February 17, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1591 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Again, I thank the Secretary for tion, his father serving as a Member of Con- ate is conducting morning business. doing what he did. That took care of a gress from 1951 until his death in 1964, his Mr. BURNS. I ask unanimous consent lot of the concerns about the rule. The stepmother Irene Baker succeeding Howard that I may proceed as in morning busi- Baker, Sr. in the House of Representatives, decision is critical for our cattlemen, and his grandmother Lillie Ladd Mauser hav- ness for 10 minutes. and the Secretary showed tremendous ing served as Sheriff of Roane County, Ten- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- leadership in taking that action so nessee; ator has that right. quickly. Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. served with f It is also important to the entire cat- distinction as an officer in the United States tle industry and it is important to con- Navy in the closing months of World War II; DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. earned a law DECISION sumers to have confidence in one of the safest products they find in their gro- degree from the University of Tennessee Law Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, I rise School in Knoxville where, during his final cery store. We know the border will be year (1948–1949), he served as student body today to join some of my friends on open at some point, but what we do and both sides of the aisle to talk about president; the steps we take are very important, and to do something about taking ac- Whereas after graduation from law school both to our friends in Canada and to tion regarding the Department of Agri- Howard Baker, Jr. joined the law firm found- our consumers and producers in the ed by his grandfather in Huntsville, Ten- culture’s decision to open the border to United States. nessee, where he won distinction as a trial Canadian beef on March 7. If this rule should go into effect and and corporate attorney, as a businessman, I have been vocal about this for some and as an active member of his community; time. We have been negotiating with we have another situation, I am afraid of the erosion that could take place in Whereas during his father’s first term in the powers that be in trying to improve Congress, Howard Baker, Jr. met and mar- this controversial regulation. my industry. So I urge my colleagues ried Joy Dirksen, daughter of Everett First, I congratulate and appreciate to support this resolution, not as a McKinley Dirksen, a Senator of Illinois, in Secretary Johanns of the Department means of cutting off trade with Canada December 1951, which marriage produced a of Agriculture for his candid responses indefinitely but as a way of ensuring son, Darek, in 1953, and a daughter, Cynthia, on this issue and for his timely deci- that Congress has the time and takes in 1956; the time, all the time it needs, to con- Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. was elected to sion to limit beef to cattle slaughtered the Senate in 1966, becoming the first popu- at under 30 months. That action took sider the provisions of this rule. It is important for producer and consumer larly elected Republican Senator in the his- care of most of the concerns I had with tory of the State of Tennessee; reopening the border since the out- alike for this industry we call the great Whereas during three terms in the Senate, break of BSE in May of 2003. beef industry. Howard Baker, Jr. played a key role in a We have all been trying to find an- I yield the floor and I suggest the ab- range of legislative initiatives, from fair swers to this situation, but my pro- sence of a quorum. housing to equal voting rights, the Clean Air ducers still have some serious concerns The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and Clean Water Acts, revenue sharing, the about Canada’s compliance with the clerk will call the roll. Senate investigation of the Watergate scan- feed ban and the firewalls that have The assistant legislative clerk pro- dal, the ratification of the Panama Canal ceeded to call the roll. treaties, the enactment of the economic poli- been put in place up there. There has cies of President Ronald Reagan, national been a team representing the U.S. De- Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I ask energy policy, televising the Senate, and partment of Agriculture in Canada unanimous consent the order for the more; looking at this situation. The feed ban quorum call be rescinded. Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. served as both compliance appears to be the best way The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Republican Leader of the Senate (1977–1981) to reduce outbreaks of BSE, so it is a objection, it is so ordered. and Majority Leader of the Senate (1981– critical component of our negotiations The majority leader is recognized. 1985); Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. was a can- and it is a critical component of what f actions we take from here on. didate for the Presidency in 1980; COMMENDING THE HONORABLE Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. served as Compliance with that feed ban must HOWARD HENRY BAKER, JR. White House Chief of Staff during the Presi- be consistent, but they also must be dency of Ronald Reagan; long term. Because BSE, or mad cow, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. served as a can lay dormant in a cow for such a unanimous consent that the Senate member of the President’s Foreign Intel- long period of time, feed ban violations now proceed to the consideration of S. ligence Advisory Board during the Presi- from years ago can still be a problem Res. 58, which was submitted earlier dencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. today. Thus, the 30-month rule. Prod- today. Bush; ucts from animals or live animals older The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Whereas following the death of Joy Dirk- than 30 months was taken from the clerk will report the resolution by sen Baker, Howard Baker, Jr. married Nancy title. Landon Kassebaum, a former Senator of rule. We had to work very hard to do Kansas; that, and I know it took great leader- The assistant legislative clerk read Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. served with ship on the part of the Secretary of Ag- as follows: distinction as Ambassador of the United riculture to change that part of the A resolution (S. Res. 58) commending the States to Japan during the Presidency of rule. Honorable Howard Henry Baker, Jr., for- George W. Bush and during the 150th anni- Now the technical team we had in merly a Senator of Tennessee, for a lifetime versary of the establishment of diplomatic Canada is back in the United States. of distinguished service. relations between the United States and Unfortunately, we will not get their re- There being no objection, the Senate Japan; port for another week. Congress will be proceeded to consider the resolution. Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. was awarded on break. So very few of us will be able Mr. FITZGERALD. Mr. President, I the Medal of Freedom, the Nation’s highest civilian award; and to get hold of that report, analyze it, ask unanimous consent that the reso- Whereas Howard Baker, Jr. set a standard and make a judgment on how we lution be agreed to, the preamble be of civility, courage, constructive com- should handle a rule that goes into ef- agreed to, and the motion to reconsider promise, good will, and wisdom that serves fect on March 7. It leaves us very little be laid upon the table. as an example for all who follow him in pub- time. Thus, the resolution that will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lic service: Now, therefore, be it come before this Congress puts a hold objection, it is so ordered. Resolved, That the Senate commends its on the rule and gives Congress some The resolution (S. Res. 58) was agreed former colleague, the Honorable Howard Henry Baker, Jr., for a lifetime of distin- time to operate. We just cannot afford to. guished service to the country and confers to allow this situation to move any The preamble was agreed to. upon him the thanks of a grateful Nation. further with the information that we The resolution, with its preamble, Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, it gives have now. If the USDA will not delay reads as follows: me a great honor to comment on the the implementation of this rule and S. RES. 58 resolution commending Howard Baker allow Congress to consider its findings, Whereas Howard Henry Baker, Jr., son of that we just addressed. I first met How- then I am left with no other choice but Howard Henry Baker and Dora Ladd Baker, ard Baker when I was considering the to support the disapproval resolution. was heir to a distinguished political tradi- run for the U.S. Senate in 1994. It is VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:48 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S17FE5.REC S17FE5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 17, 2005 surprising to me now, today, with our Estes Kefauver’s seat. He narrowly lost didn’t require a nation of supermen to close friendship, that I had not met to Democrat Ross Bass but came roar- make this government and this coun- him other than just in passing before. ing back in 1966, to be elected with 56 try work, but only honorable men and At the time, unlike Senator Baker, I percent of the popular vote, making women laboring honestly and dili- had absolutely no political credentials him the first popularly elected Repub- gently and creatively in their public whatsoever.
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