Št. 14 – 5. VIII. 1997 URADNI LIST REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Stran 1141 URADNI LIST REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE MEDNARODNE POGODBE Številka 14 (Uradni list RS, št. 48) 5. avgust 1997 ISSN 1318-0932 Leto VII 52. Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. èlena in prvega odstavka 91. èlena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam U K A Z O RAZGLASITVI ZAKONA O RATIFIKACIJI SPORAZUMA O PRISTOPU REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE K SREDNJEEVROPSKEMU SPORAZUMU O PROSTI TRGOVINI TER DODATNIH PROTOKOLOV ŠT. 4 IN ŠT. 5 K SREDNJEEVROPSKEMU SPORAZUMU O PROSTI TRGOVINI (MSSSPT) Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o pristopu Republike Slovenije k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini ter Dodatnih protokolov št. 4 in št. 5 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini(MSSSPT), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 26. junija 1997. Št. 001-22-77/97 Ljubljana, 4. julija 1997 Predsednik Republike Slovenije Milan Kuèan l. r. Z A K O N O RATIFIKACIJI SPORAZUMA O PRISTOPU REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE K SREDNJEEVROPSKEMU SPORAZUMU O PROSTI TRGOVINI TER DODATNIH PROTOKOLOV ŠT. 4 IN ŠT. 5 K SREDNJEEVROPSKEMU SPORAZUMU O PROSTI TRGOVINI (MSSSPT) 1. èlen Ratificira se Sporazum o pristopu Republike Slovenije k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini z dne 25. novembra 1995 in Dodatna protokola št. 4 in št. 5 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini z dne 13. septembra 1996. 2. èlen Sporazum o pristopu Republike Slovenije k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini ter Dodatna protokola št. 4 in št. 5 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasijo:* * Opomba: Sporazum o pristopu Republike Slovenije k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini vkljuèuje tudi besedilo Srednjeevropskega sporazuma o prosti trgovini z dne 21. decembra 1992, Dodatni protokol k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini z dne 29. aprila 1994, Dodatni protokol št. 2 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini z dne 18. avgusta 1995 in Sporazum o spremembi in dopolnitvi Srednjeevropskega sporazuma o prosti trgovini z dne 11. septembra 1995. Iz besedila Srednjeevropskega sporazuma o prosti trgovini so tu izpuščena besedila protokolov 1–7. Besedila prvih šestih protokolov se ne nanašajo na Republiko Slovenijo, Protokol št. 7 v zvezi z opredelitvijo pojma “Izdelki s poreklom” in metodami upravnega sodelovanja je nadomeščen z novim Protokolom št. 7, ki je priložen Dodatnemu protokolu št. 4 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini. Ravno tako so iz besedila Sporazuma o pristopu izpuščena tudi besedila protokolov 8, 9 in 10, ki so nadomeščeni z novimi protokoli 8, 9 in 10, priloženimi Dodatnemu protokolu št. 5 k Srednjeevropskemu sporazumu o prosti trgovini. Stran 1142 MEDNARODNE POGODBE [t. 14 – 5. VIII. 1997 AGREEMENT ON ACCESSION Article 4 OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 1. In order to implement the provisions of paragraph 2 of TO THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN Article 3 of the Central European Tree Trade Agreement FREE TRADE AGREEMENT Protocols 8, 9 and 10 to the Central European Free Trade Agreement are hereby established and attached to this The Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Agreement. Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic on the one side and the Republic of Slovenia on the other side (hereinafter 2. Provisions for the abolition of customs duties on imports called the Parties), between: Reaffirming their commitment to the principles of a – the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic on the one market economy, which constitutes the basis for their side and the Republic of Slovenia on the other side are relations, laid down in Protocol 8, Considering the positive development of the mutual – the Republic of Hungary on the one side and the Repub- economic cooperation between the Parties to the Central lic of Slovenia on the other side are laid down in Proto- European Free Trade Agreement and the Republic of col 9, Slovenia, – the Republic of Poland on the one side and the Republic Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in of Slovenia on the other side are laid down in Protocol Europe through the extension of the Central European Free 10. Trade Agreement, Having in mind the Declarations of Prime Ministers, 3. The Protocol 9 mentioned in this Article shall be done on 25 November 1994 in Poznan and on 11 September replaced by 1 July 1996 at the latest by new one which will be 1995 in Brno, in accordance with the rules on liberalisation applied within Noting that bilateral free trade agreements were the provisions of the Central European Free Trade Agreement. concluded by all Parties to the Central European Free Trade Agreement and the Republic of Slovenia, Recalling the official request of the Republic of Article 5 Slovenia on 17 July 1995 to accede to the Central European Free Trade Agreement, 1. In order to implement the provisions of paragraph 1 of Taking into account the Agreement Amending the Article 12 of the Central European Free Trade Agreement Central European Free Trade Agreement, signed in Brno on 11 Protocols 11, 12 and 13 to the Central European Free Trade September 1995, Agreement are hereby established and attached to this In accordance with the provisions of Article 39a of the Agreement. Central European Free Trade Agreement, Have agreed as follows: 2. Provisions for granting mutual agricultural concessions between: Article 1 – the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic on the one side and the Republic of Slovenia on the other side are The Republic of Slovenia shall accede to the Central laid down in Protocol 11, European Free Trade Agreement. – the Republic of Hungary on the one side and the Repub- lic of Slovenia on the other side are laid down in Proto- col 12, Article 2 – the Republic of Poland on the one side and the Republic of Slovenia on the other side are laid down in Protocol The Republic of Slovenia shall accept the Central 13. European Free Trade Agreement with all its amendments signed before the signature of this Agreement and shall apply 3. The Protocols 11 and 12 mentioned in this Article shall it in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. be replaced by 1 July 1996 at the latest by new ones which will be in accordance with the rules on liberalisation applied within the provisions of the Central European Free Trade Agreement. Article 3 The Protocol 13 mentioned in this Article shall be References in the Central European Free Trade replaced if possible by 1 July 1996 at the latest by new one Agreement to its Parties and where all states are explicitly which will be in accordance with the rules on liberalization mentioned shall be understood to include the Republic of applied within the provisions of the Central European Free Slovenia. Trade Agreement. [t. 14 – 5. VIII. 1997 URADNI LIST REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Stran 1143 Article 6 Article 11 Quantitative restrictions on imports or measures having 1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day equivalent effect referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the after receiving by the Depositary of the last notification of Central European Free Trade Agreement and specified in Parties to the Central European Free Trade Agreement and the Annexes III/a, III/b and III/c of the Central European Free Republic of Slovenia on the completion of procedures Trade Agreement shall also apply to imports of products necessary for that purpose. originating in the Republic of Slovenia, subject to the provisions in Annex to Article 6 to this Agreement. 2. The Depositary shall, without any delay, notify all Parties of the completion of procedures necessary for entry Article 7 info force of this Agreement. Quantitative restrictions on exports or measures having 3. If this Agreement shall not enter into force by 1 January equivalent effect referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the 1996, it shall be provisionally applied from that date. Central European Free Trade Agreement and specified in Annexes IV/a, IV/b and IV/c of the Central European Free 4. As from the date of entry into force of this Agreement Trade Agreement shall also apply to exports of products to the the free trade agreements concluded between: Republic of Slovenia, subject to the provisions in Annex to – the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia signed Article 7 to this Agreement. at Ljubljana on December 4, 1993, – the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia Article 8 signed at Bratislava on December 22, 1993, – the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Slovenia 1. For the purposes of this Agreement it is understood that signed at Ljubljana on April 6, 1994, Protocol 7 of the Central European Free Trade Agreement – the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Slovenia concerning the definition of the concept of "originating signed at Ljubljana on July 17, 1995, products" and methods of administrative co-operation shall also apply to the products originating in the Republic of by mutual consent of the Parties concerned expressed in Slovenia, subject to the provisions in Annex to Article 8 to this this Agreement shall cease to be in force or shall not enter into Agreement. force. 2. The Protocol 7 mentioned in this Article shall be 5. As from the date of provisional application of this replaced by 1 July 1996 at the latest by new one which will be Agreement the free trade agreements mentioned in paragraph in accordance with the rules agreed with the European Union. 4 of this Article shall not apply between their Contracting Parties. Article 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned 1. References to government procurement in Article 24 of plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the Central European Free Trade Agreement shall be this Agreement.
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