Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-1-1966 The B-G News March 1, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 1, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1940. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1940 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. I Fruit Flies Enter Space Race ...P.5 The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Tuesday, March 1, 1966 Bowling Green State'University, Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 50. No. 73 Tri-County Funds Collected By Citizens By JAMES TREEGER originally required by the Ohio area beyond the highschool level. Issue Editor Board of Regents. The Board had Up to that time the only resem- allocated the sum of $1,800,000 blence to a college education A total of $834,595 has been for the construction and equipp- were the daytime and evening collected by residents of Ottawa, ing of such a campus, provided courses offered at Sandusky Huron and Erie counties to build that the citizens of the area High School. These courses were the University's first multi- raised the additional money. offered by the University but building branch, the Tri-County The branch, to be known as they constituted only various seg- Campus, University, Dr. Ralph the Tri-County Campus of ments of the three colleges of H. Geer, director of summer Bowling Green State University, study. and off-campus programs an- was proposed last October when The proposed branch would nounced yesterday. residents of the three counties give tri-county high school grad- The $834,595 far surpassed the became concerned with the lack uates the opportunity to carry sum of $600,000 that was of educational facilities in the regular college-level courses as freshman and sophomores while living at home. They would also avoid having to delay their edu- cation because of lack of Test Sets Up residence space on the main campus, officials have empha- sized. The offerings at the Tri-County Campus will comprise the basic Draft Status program for the first two years By The Associated Press will be available. When the tests of college. Credits will be trans- GREETINGS PLEDGE, were words echoed across Old and ferable to any other college on New Fraternity Rows Saturday morning, as 231 men accepted All college deferments will be were used previously--from the re-examined in the light of class Korean War until 1963--both the the same basis as any earned at closed rush bids. Here, Dove Solt (center) freshman from The University. Cleveland, receives a welcome from Robert Recker, sophomore standings and scores on new col- local boards and the universities lege qualifications tests, the Sel- had them.) Upon completion of the campus, from Genoa (right) and Charles Fimmen, sophomore from which will be in early October Elyria. Names of closed rush pledges may be found on page 6. ective Service announced last week. A spokesman for the Selective of 1968,300 and 400- level courses News Staff Photo. Already, college officials have Service said the test is sim- which are now being offered as disclosed serious misgivings ilar to a general aptitude test, part of the daytime-evening pro- over the proposed tighter draft with about 50 per cent relating to gram at Sandusky High School Jet Plane Crash Kills exemption rules. Some have verbal and linguistic skills and will be discontinued and major threatened to refuse to cooperate the other 50 per cent to quan- emphasis will be placed on the with the draft boards. titative reasoning. lower level courses. The new college qualification All the courses will be under 2 U.S. Astronauts tests which are entirely optional The test will consist of 150 the control of the academic coun- cil. According to President Will- nauts picked in 1962. He was a will be administered throughout items and a registrant will be ST. LO'JIS (AP) --Astronauts iam T. Jerome, there will be an native of Dallas and was a Navy the nation on May 14, May 21, permitted a maximum of three Elliot See Jr. and Charles Bas- administrative structure for the sett II were killed yesterday pilot from 1953 through i956. and June 3. Those students who hours in which to complete the new campus which will include when their T- 38 Jet training plane Bassett was an Air Force cap- flunk the test or refuse to take test. an administrator in residence. crashed into the roof of the tain. He was a native of Dayton it or who do not stand high in Four areas-- reading com- A small administrative staff and McDonnell Aircraft Plant. and attended the Ohio State Uni- their classes may lose their de- prehension, verbal relations, ar- an advisory board will be com- Twelve persons inside the plant ferment, officials said. ithmetic reason and data inter- versity. He was in the third posed larbely of local citizens Students who want to take the pretation-- are covered in the were injured. group of astronauts named in with some representation from See, 38, and Bassett, 34, were 1963. test must mail applications post- test. marked not later then April 23 to Bowling Green. scheduled to ride into space in Their twin-jet plane skidded He also said the test has been The branch also will offer Science Research Associates of May aboard Gemini 9. See was off the roof and crashed into so constructed as not to give post-high school technical cour- scheduled to be the command a construction parking area, C hicago. special advantage to students en- ses to meet the needs of business pilot while Bassett was to take bursting into flames. Witnesses (Officials at the local draft rolled in one type of course over and Industry in the surrounding a 90-minute walk in space. said both bodies were thrown board said it has not been an- those taking another. communities. Neither had been in space. out by the impact, although there nounced as to where applications See, a civilian, was selected were several booms before the in the second group of astro- plane exploded. The plane was making an instrument landing Williams Seeks New Appeal in light fog. A similar plane circling the Postponement of a campus was drew her appeal. themselves to the various airport at the time landed safely granted Dianne Williams Friday Miss Williams said that she administrative deans. officials said. That craft contain- because the penalty could not did not withdraw her appeal and "This is a student government ed the backup crew for See and be enforced until all channels is seeking further jurisdiction case and appeals should be heard Bassett, astronauts Eugene Cer- for review of her case are ex- of her case, on the grounds that by the students," Dean Smith nan and Thomas Stafford. hausted, according to Miss Fay- AWS is "denying her due pro- said. "To be consistent, the All four astronauts were on etta Paulsen, dean of women. cess of law." present system should be changed their way from the Houston Dean Paulsen said that Miss Donnal V. Smith, dean of stu- so that review would be made by Manned Space Flight Center to Williams, senior in the College dents, was consulted about the a student disciplinary board." McDonnell to train on a giant of Education, brought her appeal case by Schlater and Mancuso. Mancuso, Schlater and Miss Williams are following the pre- space simulator machine. to her, but she (Miss Williams) "Dean Smith suggested that \/%h The job of the backup crew decided that she would carry It we appeal to President William sent pattern of appeal. "The refusal to admit us and is to train simultaneously in further for review. Miss Paulsen T. Jerome which we are doing." refusal to grant even clarifi- order to be prepared to take spoke with Miss Williams Fri- Schlater said. "We will see if he cation is a further Indication of over should the primary crew day, but refused to speak to her will either hear the case him- an attempt to circumvent demo- be prevented from making a legal representatives, JerrySch- self or send it to Student Court." <&3c flight. later, senior in the College of cratic procedures and deny stu- Weather--Rain changing to oc- In Houston, fellow astronauts Liberal Arts, and Richard Man- Dean Smith also suggested that dents their rights," Mancuso casional wet snow tonight. Low went to each home to advise cuso, junior in the College of a proposal be made to Student said. 28- 34. Cloudy Tuesday withsnow the wives of the astronauts. See Liberal Arts. Council so that the "Grant of Schlater said that the "dean ending and not much change in was the father of three children, Miss Williams appealed to the Powers" be amended. of women's action demonstrates temperature. High Tuesday Bassett of two. Association of Women Students' According to the present that she is not trying to help 36-43. Partly cloudy and little The Federal Aviation Agency judicial board last week, but "Grant of Powers" outlined in students of this University, but change in temperatures Tuesday said the cause of the Crash was her case was dismissed, since the Student Haadbook, appeals rather to preserve and protect night and Wednesday.
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