m m m W i1 II < A & \ g a r w o o d CRANFORD Ke n il w o r t h VoL L. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY:... THURSDAY, MARCH" II. 1943 F1V5 CENTS Scout G e t s Moderator Dorotby Catts Now Terms Test ■' First Lieutenant . Hints O n A unique 6lrthday gift of an 11 Persons Injured in Heroism *- ‘'Honorary- First Lieutenancy” Successful was presented to Miss Dorothy G ardening Catts, daughter bf Mr. and Mrs. Kenilworth Bus Wreck XL P. Catts of Stoughton avenue, Certificate V . I . ■ I . i ‘ 1,1 I Coqunandor SeOers , j l&Iondur night at Fort Monmouth, ■ a Eatontown, when she celebrated A re G iven Expranei Appreciation her sixteenth birthday by enter­ ■ Vehicle Hits Tree Near Newark Ave.; -­ Them— C ^ rol, <fc» ' To Workers, Residents taining an infantry regiment sta­ tioned there. - . Nearly 200 Persons Cited for Scring.... ' Five Are in Elizabeth General Hospital Despite the mixup in thestarting Miss Catts; a tap dancer, is a Speaker* et ■ B o y ’ s Life in 1940 .time 'o f the blackout here and regular member of a local USO • Eleven persdns, including 10 passengers and the driver - throughout the State Tuesday night, G -'C LP. Club Meeting unit that' has given numerous of a Linden-Kenilworth bus, were injured at o'clock A certificate for heroism the test was successful in Cranford, performances in ' mOitary-. estab- 10:37 according to Commander Carroll K. llshnients in this area and was an Scores ofnjielpful hints on last night on Orange avenue about 300 feet west of Newark fro m die National Boy Scout Sellers, who .expressed, appreciation a.routine trip when the men dis­ tgetable gar cung w ere gtv- avenuie in Kenilworth when the vehicle failed to negotiate the C ou rt of Honor for saying a to the civilian defense volunteers and covered that it was her birthday^ en to nearly 2U0Nprospective sharp turn atithat point and crashed into a tree. b o y from drowning in the townspeople for their splendid co­ Immediately following her baton operation. - . tw irling m ilitary .tap dance, she Victory GardenersNw Mrs, The irjurtd, who are in the Eliza­ R a h w a y River here in 1940 beth General Hospital^r-d-their con— Members of the Defense Council was called to the center of the A . G. Ingalls, past prestifant of Reelected by G. O. ?. w as presented to Thomas Car­ were as much “in the dark” as were stage while the . soldiers sang c it inn this morning follow : , the- hundreds o f air raid Wardens, “Happy Birthday” to her and a . the Cranford Garden.. Q tib , Louis Ciesco, 45 years old, 245 El- ro ll, Jr., last Thursday night at] ALEX CAMPBELL the first court o f honor o f Boy Scout emergency police, axillary firemen spokesman for the unit presented and G. Lansing.of Westfiel . dridge strcct, New York City, possi- Troop 78, sponsored b y S t Michael’s and others who had remained at tfieir her with the honorary rank in lait night at an open meeting of the ble.fractured rkuil, lacerations of the 'Church, in the parochial school audi­ homes or near their posts throughout recognition o f her time and talent Cranford Republican Club in the mu­ ■ S S i l face requiring six stitches. Condi­ in entertaining the men in. ser­ tion fair. torium. > ' ***** Tuesday evening in order to be on nicipal building. The meeting, one m The recipient of the afetrd is the hand for the scheduled test under the vice. " , . .: • of the largest ever held by the dub, Miss' Anna Grippo, 20 yea’s " old, SI son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll W om en new blue-red-Mue system of. signals. followed a b rie f business meeting at 17th street,^Kenilworth, fractured' of Linden, fonnertykof" 12 Myrtle Commander Sellers end his aides which officers were elected for the lower Jaw, firactured right arm. Con­ dition fairi . • - street; who was w.metaber o f Troop went to their posts in the control cen­ coining year. IS when the rescue took place. He ter about 8:30 p. m » fu lly expecting Mrs. Ingalls declared that tills , Mrs. .Madeline Ruscovich; 27 years R ed C ross j f f s was 12 yeaisokl at Hie time. ~ the first confidential yellow alarm year, above all years; we cannot af­ old, t street, Kenilworth, possible . Actually; Carroll saved the lives o f ^ . signal soon after that time. It never ford to waste seed, fertilizers and fr.iytured skull, lacerations of- the two boys who bad become afflicted Round Table Discussion came, and shortly after 9 p. m., they energy and there must be no failures face. Condition fair. - with cramps while swimming in about started checking bn the police tele­ Expenses Up in Victory G artens.' She-stressedl the , Henry W. Cortfts, 162 Fifth street, On CountyGnvemmeut 14 fret , of waiter in the river at the type system to see if it was-to work­ importance o f proper soil condition* Elizabeth, driver o f the bus, lacera­ Awt of Wall street ■ The scoot beard To Be H d d Thttfaday . ing order. It was. Then the “all ing as one of the prime requisites to tions of both legs, possible fracture the boys’ cries for help and plunged clear” signal ^vas announced over the, eliminating failures. of the left leg and knee, possible in and carried one boy to a raft and A round tab le discussion on “ Prob­ radio, and the^control center was be- Victory Gardens, started this spring, fracture of the ribs.' Condition teir. then returned and tow ed toe-second lems of County . Government" i by Home w ill be of more than one y e a r dura- rs. Anna A r boy, George Bizkalla ~ ' y & r m ccldcnt or - i m Campbell of Receiving word Uifit there bad been at the Elizabeth General Hospital and Thomas Carroll. J r - in saving Scotch plains w ill serve as moderator cording to infonnation received byjCome- She therefore urged her lis- sent home, are: the life of,. George HM rslIa from and others at the table win include a mixup, Commander Sellers dis­ Dr. Howard H. Best; chapter chair­ tenen to lay their plans carefully and missed most o f his staff, and with twp George Powers, 15 yearVold. 163 drowning dn July 23, 1*40, hereby Judge Walter L. Hetfidd, 3rd,' of man, from National Red Cross head­ for longer than a single season. Lincoln Drive, Kenilworth, macera­ grants to him this Certificate Plainfleld, Sheriff Charles E. Ayres aides had JurtJodced the doors o f the quarters. control 'crater when Ibe first blue Location is of paramount impor-. Fuel tions of forehead, rcquiringxtwo Heroism together w ith its congratu­ o f Roselle, Surrogate Charles A. Otto, The increase w ill be brought about fence, Mrs. Ingalls pointed out, stat­ stiches. ' lations tb it in the tim e o f testing be Jr., of Elizabeth, Register' Edward alarm:was sounded sfi 10:23 p. m. by services rendered on the borne ing that vegetable gardens n e«f sun He Immediately returned to his post, Herbert'Palmer, 13 years old. 19 ertlflcateij Bauer of Eliziteeth, Freeholder front by the Red Cross to soldiers and for at least six., hours a day and re­ Lincoln Drive,. Kenilworth, bruised ‘ sigoed by Franklin IXBoofevelt, hon­ Charles Smith of Westfield, and Dep­ as did/otoer members of_ thel staff, sailors who have been wounded in. quire welt drained soil and soil free Ration^Stubs left leg and head. ' son teof whom bad Just readied their orary president; H erbert Hoover, uty County Cleric.Grover C. Traynor battle or lost in action, by additional of tree roots. The garden • should be Mrs. Agnes McGeehan, 26 years . honorary vice-president, and other of Westfield. ' ' homes. The' red alarm was sounded aid neded by families of these men in close proxim ity to one’s home in about 10:30, the second blue a t 10:40 old, 14th street, Kenilworth, possible .national scoot executives. The meeting is . open to the public, and other services carried on loraffly order that it may be given a ll possible W ill Be Re km fractured left ribs, contusions o f the ' . The presentation w as made by Dis­ and questions^from the audience wl and the sflt d ea r a t -Hfc44. by the borne service committee. As attention. Malang New i ation; chest.. trict Scoot Commissioner Harion ,W. follow the.panel discussions. / There were some complaints' that the size of toe army increases, the Properties which have had the-sub- William McGeehan, 4 years old, Drew, who stressed- the fact that, in A brief business meeting, in chart the Signals .were not audible in cer­ duties of tiie Bed CrouTikewise in­ SoR spread over toe top <Sl the ground Relax I ions \ address same as above, contusions o f of Mrs. Walter K . Fasnacht, president, line with scouting principles, Canon tain sections o f the community, and crease, D r. Best pointed ou t do not make successful garden plots the le ft leg. - - had been prepared when an emer­ w ill precede the round table tiuks. few persons turned on to d r house During the past year the home ser­ and lawns which have been treated Fuel oil consumers should ketis the Lydia McGeehan, 6 years old, ad­ gency arose. lights when to e street Rffirte went on vice committee expended 8239.44 in with arsenate of lead for Japenese futl ration stub which remains after dress same a s .
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