Section on the History of Sociology August 2006 E-Newsletter Number 6 A VISTA FOR RESEARCH IN THE HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY: Inside this issue: SCHOOLS AS THE UNIT OF ANALYSIS—Edward A. Tiryakian Election Results 2 I. I was recently invited ciologists who have After all, we are not by the editors of The made their mark in the training historians but International Encyclope- development of sociol- sociologists. My conten- HOS 2006 Award Re- 2 dia of the Social Sci- ogy – indeed, I have tion is that the field has cipients ences, 2nd ed done that in my teach- developed – at least until (Macmillan 2007) to pre- ing the undergraduate fairly recently—by the Recent Member Publi- 3 pare an entry on course (which when I emergence, develop- cations “Sociology, Schools”. I gave it regularly was ment, and occasional draw on this and earlier designated “History of hegemony of schools. Urgent Message from 7 writings on schools to Social Thought”). In the Chair present to those having fact, most textbooks in II. “Schools” have a long a serious interest in the sociological theory or history in sociology – ASA Annual Meeting 10 history of sociology why the history of sociologi- how can it be otherwise HOS Session Preview I consider this a still un- cal theory do follow if so much of sociology, trodden vista for signifi- some sort of individual- now and then, has been ASA Annual Meeting 11 cant research and for izing order, with some the quest for community, Workshop Preview application in revising “canons” and perhaps present or absent in the how we train graduate some idiosyncratic everyday lifeworld? HOS Officers and Com- 12 students in the history of choices. But this order- While sociologists rou- mittees the discipline. ing is not the optimal tinely invoke (very It is fine to teach way of training gradu- briefly) Comte as the ASA Council 2005- 12 undergraduates the ate students of sociol- founder of sociology, 2006 names of individual so- ogy, in my judgment. (Continued on page 4) The Disobedient Generation: Social Theorists in the Sixties. Edited by Alan Sica and Stephen Turner. 2005. The University of Chicago Press. Paper $24 (ISBN 0-226-75625-4), Cloth $62 (ISBN 0-226-75624-6). In writing to in- ciologist and about generation of 68,” and heritors of the sociologi- working and living in the environment or cul- cal tradition, Alvin the change, challenge, ture of the period as “the Gouldner reminded us loss, and chaos of the events of 68.” They also that “. .the roots of soci- sixties. The book con- note that the students of ology pass through the sists of an Introduction 68 began their education sociologist as a total and 18 chapters, writ- on “a high note,” but man [and we presume ten by sociologists when Ph.Ds. were com- woman], and the ques- whose names are rec- pleted the job market tion he [she] must con- ognized for their contri- was glutted and career front. .is not merely butions to social the- opportunities for white how to work but how to ory. The editors focus males diminished by Af- live” (1970: 489). The on 1968 as the “peak firmative Action and the Disobedient Generation of sociology,” label stu- feminist movement. The is about becoming a so- dents of the era as “the (Continued on page 8) August 2006 Page 2 New HOS section officers for 2006-2007 The Nominations Committee of HOS is pleased to announce the results of the Spring 2006 elections. We congratulate those elected and look forward to their leadership as officers in HOS during the next three years. We also wish to express the appreciation of the entire HOS membership to those who stood for office but were not elected. Their commitment to the section as expressed by their candida- cies is deeply appreciated. We look forward to welcoming our new officers at our meetings in Montreal. Chair-Elect (2006): Jennifer Platt Secretary-Treasurer (2006-2009): Mikaila L. Arthur Council Member (2006-2009): SylviaSylvia Pedraza Council Member (2006-2009): Alford A. Young The HOS Nominations Committee 2005-2006 Susan Hoecker-Drysdale, Chair Alan Sica Jan Thomas Stephen Turner Congratulations to the History of Sociology Award Winners Graduate Student Paper Award Jonathan Dirk VanAntwerpen, Univ. of California at Berkeley "Empiricism, Interactionism, and Epistelmological Authority: Reexamining Blumer's Early Sociological Practice" Book Award Anthony J. Blasi, Tennessee State University Editor, Diverse Histories of American Sociology (Brill 2005) Distinguished Scholarly Achievement Irving Louis Horowitz, Rutgers University The presentation of these awards will be made at the HOS reception in Montreal, Sunday, August 13. August 2006 Page 3 Recent Member Publications Calhoun, Craig and Jonathan VanAntwerpen. “Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, and Hierarchy: ‘Mainstream’ So- ciology and its Challengers” in Sociology in America: A History, edited by Craig Calhoun. Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming 2006. Glenn A. Goodwin and Joseph A. Scimecca, "Classical Sociological Theory: Rediscovering the Promise of Sociology" Hewitt, Regina. 2006. Symbolic Interactions: Social Problems and Literary Interventions in the Works of Baillie, Scott, and Landor. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press. Lidz, Victor and Harold J. Bershady. (2006). “Parsons’ Tacit Metatheory”. In Helmut Staubmann, ed., Action Theory: Methodological Studies. Hamburg: LITT Verlag. Lidz, Victor. 2006 “Introductory Comments” to “The Sociology of Knowledge and the History of Ideas” (by Talcott Parsons). In Helmut Staubmann, ed., Action Theory: Methodological Studies. Hamburg: LITT Verlag. Phillips, Alton and Jonathan VanAntwerpen. “Histories of American Sociology: Readings and Resources” in Sociology in America: A History, edited by Craig Calhoun. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming 2006. Segre, Sandro. 2005. "A Weberian Account of Social Norms and Trust in Financial Markets." Max Weber Studies, Vol. 5 (2). Segre, Sandro. 2005. La relación entre Weber y Troeltsch y la génesis de La ética protestante In Javier Rodriguez. En el centenario del la ética protestante y el espiritu del capitalismo (Javier Rodriguez Martinez ed.). Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Spagna). Segre, Sandro. 2005. L'etnometodologia in Italia, in Luigi Muzzetto, Sandro Segre (eds.), Prospettive sul mondo della vita. Sociologia fenomenologica ed etnometodologia: materiali per un confronto. Mi- lano: FrancoAngeli. Segre, Sandro. 2006. "Sociologia fenomenologica e interazionismo simbolico." Quaderni di Sociologia, Vol. 41 (2). CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. Sprague, Joey and Kelley Massoni. 2005. “Student Evaluations And Gendered Expectations: What We Can’t Count Can Hurt Us,” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 53, 11-12: 779-793. Sprague, Joey. 2005. Feminist Methodologies for Critical Researchers: Bridging Differences. AltaMira/ Rowman & Littlefield. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Tocqueville in New Orleans… before and after Katrina,” Sociation Today, 4, no. 1. (Continued on page 4) August 2006 Page 4 Recent Member Publications—cont’d (Continued from page 3) Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Emile Durkheim” and “Pitirim A. Sorokin” in George Ritzer, ed., The Black- well Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Gabriel Tarde,”, “Alain Touraine,” and “Tradition”, Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Bryan Turner, Editor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “A Sociologist for the 21st Century: Pitirim Sorokin,” in Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos, Elvira del Pozo, ed., Valencia, Spain. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Have Sociological Passport, Will Travel,” in Mathieu Deflem, ed., Sociolo- gists in a Global Age: Biographical Perspectives. Aldershot Hants, UK and Burlington, VT: Ash- gate. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Introduction” to reissue of Pitirim A. Sorokin, The United States and Russia. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers, forthcoming. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Globalization and Civilization,” in Roland Robertson, ed., Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: Grolier Academic. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “When is the Nation no longer?” for Andreas Sturm, Mitchell Young and Eric Zuelow, eds., Globalization and Nationalism: The Persistence of Nations. Routledge Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity, Wm. Safran series editor. London & New York: Routledge. Tiryakian, Edward A. 2006. “Coping with Collective Stigma: the Case of Germany,” in Daniel Rothbart and Karina Korostelina, eds., Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Confllict. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield. VanAntwerpen, Jonathan. “Critical Sociology and the Interdisciplinary Imagination.” Thesis Eleven 84: 60-72 (February 2006). VanAntwerpen, Jonathan. “Resisting Sociology’s Seductive Name: Frederick J. Teggart and Sociology at Berkeley” in Diverse Histories of American Sociology, edited by Anthony J. Blasi. Leiden: Brill, 2005. Wright II, Earl and Thomas C. Calhoun. 2006. "Jim Crow Sociology: Toward An Understanding of the Origin and Principles of Black Sociology Via the Atlanta Sociological Laboratory." Sociological Focus 39(1):1-18. August 2006 Page 5 Research in the History of Sociology—continued (Continued from page 1) the school, its mode of recruitment, an “economy of scale” being its adaptations to mainstream insti- part of a school which is not they could make the genesis of tutions, its diffusion across disci- available to individuals. Yet, sociology more interesting and plines including successes and fail- some truly highly gifted and more relevant
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