ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Gallstone Disease and Related Risk Factors in Patients With Crohn Disease Analysis of 330 Consecutive Cases Mirella Fraquelli, MD, PhD; Alessandra Losco, MD; Stefania Visentin, MD; Bruno Mario Cesana, MD; Roberta Pometta, MD; Agostino Colli, MD; Dario Conte, MD Background: The reported prevalence of gallstone dis- agnosis (P=.02) and was unrelated to disease duration. Gall- ease (GD), defined as current gallstones or previous cho- stone disease was more frequent in patients who had lecystectomy for gallstones, in patients with Crohn dis- undergone surgery (34% vs 14%; P=.001) and was signifi- ease ranges from 13% to 34%. The aim of this study was cantly associated with the number (P=.001) and site of to characterize the still undefined risk factors of this com- bowel resections (P=.001), increasing from 28% in the pa- plication. tients who had undergone 1 resection to 53% in those hav- ing had 2 or more resections (P=.005) and being signifi- Methods: A total of 330 consecutive patients with Crohn cantly higher in patients with a resection involving the disease (189 males and 141 females aged 17-82 years, ileocecal region. Multivariate analysis showed that age; site mean±SD age, 41±14 years) underwent liver ultrason- of disease at diagnosis; and the presence, number, and site ography. of bowel resections were significantly related to GD. Results: A diagnosis of GD was made in 78 patients (24%), Conclusions: In patients with Crohn disease, the fre- 54 with current gallstones and 24 who had undergone pre- quency of GD is significantly higher than that reported vious cholecystectomy. Its frequency was comparable in in the general population with comparable characteris- males and females (23% vs 25%), but was significantly as- tics (z=5.04, PϽ.001). Age; site of disease at diagnosis; sociated with age (P=.001), being 13%, 36%, and 51% in and the history, number, and site of bowel resections are patients aged 44 years and younger, 45 to 59 years, and 60 independently associated with GD. years and older, respectively (P=.001). Its prevalence sig- nificantly differed according to the site of the disease at di- Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:2201-2204 HE REPORTED prevalence of diseased or resected ileum leading to he- gallstones in patients with patic excretion of cholesterol-supersatu- Crohn disease ranges from rated bile,1,4,11 but the fact that one study 13% to 34% in different se- found that bile cholesterol saturation was ries, accounting for a total of significantly lower in patients with Crohn Tabout 700 patients.1-10 However, some of disease than in controls12 indicates that these studies included selected patients (eg, other factors may play a role in gallstone all having surgery)3,6,8 or patients with dis- formation. ease limited to the terminal ileum4 and oth- The aims of this ultrasonographic ers enrolled only a few patients,1,2,5,7 thus study of a large series of consecutive pa- limiting the validity and precision of the es- tients with Crohn disease were to evalu- timate. Furthermore, only few and contro- ate the prevalence of gallstone disease versial data are available concerning the role (GD), defined as actual gallstones or pre- of different risk factors for gallstones in these vious cholecystectomy for gallstones, and From the Postgraduate School patients, some of which may be similar to to assess the possible related risk factors. of Gastroenterology those in the general population (eg, sex, age, (Drs Fraquelli, Losco, Visentin, body mass index, parity) and others may be RESULTS Pometta, and Conte) and disease specific, such as the site and dura- Epidemiology Unit tion of inflammatory bowel disease, and the Of the 330 patients examined (189 male and (Dr Cesana), IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore, Milan, Italy; and history and/or extent of bowel resections. 141 female; mean±SD age, 41±14 years), the Department of Internal The pathogenesis of gallstones in GD was diagnosed in 78 patients (24%). Of Medicine II, Ospedale Crohn disease still remains to be eluci- the 54 patients with current gallstones A. Manzoni, Lecco, Italy dated. For many years, it was mainly at- (69%), 26 had a single one, 11 had more than (Dr Colli). tributed to bile acid malabsorption in the one, and 17 had microlithiasis. Of the 24 (REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 161, OCT 8, 2001 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2201 ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. PATIENTS AND METHODS equipped with 3.5- and 7.5-MHz probes. All of the US ex- aminations were performed by 2 of us (M.F. and A.C.) with specific, long-term training. Gallstone disease was de- From January 1 to December 31, 1999, all consecutive in- fined as the presence of stones with echoes and an acous- patients and outpatients attending the referral center for tic shadow within a visible gallbladder lumen13 or the ab- Crohn disease at Milan (Italy) University’s Postgraduate sence of the gallbladder due to its surgical removal after School of Gastroenterology gave their written informed the diagnosis of Crohn disease. consent to the study, which was approved by the Ethics The following variables were considered in the statis- Committee of IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore, Milan. tical analysis: sex, age class (Յ44, 45-59, and Ն60 years), In the case of the 301 patients with certain Crohn dis- body mass index, location of Crohn disease at diagnosis ease followed up for a mean±SD of 9±7 years, their medi- (as classified above), disease duration (Յ5, 5-10, and Ͼ10 cal records were retrospectively analyzed to establish the years), number of bowel resections (1 or Ն2), and site of time from Crohn disease diagnosis, disease location, and bowel resections (divided on the same basis as the disease the history and characteristics of previous operations in- location classification), nephrolithiasis (present or ab- volving the small intestine and/or colonic segments; in the sent), and liver steatosis (present or absent). The differ- case of the 29 newly diagnosed patients, all the data from ences between patients with or without GD were evalu- their medical records were recorded. The patients who had ated using the 2 test with continuity correction in the 2ϫ2 undergone previous cholecystectomy for gallstones were contingency table; the 2 test for trend was carried out in not enrolled if the surgery had been performed before the the case of more than 2 classes. diagnosis of Crohn disease. A multivariate analysis was performed using logistic The sex, age, and body mass index (calculated as weight regression analysis (with GD as the dependent variable) and in kilograms divided by square of height in meters) of all a backward procedure. Factors with more than 2 classes the patients were recorded. For the purposes of this study, of variables were considered using dummy variables, thus 3 age groups were arbitrarily defined: 44 years and younger, allowing a comparison between the classes with a higher 45 to 59 years, and 60 years and older. The location of Crohn prevalence of GD and the lowest frequency reference class. disease at the time of diagnosis was classified as ileal, ileo- The goodness of fit was checked by means of the Hosmer- cecal, ileal and colonic, or colonic (with or without rectal Lemeshow test and the analysis of residuals.14 Prevalence involvement). and odds ratios were calculated with their 95% confi- After an overnight fast, all the patients underwent liver dence intervals. The prevalence of GD in our series was com- ultrasonography (US) using an ATL 5000 apparatus (Ad- pared with that in the general population by means of a z vanced Technology Laboratories, ATL Inc, Washington, DC) test. PϽ.05 was considered statistically significant. patients having previously undergone cholecystectomy As shown in Table 2, multivariate analysis showed (31%), 3 had had emergency laparotomy for acute chole- that age class, the site of Crohn disease at diagnosis, and cystitis and 5 for recurrent biliary colic, and the remaining a history of previous bowel resections were indepen- 16 had been operated on during the course of laparotomy dently associated with GD in our first model. In a sec- for intestinal and/or colonic resections. In the last group of ond multivariate model (which included the number of 16 patients, the presence of cholelithiasis had already been bowel resections), the odds ratios for age and site of bowel demonstrated by US before laparotomy and 10 of these pa- disease at diagnosis remained substantially unchanged. tients had experienced biliary colic(s) within 3 to 10 months Finally, when the site of bowel resections was consid- before the surgical procedure, which was performed for ered, only age and the site of resection were indepen- symptoms related to the intestinal involvement. dently associated with GD. The goodness of fit of the first The results of the univariate analysis are given in 2 multivariate models was very similar (P=.84 and P=.83); Table 1, which shows the variables that were signifi- the third showed a lower value (P=.62). cantly associated with GD. The prevalence of GD was simi- Considering pairs of variables, the highest odds ra- lar in male and female patients (23% vs 25%) and showed tio (38.0; 95% confidence interval, 11.8-122.5) was found a significant age-related linear increase, being 13%, 36%, in patients 60 years and older who had undergone mul- and 51% in the patients 44 years and younger, 45 to 59 years, tiple bowel resections compared with those 44 years and and 60 years and older, respectively (P=.001). It was also younger who had not had resections. When 3 variables significantly associated with the location of Crohn disease were considered together, the highest odds ratio (117.0; at diagnosis (P=.02), but not with disease duration (P=.36), 95% confidence interval, 27.1-504.7) was found in pa- body mass index (22.3±2.07 in the patients with GD and tients 60 years and older with ileocecal involvement who 22.3±2.04 in those without; P=.89), or the presence of had undergone multiple bowel resections compared with liver steatosis (20% in patients with GD and 12% in those those 44 years and younger with ileal involvement who without; P=.10).
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