Milnathort Community Council Minute of the Milnathort Community Council (MCC) Meeting held on Thursday, 12th February 2015, in Orwell Parish Church Hall 1. Welcome: In the absence of the Chair - CClr Hamilton, CClr Milne-Home, Vice Chair, chaired the meeting; he welcomed CClrs Bennet and Thomson. CClr Cottingham later joined the meeting for Agenda Item 4 onwards. Also in attendance were Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) Clrs Giacopazzi and Robertson, and 5 members of the public. 2. Apologies: Apologies were received from CClrs Hamilton, Pettinger, Halford and Smith, and from PKC Clrs Barnacle and Cuthbert. 3. Police matters: PC Dougie Stapleton presented the Police report. Recent local crimes/issues included: Youths tapping on residents' windows in South Street. Vandalism to the trellises in the War Memorial Garden. Shoplifting at Sainsbury's Store - 'detected'. Possession of Cannabis in Kinross -'detected'. Break-ins at Bayne's Bakery/Cafe, Kinross, and Buchan's Garage, Kinnesswood, both of which were under enquiry, and An attempted break-in at Bowers' Hair Salon, which was also under enquiry. Other crimes in the wider area included fly-tipping, thefts from commercial premises and from works vehicles, theft of lead from roofs, and bogus workmen attempting to defraud residents. PC Stapleton also reported that three drivers had been warned about inconsiderate/illegal parking in North Street/Wester Loan. The Chair advised that Police Scotland were currently reviewing its 'Multi Member Ward Policing Plans' for the PKC area. These plans are reviewed every six months in order to keep local priorities up to date. Police Scotland are seeking feedback on the following issues: Main community/safety concerns for each community. Improvements to police local communications. How to achieve more effective reporting on progress. PC Stapleton advised that Police Scotland understood that current concerns in the local area were mainly: theft, speeding, anti-social behaviour, nuisance calls and inconsiderate driving; he asked for any other issues to be reported. A member of the public raised concerns about logging lorries driving through North Street and Wester Loan seemingly without regard for safety, both to other vehicles and to pedestrians. 4. Minutes of last meeting: A member of the public stated his concerns that the draft Minutes of the last meeting did not report that, during discussion of the proposed Conservation Status for Milnathort, a letter from another member of the public, voicing a range of concerns about the proposal, had not been made public until Clr Giacopazzi had drawn it to the meeting's attention. After a brief discussion the MCC agreed that the draft Minutes should be amended to report this. Subject to this amendment the Community Council approved the minutes of the meeting on Thursday 8th January 2015. CClr Thomson proposed approval and CClr Cottingham seconded the motion. 5. Matters arising: Shire-end Solar Farm: Clr Giacopazzi reported that this proposal would be taken by PKC Development Management Committee (DMC) at its next meeting; there was a potential for income for the three adjacent communities (Milnathort, Glenfarg and Forgandenny) should the proposal be agreed by PKC. Proposed flats at Wester Loan: CClr Cottingham reported that he had written to PKC stating MCC's concerns about this proposal. 6. Planning applications: The following planning applications in Milnathort were discussed, but no issues were raised: 14/02144/FLL: Erection of a dwellinghouse on land at Redhouse Wood, Tillyrie Farm 14/02223/FLL: Part change of use of car sales yard to domestic garden ground, extension to flat and erection of garage at Milnathort Motor Company, 111 South Street, KY13 9XB 15/00018/LBC: Installation of replacement windows at Ballingall House, KY13 0RH 15/00173/FLL: Change of use of part of paddock area to form additional garden ground at Quiech Cottage, Dalqueich, KY13 0RG 7. Planning applications determined: The MCC noted the following outcomes: 14/02140/FLL: Extension to dwellinghouse, 84 South Street, KY13 9XB - approved 14/02128/FLL: Erection of outbuildings at Quiech Cottage, Dalqueich, KY13 0RG - withdrawn 14/01848/FLL: Installation of street furniture and hard landscaping, High Street, Kinross for PKC - approved 8. Accounts: The Treasurer asked that any outstanding bills should be sent to her by 31st March 2015 so that she could close the accounts for FY 2014/15. 9. Local Footpaths: CClr Bennet raised concerns about horse riders using the Kinross-shire Community Woodland near Burleigh Castle causing damage to the surfaces of the paths and making them unsafe for walkers and cyclists. Following a short discussion Clr Robertson agreed to raise the issue with Dave Stubbs, PKC Access officer. 10. Kinross-shire Community Councils' Joint Meeting: The Chair advised that CClrs Hamilton and Cottingham had attended a joint meeting of Kinross-shire CCs. Three main items discussed included: Weighting of CC's concerns about planning applications - an input from a CC is treated as a single objection by PKC. Clr Robertson reported that he has written to Nick Brian, Development Quality Manager, PKC asking that objections from CCs be given more weighting. In response Mr Brian has suggested that, for a six-month trial, PKC officials scrutinise objections from CCs to determine whether there were sufficient grounds to refer them to the DMC. CC Funds. This item was discussed, but no actions were forthcoming. Local Development Plan. It was noted that the LDP was due for review in 2018, and inputs for proposed changes were sought. Following subsequent discussion the MCC believed that there was sufficient available local land zoned for development. 11. New Matters and Correspondence: The MCC discussed the following new matters: CClr Bennet asked whether the previous seesaw in Donaldson Park would be replaced. Clr Giacopazzi offered to raise the issue with PKC officials. The Chair advised that PKC had drawn up a list of events commemorating the First World War. Details are available at: www.facebook.com/PerthMuseum The Chair also advised that a public consultation by PKC on its draft Health and Social Care Integration Scheme would close on 27th February 2015; more information is available at: www.pkc.gov.uk/integration The Chair advised that PKC would hold planning training events for CClrs during May/June 2015. CClr Cottingham advised that LDP2 events would be held for CClrs on: 24th February at AK Bell Library from 1600 - 2000, 25th February at Pullar House from 0930 - 1300 and 9th March 2015 again at Pullar House from 1130 - 1700. Further information is available from Brenda Murray, PKC. The MCC recorded its disappointment about recent incidents of vandalism to the War memorial Garden and Flower tubs in the village. 12. Comments/Questions from the floor: A member of the public asked for an update on the planning application for a travellers' site near Mawcarse; Clr Giacopazzi advised that the closing date for an appeal was 24th March 2015. A member of the public raised an issue about access to and recording of MCC's communications. Following a short discussion, during which it emerged that one local CC issues a list of all communications attached to its agenda, the MCC agreed to discuss the issue at a future meeting. 13. P&K Councillors’ Comments: Clr Giacopazzi advised of the following: Work will soon commence on the footbridge crossing the M90 at Glenfarg; for a period of about six weeks one lane of the M90 will be closed. PKC intend to carry out enforcement action to ensure that the developer complies with the requirement to build a footpath at the B919 Mawcarse junction. The Town Hall clock was undergoing refurbishment. At a PKC budget setting meeting held earlier today,12 February 2015, PKC had been able to carry forward some £5 million unallocated savings to FY 2015/16. When asked whether some of this could be used to increase library opening times, he advised that the changes to the library facilities were as a result of initiatives to improve library services across PKC, rather than from a need for savings. Clr Robertson advised that: At the meeting above, PKC had withdrawn some £75,000 from its budget for music provision in schools and A previously reserved unused sum of £220,000 for flood relief action, had been allocated to be spent for the sole benefit of North Muirton; he intended to seek further clarification of this decision by PKC. 14. AOCB – DONM: Thursday 12th March 2015 in Orwell Church Hall, commencing at 7.30 pm .
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