Court Orders Seized :eX' Film Returned SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather FINAL Increasing cloudiness today, THE DAILY high 60 to 65. Showers likely tonight and tomorrow. / EDITION 32 PAGES •'-. Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 178 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14,1973 TEN CENTS HiiniiHiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iniiiiiii IIIII mini i mi iiiitiiiiiiiiiin iinui i iiiiiiiiiniiiiiinnn iitiiiiiiiiirriiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiiitinimiiiiiiiitiiul U.S. Warns Reds On Arms Buildup WASHINGTON (AP) - The about the number of men and On the U.S. side, another press secretary, was asked White House and State De- the amount of material that reason for diplomatic care is the expected question whether partment have issued sharp may have crossed over, but concern for the release of President Nixon is concerned reminders to the Communists Pentagon officials earlier ac- American prisoners still held about evidence that the agree- after weighing evidence that knowledged that as many as by the Communists. ment is being violated. Hanoi is infiltrating South 30,000 North Vietnamese, And, yet, the stiff stand tak- "We are adhering to the Vietnam with men and heavy troops had moved down the en yesterday at the White agreement and we expect all equipment in violation of the Ho Chi Minh trail into Laos. House and the State Depart- parties to adhere to the agree- cease-fire agreement. ment," he said. Heavy Armor ment represents a consid- Also, The Associated Press erable change in pulbic atti- In virtually identical lan- tude. Warren added: "I can tell guage, spokesmen for the reported last month that more you we are using every means than 250 tanks had rolled For example, Secretary of of communication that we President and for the secre- State William P. Rogers said tary of state yesterday re- down the supply trail along have to express our position AP Wlrtptitl* with several large artillery Sunday on CBS' Face the Na- on this subject. I am not pre- TONTI GOES TO JAIL — D. Louis Tonti, former AP wirepnota minded Hanoi publicly as well tion: "I am quite optimistic AWAIT POW RETURN - Helen and Edwin Miller as through diplomatic chan- pieces, armored personnel pared to go into details, ex- executive director of the New Jersey Highway carriers and large quantities that the agreement will work, cept to tell you that our ex- Authority is escorted to jail from the Trenton of Franklin Lakes eagerly await the return of nels that the Paris pact spe- that the cease-fire will be ef- their son, Navy Lt. Edwin F. Miller Jr., who has cifically forbids an arms of ammunition. pectation of full compliance is Federal Court by a U.S. Marshal (hand oveif fective, that our POWs will all well-known." face.) Tonti was sentenced yesterday to a three- been a prisoner of war for almost five years. The buildup in South Vietnam. Any military buildup in be returned on time, that we name of Miller, 32, was on a list of 108 POW's to Laos caused by another coun- year term in federal prison and fined $10,000 for will have all of our troops out The White House aide said his part in a conspiracy to extort more than be released today by the North Vietnamese. Mrs. Government intelligence try would, in itself, violate the of there by March 28, and that the four parties that signed David E, Dwyer of Belford is Lt. Miller's sister. sources delcine to be specific agreement signed in Paris $200,000 from three firms that did business with the cease-fire will continue to the cease-fire agreement, es- the authority. ;• Jan. 27 by the United States, be effective." pecialy Hanoi, had been re- Hanoi, Saigon and the Viet minded that the United States Cong. And on Monday, when expects it to be observed. Washington is delaying a Charles W. Bray, a depart- Then, at the State Depart- formal protest until it can get ment spokesman, was asked ment, where the daily briefing Tonti Given 108 POWs Flown a clearer idea of Hanoi's in- about reports on movements had been delayed, Bray said tent, the precise amount of in- along the Ho Chi Minh trail, the situation was being filtration and specific timing he would say only that the sit- watched "very closely and of the movements. uation "has to *be followed with some concern." In Paris, meanwhile, the closely" and that the United Three-Year To Clark Air Base Viet Cong issued a statement States was making no "firm "I would re-emphasize accusing the Saigon govern- judgements." today," he went on, "our ex- CLARK AIR BASE, Philip- Base at 5:08 p.m. — 4:08 a.m. and the Viet Cong are to turn ment of violating the agree- Change Develops pectation that all parties to pines (AP) — The fourth re- EST — about 15 minutes ear- over. 27 military men and five ment by conducting military The change in mood devel- this agreement will observe it lease of American prisoners lier than expected after the civilians on Friday at Hanoi's Prison Term operations and failing to re- oped first at the White House. in full. We expect compliance of war began today with the 900-mile flight from Hanoi. Gia Lam airport. TRENTON (AP) - D. cept when Barlow asked him lease civilian prisoners. Gerald L. Warren, deputy with the agreement." freeing of 107 military men Two more C141s picked up this will bring the total Louis Tonti, former executive if he had anything to say. and one civilian by the North the other 68 men. number of Americans re- director of the New Jersey "Just that I'm sorry, your Vietnamese. Communist China tomorrow leased by the North Vietnam- Highway Authority, is in fed- honor," the grey-haired Tonti .The first of three big Air'is scheduled to release two ese and Viet Cong since the eral custody after being sen- replied softly. '•fxirce C141 flying hospitals fliers who strayed over China cease-fire Jan. 28 to 439, leav- tenced to three years in pris- Barlow said Tonti was "sad- landed 40 POtys at Clark Air while on missions in Vietnam, ing another 146 in Communist Cats Rescued, Revived on and fined, $10,000 for ex- ly enough, the latest in a hands to be freed by March 28 tortion. dreary and, I suggest, dis- — 60 days after the cease-fire. Tonti, of Holmdel, onetime graceful parade of public offi- Commander's Son candidate for the Democratic cials guilty of criminal breach JobCompensation Those freed today included In Union Reach Blaze gubernatorial nomination, of their public trust." Lt. Cmdr. John S. McCain UNION BEACH - Eight was sentenced yesterday for Barlow said Tonti was a - 3rd, 36, son of the commander persons received temporary his part in the scheme to ex- "dynamic and innovative" ad- • of U.S. forces in the Pacific in housing with relatives last tort more than $200,000 from ministrator, but was "devious Probe Continuing 1968-72, and Bobby Joe night after their home was firms doing business with the and manipulative" in his pri- Keesee, an Army deserter gutted by fire yesterday Garden State Parkway. vate actions. NEWARK(AP) -The "The more publicity there is who took a rented plane to morning. The sentence was imposed Tonti pleaded guilty Jan. 18 State Commission of In- attendant upon the com- Cuba in 1962, served two Fire Chief Edward East- by U.S. District Court Judge to one count of a 47-count in- vestigation indicated yes- pensation and liability in- years in an Arizona peniten- mond said last night that George H. Barlow, who called dictment charging him, for-* terday, it plans to call 24 more vestigation, the harder it has tiary and forced the Thai pilot members of the borough's Tonti "a deliberate ex- mer authority Chief Engineer witnesses in its continuing, been in certain areas to get of a plane he chartered in four fire companies and two tortionist who is no different Philip May, and Rome busi- closed-door probe of the state the cooperation of prac- Bangkok to land him in North units from neighboring Key- than any common thief." nessman Giovanni Paolini, Workmens Compensation sys- titioners in the field." Vietnam in 1970. port fought a stubborn blaze "You have betrayed the with extorting more than tem. "Lots of people run from at the home of Frank and people you were appointed to 1200,000 from three firms that The plans were revealed in publicity," Diana said in a Three Air Force C141 fly- Mary Morris 900 Spruce St., serve and the governor who ing hospitals picked up the 108 did business with the Author- an affidavit filed in U.S. Dis- telephone interview. "A lot of for three hours before "secur- • appointed you, yet you sought ity, which runs the Garden trict Court in connection with foxes have run to ground." POWs today in Hanoi at half- ing equipment." that very office," Barlow tdld hour intervals for the 900-mile State Parkway. a suit by a law firm doing "When we tried to resort to Mr. Morris, who is em- the diminutive, 55-year-old flight to the Philippines. AU compensation work to stop the certain legitimate in- ployed by the Boro Busses Co. Tonti. The count to which Tonti were expected to be back in investigations on grounds it is vestigative techniques we of Shrewsbury, said last night pleaded charged specifically the United States by the end Tonti appeared in court tantamount to harassment. were cut off," he said. that his wife had gone to an that he received $120,200 in of the week.
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