DPWH PANGASINAN 2ND DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR CY 2020 Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Estimated Budget (PhP) is this an Early Remarks Procurement PMOI Procurement Mode of Source of Funds (brief description of Code (PAP) Activity? Advertisement/Posting of Submission/Opening ot Project End-User Procurement Notice of Award Contract Signing Total MOOE CO (Yes/No) ISIREI Bids Projec;t) Construction (Completion) of School Building, Two (2) DPWH Competitive ccosnoceeo (Completion) of 19AH0269 Storey, Six (6) Classroom at Pantal Elementary School, Pangaslnan NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1,000,000,00 1,000,000 00 Bidding School Building oeouoao City, Panoasinan 2nd DEO Construction (Completion) of School Building, Three (3) DPWH Competitive Construction (Completion) of 19AH0270 Storey, Nine (9) Classroom at Pantal Elementary Pangasinan NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1,000,000,00 1,000,000 00 Bidding School BUIlding I School Damman City, Pancasinan 2nd DEO Construction (Completion) of Schoo! Building, Four (4) DPWH Competitive Construction (Complenon) of 19AH0271 Storey, Twelve (12) Classroom at Dagupan City NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1000,000 00 1,000,000 00 p~~~a~~~n Bidding School Bulidlng NaDOnal Hioh School. Oacuoan City, Pancasman Construction (Completion) of School BUilding, Four (4) DPWH Competiuve Construction (Completion) of 19AH0272 Storey, Twenty (20) Classroom at Dagupan City Pangasman NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1,000,000,00 1,000,000 00 Bidding School BUIlding National Hich School Damman Citv Pancasm n 7nM nFO Construction (Completion) of School Building, Three (3) DPWH Competitive Construction (Completion) of' 19AH0273 Storey, Fifteen (15) Classroom at East Central NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1,000,000 00 1,000,000.00 Bidding School Building Intearated School. Daouean Citv, Pancasman p~~~a~~~n Construction (Completion) of School Buildmg, Three (3) DPWH Competitive ConstJuctJon (Completion) of I NO 1/23-29/2020 2/12/2020 2/24/2020 03/03/2020 GoP 1,000,000 00 1,000,000,00 19AH0274 Storey, Firteen (15) Classroom at West Central Panqasman Bu~dlflg EMdlng School I EI mentarv SchOOl L oaouoan <i" Pancasman 7nri nFO Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Competitive Asphalt Overlay 20AHOOOI Pangasman-Tarlac Rd - K019S+673-KOI96+827, YES 10/23-29/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 9,800,000 00 9,800,000 00 Not yet awarded Under p~~~a~~~n Bidding '¥ B"nallnn Panoasinan FLR Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance a!ong DPWH Asphalt Overlay Competitive 20AHOO02 Carmen Jct-Bayambang-Manat Rd - KOI97+722- YES 10/23-29/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 8,820,00000 8,820,000 00 Not yet awarded Under p~~~a~~~n Bidding KOI98+802, Basista, P;'noasinan FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt O v erlay Bmmaley Beach Rd - K0368+(-454)-K0368+315, Competitive 20AHOO03 Pangaslnan YES 10/25-31/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 7007 000 00 7,007,QOO CO ,'\lot yet awaroed Under (S05979LZ) Chamage OOO-Chainage 053, Bmrnalev, Bidding 2nd DEO F\R Pann",nan Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Competitive AsohaltOverlay 20AHOO04 Lmgayen-Labrador Div Rd - K0362+( 178)-K0362+482, Pangaslnan YES 10/25-31/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 5233,200 00 5,233,200 00 Not yet awardee Under Bidding mcaven. Pancasinan 2nd OED FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Competitive 20AHOO05 Pangasinan-La Union lnter-Provl Rd - K0386+000- Pangasinan YES 10/23-29/2019 11/12/2019 " GoP 6,361,180,00 6,361,180.00 Not yet awarded Under Bidding ~t .. Kn1A6+461 Mana,ldan Panna'inan Znd nFO -" FLR Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH " ".,' Competitive AsphaltO v erlay 20AHOOO6 Panqasman-La Union lnter-Provl Rd - K0390+000- YES 10/23-29/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 9800,000,00 9,800,000 00 Not yet awarded Under p;~~a~~~n Bidding K0391+038, San Fabian P'noasinan FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH AsphaltO v erlay Competitive 20AHOO07 Panqasman-La Union Inter-Provl Rd - K0392+000- Pangastnan YES 10/30-11/6/2019 11/19/2019 GoP 9438380 00 9,438,380 00 Not yet awarded Under Blddtng " K0393+200, San Fabian, panoasmen 'nrl nFO FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Competitive AsphaltO v erlay 20AHOO08 Pangaslnan-La Union Inter-provl Rd - K0400+ 769- Pangasinan YES 10/30-11/6/2019 11/19/2019 GoP 10,014,620.00 10 014,62000 Not yet awarded - Under Bidding K04n7+06' San Fabian Pancasman Znd oso FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Urdaneta Jd-Llngayen Div Rd (Perez Blvd) - Competitive 20AHOO09 PangaslOan YES 10/2S-31/2019 11/14/2019 GoP 9800,000 00 9,800 000 00 Not yet awarded Under K0209+057-K0209+280, K0209+41S-K0209+ 737, Ellddmg 2nd OED FLR I Damman City. pancasman Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Competitive Asphalt Overlay 20AHOO10 Urdaneta Jct-Lingayen Rd via Zamba!es - K0376+90S- Pangasinan YES 10/25-31/2019 11/14/2019 GoP 17401,860 00 17 401,86000 Not yet awe-ded - Under Bidding .~ K0377+902, Daouoan City, ponn"in'n Znd nFO FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH AsphaltO .•. erlay Competitive 20AHOOIl Dagupan-Bonuan-San Fabian Rd - K0379+240- Pangasinan YES 10/25-31/2019 11/14/2019 GoP 9800 000 00 9,800,000 00 Not yet awarded- Under Bidding K01AO+071 Damman Citv panna"nan Znd DEO FLR Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Compenuve . 20AHOO12 Dagupan-Bonuan-San Fabian Rd - K0380+218- Pangasinan YES 10/23-29/2019 11/12/2019 GoP 3,586,800 00 3,586,800 00 Not yet awafded - unoer Bidding .. K0380+600, Daouoan Citv. pancasman 2nd DEO FLR Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt O v erlay Cornpeunve 20AHOO13 Dagupan-Bonuan-San Fabian Rd - K0386+299- Panqasinan YES 10/30-11/6/2019 11/19/2019 GoP 9800 000 00 9,800,000 00 Not ye!awarded-Under Bidding K0387+556, Daouoan City Panoo',n'n 7nrt n=o FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt O ....e rlay Dagupan-Bonuan-San Fabian Rd - K0387+556- Competitive 20AHOO14 Panqasman YES 10/30-11/6/2019 11/19/2019 GoP 5,927,040 00 5,927,040 00 Not yet awarded Under K0387+704, K0388+071-K0388+6SS, Dagupan City, Bidding 2nd DEO FLR Panoasman Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Competitive . 20AHOO15 Sta, Barbara-Mangaldan Rd - K0207+728- Pangasman YES 10/25- 31/2019 11/14/2019 GoP 9,800,000 00 9,800,000 00 Not yet awarded - Under Bidding K02208+470. Manqaldan Panoasman 2nd nFO FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt O .... erlay Competitive 20AHOO16 Judge Jose De venecia Boulevard Ext'n Rd - K037S+(- Pangaslnan YES 10/2S-31/2019 11/14/2019 GoP 9,553,040 00 9,553,040 00 Not yet awarded Under Bidding 229l-K037'+47 oaouoeo ri" P noeslnao 7nM n=o FLR Page 1 of 11 DPWH PANGASINAN 2ND DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR CY 2020 Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Estimated Budget (PhP) Is this an Early Remarks Procurement PMOI Procurement Mode of Code (PAP) Source of Funds (brief description of Project End-User Activity? Procurement Advertisement/Postlng of Submission/Opening or Notice ot Award Contract Signing Total MOOE CO Project) (YesJNo) ISIREI Bids -v , . Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Competitive , 20AHOO17 Judge Jose De Venecia Boulevard Ext'n Rd - Panqasman YES 10/31-11/7/2019 11/21/2019 GoP 9,800,00000 9,800,00000 NOI yel awarded Under Bidding , - I K037S+423-K0376+103 Daauoan City, Panaasinan 2nd DEO ~ FLR Asset Preservation Preventive Maintenance along DPWH Asphalt Overlay Competitive 20AHOO18 Urdaneta Jet-Llngayen Div Rd (Perez Blvd) - K0209+(- Pangasinan YES 11/8-14/2019 11/28/2019 GoP 2,453,92000 2,453,92000 NOI yel awarded - Under Bidding > 1069)-K0209+053. oaouoan Citv P noasman 200 OFO t' FLR Asset Preservation - OPWH ,. ,. ConStlUCbonlUpgrading/Reh Construction/UpgradIng/Rehabilitation of Drainage Competitive ,. >' abllnauOfl of Dramage 20AHOO19 Panqasman YES 11/20·26/2019 12/10/2019 GoP 9,800,000 00 9,800,00000 along Pangasman-Zambales Rd - K0372+378- Bidding Not yet awarded· Under 2nd OED .,!)"~,,.; FLR I K0372+830. Bmmafev Panaasinan .: -'f;,',· Asset Preservaoon- Asset Preservation-Construction Upgrading / DPWH :'t~':\!';" Construction I UpgradIng I I Competitive '" ·:''..'::·F~ 20AH0020 Rehabilitation of Drainage along Labrador Oi ••. Rd - Pangasman YES 10/3-9/2019 10/23/2019 GoP 11,043,620 00 11,043,62000 Rehabilitation of Drainage Bidding Not vel awarded - Under K0346+( -530)-K0346+( -108), Labrador, Panga~nan 2nd OED - , HR Asset Preservation - Construction / Upgrading / DPWH Ccosnccuce I UpQradmg I Competitive Rehabilitation of Drainage Rehabilitation of Drainage along Judge Jose De 13,619,06000 13,619,06000 20AH0021 Panqasman YES 11/27·12/3/2019 12/17/2019 GoP Not yet awarded - Under Venecia Sr Ave - K0208+(-008)-K0208+323, Bidding ~f'. 2nd DEO FLR I K0208+65S-K0209+500, Daauoan my P,nn"in,n Asset Preservation - DPWH ConsuuctJonlUpgradlng!Reh Construction/Upgrading/Rehabilitation of Drainage Competitive abllitatJon of Drainage 20AH0022 Pangasman YES 11/22-28/2019 12/12/2019 GoP 12,740,00000 12,740,00000 along Pangasrnan-La Umon Inter-Provl - K0394+829- Bidding Not vet awarded - Under 2nd DEO FLR I K0395+ 10, <an Fahian cannaefnan Asset Preservation - Construction I Upgrading I DPWH Constructloo I Upgrading I Rehabilitation of Drainage along Mangaldan-Manaoag- Competitive Rehabilitation of OHllnage 20AH0023 Pangastnan YES 11/27-12/3/2019 12/17/2019 GoP 49,000 000 00 49,000,00000 Bmalonan Rd - K0202+90·K020S+078, Manaoag & Bidding Not vet awatded Under 2nd OED HR I San jaorno.
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