Compendium of Abstracts Themes Climate-driven changes of water environments in cold regions .................................................................. 1 From anthropogenic pressures to ecosystem services ................................................................................. 5 Innovations in water science and technology .............................................................................................. 7 Knowledge co-creation with Indigenous communities .............................................................................. 11 Turning research into policy and management solutions .......................................................................... 12 Abstracts with no specified theme ............................................................................................................. 14 Climate-driven changes of water environments in cold regions Title (Click to view abstract) Main Author Page Hydrologic-land surface modelling of sporadic permafrost: A case study of Jean Mohamed 15 Marie River watershed Abdelhamed Changes in agroclimatic indices over western Canada by the end of the 21st Richard Yao 16 century based on convection permitting modeling Agyeman Regression modeling of land cover change in a lowland ecosystem of the North Shaghayegh 17 west Territories (NWT) Akbarpour Empirical approaches to quantifying the freezing characteristic curve Seth Kwaku 18 Amankwah Wet and Dry Years Have Distinct Changes to DOM Concentration and Pieter J. K. Aukes 19 Composition in Canadian Sub-Arctic Taiga Shield Lakes Looking at Historical Concentrations of Dissolved Organic Matter and Pieter J. K. Aukes 20 Disinfection By-Products in Northwest Territory Public Drinking Water Quality Records Carbon cycling in wetland soils: reassessing the enzymatic latch hypothesis Bijendra Man 21 Bajrachara Characterizing inter-seasonal bog-fen tributary connectivity in a sub-arctic Nicole Balliston 22 peatland complex: A 10-year hydrological study High Resolution Albedo Retrievals from Remote Sensing to Assess the Impact of Andre Bertoncini 23 Forest Fire Soot Deposition on High Mountain Snow and Ice Melt Projected Changes to the Surface Features of Canadian Prairie Droughts Barrie Bonsal 24 Sources of uncertainties in the projection of streamflow in a small Great Lakes Olivier Champagne 25 watershed Fire and Ice: The Resiliency of Zooplankton Communities to Wildfire Charles-Matthew 26 Disturbance Chanyi Freezing rain events causing power outages in the province of New Brunswick, Julien Chartrand 27 Canada 1 Climate-driven changes of water environments in cold regions Space-time surveillance of land-cover and climate dynamics Chiranjib 28 Chaudhuri Trends in water and heat related agrometeorological indices across the Aston Chipanshi 29 Canadian Prairies under a changing climate Patterns of tree growth in a boreal peatland experiencing permafrost thaw Katherine D. 30 Dearborn Fabrication and characterization of activated carbons derived from boreal peats Charles-françois de 31 for phenolic compound removal from wastewater Lannoy Investigation of the linkage between precipitation characteristics and local wind Aurélie Desroches- 32 field over complex terrain: case study at Fortress Mountain, Alberta Lapointe What happens in winter? Efficient modelling of seasonal soil freeze/thaw Élise G. Devoie 33 A Multivariate Regression Framework for Predicting Changes in Annual Peak Yonas Dibike 34 Flows in Western Canadian River Basins The relative importance of environmental factors on the interannual variability Mariam El-Amine 35 of carbon fluxes in the boreal forest Using dendrochronology to assess the influence of mine dewatering and climate Matthew Elmes 36 change on the growth of black spruce in boreal peatlands in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada Hydrothermal Regime of Riparian Systems in Continuous Permafrost, Western Timothy Ensom 37 Canadian Arctic Characterization of contrasting flow and thermal regimes in two adjacent Luca Fabris 38 subarctic alpine headwaters in northwest Canada Canadian Rockies Hydrological Observatory - Field Work Initiatives Greg Galloway 39 Observing and modelling agriculture-climate-hydrology interactions on the Phillip Harder 40 Canadian Prairies Mapping the future changes of hydrology in the southern boreal forest of Zhihua He 41 Canada using the convection-permitting WRF CONUS simulations The cooling effect of peatlands on near-surface climate in the boreal biome Manuel Helbig 42 CoSMoS-MATLAB: A user-friendly toolbox for precise timeseries generation Salma Hobbi 43 Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical modelling of groundwater dynamics in a Xiang Huang 44 permafrost basin Shield Carbon Futures: predicting future change in the face of climate warming Ryan Hutchins 45 and permafrost thaw The analysis of the climatological features of the eastward-propagating Yunsung Hwang 46 precipitation systems east of Rockies Temperature and Moisture Controls on CO2 Flux Dynamics in Northern Nidhu Jagoda 47 Peatland Ecosystems Response of the Soil Microbial Community under Variable Winter and Fertilizer Grant Jensen 48 Conditions 2 Climate-driven changes of water environments in cold regions Proposed research: Plant Recovery and Wildlife Return to the Boreal Forest Alexis Jorgensen 49 after Fire Exploring the Morphology and Evolution of Supercell Thunderstorms over the Mostofa Kamal 50 Canadian Prairies under Current and Future Climate Conditions The Impacts of Winter Soil Processes on Nitrification Inhibitor Effectiveness in Konrad Krogstad 51 Fertilized Agricultural Soils Stable water isotopes identify plant-atmosphere interactions and source water Lindsey Langs 52 in Rocky Mountain subalpine forests Late Summer Precipitation and Dissolved Organic Carbon May Facilitate the Jeremy G Leathers 53 Export of Metal/Metalloid pollutants From Legacy Mining Pollutant-Affected Peatlands Quantifying vegetation change in Wolf Creek, YT through fusion of remotely Sean C. Leipe 54 sensed data Snowflake particle trajectory in complex terrain using a computational fluid Nicolas R. Leroux 55 dynamics model High-Resolution Regional Climate Modeling and Projection over Western Yanping Li 56 Canada using a Weather Research Forecasting Model with a Pseudo-Global Warming Approach The Impact of Landuse Change on Precipitation in Western Canada Simulated Zhenhua Li 57 by a Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model Future projection of extreme wind events for Canada using convection- Xiao Ma 58 permitting climate model The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes Juliane Mai 59 What is the Role of Groundwater in a Changing Arctic? Jeffrey M. 60 McKenzie Tree rings show strong coherence with eddy covariance fluxes and drought Shawn M 61 indices in an age sequence of pine forests McKenzie Spring Freshet & Channelization Processes in a Sub-Arctic Catchment, NWT. Thomas Misztela 62 Fire-impacted versus unimpacted ephemeral pools in eastern Georgian Bay: Danielle 63 portents of climate change? Montocchio Characterization of open-water flooding using water-level loggers, a poorly Laura Neary 64 recognized lake recharge process in the Athabasca Delta Characterization of water resource vulnerability to climate change in the Laura Neary 65 Whooping Crane breeding area (Wood Buffalo National Park) using contemporary and paleolimnological approaches Physiological and environmental controls on evaporative partitioning across a Erin M Nicholls 66 gradient of altitudes and vegetation covers in a subarctic, alpine catchment, Yukon, Canada Impacts of climate change on the boreal forest’s resilience to wildfire Emily Ogden 67 Functional and structural traits coordination reveals trade-offs in boreal species Christoforos 68 resource allocation and use Pappas 3 Climate-driven changes of water environments in cold regions Aboveground tree growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest Christoforos 69 carbon input Pappas Picea mariana transpiration across a boreal subarctic peatland Nia Perron 70 Understanding Winter Soil Processes: A Predictive Model of Non-Growing Arash Rafat 71 Season CO2 Fluxes from Canadian Peatlands using Machine Learning Multi-year isoscapes of lake water balances across a dynamic northern Casey Remmer 72 freshwater delta Impact of future climate on hydrology and river ice processes in Canada Prabin Rokaya 73 The Hydrology of Beaver Dam Dynamics Amanda Ronnquist 74 Remote Sensing of Burn Severity, Pre-fire Species Distribution, and Post-fire Prabha Rupasinghe 75 Health Recovery in Boreal Forests of Alberta, Canada Intercomparison of approaches for modelling infiltration in frozen soil Ines Sanchez- 76 Rodriguez Soil organic matter decomposition in cold region peatlands: Application of Saraswati 77 isothermal calorimetry Saraswati Impacts of changing winter warm spells on snowpack dynamics Lucia Scaff 78 Supporting vector routing and groundwater simulation in the MESH modelling Leland Scantlebury 79 system Changing Carbon Cycling In Subarctic Canada Sherry Schiff 80 Catchment: lake area ratio may dictate the concentrations of legacy arsenic Mackenzie DJ 81 pollution in subarctic lakes Schultz Phosphorus cycling within stormwater management infrastructure in extreme Mahyar Shafii 82 climates: insights from data analysis and reactive transport modeling of stormwater ponds Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE): Hilary Smith 83 Measurements and Preliminary Results Ecohydrology of the Baker Creek watershed: a multidimensional approach
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