FULBRIG HT SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2003-2004 Visiting Scholar Directory A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program F u lbr ig h t Vis it in g S cho lar P rogram S taff To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a Scholar listed in this directory, please speak with the CIES staff member responsible for the Scholar’s home country. A frica (S ub -S aharan ) T he M iddle East, N orth A frica and S outh A sia Debra Egan,Assistant Director Tracy Morrison,Program Officer 202.686.6230 [email protected] 202.686.4013 [email protected] Michelle Grant,Senior Program Coordinator Dylan Gipson,Program Associate 202.686.4029 [email protected] 202.686.4022 [email protected] Nicole Trudeau,Program Associate W estern H emisphere 202.686.4006 [email protected] Carol Robles,Senior Program Officer East A sia and the P acific 202.686.6238 [email protected] Susan Me Peek,Program Officer Michelle Grant,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.4020 [email protected] 202.686.4029 [email protected] Amelia Saunders,Senior Program Associate Nicole Trudeau,Program Associate 202.686.6233 [email protected] 202.686.4006 [email protected] Europe and Eurasia S pecial P rograms Sone Loh,Senior Program Coordinator MicaelaS. Iovine,Senior Program Officer [email protected] 202.686.6253 [email protected] Rachel Kolb,Program Associate New Century Scholars Program 202.686.6255 [email protected] Stacey Bustillos,Program Officer Austria Ireland Poland 202.686.6252 [email protected] Bulgaria Italy Portugal New Century Scholars Program Germany Kazakhstan Tajikistan Karen Watts,Senior Program Officer Turkmenistan Greece Kyrgyzstan 202.686.4004 [email protected] Hungary Netherlands Uzbekistan European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program Belgium/Luxembourg Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program European Union (E.U.) Research Program Rimma Karlin, Senior Program Coordinator Rachel Showalter,Program Officer 202.686.6235 [email protected] 202.686.4016 [email protected] Occasional Lecturer Program Jessica Barnes,Senior Program Associate Richard Pettit,Senior Program Officer [email protected] 202.686.6240 [email protected] Albania Croatia Russia U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program Armenia Georgia Slovenia Susan McPeek,Program Officer Azerbaijan Moldova Ukraine 202.686.4020 [email protected] Belarus Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina U.S.-Korea International Education Administrators Program Federal Republic o f Yugoslavia P rogram A dministration Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Laura Perry,Assistant Manager E rika Schmierer,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.4017 [email protected] 202.686.6248 [email protected] Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program Rachel Kolb,Program Associate Military Academies Initiative 202.686.6255 [email protected] Aegean InitiativeIceland Slovak Republic Czech RepublicLatvia Spain Denmark Lithuania Sweden Estonia M alta Turkey Finland Norway United Kingdom France Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008-3009 Telephone: 202.686.8664 • Fax: [email protected] • E-mail: Web site:www.cies.org Cover photographs, from top left: Mariana George-Nascimento, Chile; Guodong Xu, China; and Sifuni Mchome, Tanzania. A ll photos by John Consoli. FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2003-2004 Directory of Visiting Scholars FULBRIGHT FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education. Po l it ic a l S c ie n c e..................................................................................................... 56 P s y c h o l o g y.................................................................................................................60 Pu b lic A dministration..............................................................................................62 Relig io u s S t u d ie s..................................................................................................... 63 S o c io lo g y a n d S o c ia l W o r k ..................................................................................64 TEFL/A pplied L in g u is t ic s..........................................................................................66 Th eater a n d Da n c e................................................................................................. 67 S em in ar Pr o g r a m s............................................................................................................. 69 New Century S cholars Pr o g r a m............................................................................71 Alphabetical in d e x.....................................................................................................73 Host S tate I n d e x........................................................................................................ 83 Home Geographic Area i n d e x............................................................................... 101 S pecial Programs I n d e x.......................................................................................... 111 2002-2003 V is itin g Fulbright S c h o l a r s................................................................. 113 Geographical listings in this publication are a matter o f administrative convenience and are not intended to imply a U.S. Government position on the legal status o f the areas listed. 4 INTRODUCTION The 800 Fulbright Visiting Scholars who comedepending to upon the distance traveled. CIES w ill the United States each year offer a wonderfuldetermine the award amounts. Financial assistance resource for U.S. campuses and communitiesis alsoacross available for V isiting Scholars to present the country. A ll o f the scholars, for example,papers are at scholarly and professional conferences. available to make subsidized short-term visits The program enables V isiting Scholars to through the Occasional Lecturer Program in order to share th e ir academic expertise as w e ll as insights• share their specific research interests, into their homelands and cultures. • speak on the history and culture o f their countries, This annual directory provides a cross-indexed• exchange ideas w ith U.S. students, faculty and listing o f most o f the 2003-2004 V isiting Scholarscommunity organizations, and provides instructions on how to request• become a better acquainted with U.S. higher Fulbright Scholar to visit your campus or education and community under the Occasional Lecturer Program.• create linkages between their home and host The complete list o f scholars, including thoseinstitutions. confirmed after the directory’s publication, is Arranging an Occasional LecturerI f yo u Visit. available onlinewww.cies.org at . Also on the Web find a scholar in the directory whom you would site is comprehensive inform ation on the Fulbright like to invite to your campus, you may contact the Visiting Scholar Program, as w ell as instructions scholar directly via the faculty associate and for requesting a Visiting Scholar for an academic department provided. You can also contact CIES term or year. You can request a brochure on the staff to obtain a contact telephone number or program [email protected] or by calling e-mail address. (See the staff listing on the inside 202.686.8664. o f the front cover.) We urge you to take advantage o f the VOccasional isiting Lecturer Awards are provided directly Scholar Program. Contact any o f the staff listedto the participating scholar. To apply for an on the inside front cover o f this directory award,for the Visiting Scholar must submit to CIES additional information. a formal letter o f invitation from the host institution or organization, along with dates o f Occasional Lecturer Program travel, at least one month before the visit is to The Council for International Exchange takeo f place. (If possible, scholars are asked to Scholars (CIES) provides travel awards throughsubmit their requests even further in advance.) the Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP), whichW ithin one week o f receiving the application, enable Fulbright V isiting Scholars to acceptCIES guest w ill inform the scholar whether the award lecturing invitations at colleges and universities.has been approved. The scholar is responsible for OLP Awards are granted at three differentpurchasing levels, an airline ticket or arranging some 5 other means o f transportation, such as aand train, the bus facilities available. The period, however, or rental car. After the visit, the Fulbrightershould w ill allow an opportunity for the scholar to receive the award. become acquainted with the host institution or organization. A program o f two to three days is M ultiple Occasional Lecturer Visits and Visits suggested; a longer period may be advisable if visits to Minority-Serving Institutions.Due to limited to several institutions are planned. funding, each scholar is eligible for only one trip; however, requests to visit more than oneSuggested Activities for Occasional Lecturers. institution on a single trip w ill be considered.Visiting An Lecturers have engaged in the following exception to the one-trip rule may be madeactivities if the in the past: scholar is invited to guest lecture at • department- or school-wide lectures to students minority-serving colleges and universities. or faculty or both, Additional monies
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