

RepLiirhcof the Dhrilpprnes Deparlmentof Edr-rcarron Regicr,u'ii, Centi-ai Visavas DlVl'-;11ryUF BU'J(JL Ctt1,lf TagSilara' October24 2011 DIVISIONMEMORANDUM NaZqGs aell TO FclucatronSupervisorslpSD.S Coor-djnatrng er.incipals/Eiementan, arrciSeourrriary School Hearts PLJBI.IC-PRIVATF PARTNERSHIP (PPP!PROGRAIU SITE APPRAISAL Oneof the actrvrtresof the prrbhc_pr.rvatepartnershrp {ppp)School Buildrng prcgram ts app,'atsa!cl lhe prcpcsedreopient schools. fhe slte site'apprarsalactrvrt,es are scheduledfor lhe wnoternonln ol November{tndu$ve}20.1 1 Thereare $x teams to condttctthe r;lro appralsalPFSED Manila freldrng three protect Fngineersrn addittcn lc cul"lhree {3) {3) DtvtsicnProiect Fngrne.ers and Divrsron physroal Slalito copeup $iltn lhe oeadirne Fac,lilres In thts reqardthe dtvtston offtce wtll prcvtrje the transportatron distrrcl facrlrtv'c io thedrstrrct office and the i^*llprcvrdelhe acccrnrncdaticn ct each tea,,n-vPr/rr('r'\''r Yorrrcoo'eratron on thrsactrvirv rsenicrnerl f.r thesuc-cess of the proqram Travelrng expensesof the DivtstonProtect Enqrneersarirj the DrvrsronFhysrcai slafl shall DrvrsrcnMooF Fund: sublecl r'r be ,.*T[il.,:nainst i;ruar,rr*;;; ,rot rli,t,ig ,uru,,no LORNAE MNCES,Ph.D..CESO V SchooisDivrsron Superrnlendent ;1 ITINERARYOF TRAVEL Nameoi DPE: ROMEOREX ALABA of Travel To conduct Site Appralsalfor PPP Purpose '-'.'.- - -t Name of School I Date i--- o*:ion i --- MuniiiPaiiry 1 REX loi;i ,Buerravista lBago !-s- , NOV*7 E;il F-elrt- -, -, ilsnqr'o;i - i4cryu!.li i:,::H*Ti"i" l lc$ur-11E$ -e lponot igrenavl-le i Nov - - ,anhn, jaG;t"i.i" lbimoui:ilFt i:-"-rqlBotrol i;ili iau.nuu'it' NOV-q l.grrnio*rr jCawag-.'::i-: E"r.,"fHnnnf Ductlavt3La :.: ff: -. I ie"firie.fir ier"reyglgiB*;""r!!q lpalt-!'lo$Es ro;.i^r- lgg{ieyrsle LL_!!agJ.i ... ., Et.;;Fili F.;r'":ef-*i.t' [t':'li-lrl,ejyjre^,n,gi1**: "" f- .- .-- louro rBohot lluenavrsta llutlllgD€I-o^trD |ilil; fie'""i-le._. ilqgl[,j^:.. i - ii;t';._i2€NAtiarsicalsesqxHsES rBoholrnahnr itnabanoalna-bangaNortnNorth lAnonang - lcambitoonES --1 ln-;^r -- , Tirii'ningillnabanoaNortnNorth Nov-ii rBohorlB-;!.f lim;rilry'qr; Jq€'t',rg-Es - n;*"ifnJr*f -- -- ,Il4l;"slNqt!t"atr3"-fi-ruorttr ioln$g-rs lE^r,^i Ttnabanqai'totth -L"gi Eq i!^*nu!s'4'-- Nov- 14 F"h-rtr4 -__ _ - -i["repe!e$ffi[::l -l}tbg+q - -l boilBohoi __-@lt9rth _ _ pel_btorl Ls_ lCaoawasanES !onor_-,*_ Es!9,f - . : -- iiilq+al'ja*ot,thl'!rauqjig:1,:=::1' Nov-l 5 Pinol , i';ii;i ir;i[""i;q^;'i; ieopt'mh"i:i l,Jov-i 6 i'i.t;t"tl' "ir'rqeA"ruc'o HS a;i.r southernInab-anga JoseNHS te;ii.i Ii'ittAt{:GA .san .lnablngq Nou-i , E!t'i -M-At'i-G-A iBotrolF--'; lininBANGA tigqqng"North 15 " - ;'::r - i tEcqe!FqqS! 'r;;:;--;nr ,-\.. n n^Dr-',r, /Di1hiar,^rrnnnannin n m.naJi is t*itti tvtitaqrosaHs] I p €aRcrntpiirulvorlnoJerrcifi' - tuelqtl!!-LV1la l1qClqClHql - l ,H^h^, - Fnrslr:fl:^':.^^^ uARLos r::lourrur = P qARqlA;"^^'";^,-,1.^i'^-^^uc Hs -il iBehor 1f!!q5,iFREs.ElnLosYl+Y: : -::::l:::iJe'"1::vj"lPlllo1b9q9n o Nov-18 inngs,CAg9: n 1Pllc3irsHs- - lBelor P1 GARcTAitl*:'::ii911e - --- - i l.q_ql"t-r,. _. , lr3Es.c1n1os '- i ta-;i"r lPiei c F e""ia ifooog ES l l"::':- -iiiei IROhOI |HreS Ct, Fr GarciatJdr urd isanVicente":"- FS ,, -- - -z !:-:::'- ' ' p-{.-.-' L pS: Nov i tp.";t*^ ^'o \tdr{;rdE-,.^,, ls". Jose,inioF$ lrqwitlAiwio :PlJ :': -f iil;iifiOhnl lHrcs'.:r Ct,, Rr eg,c'a" j-:.l.::lllsan:-Y-:l .::'lJ:.'-' iE;h;i Jp..*+: e.P:i : e;'.i.:- firii^ frli;;.,^;' -e ;;r;iFnhrf iDfir;luanao iPelqesqienipglqegqigni::''!Y:-t1:':l:--!s " 'soi;oi;'1"':-l h..- t\tetrrrr{FS F.rlr,rl ES - - Pana-oF;L,Uatll! i:"""",Nahudlt'trnan :,:,.. 't3olioir-l'Yi p$i-v^;;;.- q uanaorYnrNH-t !ov- ll i-"i;;i --E4n4O-//?/ - PiH:*Iii."., i ;B#i-"- ' Ei{Ao lcJ"tutqqytq,, ; ,,,.--r.--^ uc j: !=: ir-rrrnrnrr himino ruHS(Valeriano P VitorMqm, H-S] PreparedbY ITINERARYOF TRAVEL A' LADAGA of DPE MARIDETTE Name SiteAppraisal for PPP ills-e o'ii"u"r, Toconduct : i Munrcipalrtv- -- nate Divjsjgl-":'*" L'-, . jE,''-- #at-fq!ogL: l rFnnnr - -nffi#rlTariucnL r;-;^t:o--.r,-sc - lil: t:i:l .-ffi - lF:'-':l':1ff i TNnvZ-ftfo'- ffix ffirure -l -t-'*uor . '-- i f#il:ilBohol - iiarruurri +H,*a*.* i*ffii- F'nr'slrr lsan@ofq ----ll r"-i.:r'- tr;rit,;nT is:s-t"qt-rrs _ - &Nov Esl'ei-Hr,+ -- 1lxlrt[r,in" i ffi;iiino@,llqj. rs- - - - '--- Ii , . j':lgne!ry-E! iqonoi 1.]s]{l Li;;-o."'_Es-_- i -- - 15- -' -- ' i s-Novo-"." F"lillff&|i!.- ,,- ii*r l,- flun?qtslry 'Bohor !l;1-it"1'1r l3l3l'i3=? - icurndacpanES Ncv lBohol !l':' iill i loNcvlo llilll;:ffiiiBonot l+X3iltiilliffilTaltbon l::n::Un-l'';S' jn^r,.l lTalibonll , - -i-i;1"-;;;,=< ii;i Er$srtlll - fii;l'**r-+---'--,------ lsohol --- lTalibon l'#r;"i;i= -:ifni6;rc;araes$!1aee-!-qi, -- r ..., r-"hi-- - lg-,elr-{-=rTariLo|Jr --- ll-Nov tri^i^r igffin;*; rs , ff;tfr- - E.-e{i,- - 1ffffi".-fcd'*4"!rrHs1q'l&?v"HQ---l #j:i'Pelrel -lqqtela!ts- 151.,c' {di'p Ft':Y:+ -#+fti'#t_ -F*:--- ir4is-r-r -- '-lgsgi4--- ', rd |i F'.,h"l \Triqldad" -. - - .:- r .-.. ##----- .1T'i*rj"d - -'- l&Nov i9ottot- ----*---ijffi-- j-9etYggt'tgE!_- -- - I poi'ot -l]ll::li- CentralES -_ - - lrln,o.o - -" , -- -iE-*'j;t-"ti66"r --- -Fp$;ou+i}"'fi:^- _ _ t+r6iffHl-trl.r.Fs1'l!Hl ,- ; -- i /.r"v is lP"l"l iilii;ii;ffi lsoom-^ - qnilthwest! crES ' 1 i'o"vitrh-', tttrrl i!9utnwe911i lqolg9onsl.9olgqong ig"iqi 'BulilisES ^ ' 18-Nov rBohot \il;i riitst'i*tor |P^9s-!9!_-'---.-.l*liiliH*H::i|::|'--tB1i1['i.b-.1 --!e-q!r9f----- - - -- -- '.-* - ----f#Hi-- l-ru*,-rrrtE^i*rrwact, bnglgssEs- ---- - - I fnonoi-- ]Yts- cc- 2i-Nov l-norrol _ ___ffi!fl-,Sq,!h"i9u PreparedbY ITINERARYOF TRAVEL NameofDPE JOSEPH REOJA Purposeof Travel: To conduct Slte Appralsal for PPP Date Division Municioality Name of School Bohol ANDA Anda HS Bohol ANDA landabonoNHS 7-l'lov Boho! Anda BaconcES Anda PorcenasPS Bohr:i {rcla aqonocaqonqES Bohol ALICIA AlicraTechnical-Voc'l HS (AliciaNHS) &!r!Or.t Bohol v ALICIA La HaciendaNHS Bohol At"ICIA Cavacav HS Bohol Duero CansuhavPS D^h^l LobooonES 9-Nov Bohol DUERO Guinsularanl{HS Bohol Gurndulman TrinrdadES Bohol Guindulman Bato ES Bohol Guindulman CasbuES I 10-Nov Boho! Guindulman Guio-anoES OaF^l I GUINDULMAN GuinacotNH$ Bohoi uUtl-l UULIVIAI'! MavuoaNHS Bohol Mabini Abaca ES I t-n,rou Bohol Mabini BavbavonES I Bohol Mabini MabiniCentral ES Bohol Mabini MinolES E) ^h^l Mabini ParaisoES Bohoi Mabini TabunocES 14-Nov tsohol MABINI SanRoeue NHS, Mabini, Bohol 9slsl tlrAB.ll!!__ -se1_{999._Hg-McFi!''r- Bohol CANDIJAY Candiiav HS 15-Nov Bohol CANDIJAY FranclscoDaoohov NHS {CootonoHS) Bohol CANDIJAY TambonoanNHS I Bohoi Ubay f.iorlheastt AchiiaPS I Bohol Ubav Northeast) Bood ES I lFNov Bohol Ubay Northeast) FatimaPS I Bohol lbav Northeasl HumavhumavES Bohol Ubav t'lortheest) San lsidroPS r)^h^l lJortheasti SentinelaES Bohol Ubay Norlheastl TaponE$ i7-Nov tsohol UBAY BrabasTrade HS thabas NHSI Bohol UBAY CamambuoanNHS Bohol UBAY UnionNHS Bohol UBAY UbavNational Science HS tUbavScience HS) I Boholur UBAY TaoallS | 1&Nov l Bohoi UBAY TuboeiS Bohol UBAY CaqtinqHS Preparedby ITINERARYOF TRAVEL Nameof DPE RECHELB. PLAZA I I NameNitme ofQr SchoolJcnool I t--.. .-'-. feilersUlelsarQlluls I I Dit-^^L;t--^-- -^-r 6d 'l;;::ii--,Bilangbilangan --;-*East PS lHingotananES irvraltngtntr5 t.;*- --- ^ IFonot ' lMaomawan trs tqo!91 tqFt unqq lftlargq Ls IBohol lBienUnido SagasaES !Bohol iBIENUNIDO iBohol lcinntt'i i DanahawlS iaonoi'' l-Ciiiin ES g-Nov ---- -lcffi;-a;taTesle"ianl - --------'] lu"t;t '' " ' lct-"nn--"- lEorror idffin lMataubPS i lvi!1qlsrl!ryqry-f-slqil- r i0ohol lGetafe ,AlumarES ' i;,; J--.---... -- - -."...-'---- -----'l . /BuvosPS - ro-Nov *cls: f-l+ r..r__ l tt'gnor ES {selllg iCampao -i lgql'g! -'- iGetare iq*;i _ _ Lcei;te--__ iGetafe I1r r r{uJir^.. lBohol IlBohorBohol ,Getafeiodut" - ---_'--leohotJBohot leetat" i- llErAFE- l4-Nov -----1 IGetafe HS (Tll?llg_Ugf iPandanonHS + ----' . _..-_i_-.Ell:j-^iEayongg4.[q I 1tsNov ..i--.--lCamanaga!S iCaoavasES rCorazonES t- l9lrcta fs rBohol jSan tA.xtn,, Miguel jHagbuy-q-Eq _____ _li Bohol ,, 'SanMiguel lSanlsidro ES ..- J I lBohol - - -- isanMiquel lSan.iose PS I lborrof -'sAN-ruricurti5antutiquer isanVicente PS -_-- - snnJ It"t"tnviq ' v-.--N-H5 l rt-r'nov lBohor +-.- -4 .l lBohal ' :SANsANMTGUELMIGUEL I e! !!s!qt_rJs ;c"i^' Garrri,rrr:-riri I [:Yss,sgh,l!c!!]sqqr ltH SL_ -- -- T- Ci'.L (Captt4) '!B-f,Jo,'lB-f,Jor, 'rasutfiran,Tagbitaian , iT.A9_Bl!Aq.S!9l} iregpjq1gjlcilb;tu ji4q!l!4!4ry_41ryllee slLARp,wctrr Gip$ll_iCaoitat) iise"-tfuILEII_-jiaqELUB4N_9.'q ird'p,t.ri- jBonoi (East) iUoayii "BgnirqES _ _ .t_Nnrr iaonot luuayll rrastr IUlsytI !.len!qlf_s_ lQiqls1Es) lBohol Ubayil (East) jcagtlrlg!,s jBohol lUbayll (Eastl isrnanotganE.s I Preparedby .

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