TffE GILMAN FAMILY TRACED IN THE LINE OF WITH AN ACCOUNT OF MANY OTHER GILMANS IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. BY ARTHUR GILMAN, A. M. Honors befi thrive, When rather from our acts we them derive Than our fore-goers. - All's Well that Ends W,ll, act II, scene 3, AL BAN r, N. r. JOEL MUNSELL, 82 STATE STREET. 1869. THIS VOLUME IS ln~ctibell TO MY FATHER. PREFACE. BOUT ten years ago the late William Charles Gilman, of New York city, gave the writer an outline of the pedi­ gree of a portion of the defcendants of the Hon. John Gilman, of Exeter, New Hampfhire. A rough copy of that outline formed the germ of the • prefent volume. An intereft was awakened, and inveftigations were purfued until Mr. Gilman propofed that the refults £hould be publifhed for the benefit of the family. In confequence of urgent folicitation and kind encouragement, the refearches were therefore continued on a more extenfive fcale. The writer's reluctance to enter upon fo laborious and expenfive a work, was overruled. The confideration that details of great intereft to our future families might thus be verified and preferved, which otherwife would be fore_ver loft, had much influence. It feems proper that a brief account of the means ufed in colletl:ing the data herein embodied, fhould be given in this . Vl Preface . place. In the year 1862 a circular was iff'ued from New York, where the writer then refided, and fent to the defcendants of John Gilman in many parts of America, in which inquiries were made on the fubjeB: of the family hiftory. No reftriB:ion was laid upon correfpondents in regard to the faB:s to be com­ municated, they being allowed perfeB: freedom to give any information whatever. In 1863 a preliminary pamphlet of fifty-one pages was printed, in which moft of the pedigrees received were recorded. This was circulated, accompanied with a requeft that all errors fuould be correB:ed and omiffions fupplied, and that additional biographical fketches fuould be fent to the author., all to be publifued free of expenfe. In a prefatory note in that pamph­ let this was again urged, and the offer was made to infert in the final record fuch fl:eel portraits as might be furnifued, which were alfo to be publifhed without charge . • In the courfe of the inveftigation the original home of John Gil man's ancefl:ors was difcovered in Norfolk county., England, and members of the family now refiding there met the unex­ peB:ed, and, to them, furprifing advances from this fide of the water, with the deepeft intereft and in the moft fraternal fpirit. In 1864, in order frill further to elicit faB:s, a fecond pamph­ let, of twenty-four pages, with engravings, was iffued, which contained the pedigrees difcovered in England. In that publica­ tion the members of the family were again urged to fend information to the writer. In 186 5, a perfonal examination was made of the localities in Preface. Vll England conneB:ed with the family hiftory, and fome new faB:s of intereft were gathered. In purfuing the work the acquai~tance has been made of numerous reprefentatives of the name. They are fcattered from Maine to Minnefota, and from Georgia to Canada, while a few, who have ftrayed beyond the great central plain, are found on the other fide of the Rocky Mountains. ConneB:ed with their eaftern friends by the new railway to the Pacific, they look weftward to their kinfmen in the Flowery Kingdom, and thus eftabliili a circuit of· the world. The writer's memory of the hofpitable attentions received on both £ides of the At­ lantic, and of the pleafant acquaintances made, will ever remain frefh, confl:ituting not the leaft of thofe compenfating advan­ tages always attendant upon labor. The biographical !ketches in this volume are derived from a variety of fources. Some are comparatively full, while others will be found meagre in detail. They bear a proportion to the information placed at the author's difpofal. Some of them are more complete than the immediate relatives were able to pre­ pare. No important faB:s have been intentionally omitted, while it may be found that in fome cafes all the faB:s that fhould have been recorded have not been communicated to the writer. To a number of friends acknowledgments are due for biographical !ketches, and for important details of perfonal hiftory. To one of our name the writer is indebted for encouragement and generous pecuniary aid, without which it would have been impracticable for hi1n to have accomplifhed v111 Preface. what has been done. The work of the writer of thefe lines has largely confifted in arranging the handiwork of others. How far he has been able to realize his conception of a perfect: genealogy is for others to fay. The refult is prefented with great diffidence, and if it ferve no other end than to unite the family in clofer bonds of friendfuip in the prefent generation, . and to prove the foundation of a worthier record at fome future - - time, the labor will not have been vain. .Arthur Gilman. Glynilyn, LEE., Berkfhire County, Maffachufetts., July., 1869. _ ARRANGEMENT. HE arrangement of this volume requires but little explanation. Each individual in the direct line of defcent from the firft Edward Gilman, is defignated by a numeral which is ufed when reference is made to him, as on page z4, and elfewhere. When a male member of the family has had defcendants, the numeral indicating his eldeft child is placed in parenthesis after the father's name. The fame enumeration is continued through the three principal branches, though, for convenience, the Gilmanton branch is made to begin with number 600, and the Newmarket branch with number 800. The author's original ignorance of his anceftors caufed him to collect the pedigrees of many not of John Gilman's line, moil: of whom are defcendants of his brothers Edward and Mofes. Thefe are included in this volume. By purfuing this courfe the frequent intermarriages of dif­ ferent branches of the family are more clearly explained, and the value of the book is, it is hoped, increafed. For the fake, alfo, of making the various Gilma·ns acquainted fame­ what with the wide-fpread circle bearing the name, reference is made at the clofe of thefe pedigrees to fondry other branches in England, Ireland, and America. B* CONTENTS. REFACE - - V . ARRAN;EMENT, IX P . CONTENTS, Xl LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, - Xlll INTRODUCTION, I JOHN GILMAN:>$ LINE: Firft Generation, - 31 Second Generation, - 34 Third Generation, the emigration to An1erica, - - 35 Fourth Generation, - 38 Fifth Generation, - 44 Sixth Generation, 50 Seventh Generation, - 71 Eighth Generation, - 100 Ninth Generation, - 150 Tenth Generation, - 193 Eleventh Generation, - - 207 Alphabetical Lift of Chriftian Names, 209 GILMANS OF OTHER BRANCHES OF THE F AMIL y : Defcendants of Ed ward Gilman, - - 219 Alphabetical Lift of Chriftian· Names, 229 Defcendants of M ofes Gilman, - 2 33 Alphabetical Lift of Chriftian Names, 265 Xll Contents. Family of Nicholas Gilman of Kingfl:on and Ray- mond, N. H., Stephen Gilman of Eaft Unity, N. H., Colonel Gilman, U. S. Army, - 2 77 Gilmans in London, England, - Gil mans in Kent county, England, Gilmans in Gloucefl:edhire, England, (iraduates of Cambridge and Oxford Univerfities, England, Gilmans of Staffordfuire, England, Gillmans of Ireland, CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS, INDEXES: I. Gilmans, except where mentioned in the l.1ifts on Pages 209, 226 and 26 5, II. Other Family Names, III. Index of Towns, Cities and other places, - IV. Colleges and other Literary Infritutions, 311 V. Books, Journals and other Publications, - - 312 VI. Mifcellaneous, - 314 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, - 320 ILLUSTRATIONS. poRTRAIT of Jofeph Taylor Gilman (305), to face page 2 Tower of St. .Andrew's Church, Hingham, Eng., '' 1 o cc Parfonage at Hingham, England, 12 Refidence of Samuel H. L. N. Gilman (168), late of Hingham, England, 100 Portrait of Benjamin Ives Gilman ( 226), and view of his birthplace at Exeter, " 122 Portrait of William Charles Gilman ( 268), late of New York city, • " 1 34 Refidence of the late Jofeph Taylor Gilman (305), in Exeter, - " Portrait of the late Profeffor Chandler Robbins Gil­ man, M. D. (352), of New York city, cc 168 Portrait of Winthrop Sargent Gilman (354), of New York city, " 182 View of Palifades Prefbyterian Church, defigned by Winthrop Sargent Gilman, Jr. (468), cc 208 Portrait of the Author (467), " :z8 8 *** The wood-cuts mentioned above are all engraved by Mr. J. H. Richardfon, of New Yo.rk city. The Engli!h views are from photographs executed under the direction of Mr. James Felt­ ham, of Hingham. The engravings on fieel were executed by Mr. A.H. Ritchie, of New York city. The refidence facing page 122 was engraved by Ritchie after a wood-cut which had previoully been made under the direcl:ion of the late Mrs. Clariffa Gilman Odiorne, No. 267. The finely engraved aqua-tinta portrait facing page 122 was executed by a diftingui!hed French artift, St. Mernin, who made portraits of feveral hundred of the citizens of America, about the beginning of the present century. C* INTRODUCTION. It is wife for us to recur to the hiflory of our Anceftors. Thofe who do not look upon themfelves as a link connecHng the pa!f: with the future, do not perform their duty to the World. Daniel WebjJer. N 1827 it was faid,* "Edward Gil­ man's defcendants are as numerous as the fands on the fea lhore. There is hardly a State in the Union where they may not be found.
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