IX. Annexes Index of annexes 1 - Protected areas ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Indian protected areas........................................................................................................................2 1.2. Indian protected areas divided by states............................................................................................3 1.3. Indian protected areas divided by biogeographic regions .................................................................4 2 - Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary .................................................................................................. 5 2.1. DWS administrative structure ...........................................................................................................5 2.2. DWS mammal species.......................................................................................................................6 2.3. DWS demography .............................................................................................................................7 2.4. Primary sector in DWS......................................................................................................................9 3 - Dandeli city .......................................................................................................................... 10 3.1. Base map of Dandeli city ................................................................................................................ 10 3.2. Digitalized map of Dandeli city ...................................................................................................... 11 4 - Free listing............................................................................................................................ 12 5 - Surveys ................................................................................................................................. 15 1 1 - Protected areas 1.1. Indian protected areas Table A.1 – Karnataka protected areas Source: DDAA, 2005 2 1.2. Indian protected areas divided by states Table A.2 – Indian protected areas divided by states Source: Own elaboration from DDAA, 2005 National Parks Wildlife Sanctuaries 2 State or Union Territory Area km No. of 2 % of state No. of 2 % of state Area km Area km NPs Area WLS Area Andhra Pradesh 275068 4 373.23 0.14 22 12600.09 4.58 Arunachal Pradesh 83743 2 2290.82 2.74 11 7606.37 9.08 Assam 78438 5 1968.6 2.51 15 883.16 1.13 Bihar 94163 1 335.65 0.36 11 2949.17 3.13 Chhattisgarh 135194 3 2929.5 2.17 10 3419.46 2.53 Goa 3702 1 107 2.89 6 647.96 17.5 Gujarat 196024 4 479.67 0.24 21 16422.72 8.38 Haryana 44212 1 1.43 0 9 279.92 0.63 Himachal Pradesh 55673 2 1429.4 2.57 32 5770.85 10.37 Jammu & Kashmir 222235 4 4680.25 2.11 15 10312.25 4.64 Jharkhand 79714 1 231.67 0.29 10 1862.72 2.34 Karnataka 191791 5 2435.14 1.27 21 3888.22 2.03 Kerala 38863 3 536.52 1.38 12 2143.36 5.52 Madhya Pradesh 308252 9 3656.36 1.19 25 7158.4 2.32 Maharashtra 307690 5 955.93 0.31 35 14376.66 4.67 Manipur 22327 1 40 0.18 3 393.3 1.76 Meghalaya 22429 2 267.48 1.19 3 34.2 0.15 Mizoram 21081 2 250 1.19 4 771 3.66 Nagaland 16579 1 202.02 1.22 3 20.34 0.12 Orissa 155707 2 990.7 0.64 18 6969.15 4.48 Punjab 50362 0 0 0 10 316.73 0.63 Rajasthan 342239 4 3856.53 1.13 24 5712.83 1.67 Sikkim 7096 1 1784 25.14 5 265.1 3.74 Tamil Nadu 130058 5 307.84 0.24 19 2539.82 1.95 Tripura 10486 0 0 0 4 603.62 5.76 Uttaranchal 53485 6 4077 7.62 6 2413.76 4.51 Uttar Pradesh 240926 1 490 0.2 23 5222.47 2.17 West Bengal 88752 5 1693.25 1.91 15 1203.28 1.36 Andaman & Nicobar 8249 9 1156.91 14 96 389.39 4.72 Chandigarh 114 0 0 0 1 25.42 22.3 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 491 0 0 0 1 92.16 18.77 Lakshadweep 32 0 0 0 1 0.01 0.03 Pondicherry 493 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daman & Diu 112 0 0 0 1 2.18 1.95 Delhi 1483 0 0 0 1 13.2 0.89 India 3287263 89 37526.9 1.14 493 117309.27 3.57 3 1.3. Indian protected areas divided by biogeographic regions Table A.3 – Biogegraphic region-wise distribution of existing protected areas in Inda Source: Own elaboration from DDAA, 2005 No. No. of Area Total Zone Size Km 2 % of Area Km 2 % Area Km 2 % Parks Km 2 PA WLS Trans Himalaya 184823 3 6559.00 3.55 4 10443.50 5.65 7 17002.5 9.20 Himalaya 210673 12 6528.27 3.1 56 14026.66 6.66 68 20554.93 9.76 Desert 214014 1 3162 1.48 5 12914.09 6.03 6 16076.09 7.51 Semi Arid 539479 8 1368.42 0.25 82 14127.53 2.62 90 15495.95 2.87 Western Ghats 132179 13 3384.13 2.56 43 9942.04 7.52 56 13326.17 10.08 Deccan Peninsula 1380339 22 8632.85 0.63 120 43337.74 3.14 142 51970.59 3.77 Gangetic Plain 354848 6 2363 0.67 32 5444.13 1.53 38 7807.13 2.2 Coasts 91319 4 1644.22 1.8 23 3978.57 4.36 27 5622.79 6.16 North East 171340 11 2728.1 1.59 32 2705.62 1.58 43 5433.72 3.17 Islands 8249 9 1156.91 14.02 96 389.39 4.72 105 1546.3 18.75 Grand Total 3287263 89 37526.9 1.14 493 117309.27 3.57 582 154817.93 4.71 4 2 - Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary 2.1. DWS administrative structure Figure A.1 – DWS administrative structure Source: Hegde, 2003 5 2.2. DWS mammal species Table A.4 - Present status of mammals in Dandeli Wildlife Division. “P” is Present, based on sightings; “R” is Rare, sighted or heard from reliable source; “O” is no reliable information available; “A” is Absent. Source: Self creation from Hegde, 2003 Sl No. Common Name Scientific Name Status 1 Bonnet Macaque Macaca radiata P 2 Hanuman Langur Presbytis entellus P 3 Slender Loris Loris tardigradus P 4 Tiger Panthera tigris R 5 Leopard Panthera pardus P 6 Fishing Cat Felis viverrina O 7 Jungle Cat Felis chaus P 8 Leopard Cat Felis bengalensis O 9 Rusty Spotted Cat Felis rubiginosa O 10 Small Indian Civet Viverricula indica R 11 Common Palm Civet Paradoxurus hermaphorditus P 12 Brown Palm Civet Paradoxurus jerdoni O 13 Common Mongoose Herpeste s edwardsi P 14 Stripenecked Mongoose Herpestes vitticollis R 15 Brown Mongoose Herpestes fuscus O 16 Ruddy Mongoose Herpestes smithi O 17 Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena O 18 Jackal Canis aureus P 19 Dhole Cuon alpinus P 20 Sloth Bear Melursus ursinus P 21 Common Otter Lutra lutra O 22 Smooth Indian Otter Lutra perspicillata O 23 Clawless Otter Aonyx cinerea O 24 Indian Elephant Elephas maximus P 25 Gaur Bos gaurus P 26 Sambar Cervus unicolor P 27 Chital Axis axis P 28 Muntjac Muntiacus muntjak P 29 Chevrotain Tragulus meminna R 30 Wild Pig Sus scrofa P 31 Blacknaped Here Lepus nigricollis P 32 Indian Porcupine Hystrix indica P 33 Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica P 34 Flying Squirrel Petaurista petaurista R 35 Flying Fox Pteropus giganteus R 36 Great Eastern Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus luctus O 37 Shornosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus sphinx P 38 Pangolin Manis crassicaudata P 6 2.3. DWS demography Table A.5 – Population, households and gender distribution inside DWS. Source: Own elaboration from http://www.censusindia.gov.in and information given by Forest Department. The information of Amga, Jalavali, Jamga, Kalamkland, Kavala/Kavale, Sannamaga/Sanmage and Siroli is from Forest Department, the rest is from Census of India. Total population %males % females 2001 Census + total total Name of the village FD information Households Male population Female population Amga 0 Amagaon 39 7 17 44 22 56 Ambikanagara 4848 1179 2480 51 2368 49 Ambolli 916 171 453 49 463 51 Avurli 197 45 96 49 101 51 Bedasgadde 39 7 23 59 16 41 Birkhol 381 121 216 57 165 43 Chafer 67 16 35 52 32 48 Chapoli(Kalsai) 772 120 376 49 392 51 Chinchkhand 62 11 32 52 30 48 Deriye 133 18 73 55 60 45 Gangoda 564 78 288 51 276 49 Godashet 358 73 183 51 175 49 Gund 321 67 165 51 156 49 Gutti 25 3 16 64 9 36 Hebbal 106 19 59 56 47 44 Jalavali Jamga 0 Kalamkhand 0 Kalasai 856 128 420 49 436 51 Kariyadi 174 41 86 49 88 51 Katel 117 18 51 44 66 56 Kateli (Kumbar Wada) 1268 268 648 51 615 49 Kavale/kavala 0 Kegdal 292 60 154 53 138 47 Kodthalli 90 19 41 46 49 54 Kulgi 403 93 206 51 197 49 Kumbeli 41 5 22 54 19 46 Kundal 334 39 148 44 186 56 Nandigadde 387 107 202 52 185 48 Neturge 58 12 29 50 29 50 Phansoli 429 99 212 49 217 51 Sannamaga/Sanmage 0 Shevali 204 41 103 50 101 50 Shiroli 0 Shivapur 200 46 104 52 96 48 Terali 267 49 134 50 133 50 Tinnai Khand 52 8 28 54 24 46 Ulavi 735 135 421 57 314 43 Vadkal 116 22 60 52 56 48 Vincholli 8 2 6 75 2 25 Virnoli 732 159 380 52 352 48 Yermukh 432 98 221 51 211 49 Zalawali 194 28 93 48 101 52 Total 16217 3412 8281 51 7927 49 7 Table A.6 – Evolution of population and families-households of municipalities inside DWS between 1991 and 2001 Source: Own elaboration from Hegde, 2003 and http://www.censusindia.gov.in 1991 2001 Total % population % 2001 households Household population Name of the village Population Family Census + -families s growing FD growing informatio n Amga 0 0 0 Amagaon 69 17 39 7 -43 -59 Ambikanagara 6064 1564 4848 1179 -20 -25 Ambolli 795 114 916 171 15 50 Avurli 164 39 197 45 20 15 Bedasgadde 47 8 39 7 -17 -13 Birkhol 381 121 Chafer 44 8 67 16 52 100 Chapoli(Kalsai) 687 90 772 120 12 33 Chinchkhand 50 10 62 11 24 10 Deriye 129 4 133 18 3 350 Gangoda 522 69 564 78 8 13 Godashet 258 43 358 73 39 70 Gund 282 50 321 67 14 34 Gutti 39 7 25 3 -36 -57 Hebbal 91 14 106 19 16 36 Jalavali 187 25 Jamga 0 Kalamkhand 0 0 0 Kalasai 766 102 856 128 12 25 Kariyadi 161 31 174 41 8 32 Katel 90 19 117 18 30 -5 Kateli (Kumbar Wada) 1107 236 1268 268 15 14 Kavale/kavala 0 0 0 Kegdal 395 91 292 60 -26 -34 Kodthalli 90 19 Kulgi 497 98 403 93 -19 -5 Kumbeli 41 5 Kundal 317 33 334 39 5 18 Nandigadde 386 100 387 107 0 7 Neturge 43 9 58 12 35 33 Phansoli 459 89 429 99 -7 11 Sannamaga/Sanmag e 0 0 0 Shevali 218 41 204 41 -6 0 Shiroli 0 Shivapur 136 29 200 46 47 59 Terali 267 49 Tinnai Khand 52 8 Ulavi 534 95 735 135 38 42 Vadkal 73 13 116 22 59 69 Vincholli 35 5 8 2 -77 -60 Virnoli 709 153 732 159 3 4 Yermukh 395 80 432 98 9 23 Zalawali 194 28 Total 17740 3286 16217 3412 -9 4 8 2.4.
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