NEW YORK CITY, NY 1171 tertiAry-care tEAching hospitAl Staff and Relief Charge Nurse 1976-1977 EDUCATION PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES, CA Doctorate in Education 2009; OrgAnizAtion ChAngE GrAduAtE School of EducAtion And Psychology International Experience: • VancouvEr, British ColumbiA, Simon FrAsEr UnivErsity 2006 • Santiago, ChilE, Catholic University and Universidad dEl DErrollo 2006 • Mexico City/CuErnAvAcA, Mexico, TrAnsforming OrgAnizAtions in A GlobAl Community 2005 • AlEjuElA, CostA RicA, INCAE BusinEss School 2005 • MontErrEy, México, UnivErsidad de México 2004 • MontrEAl, CAnAdA, McGill UnivErsity 2004 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, CA Master of Nursing 1994; Nursing AdministrAtion CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY DOMINGUEZ HILLS, CARSON, CA Bachelor of Science 1992, Nursing MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, PA Diploma 1976, Nursing PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS QuAyE, B. (2016). Comprehensive Care Coordinator Orientation and Training. Seminar: UnivErsity of CAliforniA, Los AngElEs, CA. QuAyE, B. (2015). Strength-based Leadership. Webinar: AmEricAn Society for HEAlthcArE Risk MAnAgErs, ChicAgo, IL. QuAyE, B. (2015). Strength-based Teams. Webinar: AmEricAn CollEgE of HEAlthcArE ExEcutivEs – ConsultAnt’s Forum, ChicAgo IL. QuAyE, B. (2015). Strength-based Coaching: Taking Teams from Victim to Victory. Presentation: AnnuAl MEEting: CAsE MAnAgEmEnt SociEty of AmEricA, IrvinE, CA. QuAyE, B. (2014). Using Strength-based Methodology with Patients and Families. Webinar: VHA Inc., Irving, TX. Beverly S. Quaye, EdD, RN 5 QuAyE, B. (2014). Board Engagement. Webinar: VHA Inc., Irving, TX. QuAyE, B., Korkis, L. (2014). Communities of Caring. Presentation: Patient FAmily Centered CarE (PFCC), Long BEAch, CA. QuAyE, B. (2014). The Patient Experience. Webinar: VHA, Inc. Irving, TX. Rubino, L. And EspArzA, S., KnightEn, M.L., And QuAyE, B. (2014). New Leadership for Today’s Healthcare Professionals: Concepts and Cases. ChaptEr 11; PatiEnt And FAmily CEntErEd Leadership. Sudbury, MA: JonEs and BartlEtt Learning. AkhondzdEh, MElody And QuAyE, B. (2012). Poster:
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