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O156180 A1 7/2007 Jaax et al. 2007/O185497 A1 8, 2007 Cauthen et al. WO 2005034998 A2 4/2005 2007/0202074 A1 8/2007 Shalaby WO WO 2008O14066 A1 * 1, 2008 2007/0243225 A1 10/2007 McKay 2007/0243228 A1 10/2007 McKay * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jun. 30, 2015 Sheet 1 of 4 US 9.066,853 B2 18 16 2 i. i. U.S. Patent Jun. 30, 2015 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9.066,853 B2 U.S. Patent US 9.066,853 B2 SWT. WIWWO % U.S. Patent Jun. 30, 2015 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9.066,853 B2 US 9,066,853 B2 1. 2 CLONDINE COMPOUNDS INA positions and methods may for example be used to treat pain BODEGRADABLE FIBER due to post operative pain, a spinal disc herniation (i.e., sci atica), spondilothesis, Stenosis, osteoarthritis, carpal/tarsal BACKGROUND tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, temporomandibular joint disor der (TMJ), discogenic back pain, joint pain or inflammation. Pain is typically experienced when the free nerve endings In some embodiments, there is an implantable fiber for of pain receptors are Subject to mechanical, thermal, chemical reducing or treating pain in a patient in need of Such treat or other noxious stimuli. These pain receptors can transmit ment, the implantable fiber comprising clonidine in an signals along afferent neurons to the central nervous system amount from about 0.1 wt.% to about 40 wt.% of the and then to the brain. When a person feels pain, any one or 10 implantable fiber, and at least one biodegradable polymer, more of a number of problems can be associated with this wherein the implantable fiber is configured to release cloni sensation, including but not limited to reduced function, dine over a period of at least three days. reduced mobility, complication of sleep patterns, and In some embodiments, there is an implantable fiber or decreased quality of life. reducing or treating pain in a patient in need of Such treat The causes of pain include but are not limited to inflam 15 mation, injury, disease, muscle stress, the onset of a neuro ment, the implantable fiber comprising clonidine hydrochlo pathic event or syndrome, and damage that can result from ride in an amount of from about 0.1 wt.% to about 30 wt.% Surgery or an adverse physical, chemical or thermal event or of the fiber and at least one polymer comprising one or more from infection by a biologic agent. When a tissue is damaged, of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), polylactide (PLA), a host of endogenous pain inducing Substances, for example, polyglycolide (PGA), D-lactide, D.L-lactide, L-lactide, bradykinin and histamine can be released from the injured L-lactide-co-e-caprolactone, D.L-lactide-co-e-caprolactone, tissue. The pain inducing Substances can bind to receptors on D.L-lactide-co-glycolide-co-e-caprolactone, collagen, poly the sensory nerve terminals and thereby initiate afferent pain ester(amide) copolymers, or a combination thereof. signals. After activation of the primary sensory afferent neu In some embodiments, there is a method for treating acute rons, the projection neurons may be activated.
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