Issued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publications Board of The University of British Columbia VOL. XIV VANCOUVER, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1932 No. 29 Roused Vancouver THE MILLION DOLLAR BABY —By Tavender Vance and Martin Appeals to Board Travel to Victoria Against Reduction To Wait on Cabinet Over Ninety Organizations Combine In Con­ A.M.S. Passes Vote of Confidence in Student certed Appeal to University Governors- Delegation Which Meets Cabinet Today Board To Consider Student Request At 3:00 p.m. For Information ittmfmttt—esemtsmitmmett For tho purpose of obtaining a vote of confidence from the Deluged with delegations, a harassed Board of Governors student body before sending a delegation consisting of Ken listened to an aroused Vancouver public deliver its views in Martin and Earl Vance to Victoria to convince the cabinet of the no uncertain fashion on the proposed cut in the University importance of the University to the province, Council called appropriation foV 1932-33. If tiie entire or any cut were to be an Alma Mater Meeting for Monday noon. The meeting was made, which faculty should bear the brunt of the decrease, packed to the doors. Was the main topic of discussion Friday night. • — • ' » Ken Martin, In explaining what Ninety Organisations TO MEET CABINET had boon done by the committee Over ninety different organisations REPRESENTS STUDENTS and what they Intended to do In tho were represented by either delega­ near future, stated that it was nec­ tions or resolutions. Among these essary to stick to tho main point. WM one from tho studenta, Includ­ Students should not allow themselves ing Ken Martin, chairman of the to be sidetracked by any rumours Publicity Committee, Earl Vance, which might be circulating, concern­ president of the A.M.S., Dorothy. ing the reception accorded a student Myers, Don McDiarmid, Ken Camp- delegation to the powers that be. boll, St. John Madeley and Rose­ He thanked all the students who mary Winslow. had offered their help to the'com­ Although the meeting was sched­ mittee for clerical and other work. uled for eight-fifteen, the Adminis­ He stated that although he had been tration Building was half-full of gratified at the response to the ap­ people by quarter to eight. Dr. peal for help, nevertheless he was Sedgewick, Professor Day, and other GREAT DRIVE RECALLS KEN MARTIN rather disappointed to find that members of faculty superintended Reduced Grant Ken Martin, Chairman of the Pub­ more students did not offer practical the registration of names and organiz­ STUDENT CAMPAIGN licity Committee, whose efforts have assistance. ations represented. After registra­ Unsound Policy been largely responsible for the An additional appeal was made to tion the delegates wero shepherded TEN YEARS AGO success which the campaign has had members of the student body who over to Arte 100 where they wore In arousing public opinion in the come from the interior of British Interests of the University. He will addressed by Professor H. F. Ang­ States Letter Students Strive Today For tho Uni­ Columbia to get in touch with their speak, with Earl Vance, to the Cab­ us on "The Value of An Arts Fac­ versity As Classes of '22-'23 Fought parents and Influential men in their inet at 3 p.m. today in Victoria. ulty." Can B.C. Afford To Give Away In Its Interests localities, and to get these men to Student Appeal Refused 1750,000 In Order To Save $193,000, approach the legislative representa­ tive for their districts concerning The student delegation filed into Asks Publicity Committee? At a time when the energies of the the Boardroom to make an ap­ Committee Leader the proposed reduction. In this con- entire student body are being devoted nectijau Eari dVance" stated -that an peal for co-operation and request The second letter of the series being EARL VANCE to carrying on the greatest campaign ex-minister of education had stated for information. In effect both wero sent out by the Publicity Committee Asks Out of Town in the history of our university, it is that one letter or wire from a mem­ refused. The facts asked for were Earl Vance, President of the Alma to important people of the province the financial statement of the Uni­ Mater Society, who left yesterday interesting to recall the tremendous ber's constituency had far more ef­ has now been prepared. Five thou­ campaign so successfully conducted in Students for Aid versity for the session 1930-31, the with Ken Martin for Victoria to sand or more residents of B.C. will fect than hundreds of signatures on wait upon the Provincial Cabinet 1922-23. a petition. budget for the session 1931-32, and the receive copies. This letter contains "It is essential that the student with regard to the proposed cut in report of the Special Committee of a statement of the University's eco The avowed object of the campaign, campaign have the support of all The vote of confidence was fol­ the University grant, the Board of Governors. The Gov- nomic status at present and presents then as today, was to present the facts outlying parts of British Columbia," lowed by prolonged applause. Vance (Continued on Page 3) the reasons why, in the opinion of the regarding the university to the people said Ken Martin, chairman of the and Martin left last night and will student body, a further cut is not of British Columbia, that they might Publicity Committee, addressing out- wait upon the cabinet at 3:00 p.m. Legal Authorities only injudicious but unpractical. The judge for themselves whether It of-town students in Arts 100, Friday today. Students hope for tangible letter follows: should be properly established or not. noon, "and to secure this support results from this effort. It was felt that once the public was Earl Vance, in addressing the Kenneth Martin Dear Sir or Madam: the Committee depends upon you," Recognize Degrees in possession of the true facts of the meeting, stated that it was necessary The Student Publicity Campaign is he declared. case it would demand in no uncertain to carry on the campaign to the and Earl Vance not being carried on in an effort to "We've got to get out and fight Of U.B.C. Students terms that the work of construction bitter end. Present signs made it get a larger grant than that received at Point Grey be undertaken without for Varsity and make the public Go to Capital by the University for the fiscal year sympathetic with us," he continued, look as though it might be necessary The University of British Colum­ delay. to continue the fight for another bia has received formal notification 1931-32. Plans for the campaign were care­ "and the only way to reach the hin­ Scotty Mclnnes has been carrying terland is to send out information two or three weeks. He made an on the good work of the Publicity from the Council of Legal Education The students realize fully the seri­ fully drawn up during the summer of appeal for additional caution money ousness of the financial situation in' concerning the University. Put the Committee in Victoria. As tangible in England that the University has '22 and with the opening of the fall waivers, but despite the patriotic been approved by the Council and this province and throughout the term the drive began in earnest. Mass case fairly before all influential results of a trip to the capital he people in your home town, and in applause which followed the appeal, that its degree examinations will world. They applaud the wise ond| meetings of the students were held only twenty-one waivers were signed has lined up a hearing with the cab­ timely efforts of the government to your letters mention some of the facts inet today at 3:00 p.m. and an in­ qualify its students for admission at and details were thoroughly discussed. directly after the meeting. any one of the four Inns of Court. economize in every practical way. It A canvass was made ot every house which you will be given shortly," he terview with the conservative caucus is only by rigid economy that the pre­ concluded. The meeting was thrown open to wlnn it meet3 early next week. This recognition is a great advan­ in Vancouver to secure signatures for discussion and in reply to the ques­ tage to graduates of the University sent period of depression can be met a petition not only stating the desires Win Shilvock, chairman of the Earl Vance and Kenny Martin left and banished. Publicity Sub-Committee, pointed out tion as to what the committee in­ of British Columbia who wish to and hopes of the students, but repre­ tended to do if the campaign failed, on the midnight boat for the capital senting the views of the electors, "in that students coming from outside read Law and obtain Call to the Bar Thc students make no claim that the Earl Vance replied, "We don't ex­ city where they will attempt to con­ the hope of proving to the govern­ Vancouver were numerous and in­ in England. It b particularly use­ University should be exempted from pect to lose." vince members of the executive ful to Rhodes Scholars who are of­ economies. Neither do they make ment that the people support us when fluential, and suggested that they en­ Letters and Telegrams Effective council of the provincial parliament. ten students at the Inns of Court any protest against any personal In­ we say that higher education is not close the latest circular in their letters.
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