Mound City, Missouri Vol. 131, No. 3 75¢ www.moundcitynews.com Thursday • July 29 • 2010 Shots must Primary Election to be be completed held Tuesday, August 3 before school The Primary Election will being the U.S. Senate race. be held in Holt County on In the U.S. Senate race, 17 starts Tuesday, August 3, 2010, candidates are seeking votes Holt County School nurse, at appointed polling places which will foster their seat on Susan Lentz, is again re- throughout the county with the November ballot. minding parents that im- polls open from 6:00 a.m. to Republicans Sam Graves munization boosters must 7:00 p.m. and Christopher Ryan are the be completed before the first Townships and locations only race for U.S. Representa- day of school on Wednesday, are as follow: tive District 6 seat. August 18, 2010, in order • Lincoln-Union Township With the exception of State to attend. JH/HS students at the Nazarene Church in Auditor, party candidates for needing their Tdap boosters Craig State Representative District received letters in the mail • Clay Township at the 4 and State Senator District from the nurse in March. Nodaway-Holt School in Mait- 12 stand unopposed. All incoming 8th graders land Locally, candidates are run- are due this vaccine unless • Bigelow-Minton Township ning solely on the Rebublican they have received one in at the City Hall in Mound ticket and seats for Associ- the past two years. City ate Circuit Judge, Presiding The Holt County Health • Benton-Liberty Township Commissioner, County Clerk, at the City Hall in Mound Circuit Clerk and Exofficio Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) workers were finishing work- On a project at Department in Oregon, Pintail Pond during their final work week at the refuge. YCC team members include, left MO, is hosting a free walk- City Recorder, Treasurer and Pros- to right, back row, Team Leader Ben Limle, Tyler Eaton, Willy Walker and Team Leader in clinic for JH/HS students • Forest Township at the ecuting Attorney are running Kirby Asher. Front row, Ashley Graupman, Garrett Rauch, Trevor Boyd, Levi Staples, to receive their Tdap on City Hall in Forest City unopposed. Hannah Monroe and Brooke Voltmer. Thursday, August 5, from • Lewis-Hickory, Nodaway- Donna Cotton and Cindy 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Forbes Township at the TJ Wohlford are vying for County Preschool/Kindergarten Hall Building in Oregon Collector, to fill the position of Refuge benefits as two summer YCC entries were notified at Candidates in the Demo- Billy Paul Sharp, who is retir- screening/roundup what cratic, Republican, Libertar- ing. vaccines were needed for ian and Constitution parties All registered voters need to teams help prepare for anniversary school entrance. stand largely unopposed in be sure to exercise their right heavy scope, the team made New students need to their party, with the exception to vote Tuesday, August 3. With the President’s initia- things interesting,” com- bring their immunization tive to get local youth work- mented Ashley Graupman, the project happen. records when they enroll. ing on conservation projects, team member. “I love the Tyler Eaton, a team mem- Asthma action plans and Squaw Creek National Wild- outdoors, I couldn’t work in- ber who travelled from Falls medication forms for stu- life Refuge was able to apply side.” City, NE, all summer stated dents carrying their own for and welcome two teams In addition to their la- proudly of the Grignon proj- inhalers are available at from the Youth Conserva- bor, team members were ect, “This is a neat project. Northwest Health Services, tion Corps (YCC) to the ref- required to participate in It’ll be nice to say, ‘Hey, I enrollment and through uge this summer. 40 hours of environmental helped build that’.” Mrs. Lentz. Immunization Two YCC teams, consist- education, which has given The project was made pos- information is also avail- ing of a leader and four them some unique opportu- sible by contributions from able through Northwest members each, have been nities. They participated in the Peter Grignon family. Pe- Health Services locations diligently working at the ref- electroshocking with the De- ter and his family, who own and the Holt County Health uge for the past eight weeks. partment of Conservation, property near Pintail Pond, Department. Their labor has helped ready observed at the DeSoto Nat- are avid waterfowl hunters. Questions may be ad- the refuge for its 75th anni- ural Wildlife Refuge north Team members equipped the dressed by calling Mrs. versary this fall. Team mem- of Omaha, performed dove viewing area with a bench, Lentz at 660-446-2046. A new levee, south of Craig- Was thrown up by area bers have painted, done in- banding, attended the Goose scope and interpretive sign. farmers July 22-23, west of the Gail Voltmer residence and vasive weed control, helped Roundup at Pony Express Additionally, a rock with a extending toward the north. It is hoped that the levee will in many and various general Lake and shadowed a hy- plaque will honor Peter Gri- protect the land and homes from reoccurring high river lev- maintenance projects and drologist from Minneapolis gnon at the site and be dedi- els. Flood waters destroyed crops and damaged homes in Blood drive lastly created a new viewing who was at the refuge with cated in September. the area in the early June flooding. site at Pintail Pond. his equipment to test water The team members were to be held in “We turn every work situ- quality and quantity. pleased with their work ation into something fun,” The teams were finish- at the refuge this summer. Mound City New levee stated team member Brooke ing a memorial project that They enjoyed comaraderie, Last year, 28,000 indi- Voltmer. they constucted at Pintail pride in workmanship and a viduals in this area needed “There is something new Pond on Monday. From the keen appreciation for wild- a blood transfusion. This district proposed every day and it makes concrete slab to setting the life and their habitats. year, the local needs for blood are expected to rise. An informational meeting group was set to meet with Community Blood Center, of landowners and others was the County Commission on the provider of blood servic- Wednesday, July 21. Craig Summerfest es to local hospitals, will be held at the Craig Legion Hall Start-up fees, voting rights conducting a blood drive on on Tuesday, July 20, with the of landowners and concerns Thursday, August 5, from purpose of discussing a pro- over the placement of the le- coverage on pages 6-7 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in posed new levee district, south vee were voiced. No concrete the First Christian Church of Craig. answers were available for basement in Mound City to Farmers/landowners John- levee placement, as engineers help local hospital patients ny Haer, Steve Cunningham hold the responsibility of in the area that depend on and Robert Drewes have be- life saving blood donations. gun researching and are look- drawing up the actual plans To make an appointment ing at two options for forming for the levee. online, go to www.esaveal- a new levee district to protect “So basically, we’re still in ifenow.org and use Sponsor the Craig bottom from future limbo,” stated Jim Ohlenseh- code moundcitycomm1. You flood waters. len, who wanted more con- may also contact Tommye The proposed levee district crete answers about the levee Quilty at 660-442-5352 for would have boundaries begin- placement that would likely more information. ning at the north edge of Hwy. be placed on his ground. 111, come around the south A period for comments and edge of Craig and follow In- questions was entertained, terstate 29 to the Little Tark with the group planning to Vacation River, down the Tark River to hold a publicized meeting in Road 190 and back west to the the near future. Bible School Missouri River (behind the Since that meeting, a tem- Darrel Voltmer home). The porary levee was constructed district will start where Dis- behind the Gail Voltmer resi- to be held trict 10 ends and run across dence and to the north through The United Methodist the high bank. Steve Cunningham’s land by a Church and the First Chris- The proposed levee district group of local farmers. The le- tian Church are combin- project would protect and use vee should potentially protect ing to host Vacation Bible as a tax base 11,000 to 14,000 against a 24-25 feet river. Wa- School, “Ranch House Kids: acres. ter was already at the back of Adventure of the Open Those present were in- the levee by Monday morning, Door”, on Monday, August formed that after speaking to July 26. 2, through Friday, August and securing an attorney, the After the Wednesday meet- 6, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 group has two options for pur- ing with the County Com- p.m. at the United Method- suing the project. missioners, it was reported ist Church in Mound City. Option 1 has the project that steps are being taken to The closing celebration petitioning the Circuit Court proceed through the commis- will be held Friday, August and Option 2 is by means of sion’s format for incorporating 6, at 6:00 p.m. All families the County Commission. a new levee district. The group are invited to come to the The understood protocol for is working with the attorney Ranch Roast Campfire and each option was addressed to get a legal description of po- Communion.
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