Decide SST's Future IFoday See Story Below Smmy and Cold Mostly sunny and cold today, FINAL tomorrow and again Friday. Clear and cold tonight., (See Details Page 2) • EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92, Years VOL. 93 NO. 130 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1970 16 PAGES TEN CENTS Congress OkV War Limits By CARL P. LEUBSDORF Together with two other Sen. Frank Church, D-Ida- sion restricting U.S. activities agreed Tuesday to attach lan- WASHINGTON UP> - Cap- bills - the $19.9 billion mili- ho, a leader of the long fight in Cambodia, including a ban guage stating "nothing con- ping a year-long effort, Con- tary procurement authoriza-. against American ground on ground combat troops and tained in this section shall be gress has completed passage tion bill and a supplementary combat troops fighting outside military adviseis, a statement construed to prohibit support of a three-part package limit- foreign aid measure contain- Vietnam, hailed the action as that U.S. aid does not mean a of actions required to insure ing, with White House approv- ing $255 million for Cambodia "an historic moment." U.S. commitment to defend the safe and orderly with- al, U.S. activities in Southeast — the action eliminated one The Idaho Democrat called Cambodia, and a requirement drawal or disengagement of Asia. major area that had threat- it "the largest step yet taken for advance notice to Con- U.S. forces from Southeast The final step came last ened to delay adjournment of in the restoration of the Sen- gress of future aid transfers to Asia or to aid in the release of night when the Senate passed the 91st Congress. ate's role under the Constitu- Cambodia. This was passed in Americans held as prisoners 70 to 2 the $66.6 billion defense Senate war critics held up a tion to participate responsibly the aid bill authorizing the of war." appropriation' bill. The mea- previous version of the de- in the limiting of the Ameri- $255 million for Cambodia. Sen. Allen EUender, D-La., sure bars U.S. combat ground fense spend|ng bill because of can role abroad." — Limitations on U.S. as- acting chairman of the Appro- forces from Laos and Thai- a loophole in the ban on U.S. The three sections of the fi- sistance to Vietnamese and priations Committee, said "it land, but permits continued combat ground troops. nal package include: other nations such as Thailand is certainly not the intent" of American support of South Vi- They permitted action on — The ban on U.S. combat and Korea, prohibiting funds this provision to give the exec- etnamese efforts in Cambodia the defense appropriation leg- ground troops in Laos and to them to provide military utive branch "authority for and Laos. islation after receiving assur- Thailand, first passed in last support and assistance to the large-scale invasion by South The House passed the bill ances it would not authorize a year's defense money bill, re- governments of Laos and Vietnamese or other free earlier in the day 234 to 18, South Vietnamese invasion of newed in the present legisla- Cambodia. world forces ... of North and President Nixon is expect- North Vietnam to free U.S. tion. It is to the latter provision Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or ed to sign it later in the week. prisoners. — A comprehensive provi- that the House and Senate any other country." SST's Future Is on Line WASHINGTON W-A bick- voted $290 million to the SST tore, D-R.I. for the aged, the blind and the advisers into Cambodia. ering 91st Congress scheduled and then accepted the confer- Proxmire said if the dispute disabled. The Senate passed last night another attempt today to re- ence recommendation of $210 isn't settled, he will filibuster The House passed, 234 ot 18, a bill to continue automobile solve the controversy that million. against the SST to the end of the massive defense money and telephone excise taxes for may yet keep it in session as The Senate expanded to nine the session. bill, and the Senate sent it on the next two years and to long as the law allows: the men its negotiating delega- In other work it did finish to the White House, 70 to 2. speed collection of estate tax- future of the supersonic trans- tion, adding Sen. William yesterday, the Senate passed, Votes against it were cast by es. • . port plane. Proxmire, D-Wis., chief SST 81-0, a massive increase in So- Sens. Albert Gore, D-Tenn., It would provide an addi- While the House and Senate foe and Sen. Norris Cotton, cial Security benefits — but and Charles E. Gcodell, it- tional S730 million in federal settled one major problem R-tf.H., who favors the plane. that bill appeared to be foun- N.Y., both defeated for re- billion in fiscal 1972. last night by passing a $66.6- But it appeared unlikely the dering in dispute between the election. The Senate tieup prompted billion defense appropriations new conference would even two houses. That bill had been stalled in House Republican ' Leader bill, Democratic Leader Mike begin work before tonight. Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark., controversy over restrictions Gerald R. Ford to break con- Mansfield said "there's still a The House recessed until eve- chairman of the House Ways on the use of U.S. combat gressional protocol arid issue long tunnel ahead." ning while many members at- and Means Committee, said it forces in Southeast Asia out- a sharp rebuke to the Senate. tended the funeral of Rep. L. will be impossible to work out side South Vietnam. "We should riot letsomein- Mansfield said it appears Mendel Rivers in Charleston, Congress will" have to keep a compromise for passage this The final version bars use of dividuals at the other end of S.C. Congress. American ground forces in the Capitol, because they WHAT U.S. MILITARY DOES IN SOUTH VIETNAM— Scientists in Chicago were working into the weekend, and Anyway, Senate members of . possibly -until noon Sunday — Hikes Benefits Laos and Thailand, but per- think they have us over the shown these airviews of what U.S. military use of herbicides does in South the initial conference said The Social Security bill mits U.S. financial support for barrel timewise, overthrow the final moment the 91st can they doubt the new round of Vietnam. Top photo is of unsprayed mangrove forest, about 60 miles'from'Sai- do business. would give 26 million Ameri- South Vietnamese operations judgments and decisions that talks will do much good. "I cans a $6.5-billion increase in in Cambodia and Laos. An the House of Representatives . flon. Bottom, .1970 view of mangrove forest sprayed in 1965. Dark spots dre After that, the Constitution think this is an exercise in £u- benefits, and provide another earlier bill forbids introduc- has made in the proper course S8ys toe Capitol belongs to the.. some surviving treest according to Herbicide Assessment Commission. • .. tility," Said Sen. John O. Pas- $1 billion in welfare assistance tion of U.S: ground troops or (See SST's Page 2) 92n«-Cwjgi'ess, which actually . • . ".-.' • ,, • • ' ••--•'-•:-••'••:'"(AP-V^repBo'toV doesn't plan to meet until Jan. 21. ''It could be we could get down to just one thing, the County Treasurer's SST," Mansfield said. The Seriate yesterday ta- bled, thus killing a compro- mise $7-billion transportation appropriations bill that in- Post Goes to Wardell cludes $210 million to subsi- dize the airplane. The Senate By BEN VAN VLIET and he is required to sign all He was graduated from earlier had voted to spend FREEHOLD - Neptune checks. Neptune High School in 1915, nothing at all. Mayor Joseph A. Warded will Freeholder director Joseph and holds a degree in account- Way Prepared replace the late Edward C. C. Irwin said the treasurer is ing and business administra- That action prepared the Broege as county treasurer. considered a part of county tion from Rider College. way for a new conference Mr. Wardell confirmed yes- management and as such After graduating from col- with the House, which first terday that he would be sworn takes part in policy decisions. lege, he joined the Neptune in to the $8,000-a-year job dur- It is a parttime job. Police Department in 1928 as ing the annual organization Lifelong Resident records and court clerk. In meeting of the Board of Free- Mr. Wardell is a lifelong 1940, he was promoted to dep- Nixon Is holders at noon Saturday. resident of Neptune, and has puty police chief. The treasurer's job, as des- been active in Republican pol- Shortly afterward he at- ignated by state law, is to su- itics there for more than 15 tended the Federal Bureau of pervise a county's finances, years. Investigation's National Police Academy, in Washington. When the World War II broke out, Mr. Wardell be- TV Talk Says Israel Ready came a special agent with the WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI, a position he held for the President Nixon will answer duration of the war. questions about major foreign Left FBI and domestic issues in a spe- In 1945, Mr. Wardell left the cial hour-long television-radio To Listen at Talks law enforcement field, and broadcast Monday night, the joined his father and brother White House announced yes- Israeli Premier Golda Meir creased American support for in Wardell's Dairy, a family terday. TRAIN P1UNGES INTO RAVINE - Having torn up a section of track on a bridge on ihe railroad line between said yesterday that Israel, Israel's policy of no withdraw- business still located on Old The program scheduled for backed by fresh support al until conclusion of binding Corlies Ave., Neptune.
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