SECTION Mov 9 1927 Ii inost s ever Ituoi\.n i Bearings in r: jerklessstartii are realities o \i it11 Ti~rllten 'l~aperetl I<oller Bearings. I-lot-box hazards and delays are unknoii.11. I{vca more is gained than good n-ill, reputa- tion and traffic volume. 88% of starting pon.cr is saved; tonnage rating is unaffected at lo\v tern- X'-R.ly \ ~cm of a I'lmken-equipped R"1l"""l J""rr';l'. T'mk'" tc'~er"' l>emtures. Journal \\ ear is \iirtually noI1-existcIit. cc,n$tructlon, 2 mkCn POSlTII'E1,Y A frzction cf previous maintenance cost per~nits AIIG,vFI, and ~i~k~~-~~d~ ~ - srerl rails ant1 curvc,s Page 2 ~Z/G&W,@MPLOI%S'#~WZJNE November, 1927 R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Miss. Prssldsnt Vice-Pres. and Gansral Manager SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone, Main 2312 In Fighting Fire - SOLVAY CALCIUM CHLORIDE as eff~ctiue ~YQSaspkin water Write for Booklet NO. 8255 THE SOLVAY SALES CORPORATION 40 Rector St. New York ~DEBARDELEBEN COALS Sipsey - Empire - Corona - Carbon Hill - Hull FOR DOMESTIC, STEAM, GAS, BY-PRODUCT AND CERAMICS The South's Largest Producers and Marketers of HIGH GRADE COALS DeBardeleben Preparation Southern Railway Building Gives Added Value BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA A // WESTERN TIE AND TIMBER COMPANY II 905 SYNDICATE TRUST BLDG. WALTER POLEMAN, President A. R. FATHMAN, Vice-president E. A. NIXON. Vice-president THOS. T. POLEMAN, Sec'y and Treas. Treated and Untreated Cross and Switch Ties, Piling, Car and Track Oak Owners of KETTLE RIVER TREATING COMPANY MADISON, ILLINOIS Zinc and Creosoted CROSS TIES, Modern ~dzin~and Boring Machines Treating Plants located at Madison and Edwardsville, Ill. E. A. NIXON, President E. J. STOCKIKG, Sales Mgr. A. R. FATHMAN, Vice-president H. G. RlcELHINNEY, Sec'y and Gen. Supt. I R. E. KNEELAND, V.-P. and G. Mgr. J. E. PETERSON, Treasurer Plants at M ABERDEEN, MISS., on Frisco SUPPLYING COLUMBUS, MISS., on Southern PILING STEEN, MISS., on Southern for WiIBLEY, MISS., on C. Q G. J. W. McMURRY on MILPORT, ALA., on Southern BRIDGE WORK FERNBANK, ALA., on Southern MIKE P. PARRA DEALER IN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH POLES TIES AND PILING for RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION AND FOUNDATIONS 1x 30 COLUMBUS, MISS. Novcazber, 1927 Pagc 3 ~F@co~MPLOJ%S'~@ZINE Pnge 6 TEXAS "TALKS TURKEY" IN MILLIONS Brady-on-the-Frisco Will Stage Annual Turqey Trot Nooember 11-20,000 Birds in Parade - -- - By BEN B. LEWIS, Frisco Lines, Ft. Worth. Tex. whole-hearted tribute to the Brady turkeys, brought about by the 5th to December 15th. Shipments are A": key industry which will net more general use of pure-blooded made in refrigerator cars, mostly to far:mers and ranchmen of the stock for breeding purposes. And due New York and Boston, but some to "Heart o~t Texas" country more than to the choice meat of these improved San Francisco and other centers. Mr. one mi11 ion dollars this fall, Brady, strains, the Brady market last year C. Crawford, energetic Frisco agent Texas orI Frisco Lines will stage its was several cents per pound higher at Brady, predicts that the Frisco mill fourth annual turkey trot on Armistice than at other Texas points. When haul her usual quota of these cars. Day. November 11th. you "talk turkey" in Brady, you are About twenty carloads of live turkeys ThiIs unique pageant will be filmed making good, straight talk. are also shipped out each year. by thlree nationally known news reel The turkey is essentially a ranger comp,anies, thereby spreading the of the "wide, open spaces", where he fanle of thls Frisco city to the four attains a great growth of limb; but corne1.8 of the earth. several weeks before the appointed Thc~usands of live turkeys will time of his destiny he is restricted to proudIly "strut their stuff" before the closer quarters and allowed an ex- admil-ing eyes of ten thousand expect- ceptionally generous feed, to render ~rl-.. vi! .sitors prior to gracing the tables him full-fleshed and savory. of Thanksgiving celebrants in all McCulloch county is peculiarly parts of the United States. adapted to acconlmodate turkey traits, The Brady post of the American having plenty of range room and an Legion will have charge of the pro- abundant supply of feed, which is per- gram, which has come to be the big haps the reason, coupled with the play-day event of the year in a sec- progressiveness of her citizenship, tion where the serious business in life why she has forged to the front as the is raising livestock. The word "cat- foremost producer of the turkey in tle" has ever symbolized the Texan's the entire Southwest. flrst 1love, but in spite of the fact that Brad)r ships ten cars of cattle to one car ()f turkeys, the "million dollar PLAY FOR SUFFERERS turke y crop" is not lightly esteemed. C01 or and charm are lent to these Frisco Best Service Team in annu: 11 pageants by elaborately dec- Charity Contest, Oct. 9 orate11 floats depicting various phases of thc s turkey industry. which has ex- Hc's ''proud of kissclf" just nowbz~t RISCO Best Service baseball team, pandc?d rapidly in the past few years; wo~ith taste good on your table of the Seventh Street Station, St. and by the picturesque costumes worn Thanksgivir~g day. Louis, did its bit for the benefit by th e cowboys and girls who attend of the sufferers, because of the tornado in gaIa attire. It is said that a favorite weapon of which hit St. Louis last month, by To many a hungry boy the sight of the ancient cave man was a club made arranging a double-header baseball one 1,arge "gobbler" lifted brown and from the mammoth's foreleg, while game which was played at Fairground juicy from the oven on Thanksgiving S amps on undoubtedly performed Park, St. Louis, Sunday, October 9, Day t o the place of honor on the fes- wonders with the jawbone of an ass. before a crowd of approximately 8,000 tive board, is a thing of wonder. They claim in Brady that the "clean- fans and from which was realized a Imagl ne, then, the sight of twenty ed" hind leg of a "turkey tom" serves gross return of $913.29, all of which thous and "gobblers" in one compact just as well! Some of the birds grow was presented to the St. Louis Chapter flock! Brady has frequently been exceedingly large, it is true; and if of the American Red Cross. treat€?d to this remarkable spectacle, present plans materialize, Brady in- The Frisco team, which won sixteen when vast herds have been corralled tends to send a few of the largest of the twenty-one games it played this in thc3 beautiful pecan groves adjacent specimens on the market to president season, played the Morgan Haulers, to the3 four large dressing plants locat- Coolidge, Vice President Dawes, Gov- which had won the championship in ed in that city. ernor Moody, and other notables. the St. Louis AIunicipal League this Thc3 ranking of the turkey in the An amusing, if slightly expensive, season. The Morgan Haulers defeat- econo mic structure of iv1cCulloch incident occurred during the turkey ed the Frisco team 6-2. This game count y was aptly portrayed by one of trot last year when a large tom be- was the main event of the benefit the flloats in last year's turkey trot. came freightened and flew through double-header. The preliminary game A gia tnt papier-mache gobbler twelve a plate-glass window of one of the was between the Pants Stores and the feet t all and eight feet from the tip of stores. The ofPe;l:ler was promptly Chevrolet Motors teams, the Chev- his h ead to the lip of his tail, rode sentenced to be executed-on Thanks- rolets winning 6-5. rnafes:tically with his queen upon this giving Day! The chairmen of the Frisco Best float Iat the head of the parade. Near- The Pour dressing plants are Service team committees which ar- ly onc a-half million turkeys were dress- thoroughly equipped to handle cleanly ranged this event were: E. W. Miller, ed at, and shipped from Brady last and promptly the task of slaughtering, arrangements; R. 1~.Klein, grounds; year. cleaning, cooling, packing and Ioad- Miss Agnes Larkin, ticket seller, and Ex1perts claim that constant improve- ing of approximately one-half million M. E. Slattery, ticket taker. Arthur rnent has been noted in the quality of turkeys during the season November Boen, is manager of the Frisco team, More than 20,000 birds "posed" for their picture (nbove) at the aimlial "Turkey Trot" in Brady, Texas, Novewaber 11, 1926. Brady will have even more birds in the 1927 Trot Armistice Day. Rough Handling Damage Decreases 35.4 Pcr Cent First Nine Months ITH the operating department termlnah is urged by RI. fix. Sisson, report shows competition has result- W goal set at a 50 per cent re- assistant general manager, Springfield, ed in decided fluctuations, a notable duction in the amount of clam- who points out that the report Shows instance being the climb of Western age to cars due to rough handling for the terminals stand, for the first nine division from fifth place for the first 1927 as compared with 1926, the Per months this year, exactly where they nine months of 1925 to first place for centage decrease for the first nine stood for the corresponding period the corl.esponding period of months of 1927 stands at 35.4.
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