An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Student business venture Hens "in in pokes fun at UD cops, triple oHrtime, Bl CI 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesda} & Friday • • FREE Volume 130, Issue 19 ' · www.review.udel.edu N<;>vember 18, 2003 Wilmington building cracks from wind B' C \\JILL£ CLO\\ ER' Kalmo''"ki said 3.500 people \\Crc Stead) '' inds of .Ippro\Jmatel: 25 Center and then sent home. danger or t:l~·-tde fallmg .. ' magm..; \ us l ,, e\ acuatcd from the '-,cw C astlc Count: mph and '' ind gush L)f up to 55 mph lie s<lld the h1gh-nsc \\Js rCllpencd Kalmo\\ski sa iLl thc bolt. \\ill lwld An ctghhtor) crack in the Bank Cou11hou-..c. 1.200 from the Bank One enu-.eJ a runnel effect. he ~a1d. 111 '' hich at 4:20 p.m. Fnda) and doc-. not ,IJllJCJ­ 111 ,heir present condilltlll .llld it i~ up w One \\'limington high-me forced the hieh-ri-.;c and 500 ti·om " -..mailer Bank "md-. \\Crc Lhannclcd thfClugh the high­ parc thts "ill pose " problem m the the huildmg 0\\ nero.; tl' tighten thl' bolt-. c,·acuatton ol 5.200 people from three O~c bu lding adjacent to the high-rt~c ri-.c: and bounced off the bUildings. future .h engineers rcctnmlcn,kd buddtng~ Fnda' on K mg and 4th street-.. T" o sets of engineer~ sun eyed the John Rago. spoke~man fM "Thi.., \\ ,,., ..1 \ ~') U 1u'\J,t! C\ etll.'. he Jo~cph K~lltnO\\ ~ki. \\ ilmington \tan.:tc \\ illtam'. the cll\ ·, .:mcr­ 17-,rory butldmg. Kalmtm ski said. and \\'dmmgton \ layor James Baker. said ~aid ... , doubt 11 \el"\ much that th1-. deputy lire chief. sa1d the e\·acuauon gency ~lan,tgement office· spokes­ found that bolts -.ecun ·tg the cunain high-nscs shlfi light!~ to '' tth~tand the \\Ould he a problem Jgain:· began at appro. imatcly 11·1 0 a.m. after '' oman. said appnnimatel~ l 0 block' \\all \\ere ltn-.c. but \\·ere not in danger force of" mds. but the buildmg lllO\ eLl r·ngme.?r-. -.ur\ I?) cd the building employee-, nouccd cracktng in the mtc­ around the pen meter of the office lllgh­ of falling otT more than usual on 1-nda;.. causmg the \ c-.terda\ and made further aditl';tmcnb nor dry ''all of their office n-.c ''ere cnrdllncd on. '\o hutld1ng 'iolatwns \\ere found. gap 111 the north fa~,:adc that faces \\"alnut to recti!~ the problem, Kalnlln~ 'k1 -.aid '·\\ e ·re not cng1nccr-.. '-O ,,.e "ere K.lltntm-.ki -.aid hil!h '' inds caused he -.atd. and 4th street-. and the crack that e\tend­ rhc Department of l 1ccnsc~ and worncd abuut a p<bsible cull apse ... he the curtain "<~II on th; outside of the B~mk One Corp. Spokesman Da' 1d ed from the ninth to the 17th floor. ln ... pections \\a-. unable Ill be reached for said ...The C\ acuauon "as a prccaution­ buildinl!. a co-.mdJC feature. to separate Chamberlin said employee-. \\·ere r~lo­ '"The bolt. \\Crc nor crcwcd prop­ comment on the :-.pccdic rep.ur ... made to ar: measure. from :h~ inner fa~,:adc catcd to the Bank One Ri' crfronr :\rts erly." he said. "but there ''as IlL'\ cr an~ the high-ri,c. Groups UD warns about perform abroad program BY \LDRn G.\RR prok 'l'r' ,lfftlt.ttcd '' 11h both \• /' R \mcncan and Canadun un,\ erslliC' An independent :-.tud:- .tbroad \\ hLl lc td the: ... n.dcnh i'l l i) group benefit program recently' J-.ltcd the uni\cr llJ,cu,,iOih 0\ er the montl lot !' tnp. -;it;. raising <;omc e~ cbro\\ ~ abc)UI the 1he progr m ~-o,si t ol l\\ll lcgirimac;. or their organizauun. h.tl\ LS. 'he -..ud. 'l'c:ndl.lS t'1c tir... t International Student t\\ o \\ cck' ' ..1luntcc·nng n <?O'll'llUIII­ concert Volunteers, a 20-year-old ad\ cnrurc tJc-. f-or c\,lmp'e. students can p.lr­ tra\ cl group and 3-ycar-old 'lllun­ t .... kc 111 htnldl'lg ht11m -.. fixmg pl.l)­ teer ~tudy abroad pwgram that JS ground~ and rep l.rtl'~ roud' ba-.ed out ofCal1t\)rnia. pro\ tdcs -.tu­ The latter half ot • 1e tr p 1 tl-tc• ln L\CR.\ Bm CE dcnrs an opportunit) to tra\ cl to dc"­ ,1d\ enture tra\ cl po 1101 1'1 \\ hiLh .\t,.tf Rtp< tmations such a-. \u-.tralia. ( o:-.t,l -.n.dcnh \ J-.tt Cl!!ht dtffer.:n: loca­ Four uni\ cr~it) a eappella groups Rtca. the Dommtean Republic and tion-. \\ 1th111 th~e cOUillr:,.. I elztcn JOined torccs a-. the \'oiccs \gamst '\C\\ Zealand. -.:ud. Hunger. rais1ng ~550 for internatiOnal During the \\et:k of Oct. ~U. tlllt­ l r,md.tll Ba\, hat'L'll to h \ ..t:J I ll,._ p._, h_ '-,tutk ll l L r iuay ve•·stt;. clas-.rooms ''ere bombardcd from th..: L (. sB. exptamcd the pfll­ night. \\ ith rap1dl) ~peaking I '\ rcprc-.en­ gr.un ... tudent-. '' otlld be• tnHlh LU Ill ,\ crowd of appnnimatcl: 300. tati\cs handing out gold-colored \\hen -.tgnin;:! .tp \\ 11h I~\' lea\ ing standing room on I: in the llicrs that outlined information Jhout Ba) rcailirmcd f·clnc.1·, 'tatc­ Scrounge. '' atchcd the Dcltt1m>. 0- their program. mcnh b~ '•') n·g tt ,, the •uclcnt · ::Sharps::. \'oLal Poult and Y-Chromcs The top of the !cutler e\plamed pcr-.clllal 10h I<' \ cn1) \\ llh th 1r um­ '>lllg at the benciit concert that credits are il\ ailablc through the \ er,it) tl ..lt th: cr~dlh .. re •r. J-.fer­ The concert. ho~rcLI h\ :\lpha Lni,crsit] of California Santa ._.nlc. Lambda Delta hom,rs ti·aternJtv"s B.tltk THl· Rf-\ IL\\ k"1ca Duom.: Barbara ·s \\ 1ld-lllld studic-. program c.ntfith, ~.ltJ 1-te \\:1 llllll'emed for Life Committee for the second con­ The uni' cr-. it) adlmni-.tr:llwn .. bout the 1:1ct th t I\\ I'- not. tlilt..tt­ sccUP\C :car. doubkd ih turnout and The uninrsil) 's four student a cappella groups performed lo a stand­ immcdiatcl;. he.,;an to quc~t1on the ed \\ uh the '\,liJOnal \-..~ 1Ca3th11l of proceed-. from l.t-.t year's C\ .:nt. ing-room only cro\\ d in the Scrounge Frida)' night to raise mone) for truth to the prL\gram·-. claim-. Forc1gn ~tudent \d\ ~or': B) pas~mg hu\c' through the cro\\d 0'\.fam. an international aid organization. The ennt was hosted b) Le-.a Grinirhs. d1rccto1 L'l the \~'oci,llwn of lnternJIJonal markcLI \\ ith plna~c-. like. "Dt'n't hate. Alpha Lambda Delta honors fraternit) 's Battle for Life Committee. Center for lntcrnatinnal ~tudJcs. f- duc.lltlr-, donate:· and sL'lling ratlle tiLkct~ for stres...cd caut1on to student- lotlkJng Ur-.ula 0JK'>. repro: cntdll\C prize-.. the Clll1lll1Jttce raised monc~ for grLat of them:· thine~. to gi\C back and th1~ \\as for into the IS\' C\pcnencc from \I·S \. •d her org.mizaiJ,m 0\fam, an tntcrnatwnal aiJ organiza­ The four a L.ippclla group-. \\ere charit~ :· he-said. "It '"h a no-braincr .. "\\ c haYc no prior kno\\ kdge of dt•c not do ... L 1.'d1 th111. tion. asked to -.;mg because or their laq,.e fan The Y-Chromcs ,tl-.o pcrfunncd at thi ... organtzatton:· he -.aid. "Our ··0, \I -.; \ , 'o unta1~ mcm- After each gwup performed. mem­ base on campus. she smd. the C\ent last fall. :'\tallitz -;aid. mam concern "' the unh crsll~ h~h 11\l bcr,hlp.'' -.he a~<.' ··,tl not C\ cr~ ber-. of the fratL'rllll) ILlOk the stage to "\\ c knc\\ we could dn.n\ people b: '-.cnior Cnm anna Ciui. member of agreement '' nh the organi7:ltlun that -.tud) abro:1~ pro;ram ~~ ,ttliliateLI ... reflect on the hum!er crish throughout bnnging the~.: groups together:· Koehler the Resident '>tudcnt ,\~sociation. said the '' ork the -.tudcnh '' 111 dll '' 11l Cn tliths '•' d there ar~ m,ln) the '' orld. - -.aid. the: helped prm 1de Alpha Lambda Delta tran•ilate PllO oftictaluni' crsit) crcd- ll<lll·lllll\ cr-.n:- ffilt.ltcd -.rudy Scn10r h a Koehler. an Alpha A~ the groups harmon izcd and '' llh the fundml! to hllld the concert. it." ,tbn)ad program~ th:ll pnl\ •Lic a'' cll­ Lambd<~ Delta mt'mber. s<11d the B<~ule bounced in tunc '' ith the mus1c. the: RS \ decid~d to l!rant the fratcmit' ·s Kara F clzJcn. reprcsentatl\ c rnunded e\pericnce.: ct the uni\ ersi- for Life Commtttcc bosh an C\ent e\er: cncrgJ;cd the cro\\d '' tth song~ like tilL reLJue-.t for co-spon-sorship because. it from I \'. e\plained that the credit-. 1) "' ,rill \Oictng .:onccrn u\cr the spn tg that dra\\-, a large turnout. so the) D..-ltoncs \"Crsion of Thud Eye Blind's \\ lh going to\\·ard a l!OOd cause. she sa1d. arc nor nccc-.saril~ tran-.ferable at all l~\ dec1dcd to organ1zc a fall c\ent as "ell. "\lotorc\cle Dn\e B\ ·· and the D­ "\\hat the~ arc do1ng 1s a great uniYer~llJes and college-. · There ar~ man~ mdcpcndcnt . he said the group\ mrss1on 1s to ::Sharps; rendition of .:Let it Sno\\ ·· in thJnl!:· Citti said. "\\c \\OUld dcfinllch .. Thar·s the rcsponsibllir~ of the prm iJ~er-. of .,;ood ,tud) .tbrll,ld pm­ raise •m ,trene"s of children in poor coun­ honor of Frida' ni!.!ln\ chill\ \\C,Hher.
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