1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 12223 By Mr. SCRANTON: Calimquim); and Apolonio Fernandez (for­ By Mr. McDONOUGH: H .J. Res. 471. Joint resolution proposing an merly known as Apolonio Aquino, Jr.); to H.R. 8063. A bill to authorize Col. Charles amendment to the Constitution of the the Committee on the Judiciary. P. Baldwin, U.S. Army, retired, to accept cer­ United States relative to equal rights for By Mr. CURTIS of Massachusetts: tain employment with the Government of men and women; to the Committee on the H.R. 8055. A bill for the relief of Luigi Venezuela; to the Committee on Armed Judiciary. Assanti; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Services. By Mr. ANFUSO: By Mr. GALLAGHER: H.R. 8064. A bill for the relief of Guy Au­ H. Con. Res. 345. Concurrent resolution ex­ H.R. 8056. A blll for the relief of Roman gustus Fleming; to the Committee on the pressing the sense of the Congress that the Mentel; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. United States should recognize a Cuban By Mr. HALEY (by request): H.R. 8065. A bill for the relief of Carlos government-in-exile; to the Committee on H.R. 8057. A bill to authorize the disposi­ Chang and Maria Luisa Chin de Chang; to Foreign Affairs. tion of land no longer needed for the Chil­ the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BREWSTER: occo Indian Industrial School at Chilocco, By Mr. O'NEILL: H . Con. Res. 346. Concurrent resolution ex­ Okla.; to the Committee on Interior and H.R. 8066. A bill for the relief of Sung Woo pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ Insular Affairs. Kim; to the Committee on the Judiciary. spect to a program for paying the national By Mr. HALPERN: By Mr. PIRNIE: debt; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 8058. A bill for the relief of Dr. H.R. 8067. A bill for the relief of Bruno By Mr. PUCINSKI: Avelina Layos; to the Committee on the Beer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H . Res. 370. Resolution providing for the Judiciary. By Mr. POWELL: reading of the Declaration of Independence H.R. 8059. A bill for the relief of Wai Chan H.R. 8068. A bill for the relief of Dr. Cassim in the House of Representatives each year in Cheng Liu; to the Committee on the Judi­ M. Jadwat; to the Committee on the Judi- celebration of the Fourth of July; to the ciary. ciary. Committee on Rules. H.R. 8060. A bill for the relief of Miss By Mr. ROONEY: Yersapetouhi· Darmanian; to the Committee H.R. 8069. A bill for the relief of Marcel on the Judiciary. Weissman; to the Committee on the Judi- By Mr. HEALEY: ciary. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 8061. A bill conferring jurisdiction By Mr. SCHADEBERG: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private upon the U.S. Court of Claims to hear, deter­ H.R. 8070. A bill for the relief of Juan mine, and render judgment upon the claim Bocanegra; to the Committee on the Judi­ bills and resolutions were introduced of Medwin Benjamin; to the Committee on ciary. and severally referred as follows: the Judiciary. By Mr. SHEPPARD: By Mr. BALDWIN: By Mr. KILGORE: H.R. 8071. A bill for the relief of the H. K. H.R. 8054. A bill for the relief of Teresita H .R. 8062. A bill for the relief of Combest Ferguson Co. and the Maceo Corp.; to the Fernandez (formerly known as Teresita B. Sills; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Army Parachute Team I wish to extend my congratulations months before Castro came to power, I to Lt. Gen. T. J. H. Trapnell, command­ referred to him in a statement in Con­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ing general, Headquarters XVIII Air­ gress as vicious because of his action in borne Corps, Fort Bragg, N.C., on the kidnaping American citizens, and then I OF fine Army Parachute Team under his added that this "shows what sort of a HON. FRANK KOWALSKI command. liberator he would be if he should gain OF CONNECTICUT control of Cuba." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I warned then that he would be worse Proposal for a Cuban Government-in­ than Batista. Much to our regret, this Monday, July 10,1961 Exile proved to be true from the moment he Mr. KOWALSKI. Mr. Speaker, re­ took over in Cuba. Because of my early cently it was my privilege to receive in opposition to him, Castro invited me in my office a group of men comprising the EXTENSION OF REMARKS January 1959 to visit Cuba. That was Army Parachute Team. OJ' only 10 days or 2 weeks after he had at­ This outstanding team-was headed by HON. VICTOR L. ANFUSO tained power and his goon squads were Capt. James M. Perry and consisted of murdering innocent men and women in 1st Lt. Roy D. Martin, M. Sgt. John T. OF NEW YORK the hundreds. I do not know whether Holies, Sgts. Alfonso M. Soles, Robert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his invitation was a way to squelch my T. Turner, Wilfred J. A. Charette, and Monday, July 10,1961 efforts to expose him at that early stage. Joe A. Norman; Sp4c. Bobby M. Ledbet­ Mr. ANFUSO. Mr. Speaker, I have Nevertheless, I turned down his invita­ ter, Sfcs. Harold R. Lewis and Gerald F. just returned from Miami, the temporary tion for two reasons: First, because of Bourquin; and Pfc. Leroy K. Smith. new home of free Cubans. There I met his Communist affiliations; second, be­ The parachute team had come to with leaders of Cuban parties, old and cause of his slurring remarks against Washington to give a demonstration in new, who live for the day when they can American "gringos" at the time he took connection with the Armed Services liberate their country. Knowing of my over and vowing that he would kill 200,- Day here in the Nation's Capital. long opposition to Fidel Castro and of my 000 of them in the event of U.S. inter­ However, inclement weather grounded sympathetic understanding of the prob­ ference in Cuban affairs. them. Upon learning that the rains lems which face Cubans, in and out of His hatred of the United States and and overcast sky made it impossible for Cuba, they pleaded with me to help everything that the United States stands the team to make any practice jumps, bring unity in their ranks in order that for is not something recent. It predated I asked them to drop into my office. they may all work for a free and demo­ his coming to power, and the moment he After a pleasant chat with the group, cratic Cuba. assumed control he gave vent to his true I escorted them to the recording room I accept this challenge and here and feelings about America. This is another where we conducted a taped interview. now I submit to my colleagues, so that proof of his Communist views and atti­ This interview, I am informed, was tudes-Castro himself answered that played back May 16 over radio station they may better appraise the situation, a little background material followed by a question, both by his deeds and his words. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. practical solution based upon our sup­ As we listen to Castro's harrangues These fine young men created a most port of a Cuban government-in-exile. and his spewing of anti-U.S. hatred, we favorable impression wherever they merely have to close our eyes and we went. During their visit to the Hill, THE BACKGROUND can easily hear Khrushchev talking they also met other Members of the I knew of Castro's mental imbalance, through him. It is the voice of Castro, House who were as impressed as I by his hallucinations of grandeur, his links but the words are Khrushchev's. At the appearance, attitude, and conduct of with communism, long before he gained times, one even hears the frenzied and the Army Parachute Team. control of Cuba. Back in July 1958, 6 hysterical shrieking of Hitler ringing in 12224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE July 10 our ears as Castro spews out his mad forward with a better plan. It ill be­ outside the country, and that it will not hatred of us. This puny dictator does hooves any member of the council to relinquish its efforts until Cuba is once not yet realize, in his sick desire for now sit back and say, "let's wait." Wait again a free nation. power and his dreams of grandeur, that for what? For all Latin America, as Second, that it will spare no effort to he is nothing more than a pawn in the well as Cuba, to be lost? This is the disclose to other Latin American nations hands of Khrushchev who is playing the time for everyone to put his vanity aside and their leaders the true nature of the international chess game with cunning and work with all Cubans who love Cuba Castro regime. and deception. no less than any single individual or Third, that it will emphasize the values WHAT TO DO NOW? group. I come then to my fifth point of freedom and the fact that communism The question above all questions still and, perhaps, the most important of all has smothered what the Cuban people remains: What can we do now? What proposals. love most, that is, their freedom. It must we do now? I have several sugges­ CUBAN GOVERNMENT-IN-EXILE should be further emphasized that it re­ tions.
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