ST. JULES CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Adult Education Deacon Reggie 337-257-8699 SUNDAY: 8 &10 am; Spanish 11:30am; Vietnamese 2 pm Angels of Service Barbara Satchez 337-298-4749 Annual Retreat (GC) Allen Begnaud 337-230-9984 SATURDAY: 4 pm (Anticipated) Choir Angie Sanford 337-852-5600 WEEKDAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12 noon Catholic Daughters Gerry Sonnier 337-780-1085 Catechism (CCD) / Bulletin Corine Porche 337-296-7994 Confession: Saturday 3:15 – 3:45 pm; Sundays 15 mins Catechism (CCD/Hisp) Luisa Blanco 337-852-7241 before mass,11:50 am before weekday Masses; or by Come Lord Jesus (Tue 2:30) Phyllis Boudreaux 337-781-7576 appointment Come Lord Jesus (Wed 5:30) Christy Perret 337-593-0669 Eucharistic Ministers Barbara Satchez 337-298-4749 Rosaries: 11:30 am before weekday Masses; 6:30 pm Homebound Eucharistic Ministry Ken/Sally Wade 337-984-7563 Monday; Patriotic Rosary 6:30 pm Wednesday Hospital Ministry Gerry Porche 337-296-8652 Immaculata Prayer Group Dottie Bollich 337-257-8699 First Friday Adoration (bilingual) Immediately after noon Knights of Columbus Leo Satchez 337-288-5903 Lectors Camille Copeland 337-591-1971 mass until 6 pm; Benediction following. Men’s Cursillo Randall 337-349-2516 Mystagogy Logan/David 337-201-6226 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 1 pm Theresians Jalyne Dupre 337-852-7390 Ushers Ken Judice 337-257-4317 116 ST. JULES ST., LAFAYETTE, LA 70506 - PHONE: 337-234-2727 FAX: 337-232-1544 Visit our website to see what’s going on in the parish! www.stjuleschurch.org MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK AT ST. JULES PRAY FOR PRIESTS PRAY FOR SEMINARIANS Sunday 10/7/18 Rayford Lantier, D. J. “Red” & Lilly Langlinais, ●Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 am; Spanish Rev. Barry Crochet Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Eddie Ackal Sr., Wayman Bergeron, Sadie 11:30 am; Vietnamese 2 pm Michael Vidrine Ordinary Time Guilbeau, Louella & Carl Gumpert, Charles & OA 4:30-5:30 pm ALANON 6 pm Clydie Porche, Ann Girouard, Rodney Lavergne, John “JR” Mhire, David Batton Monday 10/8/18 John Ray Mouton, Monique Ann Mouton, Jerry ●Mass 12 pm Rosary 6:00 pm Rev. Francis Damoah Columbus Day Sibille, Marie Ethel Thibodeaux ●CCD Class 6-7:30 pm Nicholas Ware Tuesday 10/9/18 Andre Holloway, Aren ChaissonSr. ●Mass 12 pm CLJ 2-4 pm OA 6-7pm Rev.Msgr.Jefferson DeBlanc St. Denis & Companions; ●Susan Castille Bible Study 9:30-12 pm Cole Zaunbrecher St. John Leonardi Wednesday 10/10/18 Braxton Callon ●Mass 12 pm ●Patriotic Rosary 6:30 pm Rev. Michael DeBlanc ●CLJ 5:30pm Immaculata Prayer 7-9pm Rev. Kevin Bordelon ●Men's Ultreya 6:30 pm ●RCIA (H) 7-9 pm Thursday 10/11/18 ●KC Mtg 6 pm Rev. Edward Degeyter St. John XXIII Rev. Patrick Broussard Friday 10/12/18 Cyndi Chastant ●Mass 12 pm ●ALANON 6pm Rev. Michael Delcambre ●Pastoral Familiar 7-9 pm Seminary Faculty/Parents Saturday 10/13/18 Mercedese Culotta, Marnell Castille, Joanne Dugas, ●Mass 4 pm OA 10-11 am & 3 pm Rev. Mark Derise Blessed Virgin Mary Allen Gerard, Lois Broussard, Joe & Rosa Mae ●Public Rosary 12 noon Dylan Allen Thibodeaux, Bobby Holleman, John Ray Mouton, Monique Ann Mouton, Mark Corner, Tracy Cortez, Curtis Bernard, Yolande Boudreaux, Rita & Chester Domingue, Jerry Landry & Zula Duplechin, Sig Gary Sunday 10/14/18 Inez Prestenbach, Nettie Chiasson, Nella & Ber- Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 am; Spanish Rev. Msgr. Keith DeRouen Twenty Eighth Sunday in nie Barrilleaux, Louella & Carl Gumpert, Charles 11:30 am ; Vietnamese 2 pm Reed Bellingham Ordinary Time & Clydie Porche, Ann Girouard, Marie Laurent, OA 4:30-5:30 pm ●ALANON 6 pm John “JR” Mhire, Theresa Broussard TODAY’S READINGS HE EMBRACED THEM AND BLESSED THEM First Reading — The man said, “This one is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman’ ” (Genesis 2:18-24). Today Jesus stresses how children embody Psalm — May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives (Psalm 128). the reign of God. They are trusting and loving and Second Reading — He who consecrates and those who are being have hearts that are open to love. They are joyful consecrated all have one origin (Hebrews 2:9-11). when they are made aware of God’s love for Gospel — Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child them, and are eager to return that love. This is shall not enter it (Mark 10:2-16 [2-12]). the model Jesus holds out to us if we want to wel- come the reign of God. We need to have open, The Sanctuary Lamp (Burns in Memory of) loving hearts. We must drop our defenses, how- Doug Guillory, Harry Chauvin, Allen Gerard, ever we came by them, and welcome Christ’s Rayford Lantier, Russell Dailey, Agnus Broussard, David LeCompte, Harrison Camel, Wayman L. Bergeron, love for us with joy. This is impossible for us on Cullen Rome, Goldie Rome, A. J. Antoine, Estelle Satchez, our own. Only the grace of God will enable us to Mark Corner, Theresa Broussard, Jack Thibodeaux, do this, but that grace is freely and generously Frank Prejean given. We have only to accept it. The Vocation Chalice is entrusted to Garland & Pat Lege PROPER POSTURE Saturday at the 4 pm mass Please join us in prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood It is impossible for the Church to remain on its feet if it doesn’t get on its knees. Pastor: Rev. Fr. Dan Edwards HOMEBOUND /HOSPITAL —Anonymous Deacon: Reggie Bollich EUCHARISTIC /PRAYER Jose Luna & Vincente Blanco MINISTRY Bulletin / DRE: Corine Porche If you or your loved one is a St. Pray for the Sick 337-296-7994 or Jules parishioner and cannot Email: [email protected] attend Mass because of surgery Please pray for our pastor, Fr. Dan Edwards, Spanish Ministry: Luisa Blanco or illness, or in the hospital and for his complete recovery and well being. If you 337/852-7241 would like Holy Communion, Cantor & Organist: and/or prayers, please call Ken or have someone you would like to add to our Angela & Brian Sanford Sally Wade at 984-7563. prayer list, please call the office at 234-2727. Sacristan / Bldg Maintenance: For hospital visits/ministry, call Gerry Porche 296-8652. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 7, 2018 AROUND THE PARISH AROUND THE DIOCESE **PLEASE SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES** Interested in a silent retreat or a Special Weekend retreat? The If you are interested in hosting the Vocation chalice in your home for a Jesuit Spirituality Center in Grand Coteau is offering Silent, week please contact Ellen Carroll at 280-0344. All are encouraged to Individually-Directed Retreats, as well as Special Weekend participate. Group Programs, from now thru the end of June. For an appli- Praying the Rosary for America cation form to register, call 337/662-5251.jesuitspiritualitycenter Please join us! As human efforts fail to solve America’s key prob- lems, we turn to God, thru His HOLY MOTHER, asking His urgent help. We are inviting anyone to join us to say a rosary at 12 noon in front of the church, weather permitting, for our country. We sug- gest you bring a chair, umbrella, and if you wish to bring water. This will be Saturday, Oct 13th at 12 noon. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Do you need the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucha- “Dickens on the Strand”….Travel to Galveston, November 30th to De- rist? Do you want to learn more about Catholic teachings? If your an- cember 2nd, 2018. If interested, call St. Mary Mother of the Church locat- swer to either question is ‘YES’, contact Deacon Reggie; email ed at 419 Doucet Rd. Their phone number is 337-981-3379. <[email protected]> or text (337) 257-8699 for more information. Classes commence Sunday December 2 immediately after 10:00 AM Healing Hearts: A Catholic support group for WOMEN, whose rela- mass in the Adult Education Room located in the St Jules Church Hall. tionships have been negatively impacted by the pornography addic- tion or sexual addiction of a loved one. This may include a spouse, The LA. Theresians of Theresians International are proud to host the boyfriend, family member or friend. Strict confidentiality is observed by USA National Gathering to be held Nov. 2-4, 2018 at the J W Marriott all members. Meetings are held on a weekly basis. Contact 337-404- Hotel, 614 Canal St. in New Orleans, LA. It begins Friday evening and 6113 for more information and respond to the prompting. ends on Sunday at noon. “A Radical Adventure, St. Therese’s Little Way” is opened to ALL women. You don’t have to be a Theresian. Join Catholic in Recovery is a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve us for a gathering of women supporting women through gospel values. those suffering from substance abuse addiction and other psychological The keynote speaker for the weekend is Heather King, author of “Shirt of dependencies/addictions including, but not limited to, pornography addic- Flame: A year with St. Therese’ of Lisieux”. She is an ex-lawyer, sober tion, sex and relationship addiction, various eating addictions, gambling alcoholic, and Catholic convert. She’s written several books, speaks addiction, and unhealthy relationships with wealth, power, pleasure, and nationwide and appears monthly for Magnificat. Experience prayer, honor. It is free and open to the public. For more information call Marcelo Southern hospitality, global visitors, a Silent Auction and a New Orleans Davis at 337-349-1896 or visit https://catholicinrecovery.com Second Line along with spiritual reflections by Heather King and music by Randall Edwards and Barry Leger.
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