Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73431-8 - The American 1930s: A Literary History Peter Conn Index More information Index Abe Lincoln in Illinois (Robert Sherwood), 113 American Ballet Caravan, 80 Abernathy, Thomas, 211 American Children’s Theater, 80 Abraham Lincoln: the Prairie Years (Carl American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 216 Sandburg), 109; 113 American Doctor’s Odyssey, An (Victor Heiser), Abraham Lincoln: the War Years (Carl 147; 251 Sandburg), 110 American Exodus, An (Dorothea Lange and Absalom, Absalom (William Faulkner), 158; Paul S. Taylor), 43; 48 159–161; 162–163 American Expeditionary Forces, 18 Academy Awards, 167 American Federation of Labor, 217 Action at Aquila (Hervey Allen), 100 American Grammar (Noah Webster), 119 Adamic, Louis, 4 American Guide Series, 53; 54; 172; 184; 227 Adams, Henry, 25; 84; 145 American Historical Association, 160; 194 Adams, James Truslow, 68; 211 American Historical Review 274.12;, 192 Adams, J. Donald, 163 American History (David Saville Muzzey), 68; Adding Machine, The (Elmer Rice), 241 170 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Mark American Humor: A Study of the National Twain), 42 Character (Constance Rourke), 120 Aeschylus, 94 American Institute of Planners, 240; 241 Age of Innocence, The (Edith Wharton), American Jitters (Edmund Wilson), 42 44; 138 American Negro Slavery (Ulrich B. Phillips), Age of Jackson, The (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.), 169; 176 114 American Novel, 1789–1939, The (Carl Van Agee, James, 35–36; 38; 39; 42; 70 Doren), 125 Aiken, Conrad, 54; 83 American Reader (Noah Webster), 119 Akers, Dwight, 80 “American Scholar, The” (Ralph Waldo Alabama Guide, The, 57 Emerson), 119 Albee, Edward, 47 American Society of Landscape Architects, 108 “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” (Irving Berlin), 51 American Spelling Book (Noah Webster), 118 Alger, Horatio, Jr., 92; 140 American Tobacco Company, 176–177 Algren, Nelson, 54 American Tragedy, An (Theodore Dreiser), Alison’s House (Susan Glaspell), 128; 129 52; 216 All Quiet on the Western Front (Erich Maria American Years (Harold Sinclair), 59 Remarque), 38 “Amos ’n’ Andy”, 192–193 All the King’s Men (Robert Penn Warren), Anabasis (Xenophon), 237 178 Anderson, Charity, 199 All This and Heaven Too (Rachel Field), 59 Anderson, Maxwell, 68; 70; 227 All Ye People (Merle Colby), 59 Anderson, Sherwood, 4; 42; 49; 155 Allen, Ethan, 64 Andrew Jackson: the Border Captain (Marquis Allen, Frederick Lewis, 22–24 James), 114 Allen, Hervey, 15; 96; 99–101 Andrew Jackson: Portrait of a President America Now (Harold Stearns), 32; 33; 50 (Marquis James), 114 253 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73431-8 - The American 1930s: A Literary History Peter Conn Index More information 254 Index Anointed, The (Clyde Brion Davis), 50–51 Battle Hymn (Michael Blankfort, Michael “Antebellum Sermon” (Paul Laurence Dunbar), Gold), 172 188 Battle of Saratoga, 63 Anthony Adverse (Hervey Allen), 52; 97–98; Becker, Carl, 160 99–100 Beecher Bible, 173 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 136 Bel Geddes, Norman, 243 Arlington National Cemetery, 10 Bell, Daniel, 208 Arnold, Benedict, 63; 67–68 Bellow, Saul, 54 Arnold, Matthew, 157 Bendiner, Robert, 8 Arrowsmith (Sinclair Lewis), 52 Benedict Arnold: Military Racketeer (Edward Art in France, 38 Dean Sullivan), 64 “Artist in His Museum, The” (Charles Willson Benedict Arnold: Patriot and Traitor (Oscar Peale), 72 Sherwin), 64 Arts and Crafts Movement, 151 Benedict Arnold: The Proud Warrior (Charles Arundel: A Chronicle of the Province of Maine Coleman Sellers), 64 and of the Secret Expedition led by Benedict Benedict, Ruth, 186 Arnold against Quebec (Kenneth Roberts), Bene´t, Stephen Vincent, 56 62–63 Benjamin, Walter, 219 Arvin, Newton, 145 Benton, Thomas Hart, 1; 39–42 As I Lay Dying (William Faulkner), 158; 159 Benton, William, 192 Asch, Nathan, 227 Beveridge, Albert, 211 Asgill, Charles, 70 Beyond the Horizon (Eugene O’Neill), 94 “Aspects of Negro Life” (Aaron Douglas), 203 Biddle, Nicholas, 115; 116 “Athenaeum” portrait of George Washington Big Money, The (John Dos Passos), 151; 227; 229 (Gilbert Stuart), 72–73 Big Sea, The (Langston Hughes), 30; 139–140 Atlanta Exposition, 188 Bigsby, C. W. E., 45 Atlanta University, 31 Birds of America (John James Audubon), 120 Atlantic Monthly, 69; 135 Birth of a Nation, The (D.W. Griffiths), 164; 168; Atlantic Monthly Press, 141 193 “Auction – Model 1934” (F. Scott and Zelda Bishop, Bridget, 86 Fitzgerald), 29 Bishop, Isabel, 73 Audubon, John James, 120; 122–125 Bisno, Beatrice, 61 Audubon Society, 125 Black Elk, 152; 153 Autobiography (Benjamin Franklin), 109; 146 Black Elk Speaks (John Neihardt), 152–153 Autobiography (Lincoln Steffens), 144 Black Reconstruction in America (W. E. B. Du Autobiography, An (Frank Lloyd Wright), Bois), 171; 191; 193–195; 211 149–150; 241 Black Thunder (Arna Bontemps), 61; 189–191 Autobiography of a Fox Indian Woman, 152 Blake, William, 90 Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The (Gertrude Blankfort, Michael, 172 Stein), 135 Blitzstein, Marc, 96 Bloor, Mother, 219 Backward Glance, A (Edith Wharton), 137 “Blueprint for Negro Writing” (Richard Bacon, Francis, 157 Wright), 189 Bad Seed, The (William March), 11 Bly, Nellie, 80 Baker, Josephine, 140 Boas, Franz, 82; 185–186 Baldwin, James, 188 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 98; 100; 103; 107; 197 Ballad of Davy Crockett, The (Hoffman Hayes), Bontemps, Arna, 31; 54; 61; 140; 189–191; 197 96 Bonus Army, 214 “Ballads of Lenin” (Langston Hughes), 220 Book-of-the-Month Club, 83; 147 Bara, Theda, 52 Bookman, The, 9 Barnes, Djuna, 193 Books, 83 Barnes, Margaret Ayer, 44–45 Booth, John Wilkes, 112; 113 Barnes, Wald, 193 Borglum, Gutson, 68 Bartlett, Frederick, 160 Borsodi, Ralph, 48 “Bathing Beauties of History” (1934), 80 Boston (Upton Sinclair), 227 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73431-8 - The American 1930s: A Literary History Peter Conn Index More information Index 255 Boston Transcript, 83 Carnegie, Dale, 4 Boswell, James, 90 Carnegie Foundation, 38 Both Your Houses (Maxwell Anderson), 95 Carnovsky, Morris, 240 Bottom Rail on Top: A Novel of the Old South Carter, Elliott, 80 (H. J. Eckenrode), 165 Cash, Wilbur J., 154 Bowers, Claude G., 168; 171; 192 Caste and Class in a Southern Town (John Brickell, Herschel, 27 Dollard), 206 Bricktop (Ada Smith), 140 Cather, Willa, 10; 101; 126 Bridge, The (Hart Crane), 80 Century of Progress Exposition (Chicago), 39 Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (Thornton Wilder), Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., 33 45 Chamberlain, John, 50; 89 Bright Skin (Julie Peterkin), 39 Chambers, Hubert, 59 Broadacre (Frank Lloyd Wright), 150 Chambers, Robert, 59 Brooks, Van Wyck, 32 Chaplin, Charlie, 244 Brother to Dragons (Robert Penn Warren), Charbonneau, Toussaint, 78 178 Charles Sheeler: Artist in the American Tradition Broun, Heywood, 227 (Constance Rourke), 122 Browder, Earl, 218 Chase, Stuart, 123 Browder, Littleberry, 218 Chiang Kai-shek, 141 Brown, Henry Kirke, 73 Chicago Daily News, 29 Brown, John, 69; 171–176; 202 Chicago Poems (Carl Sandburg), 110 Bruce, Philip Alexander, 80 “Chicago Renaissance”, 110 Brush, Katherine, 61 Christ in Concrete (Pietro Di Donato), 234 Bryan, William Jennings, 51 Churchill, Winston, 164 Bryant, William Cullen, 126 “City of Monuments” (Muriel Rukeyser), 214 Buck, Paul H., 169; 170; 171 City, The (Lewis Mumford), 240; 241 Buck, Pearl S., 96; 130; 134 Civic Repertory Theater, 129 Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 152 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 123 Bugles Blow No More (Clifford Dowdey), 59 Civilization in the United States (Harold Bureau of American Ethnology, 153 Stearns), 32 Burgoyne, John, 62; 67 Clansman, The (Thomas Dixon), 162; 164; 195 Burlingame, Roger, 33 Clark, Harry Hayden, 125–127 Bush-Brown, Albert, 151 Clemens, Samuel, (see Mark Twain) Bynner, Witter, 226 Cleveland, Grover, 107; 114; 166; 188 Clinton, Henry, 63 Cabell, James Branch, 126 Colby, Merle, 59; 60 Cabell, Virginia Branch, 79 Collier, John, 76 Cadmus, Paul, 80 Collingwood, R.G., 160 Caldwell, Erskine, 39; 155 Collier’s, 70; 86 Call It Sleep (Henry Roth), 18; 88–89 Colonel George of Mount Vernon (August Calmer, Alan, 225 Thomas), 108 Calverton, V.F., 209 Colonial Gardens: the Landscape Architecture of Cambridge History of American Literature, George Washington’s Time, 108 The, 125 Colony, Horatio, 61 Cami, 101 Columbia Pictures, 15 Campbell, William Edward, 11 (see William “Columbian Ode” (Harriet Monroe), 137 March) Commune, 102 Candide (Voltaire), 93 Company K (William March), 11 Cannibals All! (George Fitzhugh), 117 Complete Poems, The (Emily Dickinson), 127 Cantwell, Robert, 225; 226 Compromise of 1877, 170 Captain Blood (Rafael Sabatini), 75 “Condemned, The” (Witter Bynner), 226 “Captain Carpenter” (John Crowe Ransom), 156 Conkle, E. P., 113 Captain Caution (Kenneth Roberts), 63 Connecticut Guide, 54; 86 Cargill, Oscar, 8 Conquistador (Archibald MacLeish), 105 Carlyle, Thomas, 115 Conrad, Joseph, 136 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73431-8 - The American 1930s: A Literary History Peter Conn Index More information 256 Index Convention Army, 67 Desportes, Henriette, 59 Cool Million: The Dismantling of Lemuel Pitkin, Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 197–198 A (Nathanael West), 17; 90; 92 “Detachment and the Writing of History” Coolidge, Calvin, 8 (Carl Becker), 160 Cooper, James Fenimore, 61; 123 De Tocqueville, Alexis, 32 Copland, Aaron, 105; 240 De Voto, Bernard, 227 Corell, Charles J., 192 Dewey, John, 134; 157 Cortez, Hernando, 106 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal,
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