HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHURCH WINDSOR TERRACE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Fr. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor Mrs. Ann Dolan, Parish Trustee Deacon Abel Torres Mr. Philip Lehpamer, Parish Trustee Deacon Michael Saez Mrs. Kathryn Sisto, Religious Education Coordinator Rev. Austin Emeh, In Residence Ms. Ivonne Rojas, Director of Music Rev. Patrick Burns, In Residence St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy REV. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, Weekend Assistant Ms. Kathleen Schneck, Principal Mrs. Louise O’Connor, Office Manager Ms. Jennifer Gallina, Assistant Principal Mrs. Louise Witthohn, Academy Secretary Website: www.holynamebrooklyn.com We are also on Facebook and Twitter SUNDAY EUCHARIST - MISA DOMINICALES THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENITENCIA Saturday: 5:30pm. Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 (Spanish), 10:30am &12:00 Noon DEVOTIONS - DEVOCIONES WEEKDAY EUCHARIST - MISAS DE LA SEMANA Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00am mass. Monday thru Friday: 9:00am. Sacred Heart: Fridays after the 9:00am mass. Saturday: 9:00am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:Thursdays 9:30am to Holidays: as announced in this bulletin. 11:45 am followed by Benediction. BAPTISM OF INFANTS LOS BAUTISMOS DE INFANTES. Is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Span- Seran celebrados en Espanol el Segundo Domingo del mes a la ish baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of the month 1:30 pm y en ingles, el primer Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm. at 1:30 pm. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to Por favor de, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con un meet with one of the clergy and bring the child’s birth certificate miembro del clero y, de traer el certificado de nacimiento del to the appointment. niño a la cita. CHRISTIAN INITIATION INICIACION EN LA VIDA CRISTIANA For school age children, teens or adults follows the RCIA pro- Niños de edad escolar, jovenes y adultos que esten interesados cess, also called the Catechumenate, for those thinking and join- en sequir el proceso de RICA, aquellos que quieren pensar en ing the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Baptism, Confir- envolverse en la iglesia Catholica Romana, en clases sobre mation and/or first Eucharist: inquiries may be made by calling celebracion del bautismo, confirmacion, primera comunion y the Religious Education Office. continuar activos en nuestra parroquia, llame a las Oficinas de Educacion Religiosa. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Call the Rectory to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharist CIUDADO PASTORAL A LOS ENFERMOS to someone homebound or in the hospital. In cases with those Llame a la Casa Parroquial para los arreglos, que unos de los of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or ministros de eucaristia brindara la Comunion a quien la necesite old age, please contact one of the priests to celebrate the Sacra- en el hogar o en el hospital. En casos particulares de ancianos o ment of the Anointing of the Sick. enfermedad de condicion seria, por favor pongase en contacto con los sacerdotes para los sacramentos de uncion. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Engaged couples call the Rectory for an appointment with one MATRIMONIOS of the priests or deacons at least six months in advance of the Los preparativos de matrimonios deben hacerse con seis meses sacramental celebration. de anticpacion. Deben llamar con anticipacion para hacer una cita con los sacerdotes. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information, call 718-894-4888. CHURCH ILLUSTRATION AND DESIGN BY: FRANKLYN PELAÉZ HOLY NAME RECTORY 245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-3071 • www.holynamebrooklyn.com Fax (718) 369-2039 SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC ACADEMY 241 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-7629 School Website: WWW.SJWCA.ORG • School Fax: (718) 768-3007 CCD OFFICE HOURS IN SCHOOL: Sunday 8 – 12Noon Monday 10-2PM Tuesday 10-2PM Wednesday 10-2PM Thursday 1:30-5:30PM Friday No Office Hours August 12, 2018 COLLECTION RESULTS Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 5, 2018 TOTAL TO PARISH: $6,510.00 (Includes: $4,134.00 Regular First Collection; $1,071.00 WELCOME! To register as a member of the parish, please Faith Direct; $1,255.00 Renovation and Repair; $50.00 use the form on the table in the back of the church or stop Faith Direct) in the Rectory during office hours. Thank you for your continued support to Holy Name of th SUNDAY, August 12 Jesus Parish. 10:00AM Cursillo Grp., St. Joseph’s Convent MONDAY, August 13th 7:00PM Adult Faith Formation/ARISE, Boardman Rm. TUESDAY, August 14th Parish Goal: $43,870.00 Amount Pledged: $102,052.00 WEDNESDAY, August 15th 6:30PM Al-Anon, Rectory Base Total Received: $77,419.34 8:30PM AA, Rectory Base. th Thank you! THURSDAY, August 16 12:00PM Al-Anon, St. Joseph’s Convent FRIDAY, August 17th MASSES FOR THE ASSUMPTION 7:00PM Spanish Prayer Grp, Rectory Base. Wednesday, August 15th is the Solemnity of the Assumption and a Holy Day of Obligation. We will th SATURDAY, August 18 be having a Vigil Mass at 6:30 PM on Tuesday 7:00PM AA Meeting for persons interested in joining th AA, Rectory Base. evening, August 14 ; our regular scheduled 9AM th Mass on Wednesday morning, August 15 ; and an SUNDAY, August 19th Evening Mass at 7:30 PM on Wednesday evening, 10:00AM Cursillo Grp., St. Joseph’s Convent August 15th. Please take advantage of this expanded Mass schedule to fulfill your obligation to attend Mass on this beautiful Marian Solemnity. Food Pantry The Food Pantry will distribute food from the rectory basement between 2 and 3 PM on August Our Lady of Knock Celebration th 25 and Sept. 8 & 22. At this time tuna, cereal, and On Saturday, August 18 the members of the Irish Parade Committee will hold a special tribute for soup are needed. Thank you for your ongoing Our Lady of Knock. At 5:00PM they will begin with support. the Rosary and crowning of Our Lady of Knock, which will then be followed by the 5:30PM Mass. Meeting Rooms After the Mass, there will be a Rose Laying at Last call for all organizations to give in Unborn Memorial, and a Knock Video Showing their list with dates in order to schedule with refreshments in Shepherds Hall. the coming 2018-2019 meeting rooms. Please make sure your name and phone number are on it for any questions. The Battle of Brooklyn 1776 (242th Anniversary) Opening Ceremony Catch-Up Contributions The Opening Ceremony, If you have been or will be away from the parish for summer “Maryland 400” vacations, please send in any church envelopes you may have Commemoration, will take place for the weeks that you were or will be away. There are also on Sunday. August 19th rose colored “Catch-Up” envelopes in the back of the church at 11:00AM at the Rawley for make-up donations. Maintaining the current income American Legion Post (9th St. needed to pay current expenses is always a challenge during between 3rd and 4th Ave) followed by a Memorial March to the summer months. Thank you and God bless you for your the Old Stone House (5th Ave between 3rd and 4th Sts.) with support. Maryland 400 “Roll Call of Honor” and Reception. A NOTE FROM FR. LARRY Jesus goes on to say that this is the bread of eternal life. To be alive now for a Christian is already to share the bread of As I mentioned at last weekend’s Masses, I will be eternal life. Even now we are beginning to share the eternal away from the parish this coming weekend attending my life of the God…. niece’s wedding (and enjoying the opportunity to see members of our large family who will be gathering from near [E]ternal life is not what happens after you die …. Eternal life and far). Please remember that Wednesday, August 15th is is not pie in the sky when we die. It begins now whenever we the Feast of the Assumption, a Holy Day of Obligation. Our manage to share God's love and forgiveness with each other. vigil, morning and evening Mass times are included elsewhere Love is already a sharing in the eternal life of God…. in the Bulletin. Also please see the item in the bulletin about the observance we will be having before and after our 5:30 The crowd ask for bread like the manna in the desert. This PM Vigil Mass on Saturday, August 18th, of the Apparition of enabled them to carry on as they made their way to the Blessed Mother in Knock, Ireland in 1879. Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. They were only given enough for each day. They had to trust that God would I am writing this note on the Memorial of St. Dominic, make sure that they would survive until the journey was over. founder of the Dominicans (the Order of Preachers, O.P.); and I ask that you consider the following excerpts from a homily But Jesus invites us to make a more fundamental Exodus than given on this Sunday’s readings by Dominican Priest-Friar Fr. leaving the slavery of Egypt. We have to die to ourselves and Timothy Radcliff. Fr. Radcliff is a distinguished author and learn to love. If we are to live to the full, then we have to die preacher, and the full text of the homily can be found on the to ourselves as the center of the world. Love is not just a nice website Torch.op.org: feeling.
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