Journal of His tory VOL. XIV, No. 3 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI JULY, 1921 THE PERIODICAL LITERATURE OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS BY WALTER W. SMITH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was little more than a year old when by conference action a monthly periodical was provided for, as indicated by the fol­ lowing item from the minutes of a conference held at Hiram, Ohio, September, 1831. THE EVENING AND MORNING STAR A conference was held, in which Brother W. W. Phelps was in­ structed to stop at Cincinnati on his way to Missouri, and purchase a press and type, for the purpose of establishing and publishing a monthly paper at Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, to be called the "Eve­ ning and Morning Star."-Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 481. ·w. W. Phelps, ifl }larmony with the instructions, went to Cincinnati, Ohio, secured the press and type and proceeded to Independence, Jack­ son County, Missouri, where he issued a prospectus setting forth his in­ tentions; extracts from which indicate the attitude of Saints relative to the publication of the message of the Restored. Gospel. The Evening and the Morning Star will be published at Independence, Jackson County, State of Missouri. As the forerunner of the night of the end, and the messenger of the day of redemption, the Star will borrow its light from sacred sources, and be devoted to the revelations of God as made known to his servants by the Holy Ghost, at sundry times since the creation of man, but more especially in these last days, for restoration of the house of Israel. We rejoice much because God hath been so mindful of his promi.se, as again to send into this world the Holy Ghost, whereby we are enabled to know the right way to holiness; and, furthermore, to prove all doctrines, www.LatterDayTruth.org 258 JOURNAL OF HISTORY whether they be of God or of man; for there can be but one, as Christ and the Father are one.- . The Book of Mormon, having already gone to the world, being the fullness of the gospel to the Gentiles according to the promises of old, we know that the blessing of Jo.;;eph is near at hand. For his glory, the firstling of his bullock, and his horns, the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together from the ends of the earth, to the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, the mount Zion: for in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations; wherefore it is now made known and published to the world, by the. authority of the beloved Savior, that the gathering of the house of Israel hath commenced upon the land of Zion and that the church which is called the church of Christ, is an ensign to all nations, that the children of God are returning from their long dispersion, to possess th.e land of their inheritance, and reign with Christ a thousand years, while Satan is bound. The Evening and Morning Star, besides the secret of the Lord, which is now with them that fear him, and the everlasting gospel, which must go to all nations, before the Holy. One shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep, and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion, to destroy the wicked with brightness of his coming-will also contain wkatever of truth or in­ formation that can benefit the Saints of God temporally as well as spiritually, in these last days, whether in prose or poetry, without inter­ fering with politics, broils, or the gainsayings of the world. While some may say this paper is opposed to all combinations under whatever plausible character, ·others will know, that it is for a~ eternal union whose maker and supporter is God: thus aH must be as they are, inas­ much as they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same­ but wisdom is justified of her children. From this press also, may be expected as soon as wisdom directs, many sacred records, which have slept for ages. Terms.-The Star will be issued monthly on a royal sheet quarto, atl one dollar a year, till it shall be deemed proper to publish it oftener. (A supplement will be published weekly, if required, containing the ad-. vertisements of Jackson County, &c.) Letters to the Editor must be paid-and subscriptions in specie or United States' bills. February 23, 1832. W. W. PHELPS. www.LatterDayTruth.org PERIODICAL LIT.ER~TURE 259 The first issue of the The Evening and Morning Star ap­ peared in June, 1832. At this time it was the pioneer paper in the United States, being the most westerly paper in the Nation. It was the first paper published in Jackson County, Missouri, in which is now located one of the greatest publica­ tion centers of the world. The Star was issued monthly, an eight page, quarto sheet, printed in excellent style and form. The publisher's imprint on the last page of the first issue is as follows: The Evening and The Morning Star. IS PUBLISHED EVERY MONTH AT INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON COUNTY, MO., BY W. W. PHELPS & CO. THE PRICE IS ONE DOLLAR FOR A YEAR IN ADVANCE EXCEPT SPECIAL CON­ TRACTS WITH THE CHURCH. EVERY PERSON THAT SENDS l7S $10, (U. S. PAPER) SHALL BE ENTITLED TO A PAPER FOR A YEAR, GRATIS. ALL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OR PUBLISHERS, MUST BE POSTPAID. ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE INSERTED TO ORDER, IN A SUPPLEMENT AT THE USUAL RATEJS PRINTING OF MOST KINDS, DONE TO ORDER, AND IN STYLE. Fourteen numbers were issued from Independence, Mis­ souri, when the printing establishment was destroyed by the mob. The July issue of 1833 was distributed before the de­ struction of press and type which took place on July 20, 1833. The printing interests were removed to Kirtland, Ohio. The next number of the Star bears date of December, 1833, and contains an announcement by the editor, Oliver Cowdery, from which we extract the following: To the Patrons of the Evening and the Morning Star. Circumstances having rendered it impossible to issue the present number of the Star previously, its former patrons, no doubt, have been furnished with various reports, f;rom various sources, explanatory of its delay, which have been contradicted or exaggerated, equally as often as they have been circulated, until the public mind has despaired of any­ thing authentic on the subject. It is not our intention to give a minute detail 6f occurrences which have occasioned a removal of the location of the Star, in this address, as www.LatterDayTruth.org 260 JOURNAL OF HISTORY following articles are plain on that subject; but it may b-e expected, per­ haps, that we shall give the outlines of the course which we intend to THE I..:VENJNT;· AND THE lllOR!SlNG- STAR. Vol; l. r:·stnrc!ltoi!sfv.r 1 0 11 t~~~~~~;~a~}~~~; Y·?n 1 it. is a tim~ Vih(;l th~llvick()U~·ul n< t cxp2ct to S3c ·tli~ ~~ b ~~n~e~~~}.~~~~~d':!~~~~~ ~~~~ ~'!e~~~f~} ~r;~~;:~~i~!~otll~~~:cll \~~i~ ~~~~~?llle, \\'Ilea none;_ sh~lllirc in_ t:ld;:;cond gen. ofth~m th<~.~ hate us. : : s~ h ~ h<J:nor, f:r 5hc 1a d.clncred m'o th~ han,d~ lA:H.l:fil!.<, or Ezr;, thJ If.gh "P1i~o:, W~fitlppvsc, tN,m:i to h~vc had a greaf\';'>IV cf . A;d thi~J·cforc·shake offt~ly ~mat )N~vinrss, and pu.t aw~y the m~ltitudf> .o"f tlJ~ l1st d :ys, 11]1<1 fur nl! Ibat ~~sever. n;-~p·~ai",·d tj) lhD C'Jfl!nry, by tlp w:s,](,l\1 of sorrow~, th'lt th<J mighty JJ.l~Y be mercJfUll,!!llothee ag:.un, and the ll;gnest shell m:~.~, ~~~~p--k~ b]: the Spi1_ii of~od,.1=-iid s~ys:....:."And ~ Op('ncd my mouth and gifo!l~J? rtst umle:~se fro~ tl!:fl.•bor. , , . ~~f~~U~-~~~~ 1 ~~~:-~;es;}~~v:~~~~ !~~~~:;"1:.~ l~.~~\n°tl~~~~1iJ~~~:c~::iu~~~~~~~ ~~-~~;;~, Uc~,~l~i~c~t~~~~~J:~s;iy:~~!d"lh;rasc~~::~~~~~~ !l~;;~:~~d~h:~ ~e~~~~fu,~u~~· :,O·Jlll.ltl ii"CJ.d<:th, lH a barrl'n phc(>, whl'n they c~.w.e o:.~t ofEg}·pt, ' And tLOh her, nn.J. m•JseU wh.Jt it llligM,be', · And bchoJd. sUddenly she mldp a gre:.t,cry, 0 }\~~-~~\~o~lt~:.~?;:; ~~~' i~ j~~:~~durtds]~")[\~r~ fo~~,~~i~ ;:;, ~~f·y~ !.~ ~~A!daif~~)~~dt,~~l·hbc~, ~7:~~~~~ a;~~:r~~ ~:~~::~~o morc,,l,~t there \Jc honorrd in~~ forc\~J.:- Rut our (•lhers, whichrcc.<Ji\'ed thc_b.\\'1 kept it not, and w~s .a cit~ bui!ded!_3.nd _a l~rge .pbc_o shewed itself from_ the ~om_:datiollil! then ~.~~,~~~·,it'lr~~ltt·l~~~: ~i~1;~~~et~~~.~;;~~;~;~~iv~~ii\·~o1~~~- ~;~:;:;~~~h~;:!~~~ ~1~~! ;!::~~~~~~~\~;~f~1ttf fo~0h~ 1:~;~c~J:~t~~ ~~~~\~~~~i~r:~~~~ ~~i tue tl•mg thnt'wassown 11Jtl:em. · . mmc end IS t,_mJC4·mto.comlptlon, and m)'P?Jyer to rebuke. And ~I was And 1~, it !sa cu~tom; wl1cn tlw <:;round h:tth.recciVcll. slicd, or tOO seri.
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