ENJOYABLB EXCURSION DUNCAN CITY COUNCIL At Westholme About Pigs Shawn igan Lake Hospital Fail- The fifth excursion of the seas<season Parmer Fatally Injur ­ look place on the 17th inst., whenwh^- At Duncan city council on Monday Why Not Keep More Hotel Destroyed By i-vning Iasi a report v.as submitted ;wenty-one members i Proceeds Kstinmted at ed by Fall :he Cowichan ........ Field Ni foumeyed to Crofton■' '• Bay'lay at the ' in Cowichan? • Fliimes Over -55(10.00 lation of Mr. T. A. Wood, who pro- A painful «nd diitreaiinfr accident, vided the launches. •Tigs i« pigs" is the usual homely reauliing in the death of Ur. Louis \icloria. Tbe special survey ............... that the net pro ­ A landing was made for lunch on reference to this most excellent food, ......... ........ <1 at Koenigs ■— '■"' I thoroughly gone int Richards, a well known faroier and Salt Spring Island, after which Mr. uK-E? ceeds of the recent Hospital Fair will good for any meal, but ii is probably, destroyed by fire. Built imount to between $500 and $550. a r«idem of Westholme. occurred > 'ood gave a short discourse on the iruc that no one in B- C. could des­ :fvrcm Thuraday last. From evidence siv tology of the neighbourhood, with iriginally by ••Mr.'C. " Morton. Vic- he map is lo be eon iplendid result. cribe the grade of a piece of bacon oria. some twenty-five ycai at the inquest on the following day, cial otherwise than "off the pig." .Among the att spears that a Chinaman, named Udysml'h 'and**Nanaim vas burned down some e'*vcn years was ater, when Mr. and Mrs. George be cit' Chow Jung, was the only witness of darned the probable cat which the calamity. He was not the best of socnig had acquired the business .list b The city engineer re- litions of cocs. Tamworths. etc., and as lie has -rom Mr. Morion and had been con ­ loricd il ihc power plaui. during narrators hut the facts appear to- be res of the . r o' the excellent testimonial from Pat ducting it for some years. Dooley desei fairly well established. hat the pig is " the ginticman what . ... ............. many thanks. Mr. Richards was driving a wagon, Tbe present owner. Mr. James XVXtXXlsIX: AmongAuk the raffles were the follow ­ >ays the rrm’' it cropped up in dis- Findley, bought thv property in 1912. loaded with cordwood for Mr. B7ua> m.ssiiin as to which breed was the EF ing. Horse, given by Mr. V. L- Ed- vitt, about 2 p.m. when the horses got and two years later look it over nnder .•h„ „sr"" """ wardes. won by Miss Philpolt: sheep, of. Those who were his per.sonal supervision. On Sun ­ The report of the specUl committee out of hand and ran away. The front tural history subjects pursued 'ly Mr. F. H. Maitland Dougafl. wheel of the wagon struck a log by ..........special branches. The localities day morning last it was burned to T v Mrs. E. n. Read: rabbit. The hog IS the cheapest and most ground- oribe l’-nion “of'B.B. C. Muni- Ri, the side of the farm road on which it visited were not favourable for insect Miss Gluver. won by Master was proceeding and this threw Mr. easily kept animal on the farm, yet Caiiipers neruss the lake appear sidered ind adopted. ■S* given by Miss life, hut students of marine biology t may be safely said that in Cow- have been first to see flames shooting ziling $1. 186.19 w RicbardS'off the load. and. probably. were afforded a fine opportunity. SH Vongc: duck......... ..........1 by Miss Maitland on to the tongue of the wagon, chan district he is almost totally neg- from llic roof about 7 a.iti. They and Cowicbs s bavin Dniigall, wonwoi by Mr. T Pitt: pigeons. ■ • • ion. The Everyone voted the trip most enjoy ­ ecled. No doubt many farmers keep 'f^dal'ly aji>proacb horses kicked him from the ton; able and expressed their thanks to many ollicrs hurrieil to the scene. Master Price, won by Mr. H- t pig or two for their own use. but, The lirtcl was full of week-end guests Mr. Wood for his kindness. .n a country such as abounds here ­ ilson: Houdan )l>ven by passed over 1 irxxlid not I they all escaped with liieir be- r and Aid. Campbell were ap- abouts. there .should be several thous ­ gings. Ready hands assisted in .......c'l to meet any coinmillee that stop— until-......... th<icy reached tl . e lead-. LICENSE COMMISSIONERS riven by Dr. Trotighioi won by Tom ing into the Mount Sicker road. and more pigs on the land. saving about half of tbe ' furniture. council may delegate to consider Hie Henderson: silk cushioi given by the Hogs for markelini This was made pos.sible because the The Chinaman gave the alarm and Queatioa of BotUe License Tnmsfer Sislen of Si. two brothers of the injured man im­ In Duncan Undecided. fire, supposedly started by an over- icd stove, burned do' LAWN TENNIS ,V provised a stretcher and carried him d for a good time to come. There t' Invcrariiy: to the home of his mother, Mrs. New- ......... ............ -..TTmc. D, Plaskett md Mrs. Smith, o open u > apparent reason why this dis­ the fire did not spread : Cub Handicap Tournament house. Westholme post office. Dr. trict. with its lariie extent of wild land Now In Full Swing, by Mrs.^F. ^Pre ^kes was quickly at hand but Mr. ____ ___ .rcaied some. property nearby. The diversion f< Duncan Ucensing board ■paraliis for fighting le flames* Riehards passed away about one and bamlican loiiruamenl of the ijyTli5i''Maiilaml’is l/ougair"^"' a half hours after the accident. He and others ............ leftitg on Friday, 1 less than two lioin :hu build- TbeTh sellers of raffle liekets are lo be Pigs are cheap to feed. One farm­ as demolished. Uwn 'I'enni- club is now in had sustained'severe internal injuries August nth a petiti on was received s and the finals on Faturds ilated on (lirir .uccessful ef- from Messrs. Prici. er sa;^s his cosi^bim .sc^a pound^and hotel had iwenty-eiglil bed- and an extensive fracture of the pel- dining and silting rooms, and sbmild attract n large attvndanc k : Tombs and E. Stock, Play began on Tbursdav last, w: The res;sulls of the sixirls are as fol- provisions oMhe— law..w be enforced . From*'market reports he coufd ^large fhe inquest was conducted by Dr. .... Jbout 11c a jmund alive for a •ontimied on Saturday and witl be i H. F. D. Stephens. R.N_ and arranged ____ :hc transfer of this li nted that instiranee fiiH -wing this afternm.n. There ai •r girls. $ entries: from Mr. H. Roch, The hoard choice hog weighing about 2S0 lbs. carried lo only alioul $3,000. , by Chief of Police Beard. Dr. / Von know what pork chops cost tali' race for small Dykes gave medical testimony and •i them that the law would be ') enirivs: Nigel Kingsenie; id bow bacon has soared in price. the jury found that death was due to observed and laid the application on .Another hog raiser said that he has DOG NUISANCE. •iiigl.'s. excellent tennis being wit- iryelc race 6 entries; G. Hay. the table, pending-advice from their ll-fours. are. 7 entries: B. Era” not found it absolutely es-ential to less.d in the matches between F. L. The deceased was liorn, some 41 lolici feed milk to young pigs. Tankage King-ton and N. Cortield. and br- •k.race for boys. 5 entries; G. Thi had been received when iht .............. three-legged race for boys. 5 years ago. at Maple Bay. his father, been used successfully, :»cea Miss Pegg and .Miss Geogb.- the late Joseph Richards, being one of Ltasi Mondayopk place. Mr can. The first named in each case •nines; .McDonald ami liradshaw; igs do not cost as uiueh for fenc ­ Indian dog I havoc with Nc district {Ml h ’.“ Price alio itted a repoi .vnli by a narrow marmn. browing the cricket ball, boys under ing as sheep do. hurdles made from ■ek of belw. and fifly she Richards. I..............5 name). He from his solicitor as t< the validity e Those who hav '4. 9 entries: J. Dirom; wheelbarrow 1x4 a^e cheap,^easily made and easily ,-ii Wednesda, . married and leaves a wife and the deed of asiignmen .............................. 51 Men ’s •acc. 5 cnirie-: G. lacksnn and G. Homey given by Mi “r'cT; Mr- G. T. Coi •hildren. Many old fri Hogs arc good siibsoilers. almost an Indian of the vs—Messrs. Kingston. K:ivenhill. and relatives galherH'there ‘ ’ at' ilie' old [udson's Bay Co. irs; tl. Haycrofl: ham- rn°d “ "'rei iniaranlee good grain crops after they .................led the field isE Cl• a. W. Smithe, Black- Methodist burying ' ground. Maple A petition from si umur'-Wileman and Carr Hilion. tiering naiU. for ladies. I.I entries: wners and tenants i the block in have spentIt a few weekswed on the land. arriiier's place, he found Hiss Ha.vwa>d Bay, on Saturday^, when the interment weed destroyei ■ less Ilia I five...............lull! n dog. die-' singles-Mrs. A. C. Inhm took place, the Rev. J. J .Nixon con ­ ..hich'ihe store is situ Mrs. Carr Hilton. Mi •' ru’azel77nd"\S^ llcrs and. forget S; g the anil s.' Three of then I. Kikiiigton ducting the services. .■."ei?'"' s of good bankinj nts.
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