Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1969-02-21 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1969). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2221. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2221 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .A 'Jhe avler l?UlS Val. Liii CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRI.DAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1969 TEN CENTS No. 15 TRUSTEES TO VIEW REFORMS RDC Suggests Academic Council Voluntary Retreats Proposes Voluntary ROTC By J. MICHAEL DUNPHY, News Executive F.dltor By DENNIS A. REPENNING, News Managing Editor The Religious Development Committee met this At a special meeting on Wednesday, February 12, behind the national trend against week and passed a proposal by a slim 4 to 3 vote to the Xavier University Academic Council proposed compulsory ROTC. make retreats voluntary for juniors and seniors. The unanimously to change the present compulsory ROTC Academic Council did not reach proposal was initiated by Bob Ripenhoff, one of the system to a completely voluntary program. The rec­ an agreement concerning academic two students seated on the committee. The proposal ommendation of Academic Council will now be for­ credit that will be given to Military Science courses. The present con­ is now . pending deci&ion by the Board of Trustees. warded to the Board of Trustees, and according to tract between Xavier and the De­ Fr. O'Callagl:tan, Academic Council chairman, "will partment of the Anny states that Tui lion Jumps $5 be voted on sometime in the next week." some academic credit be given to If the Board of Trustees act machinery already exists for the ROTC courses, but a decision by favorably to the proposal, the students to begin an equivalent of the University will be pending "A tuition raise of $5.00 per credit hour for all voluntary program will. be put into the four-year ROTC program after since the Anny is at present re­ undergraduate classes at Xavier University will· be effect In September of 1969, putting freshman year. Speaking to Aca­ evaluating its policy on academic' effective as of September 1, 1969," announced Presi­ an end to the perennial student demic Council priortothelrdeliber­ credit. dent Paul L. O'Connor, Monday, February 17. outcry against compulsory ROTC. atlon, Colonel Dooley commented that he does not expect to have Concerning the facts of non­ This brings the rate per credit hour to $38. 00. According to the minutes of the grave problems in getting at least freshman students who will not Academic Council meeting, ltcould the minimum of students In• the have their two-year, compulsory The decision was made by the 3. "To provide a physical en­ not be completely ascertained If basic course. ROTC obligation completed by Board of Trustees "after careful vironment for the learning process the overall military program would The decision of Academic Coun­ June, Fr. O'Callaghan explained, consideration of the financial reali­ that meets today's standards the be able to survive. Presumably the cil was based on the ROTC sub­ "The final decision will be made ties if operating the University in University has, on a regular basis, Military SCience Department will committee report of Dr. Cusick and by the students' dean, but we hope a rising economy." been adding buildings and special­ launch a program to attract fresh­ faculty-student opinion. Academic to work it out in the best interest These are the major factors on ized equipment. This has meant men into the ROTC Progr~m, ,_n_d C.ouncil also discussed the rationale of the student." which the Trustee action was a sharp rise in ordinary main­ based: tenance costs. 1. "The University has no 4. "Xavier's financial endow­ choice but to react to the ever­ ment, never large, is now approxi­ rising "cost of living" factor in our mately $2, 7 50, 000. The income economy. Each year the University from this endowment is largely is paying more in salaries and used to support scholarships. As wages, for goods and services. To the university grows, and it is now remain solvent we must have cor­ at its highest level with more than responding income to meet these 6000 students, the relative effective­ rising costs. ness of the endowment income is diminished. Xavier's endowment of 2. "Essential no n - classroom contributed services of the Jesuit services such as the library, health Fathers who are teachers and ad· center, and guidance and place­ ministrators is valued at approxi· ment have been greatly improved mately $450, 000 annually and in recent years with new facilities remains fairly constant since no and expanded program. The stu­ additional Jesuit manpower can dents have responded by making be assigned to the University at• greater use of these services. Costs this time." for personnel and operations have (Continued on page 3) correspondingly increased. According to Michael Mok, author of BIAFRA JOURNAL pub­ lished this week by Time-Lile· Books, "the most devastating weapon vu.:~ St11dent~ Honored In the Nigerian arsenal Is a form. of starvation called kwashlorkor." Dr. Robert Ashmore, chairman tlve Literature). pie, in Region VIII (Ohio and s l d l M F of Graduate Scholarship Commit- The Woodrow Wilson Founda- Michigan) the numbers of Desig- U en S 0 V e 0 r YAF tee, announces that seven Xavier tton 18 dedicated to fostering future natea and Honorable Memtons students nominated by the faculty university teachers. yielded the followlrw statistics· have been declared winners in the · . ~ .... Several Xavier students are llonal Advisory Board, which al10 national Woodrow Wilson com- Xavier students compared moat : , •I· presently fonning a chapter of includes over forty members of petition. Nationally, there were 11, favorably with other schools in the (Continued on page 7) · · · Young Americans for Freedom on CongreH along with many pro- 704 students nominated. Of theee competition tb1a year. For exam- the Xavier campu1. YAF la a na- feasors, journallstl, and business 1,106 i·eceived top honors as Dea- tlonal youth organization with con- and civic leaders. ignatea and 1,111 received Hon- servatlve background fonned in National membership is cur- orable Mention. 1960 under the auspices ofWilllam rently 30, ooo, with chapters and A list of the Designates has been F. Buckley, Jr. state organizations in all fifty sent to all graduate school deans On Saturday, Feb. 15, represen- ·states. Commented Bill Atkinson in the United States and Canada tatlvea from the Xavier chapter, In a statement" to the News, "YAF .with the recommendation that the including Ed Hopkins (Chair- Is an action-oriented organization graduate schools make fellowship man), Bob Gorin, Bill Atkinson, with a clearly articulated phlolo- awards to these students, designa- Rob Kirkner, Tim Grlffln, Mike sophy of man and his society. We ted as "the beat future college tea- Setty, and Dick O'Neill, met with are concerned with the important chers on the continent" The grad- members of the M lam I U. and current Issues, whether tliey be on uate deans will receive also a list U.C. chapters at Oxford. the campus, In the local com- of those persons who received Also In attendance were Con- munity, the nation, or of inter- Honorable Mention classification. gressman Donald.Lukens ( R-Ohio) national significance." Xavier students honored as Des- and State YAF Chairman Steve The organization publishes e lgnates are Steven Huprich ( Psy- Mayerhofer of O.S. U. Plans were monthly magazine, has worked to chology), John Makowski (Clas- discussed concerning the moblliza- eliminate the radical N.S.A. from sics), and Edward Yokley (Chem· tlon of the student majorities at the campuses, has proposed an alter- lstry). Honorable Mentions were respective campuses, contingent native to the draft, worked for awarded to James Hague (Eng- Woodrow Wilson deslgnate11 John Makowski, F.d Yokeley, and upon leftist disruptions and the hundreds of candidates for public 111lh), Michael Henson (English), Steve Huprich, seated. Standing with Dr. Ashmore, scholarship com· violation of student rights. office, and Initiated opposition to Dennis Hopklnson(Mathematlcs) mlttee chairman, are honorable mentions, Mike Henson, Bill Sproat, Buckley. remains on the Ntl- buslne11ses which trade with the and William Sproat ( Compar~- ,.~nn111 Hopkinson, and Dick Hague. _ .... , ... , ... , • , , .• , .., cnem:y. P•a• Tw• CINCINNATI, OHIO, .FR.JDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1969 Editorials Letters to the Etlitor lle81deat Speahs Out o• Millvale Patriotism ing of the five rooms and the four As far as Millvale being a baby Dear Sirs; room units with a common wall factory and the progeny becoming Comes Cheap By chance, I had an oppor­ removed by the Maintenance unit, drop-outs or criminals I must tunity to read your publication o! the housing administrators. make my stand here. "The Xavier News" Vol. Liil, Cincinnati, Ohio, Friday, Nov. 22, Millvale is a low cost housing Most of the residents have ade­ While students in five major universities were 1968, no. 8. unit per se, but to the residents it quate mentalities to support their is not. Most live on a monthly families sufficiently without benefit moving toward pulling their institutions down by the The article, "Muskies Reach Out illz d such as of handouts. But when a human to Millvale " was quite a contro- grant, usually stab e ' rafters over such issues as the war, beaurocratic ' . · l ecurlty Welfare or some active mind is kept locked by a verslal subject among many res1- socia s ' ti education, and black studies, Xavier's Student Coun­ · low paying menia 1 occupa on.
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