CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-7 HARYANA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B DISTRICT MAHENDRAGARH VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Sunil Gulati of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Haryana (i) CENSUS OF' INDIA 2001 IND1A HARYANA DISTRICT MAHENDRAGARH Km, 5 o 5 10 15 20 Km \. " .-. '. ". ) '. "') ....... C.D. BLOCKS \ A MAHENDRAGARH B KAN INA Z C ATELl NANGAL D NARNAUL E NANGAL CHAUDHRY ' .. C.D. BLOCK BOUNDARY EXCLUDES w :.­>-'J >-'J ijP'J'() l.l.2000 a :u .-< pprl of CD, Block Narnaul N ~rl of CD. Block Aleli Nangal M z , TOTAL AREA OF DI::ITRlCT (In S<j , Kms) ,. _ 1699.00 TOTAL POPUWlTIOII OF DIS'fRILT ...... .___ _, BIZJJ21 TOTAL NUNBER Of TOWNS IN D1STRILT ___ 5 TOTAL NUN-BER Of VILWIGES IN DISTRI CT __ 3'10 R BOUNDARY STATE , DlSTRICT _.. _a ._ :_ . _ . _ . TAHSIL , C.D, BLOCK '" HEADQUARTERS: DISTRICT , TAHSIL CD. BLOCK @ © 0 SH 17 STATE HIGHWAY ........ , . ... ......... IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD ... .. RAILWAY LINE WITH STATJON . METRE GAUGE RS RIVER & STREAM .. ~ VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION WITH NAME Kanli• URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE - CLASS II , IV , V & VI .. DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION ............ '.... REST HOUSE, FOREST BUNGALOW , CANAL BUNGALOW ... RH,fB . CB other villages having College / Technical Instilution / • Dulolh RH / FB / CB et.c. are shown as FB The maps included in this publication are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of India, Copyright 2007. PruJuct Code [\lumber ??-???-200 l-CFN- Book(E) (ii) Chhatta Rai Bal Mukand (or Chhatta Birbal), Narnaul Chhatta Rai Bal Mukand, popularly known as Chhatta Birbal ka is a spacious historical building in Namaul town. It was built by Ray - i - Rayan Mukand Dass, the Diwan of Namaul in the middle of I i h century AD during the reign of Shahjahan. Its construction has been done with lime and stones. This five storeyed structure has several halls, rooms and pavillions. However, the building is reputed for its three underground floors, although it is possible to visit only one storey. It is believed that there are four underground tunnels each leading to Jaipur, Mahendragarh, Delhi and Dhosi (in Narnaul tahsil). The legend is that once a marriage party went down the tunnel leading to Delhi but was never heard again. This tunnel now stands closed to the visitors. Contents Pages Fureword IX Plcrace XI XII :; strict lIighlights - 2001 Census XIII !lllportant Statistics in the District XIV Rankin):!, or Tah',ils in the State XVI . \ ,\)'lel a\ ~l ~\allLc : Mabendragarh xvii '., .ainm:llh 1·9 Stateillent I Naillc of thc headquarters of the district/tahsils, their rural-urban status and distance frol11 district headquarters, 2001 xviii Statement 2 Name of the headquarters of the district/C.O. Blocks, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 XVIII S talement 3 Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 xviii Statement 4 Area, Number of villages/towns and population in the district and tahsil. 2001 xx "lalulH':l1t ) CD. Blod;""isc lIumber or villages and rural population, 2001 xxi ~laIL'lIlcllt (1 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 2001 xxi Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D. Block level as pCI' 200 I Census and amenities availab!e xxii Stali:ment S Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 200 I Census and amenities available XXIII Iiouseless and Iw;titutional populatioll of tahsils, rural and urban, 200 I XXIII , (j I II i ';((lr\ ;IIHI scope or the District Census Hand Book oJ 4 (v) (ii i) Adminstrative Set-up 6 (i\ ) I)h~ sic'll featllres 7 I -(ll;ati(lll and size 8 Physiography 8 Dra inagl: 8 climate 9 ~" :'I\lnd LUllll)))m: I esnlln:es. nal))t:iy. Forestry. Minerals and mining. Soil and cropping lu:;'.:rn. I and and lanti-lise p<lttcrn. Tenancy. Agriculture. Irrigation. Animal husbandry, I'lshery. Industry. Trade and commerce, Transport, Electricity.& power and Gram Panchayats 9 (" ) CenSllS Concepts 19 (vI) NOli-Census Concepts 25 1\ i;) ~~(l() 1 Censlis findings - Population and its distributions 29 Ihief' allal~sis of PC A data based on inset tables I to 36 3S Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on 50 illst:! tables 37 to 47 I~ricf analysis of the data on houses and household amenities. Houselisting 56 \ "j)l,'!ali,\li\. Ccnsus data based l)1I inset tables 48 to 52 "," i \I;i:"'" -;1)<.:1;,1 and cultural cvents 60 , l:, i 11:;,:( lkscrip!iol) of places or rl'ligiolis. historical or an;haeological importance 61 and places llr tourist interest in the district (\) S<.::opc or Vi II age Directory and Town Directory 62 :-:,'dioll l - Vilh,~e ()jrectory (a j Note c_"plaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 66 :bl List \1f villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 70 .Ci (',D, 1111),_-1-\\isc Village Directory Data \(<lhe!Hlr;;g.arh CD. Hlock I i (' D Bluek Map 75 (Ii) :\Ipllahcticallist of villages alon~with locatioh codes 1991 and 2001 T1 (iii) V;li;l~L' Directory 80 ,.' i l', D Block Map 99 li l ; A!pilalwtica! list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 IOl (ij,) Village Directory 102 1\ lei i ";:11:,['.<1 I cn, Block (' D Block Map 115 (vi) I!i} Alphahclicallisl of villages aIOllg\\ith location codes 1991 and 2001 117 (iii) Village Directory 1]8 Narnaul CD. Block (i) C.D. ·Block Map 135 {iiI Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 200] 137 {IIi l Vi 11:lgc Directory 140 Nangal (·haudhry CD. Bjork (I) cn, Bind Map 155 Iii) /\lphaOl'licallist of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 157 160 . /\bslr<lct or Edilc<ltional, Medical and other Amenities 111 villages- C.D. Block level 176 .1\ ppclld i \. 1A Villages by number of Primary Schools 180 \pp~'lId i:-; m Vilhlgcs by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 180 '\Ppclldi.\ Ie Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available ISO l\ppclldix II Villages with 5,000 and above popUlation which do 110t have one or more amenities available ]81 o\ppclIlli\. 11/\ CenslIs Towns which do not have one or J!lore amenity 181 Lalld utilisation data in respect ofCenslis towns/non-municipal towns 182 (".1) Blm:h.\\-is(' lisl or inhabited villages where no amenity uthe!" than drinking ...vater facility is available 182 Summary sho\'ving number of villages not having Scheduled Caste" popUlation 182 SUlllmary sll(m-illg number or villages not having Schl'dukd Tribes population 182 '\PllL'IH.li\ VilA: List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 183 Castes to the 10lal population by ranges \n":l1dl\ \' 111l' I.isl of villagcs according to Ihe proportion of the Scheduled 193 I rilles 10 Ihe tot;)1 population by ranges 194 Status and (;rnw,h Iliston 198 Physical aspects alld IllcalHHI of tnwllS, 1999 200 (vii) (dl S I il h.: ,111.: III III Mllnicip;\\ finance 1998-99 200 (c) Stakll\L·,lt IV Civic and other amenities. 1999 202 [ I) SI~I\l:1l1C'11 v Medica!. Educl'lioll<ll. Recreational and Cultura] facilities, J 999 204 { !' _' ''\1;1 't'nK":) VI Trade_ Commerce. Industry and Banking, 1999 206 • h ~ -"LllcIH.~IH VI! Ci~'ic and other aml'llities in slums. J 999 208 til :\rpcnd;:-; to TO\\'11 Directory - Towns showing their outgrov,'ths with population 210 !'t\IlT B - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (aj Brief lIote on Prinwry CenslIs Abstract 213 \ b) I ),s!ri!.:\ Primary Censlis Abstract (General) 216 (c) '\PPL'lldi;o>_ to District Primary CenslIs Abstract i.e., Urban blockwise figures of TOlaL SC and s'r Population 222 Prulleiry CCIlSW; AI1'w<tCl tiJI' Scheduled Castes 228 D_ B!lld II iSl' Village Primary CensliS Abslract 234 294 i\UIIC.\llIT 1 Number or viltages under each Gram Panchayat (Data could not he cOlUrtiled) 309 FeJ1ilily <lIld Mortality. 1991 Census 309 Various mC.'ISLIrcs of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 313 ,\llIlo.:.'\lIfl: IV Percentage distriblltion of M igrallts by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 and 200 I Censuses. 314 '\I'IIC.'\llt'C V Brief account of main religions in the district/tahsil as per 199 J and 2001 Cens.uses. 327 M"I .. iwl -SlaWS 01" Population as per 1991 and 200 l Censuses. 339 .'\gc. Sc.\ and Edu(;(ltioll ill the disrrh.:t. 1991 and 200 I Censuses. ,333 ". '.;;I1~'·.!li-\,' \'111 )I.')lributioll of different mother tongues returned in 1991 alid 2l}() I Censuses. 337 {viri) Foreword r"'f"le District Census Handbook (DCHB), published by Census Organisation since 1951 Census, is one 1 of the important publications in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socip-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infraslructural facililties, etc. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village I.!nd town within the district. Thereafter, at successive Censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 196} Census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 Census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages.
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