m Ni't- ; tr.-; ■r*' rta ■■■f r h '.yy:''> >• /,; f -.a ^ .■ yy: ■'' • ' . ; ;^, 'y iR^turlffiapr : #«DNESlbSY, *I»EdSMBiE!R'B39^ — I - .. ■■ ■■■ ' ■■ ■■-I- ^ J^ N«t Pr^ii^Rita Pvt. Raym ond'J. 'S^iaseit of the Week lbd«d Town 142 Woodbridge Gt., who recent­ 'PeM tober 4, 1868 ly enlisted in the Connecticut ICl^OOO Names m* .1 |'^ i|%trlcia Ann Ward, " S T E W S ' ,„ l4#^ oi Mr. and Mm. Rob- Army NaUonal Guard, will re­ On Yule Cards j f t r : Ward oi 87 Hartland Rd.. port this month to Ft. Dlx,N.J., 14,570 :' M | atartad her career aa an for his six-month active duty To Viet Soldiers [BEAUTY tour. After completion of his Airlines stewardees. MantJieater-“A City of Village Charm training, he wiU report to his - TORJRINOTON (AP)— Ohriat- Openinj; — •he recenUy graduated from [Thurs., Dec. 9 ‘ Saatem’s In • Flight Training parent unit the 712tfa Ordnance. mas o a ^ wKh more than 10 VOL. LXXXV, NO. 59 CTWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIOKS) Co., Windsor Locks. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1965 (OlasalfM Advertising PRICE SEVEN CENTS Center and will be based in 000 algiwturee apiece will aoo Call Now For Wadilngton, D.C. Miss Ward, a be oh their way. to Torrington I An Appointment! . giaduate o< Manchester High The Master’s Club of Friend­ servicemen station in Viet Nam. ship Lodge of Masons will have School, was employed in Hart- TTie idea of getting thousands Its first annual meeting tomor­ •k Season's Greeting’s To AU! -Ar K ionl before Joining Eastern. of townspeople to sign the mess­ row at Peliln’s Restaurant, Wal­ age originated with the local j983 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-6291^ Showing Age nut St. A sociai hour starts at Valerie darebout of New Eagles lodge, "nie project has Gemini 6 Launch «:30 and dinner will be at 7:30. DOVER, Del. (A P) — A Fairfield will present a demon­ been dubbed “ Remember Our bill designed to curb necking Shelepin and Podgorny Gto In Viet Nam at Cbristmas.’ ’ stration of Wire Sculpture at a Lt. James R. Van Hoof of In the front seat of moving meeting of the Parents Club of Sheets of signatures were col­ Bristol, an Intelligence officer autos failed to pass the East Catholic Hig^ School to­ lected at schools, factories and for the 189th Military Police FOR A DAY, WEEK...OR LONGER house Wednesday after one morrow at 8 p.m. in the school office buUdings throughout the Slated onrSunday legislator, Rep. Paul E. Battalion, has been reassigned auditorium. The demonstration city in recent days. When Shockley, warned fliat pas­ as the headquarters supply and spliced together, they moke a Is open to the public and ad- A T966 Cor from - MANNED SPACE QEN- Gemini 7 began its 73rd orbit space adventures to date also sage would mean “mem­ miasloa la free. logistics officer. Lt. Van Hoof is scroll more than 800 feet long. ® R , Houston, fe x r (AP) at 9:34 a.m. KST. had so far been the most flaw­ bers of this legislature are Get High Soviet Jobs a mathematics teacher at Bris­ Moriorfy Brothers Thanks to dupUcaUng ma- RENT beginning to show their tol Eastern High School and has — The GeniinU 6 hunter Originally, the launch of the less. Bngineman 2.G. Gary A. eWnes in the city clerk’s office; age.” been active in Connecticut Army spaceships was readied to- Gemini 6 was scheduled for The problem-free flight of the Baugh, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. one of these whopper scrolls Monday, but both rocket and Gemini 7 went on with nothing The bill, which was three National Guard since 1960 after will be made for each Torring- &y'for a Sunday morning and Mrs. T. D. Haugh of 32 Gar­ spacecraft crews were 24 hours at all to worry about except pos­ votes short of the 24 re­ serving a tour of active duty. ton man serving in Viet Nam. launch, and the U.S. drive den St., is participating in the ahead in their work, and space sibly the fact Borman sneezed a quired for passage, would Project Gemini GT7-GT8 mis­ About 15 local men are known to achieve the first rendez­ The Adult Fellowship of the agency officials saw no reason few times Wednesday night. h^ve prohibited the driver sion as a crew member of the to be stationed there, a spokes­ vous of orbiting craft Major Party Shakeup Presbyterian Church will have to hold them back. Dr. p . Owen Coons, a flight from putting his arm around fleet tug USB Paiute, a unit of man said today. Its Christmas party on Satur­ pushed on 24 hours ahead At 4:41 p.m. EST today, Bor­ surgeon, was asked at a briefing any passenger while the car the missi<m Underwater Recov­ day at 8 p.m. at the church of schedule. man and Lovell were to begin at Houston today if the sneezes was moving. ery Groiqj. ★ Brand new, fully equipped cars ready to jro. Astronauts Frank Borman hall. Entitled ‘‘C hrlstmas $35jOOO Authorized switching Gemini 7 into a circu­ were the consequence of the Sees Mikoyan Resign Around the World,” the pro­ ■k Reasonable rates. and James A. Lovell Jr. hurtled lar orbit 186 miles above the oxygen atmosphere in the The annual Children’s Serv- smoothly on through the strange gram Mrtll feature booths deco­ WASHINGTON — Congress earth — the desired position for spacecraft, which tends to dry S t a t e N e W S MOSCOW (A P )— A major shuffle in the Soviet high leea cookie tea wUl be held to­ rated according to Christmas has authorized a $35,000 salary k Full insurance coverage. weightless world of space to­ the rendezvous. up the tissues in the nose. morrow at 1 p.m. at the home command today assigned Alexander N. Shelepin to an customs in various countries. for the new secretary of hous­ ward their goal of a two-week The maneuver was to be car­ “ I think,” said Coons, “ that of ifrs. Andrew H. Thomas of ★ Large discount if your car is in our shop for Poods appropriate to the coun­ ing and urban development, endurance record. ried out in'two stages. At 4:42 it’s one of the consequences of influential job at the top level of the Communist party 114 Steep Hollow Lane. Mem­ repairs. tries will also be served at the who will run the 11th cabinet And, at Cape Kennedy, Fla., p.m., jet thrusters were to be being alive. I sneezed a few Timetable and boosted Nikolai V. Podgorny into the presidency. bers are reminded to bring a booths. Members are reminded orders went to the Gemini 6 Podgorny, 62, who has been --------------------------------- —— — • department. He will have an fired near the Carnarvon, Aus­ times during the night.” presidency, to a Supreme Soviet batch of homemade cooktes for to bring a gift for an exchange launch crew to prepare to fire No. 2 man in the party as one admission. undersecretary earning $28,- tralia, tracking station to Adjust An announcement of the Sun- Set Up for role corresponding to one of program. at 10 a.ni. Sunday, one,day ear­ of its secretaries and a mem­ 500, four assistant secretaries MORIARTY BROTHERS the perigee, or low point of the day'launch of the Gemini 6 had many parliamentary vice prea- lier than planned. ber of the ruling party Presidi­ and a general counsel making orbit. not been made officially but the iden^. 801 CENTER STREET — TEL. 643-6188 Astronauts Walter M. Schlrra um, replaces Anastas I. Mikoy­ $27,000 eac'h, and a $26,000 as­ At 5:26 p.m., near the United pad crews got the word this Assembly Mikoyan, wJjo marked hla 70th Jr. and Thomas P. Stafford are an, a member of the top Soviet sistant secretary for adminis­ LEASING PLANS FOR ALL 1966 MAKES & MODELS States, another burn of the jets morning to go ahead. birthday Nov. 25, was the last tration. to chase down the Gemini 7 and HARTFORD (AP)—The Gen­ command for 40 years. was to bring the apogee or high A spokesman said the crews of the Old Bolsheviks in the up­ attempt to score a space first by eral Assembly wiU attend Mon­ Mikoyan said an operation point of the orbit to the 186-mlle were ready to pick up the pre­ per reaches of the Soviet party flying in formation with the oth­ level. day to Waterbury’s tax revadua- three years ago had made it dif­ count — the first step in tion problem and also take the ficult for him to fulfill the de­ and government? He was a rev­ Professional k ^ i- er craft for six hours. The most ambitious of U.S. preparation to launch — at 4 opportunity to make some tech­ mands of the presidency. This olutionary in the Caucasus as a 9 BARBER SHOP is p.m. today. nical legislative corrections. Is a largely ceremonial post. young man at the time of the great Russian upheavals toward pleased to announce that Navy Capt. Schlrra and Air The session, expected to last Shelepin, 47, was relieved as Toiletries Sale to Benefit Salvation Army Band Force Maj. Stafford were to un- one day, ■wdU get under way at deputy premier and head of the the end of World War I, Mrs, Ernest V. Payton of The Salvation Army packages articles to be sold in a neighbor­ dergo an extensive, four-hour lo a.m.
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