m a n c h e s t e r - MUSTANG G h ia , 1979- Saturday, Noyember Good running condi­ FORD-1984, LTD Wagon. FUEL OIL/COAL/ 18th, 9:30am-l :00pm. tion. Sunroof. $800. CHRYSLER Newport, Loaded. 70K, damaged FIREWOOD Second Congrega­ L e a v e m essage, 647- 1977-No body rust, le ft fro n t tender. $1,600. tio n a l C h u rch , 385 N. 0856._____________ _ good c o n d itio n . $900. 645-0673. WHITE EN TERPRISES, INC. - SUBDIVISION (W-49); S PE­ POLISH woman will SEASONED Hardwood- Main Street. Toys, C a ll 649-3854. FORD Fairmont, 1981-2 CIAL EXCEPTIO N (W-50): EROSION CO N TRO L (W-51) - clean your house. For $100 cord dumped. lamps, records, clo­ more Information call door, Sedan, 4 cy­ 1135-1181 TOLLAND TPKE. — approved the application to Load delivered locally. thing, misc. Items. linder, power steering- 644-2835, 644-4663. create a four lot subdivision at the above address. The Com­ 875-7308.______________ CUTLASS C le r a , 1985, /brakes, automatic BOB RILEY mission also approved the request for a special exception FINE Wood for sale. Call M a ro o n , 4 c y lin d e r , transmission. Excel­ under Article II, Section 9.15.01 of the zoning regulations to MISCELLANEOUS now before those long HOLIDAY FAIR air, at/fm stereo lent condition, new ex­ OLDSMOBILE permit development of parcels which require more than 60 winter nights set In. cassette, new tires, ex­ haust system. Call 646- Nov. 17lh, 7pm-9pm, $3.00 259 Adams St., parking spaces and the erosion control plan for said develop­ HD SERVICES $100 a co rd , $55 h a lf a cellent condition. Ask- 1427.__________________ ment at the rear of the above address. Ing $4,500. 951-9993. cord. We dellyer lo­ Nov. 10th, 9am-3pm, FREE BUICK Century Wagon, Manchester TOWN OF MANCHESTER - WETLANDS PERMIT - OL- GSL Building Mainte­ c a lly . C a ll 429-2236. Unitarian Meeting House MERCURY Colony Park nance Co. Commercl- 1980. Runs. Needs 649-1749 CO TT S T R E E T (SANITARY LANDFILL) (T-133) - acting in its 153 W. Vernon SL Wagon, 1979, loaded, w o rk. $500. 649-6250 af- al/ResIdentlal building 1987 Dodge Shelby 2 $7,995 capacity as the Inland Wetlands agency, the Commission ap­ Manchester good condition. $500. te r 4pm.______________ proved the request to conduct regulated activities within the repairs and home Im- C a ll 742-6186.__________ 1989 Olds Trole-O $17,995 proyements. Interior MUSICAL •Ctiristmas Gilts Potleiy OLDSMOBI LE-1984 1987 Ford Mustang GT $11,995 wetlands and the regulated areas within 50 feet of the wet­ PONTIAC Catalina, 1966- and exterior pointing, ITEMS Preserves Near Antiques O m e g a Broughman. lands at the above address. Good running condi­ 1987 Olds Calais $6995 light carpentry. Com­ HD •Bakery -Flags 'Books Loaded, new tlres- 1987 Chevy S-10 Blazer $9,995 A copy of this decision has been filed in the Town Clerk’s of­ tio n . $2,000. 289-5983, plete lanitorlal ser- BALDWIN Spinet Plano, /b ra k e s, tuned. $3,900. 1985 Ford LTD $4,995 fice. •Baskets Chlklrens's Items call after 5pm. ylce. Experienced, rel­ Italian Provincial 643-0204.______________ 1986Clds98 $9,995 Planning and Zoning Commission iable, tree estimates. S tyle. A sk in g $1,000. MUSTANG Convertible- 1986 Cadi Fleetwood $13,995 Leo Kwash, Secretary 643-0304.______________ C a ll 289-5210 a fte r 5pm. F O R D G ra n a d a , 1981, a ir, 1966, 6 c y lin d e r, stand ­ 1984 Porsche 944 $13,995 Opening at the Product Show ... page 3 automatic, new bra- L E A F R e m o v a l - Free a r d transmission. 1984 Audi 5000S $6,995 030-11 kes/starter, tu n e -u p, estimates. Call Ken 643- $2,500. 646-2304 Otter 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 CARS cle a n , 90K, $1,000. A fte r 0747.__________________ PETS AND FOR SALE 6pm .__________________ 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo $6,995 NOTICE TO CREDITORS HD 4:30, 646-0089._________ 1987 Pont. Bonneville $9,995 PIANO Tuning by gradu­ HONDA-1988, Civic ESTATE OF HOMES HD SUPPLIES DATSUN 810, 1978-240Z 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 ate of Hortt School of Hatchback. Sunroof, AM C Concord, 1979. Well e n g in e , good c o n d i­ JO HN F. H EN N ESSEY | m 1FOR RENT Music. Ward Krause. plnstrlplng. Call after 1966 Clds Delta Sedan $7,995 WANTED: Good home equipped. A s Is. 649- tio n . $595.643-4971 a fte r The Honorable William E. 643-5336. 6pm , 646-2990. for a terrific mixed 4931. 10:00 o m ._____________ FitzGerald, Judge of the Court bedrooms, fireplace, breed dog. For a great 1976 F-100 Flat Bed. 351-W CAMARO-1983 a u t o ­ of Probate, District of appliances. $ 8 0 0 ■pet, c a ll 643-0793 a fte r CARAVAN, 1985. Load ed Hurst. 3 speed, Holley 2 matic, Incredibly low CLYDE Manchester at a hearing held monfhly, securlfles. 6:00 p.m . V with extras. Excellent mileage, V8, red, great on 11/14/89 ordered that all CLOTHING Barrel. Best offer. Call CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC 646-1972. HD c o n d itio n . $6,500. C a ll body. 523-7169 after ROUTE 93, VERNON claims must be presented to M a rk a fte r 3pm , 649- 643-6595. 6pm. 84 Line. Continental $9,995 the fiducia^ at the address WHITE Weddlng/Prom I MISCELLANEOUS 2111. below. Failure to promptly STORE/OFFICE gow n. S ize 10/12. Needs FOR SALE 84 Buick Century Wbg $5,995 present any such claim may cle a n in g . $80. 649-8318. I 64 Clds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 result in the loss of rights to FOR RENT Ifianrhpatpr lUprali 85 Celebrity 4 Dr. Wag. $6,695 recover on such claim. $9,995 OFFICE Space-330 END ROLLS 85 Electra4 Dr. Susan McQuay, sq u a re feet, $302 per 85 Caprice Wagon $6,895 Ass’t Clerk FURNITURE 27’/4" width — 25C month, all utilities in­ HD NOVEMBER 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $4,995 13" width — 2 for 25« The fiduciary is; cluded, 1 mile to 1-84, Newsprint end rolls can be 86 Della 88 2 Dr $9,995 Margaret K. Hennessey Peterman Real Estate. DARK Pine dining room set with great hutch picked up at the Manchester 88 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm d o Steven D. Zuboff, Esq. 649-9404._______________ Saturday, Nov. 18,1989 and sink. Good condi­ Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. 86 Century Wagon $7,495 344 Center Street AAANCHESTER-5 room Monday through Thursday. Manchester, CT 06040 tio n . $800. 646-0619. TRUCK SALE 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 office or retail suite. 86ChevrolelNova4Dr $6,395 029-11 Parking, excellent sign [GREAT SELECTION OF 1990 CHEVY visibility. G 8. S Asso- 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 Court of Probate, c la te s, 643-2121._______ CARS I CARS 66 Chevette 4 Dr. $4,995 District of Coventry MANCHESTER-Prime HD FOR SALE FOR SALE TRUCKS AVAILABLE NOW... 86 Pont Grand Am SE $6/495 NOTICE OF HEARING East Center Street lo­ 87 Plymouth Sundance 2 Dr. $6,895 ESTATE OF cation. Attractlye Co­ 16 FULL SIZE 4X4 S 87 Rjntiac Trans Am $11,495 Flip-flop on pay hike LORRAINE ST. AMANT lonial decor with fire­ Pursuant to an order of Hon. place. Great road CLYDE CARS 20 S-10 BLAZER 4X4 S 872-9111 Patrick M. Prue Acting, Judge, yisiblllty and parking. dated November 14, 1989 a Security system. $925 Senate rejects $30,000, hearing will be held on an ^ - per month. Allbrio 25 5-10 COMPACT PU S CARDINAL R e a lty . 649-0917. plication praying for admission BUICK, INC. to probata of an instrument in 10 FULL SIZE VANS writing purporting to be the BOLTON 1989 Century Coupe $11,960 votes $8,700 for itself Last Will and Testament of 1988 Skylark Sedan Special $8,590 5 room Ranch w/jacuzzi PLUS 1988 Chav S-10 Ext Cab P/U $10,980 said deceased, and for the ap­ in industrial zone. Will pointment of the proposed 1988 Pantiac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 rent as office or S ALL NEW LUMINA APV MINI VANS 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type $11^90 By Steven Komarow Majority Leader George Mitchell, fiduciary, as in said applica­ D-Mainc, not to adopt the full pay business. 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 The Associated Press tion on file more fully appears, 1987GMCS-15SplPAJ $6,380 at the Court of Probate 979 Call 647-1901 Pre-Owned 1989 BUICK CENTURYS raise and accompanying ban on 1987 Chev S-10 PAi $6,280 speech honoraria in the House plan. Main Street, Willimantic, CT., 2 OOOR SPORT COUPES & 4 DOOR FAMILY SEDANS OUR MOST ALL PRICED TO SELL NOW WITH 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 W A S H IN G TO N — The Senate on Thursday, November 30, POPULAR MID-SIZE PREMIUM CAR FULLY EQUIPPED V6, AIR C O N D When it became apparent he STEREO, tilt w h e e l , REAR DEFOGGER REMAINDER OF 36/50 000 1986 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8,480 late Friday got cold feet and backed 1989 at 10:15 A.M.
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