, ' , '<Thursday, December 28, 11161 Thursday, December 28, 1961 T)lE .JEWISH POST Page Three THE .JEWISH POST , ~ .. Page Two ! Mishna, and translated certain He71 HER.ZOGS.' . TO VISIT WINNIPEG 'brew commentaries. Welfare Fund Dinner Plans Set FroB. the Editor!ls Des" Mrs, Herzog was born in Tel the Internn,tional Affairs Deparl- Aviv to the Schachor f;nnily, dis­ 1 ment of the World Jewish Congress tinguished in Eastern 'Europe and .. / \. and its permanent representative Theodor Hers' aDd Asher' Myers' The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekl1/ '" Wilstem Canada Israel for religious seholarship, She at the United Nations, will be guest (leaued weekly In the In_ta of jewish Comiiauaiti ..tIYitillO took her early schooling in Tel speaker, An orator and writer of IN THE HISTORY OF THE JEWISH 'CHRONICLE I., Winnipeg .nd W ..tern (lanada) '" ' A CHAPl'ER Aviv, and studied pharmaceutical international renown, Dr. Perlzweig Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Ageru:ty" chemistry at the University of is one of world Jewry's most dis­ (1841-1961) 1 iManchester, a profession she later tinguished diplomats, Puhllshed 8VeI7 Thundu h7 practised in ,Israel. By JOSEF FRAENKEL El\JP1RE PRINTERS LTD. The annual meeting will also in­ honour of Dr. Herzl, "Sub-Editor of the N'eue Printen • .,d Publish... t Married in 1952, she served as stall the new officers of the Welfare At the age of 27 Theodor Herzl applied for RUPERT SHRIAR, Ph.D. LEO .J. LEZACK: I representative of Ist:aeli Women's Freie' Presse" - to quote the inVitation - at St. Editor Adve1'llelnor Ma........ \ Fund and will hear reports of its the post of Paris co~respondent of the "Frank­ organizations on the general feder­ various committees. James's Hall Restaurant, where he could at last Head Office: 1244 Main St., ,W"mnipeg, Cai".d. " ations of Women's Clubs in Wash­ furter Zeitung." He wrote to his parents: "Heine Tickets are now available at the speak about his plans to the Jews. ' , Subseription: $4.00 per annum ington, The JlerZogs have two chil­ was Paris correspondent, too." He quoted other YMHA, executive offices of the famous writers hut not Moses Hess, the author , At first Herzl considered Myers to be a. fol­ Phone .JU 9-7331 _ 2 - 3 Eve. P~oD.e HiU 9-29IIt dren, Shira, 8, and Eliezar. 6, of "Rome and Jerusalem," who once had ,been lower and a political Zionist, and he invited him Authorized. B8 second ChlM mall by the Post Office Department. Welfare !FUnd, Rnd from dinner and a few others to discuss the establishment of . Ottawa. aad for tu~!ment of postage hi ~h . commi.!tee members, ,Paris correspondent of a German paper, for the ,J(. _ - name of Hess was unknown to Herzl. But the a "Society of Jews" in London which should have as its aim the creation of a Jewish State. But also announced the pU'blication of ~rs ~oklet in ,Keren Hatarbut , post was already taken and it was not until the near future. " ' , ", ~" , four years later, in 1891, that H~rzlbeca~e Herzl:s view on religion put a barriet: 'l1et\V~~'he -5th Youth, Tour Kushner Elected.. As long as Her1/:1 wa's alive the "Neue Freie Paris correspondent of the Vienna Neue Frele two' men and estranged Myers somewhat from The Canadian Association for Montreal - Mayor C. N. Kushner Presse~' never mentioned Zionism or Berzl's Zion­ his Zionism. Ber~l wore a full beard, but ,he, was Hebrew !Education ,and Culture. of West Kildonan has been elected Presse," the most infiuel1tial daily of ~he old MRS. YNACOV HERZOG ' YA'ACOV HERZOG IRWIN GREEN Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. As a wnter ,he not observant. He regarded himself a national ist activities. The '~Jewi$h Chronicle," on the which was the lirst' Hebrew Move­ interim -president of the Canadian Jew and did not envisage theocracy 'as the ruling other hand, continued' the discussion and ~most lFederation of Mayors and Ml.lnici­ showed promise every issue contained reports, commentaries or Ambassador and ~s. Ya'acov Ra'Obi [-saae Herzog of IsraeL Duib­ ment in English-speaking countries Representatives of all agencies of 'becoming a power of a Jewish State. Myers' love for Zion, Herzog will make their first visit to lin bom, he took his schooling in to send members of its Youth, Orga­ affiliated with the Jewish\ Welfare palities. He was elected by the however. was largely based on r,eligious senti­ letters in connection with "The Jewish, State." federation's execl.ltive to fiU out the second Heine but These eXpressions of opinions, though frequently the Winnipeg .Jewish community on Ireland, at' !theological seminaries <in nization for a summer visit in'Israel. Fund of Winnipeg are -participating ment, and because of his attitude the political 'F'ebruary 6 un'derthe sponsorship Jerusalem and London, and at the will c\mdl.lc.t again this Sl.lrnrner its in a concerted effort to encourage term of former mayor Percy Scurrah he forsook the ~he discussion became a religious debate. "What is unfavoura:ble, were most important to Il;ew of the [grael Bond Organization, it Hebrew University, He holds an fifth annual youth tOl.lr within the as wide an attendance as possible of Victoria. path of fame to your attitude toward the Bible 1" Myers asked movement since its greatest danger lay m bemg 'revolutionize the was announced i\o!iay by iM~t1and M,A. in law. 'and practised law in general frainework of the Summer at the fol'thcoming annual dinner Herzl, who replied: "I am a freethinker and it is ignored. Asher Myers rendered Zionism a great Steinkopf, M!B.E" Q.C., general Jerusalem until 1949 when he be­ 'Insti¢l.lte of the Jewish Agency. meeting of the lFund, Irwin Green, whole aspect of my principle that everyone should be happy in service ,by keeping the debate alive, and true. to the Jewish prob­ its long-standing tradition of fairness; the "JeWish chairman of the 1961 Israel 1B0nd came councillor on .Jkrusalem affairs StUdents between the ages of 15 chairman of the arrangements com- Club Notes >, lem and 1 ate r his own way." When 'Herzl explained that a 'drive. for the ,Israeli 1F0reign Ministry, and 18 wbo have a good Hebrew mittee, announced this week, LILLIAN FREIMAN CHAPTER OF committee should direct the Zionist cause, Myers Chronicle" also printed pro-Zionist reports and also re-awalrened lettErs overflowing with enthusiasm for political A receptiop at which iHis IExcel- Three yearS later he became direc­ background !\l'e eligible to partici­ The dinner, open to men and I Hadassah annOl.lnces tliat 'Mrs, the name of the declared: "No, you are the man to lead. You lency and 1Mrs. Herzog will ~ tor ofil\he itT.8, Division '01: the For­ Wite. Those interested' should com­ women. will be held Thursday, Jan, : A, R, Druxerman, 300 Park boule-, must be the martyr of this idea. The Orthodox Zionism. The paper even published letters criti­ forgotten Moses the Winnipeg Jewish oornmwlity is eign iMi,nis\ry; adding United Na­ municate immediately with the 18, at 6:30 p,m, in Rosh Pina syna-I val'd, Tuxedo. was the winner of Jews will follow you, although they will consider cizing the Jewish Chronicle's opposition to Zion­ Hess. ism. Myers, although an anti-Zionist, al",,:ays planned. ,Invitations will b~ avall- tions affair~ to his desk in 1956. Keren "HataI'but, 5234 Clanranald gogue, and !Will be preceded ,by a 1 the European Tour contest raffie. In July, 1895, you as a bad Jew, But the Jews will not wish to able on .January 2 at the Israel BOnd, From October; 1957., until .June, avenue, MontreaL reception at 5:30 ,p.m, 'Charles Dojack of Continental Tro- go to Argentine, 'but to Palestine." respected Herzl's personality and they remamed while working on offke, room 201, YiMHA b1.lildirig" 1960, when he became Ambassador The tOl.lr will take place during Dr, Maurice L, iPerlzweig, head of ,vel 'Bur,eau made 'the draw, the 'booklet "The Strange that no paper reported Herzl's first friends. Through the "Neue Freie Presse," Herzl won 370 Hargrave street phone WH 3_', to Cal\Qda, ~e served' as Israel's the 'months of Jl.lly and. IAl.lgust, Jewish State," address at the Maccabees. But Asher Myers in '1-309, ' : Minister in Washington and iMili- The fee of $850 will include air Herzl returned to , spite of his opposition to political Zionism was recognition in the non-Jewish world as a journal­ tary Attache to the embassies in PLAN MEDICAL AID LUNCHEON ist and writer, as the author of many splendid tranSportation from New York to Vienna to hecome deeply impressed by him. As an editor. Myers Rabbi, lawyer, military expert: Washington and Ottawa, Ambassa­ Lydda and return, seven weeks in literary editor of realized that Herzl's ptoposals would arouse the feuilletons, essays and short stories. And through and diplomat, Ya'acov Herzog is 'a dor Herzog ha's writtten commen­ the "Jewish Chronicle," the Zionist Herzl became Israel, activities, maintenance, field the "Neue iFreie greatest interest in Jewish circles. Here was a son of" the late distinguished Chief taries on certain tractates of' the trips and stop-overs, Presse". It was controversial topic, which would produce -lively famous among the Jews in the East and West. the d rea m of ' mEODOR HERZL' discussion amopg the rea.ders' and he asked Herzl When Herzl died (1904) the "Neue Freie poets and writers • to write a summary of his hitherto unpublished Presse" devoted several pages to his life and , I pamphlet "The Jewish State." Thus it came about work.
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