GENEVAGENEVA AMATEURAMATEUR OPERATICOPERATIC SOCIETYSOCIETY PRESENTSPRESENTS GENEVA AMATEUR OPERATIC SOCIETY PRESENTS THETHE 20152015 PANTOMIMEPANTOMIME THE 2015 PANTOMIME byby TimTim PerrinPerrin by Tim Perrin :: : DirectedDirected byby BillBill HeckelHeckel Directed by Bill Heckel AssistedAssisted byby LizLiz WilliamsWilliams Assisted by Liz Williams MusicalMusical Director:Director: AlanAlan RobbinsRobbins Musical Director: Alan Robbins THÉÂTRETHÉÂTRE DEDE MARENSMARENS THÉÂTRE DE MARENS 55 RouteRoute dudu Stand,Stand, 12601260 NYONNYON 5 Route du Stand, 1260 NYON Saturday,Saturday, 14 14 November November 2015 2015 at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday,Sunday, 15 15 November November at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Sunday, 15 November at 14h00 and 18h30 Friday,Friday, 4 4 December December at at 20h00 20h00 Friday, 4 December at 20h00 Saturday,Saturday, 5 5 December December at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Saturday, 5 December at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday,Sunday, 6 6 December December at at 14h00 14h00 and and 18h30 18h30 Sunday, 6 December at 14h00 and 18h30 1 www.gaos.chwww.gaos.ch www.gaos.ch GENEVA AMATEUR OPERATIC SOCIETY PRESENTS THE 2015 PANTOMIME by Tim Perrin : Directed by Bill Heckel Assisted by Liz Williams Musical Director: Alan Robbins THÉÂTRE DE MARENS 5 Route du Stand, 1260 NYON Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday, 15 November at 14h00 and 18h30 Friday, 4 December at 20h00 Saturday, 5 December at 14h00 and 18h30 Sunday, 6 December at 14h00 and 18h30 www.gaos.ch A WELCOME FROM THE GAOS CHAIRMAN The festive season is a time It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our 2015 Christmas Pantomime of joy and happiness! Of fun and laughter! RUMPELSTILTSKIN Of fun and laughter! For gifts and surprises…. Please get comfortable in your seat for some seasonal family fun in this scintillating tale of magic, mystery and mischief. A story brimful of laughter, singing and dancing. And, of course, true love. “It’s also a time that could GAOS has been proudly presenting Christmas shows for most of the past forty years. Our see you lose Thousands in archives of GAOS productions contain an awesome collection of pictures and information. see you lose Thousands in For example, you might notice that our 1988 production, Peter Pan, had a certain Tim Ber- tax deductions” ners-Lee in the cast! Check it out at our website: www.gaos.ch/Memories. Past shows include all the classics — some of them more than once — but also origi- nal works, like Rumpelstiltskin. The original script is by Tim Perrin, and the director is Bill Heckel. The musical director is Alan Robbins, and the choreography team was headed by Karen Ball. Our story takes place in the village of Pair-o’-Dice (geddit?), where King Avarus is search- ing for a bride for his son Prince Henry. Times are hard in Pair-o’-Dice and the King believes Dame Sloe’s claim that her daughter Prunella can spin gold from straw. Locked in a tower with a spinning wheel, Prunella is helped by a man who exacts an unusual promise from her. Then the tale takes a sinister turn ... I will tell you no more. Will our tale end Happily Ever After? I do hope so. Our wonderful cast and crew have put together a magnificent show that we know will please and delight you. Live theatre is a challenge at all levels. We are able to maintain our high standards and longevity as a group thanks to many people — our members, our sister organization, the Geneva English Drama Society (GEDS), and our booking office, Theatre in We’re sure you’re familiar with the three pillar pension system here English (TiE). For this production specifically, we are also grateful to the entire Théâtre de We’re sure you’re familiar with the three pillar pension system here in Switzerland and you’re hopefully making the most out of your in Switzerland and you’re hopefully making the most out of your Marens team for their support and outstanding professionalism, and to all of our adverti- contributions. But you may not know that unless you pay into the &DOOXVDQGRQHRIRXUTXDOLÀHGOLWWOH contributions. But you may not know that unless you pay into the &DOOXVDQGRQHRIRXUTXDOLÀHGOLWWOH Third Pillar before the 15th December then you could be missing KHOSHUVZLOOWDON\RXWKURXJKWKHSURFHVV sers and sponsors for their generous support. They join all of us at GAOS in wishing a Merry Third Pillar before the 15th December then you could be missing KHOSHUVZLOOWDON\RXWKURXJKWKHSURFHVV out on thousands in tax deductions for 2015. out on thousands in tax deductions for 2015. Christmas and Happy New Year to you, our audience, without whom we would not exist. Even if you already have a 3rd pillar set up. Even if you already have a 3rd pillar set up. So now, please sit back, relax and indulge in a brief return to childhood, as we take you to • Is it up to date? • Is it up to date? Call 022 710 7864 • Are you covered in case of unexpected events? Call 022 710 7864 that place which all the girls and boys, young and old, adore. The world of Fairy Tales. • Are you covered in case of unexpected events? • Is it set up properly so you can guarantee property against it? • Is it set up properly so you can guarantee property against it? Mike Sell, Chairman Also If you live in the Canton of Geneva, did you know you can Also If you live in the Canton of Geneva, did you know you can reduce your taxes further … reduce your taxes further … So, in between writing Santa’s list, stocking up the log pile and If you would like to know more about our forthcoming productions or to express an opinion about our activities, So, in between writing Santa’s list, stocking up the log pile and ordering your turkey, give your pension some ‘You’ time and get the ordering your turkey, give your pension some ‘You’ time and get the best present ever. please contact me at [email protected] Alternatively, just have a word with one of the many “Ask Me About best present ever. GAOS” people at the theatre today. www.gwm-intl.com Email: [email protected] ICC Business Centre, 20 Route de Pré-Bois, 1215 Geneva 15 www.gwm-intl.com Email: [email protected] ICC Business Centre, 20 Route de Pré-Bois, 1215 Geneva 15 A WELCOME FROM THE GAOS CHAIRMAN The festive season is a time It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our 2015 Christmas Pantomime of joy and happiness! RUMPELSTILTSKIN Of fun and laughter! For gifts and surprises…. Please get comfortable in your seat for some seasonal family fun in this scintillating tale of magic, mystery and mischief. A story brimful of laughter, singing and dancing. And, of course, true love. “It’s also a time that could GAOS has been proudly presenting Christmas shows for most of the past forty years. Our archives of GAOS productions contain an awesome collection of pictures and information. see you lose Thousands in For example, you might notice that our 1988 production, Peter Pan, had a certain Tim Ber- tax deductions” ners-Lee in the cast! Check it out at our website: www.gaos.ch/Memories. Past shows include all the classics — some of them more than once — but also origi- nal works, like Rumpelstiltskin. The original script is by Tim Perrin, and the director is Bill Heckel. The musical director is Alan Robbins, and the choreography team was headed by Karen Ball. Our story takes place in the village of Pair-o’-Dice (geddit?), where King Avarus is search- ing for a bride for his son Prince Henry. Times are hard in Pair-o’-Dice and the King believes Dame Sloe’s claim that her daughter Prunella can spin gold from straw. Locked in a tower with a spinning wheel, Prunella is helped by a man who exacts an unusual promise from her. Then the tale takes a sinister turn ... I will tell you no more. Will our tale end Happily Ever After? I do hope so. Our wonderful cast and crew have put together a magnificent show that we know will please and delight you. Live theatre is a challenge at all levels. We are able to maintain our high standards and longevity as a group thanks to many people — our members, our sister organization, the Geneva English Drama Society (GEDS), and our booking office, Theatre in English (TiE). For this production specifically, we are also grateful to the entire Théâtre de We’re sure you’re familiar with the three pillar pension system here in Switzerland and you’re hopefully making the most out of your Marens team for their support and outstanding professionalism, and to all of our adverti- contributions. But you may not know that unless you pay into the &DOOXVDQGRQHRIRXUTXDOLÀHGOLWWOH sers and sponsors for their generous support. They join all of us at GAOS in wishing a Merry Third Pillar before the 15th December then you could be missing KHOSHUVZLOOWDON\RXWKURXJKWKHSURFHVV out on thousands in tax deductions for 2015. Christmas and Happy New Year to you, our audience, without whom we would not exist. Even if you already have a 3rd pillar set up. So now, please sit back, relax and indulge in a brief return to childhood, as we take you to • Is it up to date? Call 022 710 7864 that place which all the girls and boys, young and old, adore. The world of Fairy Tales. • Are you covered in case of unexpected events? • Is it set up properly so you can guarantee property against it? Mike Sell, Chairman Also If you live in the Canton of Geneva, did you know you can reduce your taxes further … If you would like to know more about our forthcoming productions or to express an opinion about our activities, So, in between writing Santa’s list, stocking up the log pile and ordering your turkey, give your pension some ‘You’ time and get the please contact me at [email protected] Alternatively, just have a word with one of the many “Ask Me About best present ever.
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