WASHINGTON. Disease, and Was Burled at Ua Next Day

WASHINGTON. Disease, and Was Burled at Ua Next Day

IQ NEW TURK HE11AID, TITURSDAY, AtTGtTST 10, 1871.-WITH SUPPLEMENT, . ........ ii .mmrn .. the Cape of Good. Hoot Jnna 9, St. Helena June M; froiscd Scbr Sarah Elizabeth, Monro*, Ellubelbport for New Dcmckasa. July 33- In port, brigt L W Armstrong, tar field. Emerson, Calala for Hew Haren ; eehrt Abble rnralfcj Ahotber WTEDEB. the Equator July 4 in Tou St); had fine weather throughout. Haven. Haven, to sail July X: Evening Star, for New York Iugall, ud Melons M Knuwlei, Small, Philadelphia for Capt Spoore Ok'J July 24, at 22 09 N, Ion 49 20 W, of heart Srhr M Memman, Merrlman, Newburg for Provldenoe. Hj* Dresden, Mitchell, South Amboy for do; Willie BerryBodton;J WASHINGTON. disease, and was burled at ua next day. April 12, lat Bchr C L Vandervoort, Kelly, I'ort Jobnton for Plymouth. Fajabko, PR, July S7-In port, bark Alvwtona, for Orton, Mew York tor do; James 8 Watson. Houck, Ph!lade|3 APWt *lie Mdirliui Kill* 15 N, Ion VI E, ship Anton Uuatner iRuasi. Bchr Baltimore, Larder, Kllxabetbiort for Mew Haveo. ichr J K for New York. pbla for Moses Batten, do for Bangor; LiziM QataiK Cltaimn, tfoke Bchr Willard Fal, River. rirltnd, Baltlmore;D Small.Lyna:Tlce do for Harding, do tot * PoUalrr la the Sixth Ward. from Liverpool for Errawaddy River; 18th, lat ll Phillips, Htwkmi, Newburgfor Honolvlv. July 7 Arrived, scbr C M Ward, Rickman, Danversport; Maracaybo, Henley, N, Ion 9u E. able filar of Persia (Br), from Sebj Ira Bliss, Hudson, Port Johnson forProvidence. Baker's Island >and tailed 17th for guano Maude t; 8th, ships Portland: Abble, Cleaves. South Atnbov fordo; KateII L.«ln, About ball-past eleven o'clock last night an for London: 10th, lat 11 40, Ion 09 40, shipCalcutta Schr M Vaesar, Jr. Skinner, New Yor* lor New Bedford. Beau Monde Br), Rosa, Australia tend aailed 12th for Mullock. Hobuken for Plymouth; Caroline 0 Norwood, do HysterlQUft Movements in ('athwart (Br), from «'a'cutta for London; 17, lat 2ft 5U 3, Schr Cynthia Jane, Uardner, Port Jobnaon for Providence. Inland tand for Newburypert; Gov Corry, Manson. Newburc for Military altercation occurred at No. 14 Baxter street May Schr New ; llih, Sanphir,*, Miders. Hons Kong Haker'e Reward Ion M E, ohir Black Prince (Br), trom Rangoon fo: Jobn Brooks, Fox, Jersey City for Haven. 17th for Howlspd's Island);lltb( I arts \ eata (NO). Dirks,aailed (Br), Hall, New York for lialllai, NS; PraukAuguata; Carolina. between a notoriona Chinaman n»m»fl J une 5, lat 26 23 S, Ion M 80, (poke tame ship again;Kalmouth;Schr W W Bralnvrd, Trlbble, South Amboy for New Han Francisco iand sailed Uth for Kong); 18th, Maria, Wood, Boaton tor Ellzabethport; Mabel P Staples, North Qulmbo lat II (J9 K, Ion 28 38 \V, aaw tame June Hong Bhuoo, aud Llizle Oarr, Salem tor Philadelphia! and a Polauder July 15, sblp again; Jas Haven. Sinclair, Victoria, VI; 16th, ship Terpslcnore (NO),Alalanta, Machtas Roger*. Appo oy the name of Josepa 8, lat 84 66 S. Ion 20 17 E, ship Grand Ducbeia (Br). fr: m Bchr Brady, Davie, Port Jobnton for New Haven. Rlaaler, Hamburg laou sailed fist for llowland's Island). Viola. Hall, tor New York; Empress, Kennedy;1 during which Appa struck Lmcosta on for Dmirtee; July 18, lat U #9 N, Ion 28 88 W, narkCalcutta Schr Van Kiirea. Seavey, Port Johnaon tor 8alem. Balled July ft, ship Neptuue (NO', Paulsen, Baker's Island; Elizabeth, Hodgdon, and Mary Brewer. Flanders, Rockland' Lincost«,Holla (BrK from London for Hong Kong same time, ship Schr Ulsblanaer, Jones, Port Johnson fur Boston. brig L P Poster, Mills, Pacific Islands. fordo; Vandalla, Lor t, Ellsworth for do; K Poller, Lewie, Uu> head with a pawing Htone, fracturing Kve'vn Br), from London bound south ;l7th, lat tl 43 N. Ion Bflir A Iluynei, Smith, Ciizan<*thport for Cambrldgeporl Howlahd'h Imlani., April iO-Arrived, ship Husanne MUlbrldge for do; Mary Kllcn, Hawkins, Baneor for Fire CornynlsBioner Douglass Effecting skull a 8018 W, ahlp City of Nlngpo (ltri, from Calcutta for London. Scbr Pair wind, Howman, New York tor New Bcdlord. (N(i), San Francisco sailed 11) for Island; Fannie A Edith, Ryder, Belfast for Kondoiit; Marlba V" in terrible manner. Appo was suiinn ou Bark Alfreda (Sp), AjrlcauJi^a, Havana 13 days, In ballast, Scbr Julia Swan. Kn*pi>, New York for Oyster Buy. Godfrey, (and May Nlcxela, Rogers, Hoboktn lor Busion; American Chief, the at the frout d»or of the «!>ove named to master. SchrJohn R Mi-Fee, wlison, Port Jobnion for Norwalk. feurope).Snow, New York for Newburyport. Reibrms in His.Bureau. steps Schr Jobn H Port Johnson for Havana, July SO-Arrived, brig Thomas Owen. Ouptlll, Alio arrived. Maaaacbuaelts School Gen M when Llncosta the street an<i Hark Smyrna (Br> Hetherlngton, Havana 10 days, wltb Northern, Hubbard, New York; 31st, barks Robert Murray, Purlngton, 8t .John, Ship Barnard, place came up spoke sugar, to Brett Son A Co. Had line weather. burg. LantlagNB; Aug1st. Rebecca Caruara, Liesegaig, New York; 2d, Eldridge, on a orulao. to him. tfoth panics were very drunk, Hark Lothair (br), Brown, Sydney, CB, 13 days, wltb eoal, Schr Kllza J Raynor, Hutching*. Hoboken for Fall River. steamer Weybosset, Bolger, New (irleans; 4th, barks S W Sailed.Schrs Martha Mlckels. American Chief. WASHINGTON, AllgUSl 9, 1871. to C B Swain A Son. Had light westerly winds, with much Schr Mlnn>, Forrester. New York for Dennis. Hoibrook, I olJeys, Matanzas; Damon, Petrous, Cardiff. Btb, 7 AM.Arrived, sehrs Juliet, titront, and Christopher and soon high words liegan to fly Schr Splendid, Turner, Troy for Wurehatn. Bailed barks Loeai r, Davis. Philadelpbia for Boston; Charlie and Willie. Mulata Bataller, Cardenas II In to Scbr Jed Chase, Port .lonnson for Caetletnn. July Suth, Tippoo Saib > Br),"Dunn, Pensacola; Thomas. Kondnut for do; Roann-r, Fosii. Kali River for do: Myntriioua Military about In the mo«t promlscuons manner 5rlg (Sp>, days, ballast, Frre, Ang 4th, Trocbague (Br), Wood, New York; brig Hope (Br), P for The detadbment of United StaW* troops sent np by E I'ulg A Co. Schr AenerS Parker, Carnei.ter. New York for <den Cove. Monterola, New Orleans. I A Heath, Warren, Philadelphia Rockland; Wm H possible. Suddenly adpo Jumped up and ran Into Bnc Juliana (Sp>. Crreehege, Havana 12 days. In ballast, Scnr A B Buckley, Buckley, New York lor Providence. Mflbourn k, June 18 B!ack Prince rBr). Rowe, Whljteraore, Clinton Po'nt, NY, for Hal!owel);SS the Wiltuiatpon, Charlotte *ud Rutherford Railroad tne middle 01 the street, wnere he picked up the to Ferrlr i Co. Had line weather. Bchr HcIIa SMiniLn. Hentiiun. K,lfahi'lliiinrl for New Lnn. Inglls, New York (before-Arrive!, ship at Lewla, dittoed, H rltland tor New York. Brig Vlrges, In ballast, to don. Incorrectly reportod arrived Sailed.Brigs Dirigo, Casc-tielle, E Bernard, last arrived in N. on Monday. stone with wiuch he soon did Esperanza(Sp), Havana, 13days, By tnfly). Geo E Gen Anteiope, week, Wilmington, U, THg UORRIHLB WOKK. J M Cabellas. Schr Effort, Rich, Ktlzabethport for Boston. Matanzas, July 80.Arrived, brigs Fermina (Sp\, Dale, (Hunt, John SiuRinnn, Maggie Vandusen, luaAe no utrcsts. and their mission, says the Brig Lou!la 1 Maria (Dutch), Le Win, Trinidad 19 day*, 8chr Ocean Waae, Kyan, Philadelphia tor Newport. Merriwa. Portland Baltimore;PensacolaJohn CaJwaladtr, Win Tice, Pbienlx, Abble Ingalia, M M They The Injured man was removed to the wlili nigar to Rubira A Co.vessel to master. Hal Scbr £ K South Ambov for M idaielown. 81m, Agnes Morton, Knowlea, Dresden, Willie Perry. Jas 8 Wataon, Mnaea la still involved In Park in an unconscious condition, light Mrnny, Lewis, Aug 2, bark Yde Zaldo, New York. Lizzie D Mar.cat M Daily Jtwrnafy mystery. Hospital wind* and calm*; left no vueselt. Steamer Albatross, Davis, New York for Boston. £alle>l July 31, brigs Ant!gui, New York; Catharine Scott, Small. bo. Abble, Kate Lain, Patten. Initial Actm, ! the New Ueveuue Connlii* and the surgeons in attendance uronouucc SchrAnnchen (N(J), Denkalo, Rio Grande 71 days, with Steamer Ualaiea, Nye, New York for Providence. Pensacola; Aug 1, bark SWHolbrook, Bulttmorc via 0, Gov Cony, Reward (Br), C Loeser, Charlie & Willie,Caroline nls case a hopeless one. Appo was locked up hide* to Dowley, Corner* A Co.vessel to \Vendt. Tcten* A Steamer Wallace, jertey City for New London. Havana.Roamer, P A Heath, Wm II Rowe. loner. iu the sixth slatltn nouse Bock maun. Droned the Equator July 14, In Ion 89; bad WAREHAM, Aug 8-Arrived, schr Angler, Besae, Neu precinct by Captain light variable wrinter. Wiiiticstokk. LI, Aug 9.11:50 PM. Nkwoasti.e, NSW, June 26.Arrived, ship Flying Eagle, York. The new Commissioner of Internal Revenue will Kennedy. ; Schr Edward Burnet! (of Pars 21 Three schooners for the southward hare just got In, ami Lewis, Melbourne. WILMINGTON, NO, Aug 7-CIeared, bark Victoria Pe- Tnts is Dv no means the flrst time this son ol the Newbnrypoit). Pender, have anchored oj the tlati Salle JuneS. Br brie Rebnre* .l ine I'nnnnr Kin Fran- to-morrowtaXc! up the of contract for davi. with rubber, Ac, to C Ludman A Co.vessel to B J opposite. rr», I'IMBiy. VJI Utt'n*. wi.BUMin HHUH4U, DUUKBr, DUIIUU) subject Orient has figured in the public prints, nor will it Wenberg. Had moderate weather. cIsco; 17, ship Florella,l'eabody, Hong Koug. MpnJeni (NO), timer, Bremen. tha Itarcau, with paper for whiskey, tobaccosupplyingbe the first time he has l»een in tne court*.

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