18, 2003 50 Cents Ryxhevy Vehicles *T^^^*' • ••.+ , .^S,C , ^ •

18, 2003 50 Cents Ryxhevy Vehicles *T^^^*' • ••.+ , .^S,C , ^ •

i fc ; 1 r^ "^;'- •'•-•'•;•-•;•'•• •^•^ M__ ^ . ii ,,t^.^?-«r.~'*ii ^»-rf ^«r ^i* • -- -,'•«*.'•-- -i, ^, -'-. -, • .^••^,--^;V.v:,- W- Cranford Chronicle : December 11,2003 ; : '4. -...--p^ssH^^!Mii^^:.;^: v ,::.': '^;[ .:::::^:-:^-^^ •••••fl . - • • .,-i . : ;''- ' . •• - ' -r».. 1J! £; J//1 ! u-1 • -._J / r;--' .... i • i> .'•;:• SUPERSTORE •*• Signing! -—Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kenilworth Cash! y* Deposil . .- • '••',•>'• Voi.ii,;,t:.;^|., . ,, .'•.,. Thursday, December18, 2003 50 cents ryXhevy Vehicles *T^^^*' • ••.+ , .^s,c , ^ • OFF NEW SAVE OVER 7700IMSRP VEHICLES, YO IN STOCK! I APR '01 MERCURY '01 CHRYSLER SABLE LS PT CRUISER By BRAD BISHOP operatives.1 :. ' • •',. •.-.":. •... .. , •, IF© YOUR LEASE ; \< ri*. i, >•/!• ii,jS'i '.'!'• 'U;i!'j \:&< • finanting •I "ijr •" t, ryi , .iittii. Ol) tr.iy. [;.'.'. drugs at Hill's residence. , • $ : m :,:ii.} Ai!,V\\ i! 1 '<•/.'•', ^-M;\<w.km,:r. 'A ? ;\!. .f-M' .John .Sos'u,,'; i2,.orEliznb(.'tiYi.s. tho suis- ; : , STAKFAVKITEK; :':.-.' •'•' . •••• •. .. Union,. County Prosecutor Theodore J. 7 MONTHS EARLYI •'!>. li.l) llfir ,i"» ;,•'< . ,ti ;,!_(•. (1 ..Ulli.l'p.-'M.'I £ti;'vn»^iJ"i>u^\i« '^S • • pecteel leader of the operation-. Sosa waft . Romankow estimated the street valiie of ;. COMEIN FOR COMPLETE DETAILS O Due ,;^_^. : : „•.• County officials Tuesday • nnnq'uncod arrested, at'.Unive.rsity Hospital in Newark - the drugs ranged between $1.6 and 3 mil-, The All New 2004 ' At Signing :^11:399: : "what-they, are calling the largest seiiui-o of.. .while recoveringTroiiva broken log injury-' lion. Hill was charged with possession •weapons and drug's ••taken duringa single.' .sLii'ferecl when-he lell.bfl'a la(l(ler,.authdri- :: 1 with'tile intent to.distrihute.and.23 counts CHEVROLET sr 2004 CHEVROLET SEDAN '01 MAZDA 'OOCHEURDLET ..'operiltipn in a decade, and the Pf'osocutqr's ' .ties said.;He was chav^ecl ••with'beinjj the of'.unlawful possession of a weapon. He CSMARTBUY Oft BUY FOR ONLY TRIBUTE 4X4 BLAZER LS 4X4 4 cyl, auto trans, pwr strng/brks/wind/focks, AIR, floor mats Office alleges tluit.ono of thd.chief.nienv' •leader of a narcotics trafficking network, faces 10-20; years in.' prison for the first •bers.'of the illegal drug' distribution ring jjosspsai'o'n with intent todistribute, distri- charge and 3-5 years.for: the weapons- & much morel VIN#4F128890, MSRP $19,075. Buy price : incl $1000 GM Rebate, 48 mo. GMAC Smart Buy w/12,000' '•.l.ives.in tiny, suburban.Garvvood. •' • '.. .butioiV of a cbnti olled (latigerous sub-. •'charge, if convicted. .,...., ,. '.•••• : Now in SfoskI .:mi/yr: 20e.thereafter. |n6L $1500'Down Pymnt Assist, $0. ; : : . ''Operatioit Crackdown," ah .ei^ht- stanc.e, and conspiracy to .distribute. • .; Also, arrested was Hill's live-in' girl- Ready For due at signing Ttl Pymnts = $7473 Ttl Cost = $7473 ' ^13^999 : ?t 4399::'; month convbination of surveillance, under- ... Sosa' faces 25 years to life'if found. These weapons are ampncjl the 23 guns friend- Charise Weldon, authorities said. PER MO. 48 MOS. 1 Immediate Delivery! 48th Pymnt is Balloon Pymnt = $7820 75*** 'OS MITSUBISHI "00 bHEVROLET cover, activity, and detectivo work, ended . guilty; his-baU was set at'.$3 million. He is' authorities seized from the residence of Adriana.Laverde, 32, of Glendale, N.y. • DIAMANTE BLAZER LT •Tuesday, mornings with the last round, of 'the'owner' of "The Chop Shop,"-a.'barber David Hill, on Willow Avenue in Garwood. is accused of being Sosa's chief supplier of 1 •',.- 'in'-'i;:'; •''•:'1'-.V';- :''i'i\ -..'-M 1 raids' on ,14' different.^'.locations'...iiv. ..shop, on Elizabeth Avenue near Route 1 in •'heroin;,. She was arrested outside of the Eliijabeth, Ros.elle, 'and- Ncnvark.; It•.'Elizabeth' : •.'•.',.'.',• '. ' •..'-.'•' . ••' .'• "• .• •-. ;'intense operations on ThdnksgiVing week,. HollandTunnelNov. 25 with acompariipn. : involved searches, of garages, 'homes,'biisiv • "•Spsivs priniary cocaine supplierissus-, • In all, authorities confiscated '23 .guns, Authorities confiscated 320 grams of hero- . , nesses, and at least six, high-end •luxury, i kilograms of high-purity cocaine,,,30 *16,599 .pected to be. David Hrli,..'n,a.:r(;sident of 16 in worth more.than $50,000.:. V: . vehicles used "in a'crime.organi'zation.'ofi'i-.- 679 WiUow'Avenue in Garwood, Hill was grams :of heroin, and 8 kilogVains of c'ut- "01 CHRYSLER '02 AUDI • cials say netted tens of millions, for-.the. to))';. taken into .custody, during throe days of • ting agents commonly 'used to repackage 300M A4OUATTRD. (Continued onp.age.A-2) . : •:.'. • ; i ri 1 ; : -',--":-,-•••.','''';'•'•-•• "v.-"•••' -'•,'^;f'• :"r;i'V--' ' , :.'1 • ' '^j-i'-H^^^S^ y,•_!•.',' :-IV.-I.I-','.J. c: .\< .\ • .i^ v;. •• : ; : $ BRAND BRAND ; '5i 7!,i99' 25,999 Go time WW 2004 CHEVROLET NEW 2004 CHEVROLET :; Bilger to be next :-'^v'- v\'-''':-'-^- Jerence.Grier-leads the C/anford .••; BLAZER LS 4X4 High boys basketball team into ' '• VENTURE 444DR Saturday's season opener with •' •I (Jc, (i cyl. milo Irwis, pwr strng/b'rka-, AIR, AM/FM Stnroo; cn.iloup l'i|ls.-- V(i, iiutu lran:i. pwr !;lrnq/brks, AIR. AM/FM Sloroip. till, cruiso. lopknifl dill, lull •1 dr. V(>, ntito tram!;. |>wr slriu|- brk:;'"wliuJjlnc(k;L.;,Oiili.'htri nvrr:;, AIR/AM l-M.ij(i:uHV OVER T • ko'yloss onlry. r/wip, VINK.ID-M6.tJ2, MSRP SKi.OO.' Uuy fmcfl' iricl Zf'iiK) ;:i?(i '.'pjtHV&'imich piora! VINMK1QOUB0, MSRP S2W10 Buy prico iriclS2!i00 CD, cryisu, r/dol, t/ijls, lu(|i| r'.ick.kr.yles:: puny, tholl doti'mml ays. VIN«.|»!>?Mlt Metuchen and Sundays,showdown, MSRP SSI .170 Uuy price, incl S3800GM H'nli.ito ."» nicj- GMAC Small Duy w run* •'. 5O GM Holmlo 36 mo GMAC Smart Buy w'l 2.000 ml/yi 'AX: tlitfroilltoi Irici' GM Rulwlo. 30 mo: GMAC Sm/irl Buy w/IZ.OUO'mi/yr; 20c thoroflllor' Incl. 1 S'JI'SO Down Pymnt As'slsl « S500 CCR. JO (JiJQ-.it signing. Ttl RyinnlsJ-\SG!)fi5 nil yi 20c Iliuroilfwr. Irici $1'OM lX*n Pymnl Assist K SSDO.CCH: SO dun at •,ii|mny with Scotch Plains-Fanwood ai :. :S2250. [Jown Pyin'nt Assisl. SO <(im at mgiiing . Ttl Pymnl:; -• $C'i;w -111 Cur.t 1 V'SG93p. 3Gth.Pyrmii IQ lialloon Pymiil-SI0,G3f] 20"'. , •' : •'. "I'll Cost --SODGS. :i(ith. Pymnl is Balloon P'viunl.- S13..100.00'.!' : Til Pynmis i $5367 Til Cost •• SS.167. Mill Pymnl i:, flalloun I'ymm ..- $;:I/7V[.Vc-'" USED VEHICLES IN STOCK! Seton Hall University, Ford preview • the post changes, hands 'every SMAR1BUY CSMARTBUY : of the season-see Sports, Page C-?.- ReorganizMon •year.'. •..••' " • .-•'• ,'• :, '• •'"'••• ;.••-. •'-, ORBUYFOROMY OR BUY FOR ONLY Reilecting the lack of a direct ; Selection, .the position • does not., • Family Cars • Miriiyans . may be smooth, carry inudi in the way of execu- l • SUV's • Luxury Cars ' . tive power But the mayor does 19999 • Trucks •'-• Impprtis/Dpmestic fbrachange run township meetings and haS a ' hand ,in . setting the agenda, 'Pricosincl. all cpsts \'a bo paid by, the consumer except lie., rofi.,-ta)(f:s .1 By GREG MARX meaning the person in the.post bank |6o,: PricesvaliLl from 72.hrs. ol.piiblicalion.' All paymonts'based on THE-CHHONia.E ... can -exercise .'control-over digcus- . primary lender approval. GM S'LoascprogramB subject'to chango without. sion. :;• . .. • • .'••'• ":- • • notice. Call dealer lor updates. .Lessee responsible lor excess wear & tear, :. AHad prices incl. $400 coll.grad rebato il qual.,(Must be recent, ijraduate of , CRANFORD '--. For'..the"'first . .. Aschenbach and Jorn both a'2 or') yr accrodtod cbllego. See dealer loY complete .dtlnils), $1000 time in three years, it appears said Commissioner Ann Djirby; a . Official multiGheyrolet.com Olds'niobilo Loyalty.Rebate.il qu'al (Must, own and retain a H196-2000' the township's' reorganization Republican, is expected to be..;'••'.' 24 Hours Oldainobile. S<ie Dealer For petails) & $750 Current Military Bobate.il qual. •meeting Jan. 1 will be a smooth Drop-Off CHEVY. WE'LL BE THERE ".Oirsolect mpdojs il qual,,Subject to.primdry'lending source approval. appointed' deputy imayor. At this ; Site For ! CHEVROLET \ Rebate in lieu ollinahcing, tSeverity pi credit may affect-clown payment ..one. •;.•' • . ..• , ':•"'" . .'... ••' point, they said, it appears the anc) choice of vohlclo.' B.ankruptcio.amus^bo discharged. See dealer (or Democratic. and' Republican committee assignments will be Toys For Tots details. Vehicles subject to prioV sale arid programs subject.to.change.duo. members, of thfe,. Township divided as such; Darby, finance; Pickup Doc. ISth .to advertising doadline. ""The '18th pymnl. has an option of paying cash, Committee said this week they Jorn, public safety, Aschenbach, 2675 ROUTE 22W.» UNION»908-686-2^00 refinancing or turning IhGcnr back In to GMAC, ' ' .' . .' expect Republican Barbara . public affairs; Commissioner Gleaning house Bilger to-be appointed mayor. Scott MieaRo, a RepubliLiin, public , Bilger, the current deputy mayor, • '. works'.' •. • Over the last'five years, area resi- servedas mayor in 2002. dents Sean and Janet Crane have. In both 2002 and 2003, : While n6t every member of the Republicans held a 3 2 advan- overhauled.their Victorian home, ..committee could -be reached for but much work remains before the tage on the committee at the time comment,, it .appears. Bilger's of the reorganization meeting , job is completed. To,read all about. appointment will be unanimous.'. • the couple's efforis,,see Page.B:1. l r But disputes within the pait> thespirit oj iheseason The two Democrats'on the-com-.' caused chaos with respect to the Last Sunday brought more miserable weather,to the area, but on rnittee, George <Iorn and current; mayoralty and. key appoint- Saturday the air was brisk and the skies were clear, offering the Mayor Dan Aschenbach, said ments; . ••:. - perfect environment for residents to check out the seasonal festivi- they planned to.support Bilgei; '••'In. 2002, following n protracted And an 'internal- dispute within stand-off- with fellow Republican ties. Jolly Old St. Nick paid a visit to Eastman Plaza in Cranford, (he Republican party, evident courtesylof.the CharriberofCommerceir-though some of the chil- .Tom Denny, Bilger vv.it.

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