5072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 29 No. 1519). Referred to the Committee of the chinery which will remain in the possession· Whole House on the state of the Union. of the United States of America at the con­ SENATE Mr. PETERSON of Florida: Committee on clusion of the present war; to the Committee the Public Lands. H. R. 3384. A bill to au­ on Expenditures in the Executive Depart­ MONDAY, MAY 29, 1944 thorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept ments. property for the Moores Creek National Mil­ (Legislative day of Tuepday, May 9, 1944) itary Park 11nd for other purposes; without PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS amendment (Rept. No. 1520). Referred to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, t.he Committee of the Whole House on the Under clause 1 of rule ~I. private Dn the expiration of the recess. state of the Union. bills and resolutions were introduced and The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Mr. CLARK: Committee on Rules. House severally refert"ed, as follows: Harris, D. D., offered the following Resolution 566. Resolution providing for .BY Mr. LANE: prayer: the consideration of H. R. 3442, a bill to H. R. 4895. A bill for the relief of James E. amend sections 1, 2, and 3 of the act en­ Monaghan as administrator of the estate of 0 Thou God of the living and of the titled "An act to punish the willful injury Katherine Monaghan, deceased; .to the Com­ living dead, 'Thou hast set us to play or destruction of war- material or of war mittee on Claims. our part in a struggling world where premises or utilities used in connection with H. R. 4896. A bill for the relief of Florence there ·is no gain except by loss and no war material and for other purposes," ap­ E. Bower, Hulda Bower, and Christopher Rus­ proved April 20, 1918, as amended ( 40. Stat. life except by death. With. tenderness sell; to the Committee on Claims. and gratitude we think of those quiet 533; U. S. C., title 50, sees. 101, 102, and By Mr. MANSFIELD of Montana: 103); 1517). actes, some fringed by gently waving without amendment (Rept. No. H. R. 4897. A bill for the relief of Joseph C. Referred to the House Calendar. Eastland; to the Committee on Claims. palms, all marked by the sacred cross Mr. BATES of Kentucky: Committee on By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: of sacrifice, where at home and abroad Rules. House· Resolution 551. · Resolution H. R. 4898. A bill granting a pension to sleep the mortal forms of the crusaders providing for the appointment of a special William I. Ray; to the Committee on Pen­ of liberation who in youth's high ela­ committee of the House of Representatives sions. to investigate the campaign expenditures of tion marched and sailed from this free the various candidates for the House of Rep­ land which has solemnly pledged its all resentatives, and for other purposes; with PETITIONS, ETC. that freedom may not die. Shadows of amendment (Rept. No. 1523). Referred to sorrow darken our hearts with the con­ the House Calendar. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions sciousness that they will come not .back, Mr. SABATH: Committee on Rules. House and papers were laid on the Clerk's tiesk for on alien sod they gave up the years Resolution 230. Resolution authorizing the and referred as follows: and joys to be. But we rejoice with Committee on Labor to conduct and investi­ 5759. By Mr. ANDREWS of New York: Res­ them that their souls. will go marching gate the extent and character of aid now olution adopted by the Cold Spring Business­ on in a world cleansed of .the bestial given by the Federal, State, and local govern­ men's ASsociation protesting the enactment abomination . whose blighting breath ments and private agencies to the physically of Senate bill 1161; to the Committee on handicapped, and for other purposes; without pollutes and desecrates but whose de­ Ways and Means. struction is pledged by the sword of the amendment (Rept. No. 1524). Referred to 5760. Also, resolution adopted by the Coun­ the House Calendar. cil of the City of Niagara Falls, N. Y., having unenslaved, in the name of the holy to do with the disposition of public war God and a holy humanity. housing; to the Committee on Banking and Make us worthy of those whose graves PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Currency. · we garnish on our Day of Remembrance, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public 5761. By Mr. COLE of Missouri: Patition of Julia B. Hines and 58 other citizens of Bu­ "Who more than self their country loved bills and resolutions were introduced and chanan County, Mo., protesting against the And mercy more than life." severally referred as follows: consideration of any type of prohibition leg­ By Mr. BALDWIN of New York: islation until the conclusion of the present We ask it in the name of that One whose H. R. 4890. A bill to provide for the display war and the termination of demobilization; truth makes . us and all men free. in the lobbies of post offices of p_lacards con­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ainen. taining certain information with respect to 5762. Also, petition of Clarence 0. Smith DESIGNATION. OF ACTING PRESIDENT the legislative representatives of the people; and 29 other citizens of Buchanan County, PRO TEMPORE to the Committee on the Post Office a.nd Post Mo., protesting against the con.sideration of Roads. any type of prohibition legislation until the The Chief Clerk read the following By Mr. MURRAY of Tennessee: conclusion of the present war and the ter­ letter: H. R. 4891. A bill to provide during the mination of demobilization; to the Commit­ UNITED STATES SENATE, present war for certain additional compen­ tee on the Judiciary. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, sation for star-route contractors, and for 5763. Also, petition of Bertis D. Johnson Washington, D. C., May 29, 1944. other purposes; to the Committee on the Post and 31 other citizens of Buchanan County, To ·the Senate: Office and Post Roads. Mo., protesting against the consideration of Being temporarily absent from the Senate, By Mr. HOLIFIELD: any type of prohibition legislation until the I appoint Hon. SHERIDAN DowNEY, a Senator H. R. 4892. A bill relating to clerical assist­ conclusion of the present war lmd the ter­ from the State of California, to perform the ance at post offices, branches, or stations mination of demobilization; to the Commit­ duties of the Chair during my absence, the servihg military and naval personnel, and for tee on the Judiciary. Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. THQMAS], here­ other purposes; to the Committee on the 5764. Also, petition of Harry F. Miller and tofore named by me to perform the du­ 27 other citizens o( Missouri, protesting Post Office and Post Roads. ties of the Chair, being, as I am informed, By Mr. McKENZIE: against the consideration of any type of prohibition legislation Until the conclusion absent from the Senate today on official H. R. 4893. A bill to provide for the car­ business. rying of mail on star routes, and for other · of the present war and · the termination of demobilization; to the Committee on the CARTER GLASS, purposes; to the Committee on the Post President pro tempore. Office and Post Roads. Judiciary. By Mr. ROWE: 5765. Also, petition of Henry P. Curtin and ¥.r. DOWNEY thereupon took the H. R. 4894. A bill to amend section 211 of 56 other citizens of Buchanan County, Mo., chair as Acting President pro tempore. the Criminal Code, as amended (relating to protesting against the consideration of any certain nonmailable matter); to the Com­ type of prohibition legislation until the con­ THE JOURNAL clusion of the present war and the termina­ mittee on the Judiciary. 01 tion of demobilization; to the Committee on On request Mr. GILLETTE, and by the Judiciary. unanimous cunsent, the reading of the MEMORIALS 5766. By Mr. DAY: Seventy-one petitions, Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ comprising approximately 1,800 names of citi­ dar day Thursday, May 25, 1944, wa~ dis­ rials were presented and referred as zens, relatives, and friends of Japanese war pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ prisoners, supporting House Joint Resolution proved. follows: 252 and House Joint Resolution 253, intro­ B:v the SPEAKER: Memorial of the duced by Representative JEssiE SuMNER of MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ Legislature of the State of Lo~isiana, me­ Illinois; to the Committee on Military Affairs. , APPROVAL OF BILLS morializing the President and the Congress 5767. By Mr. MYERS: Petition of 159 citi­ of the United States to give preference to zens of Philadelphia, Pa., protesting against Messages in writing from the Presi­ governmental agencies which are wholly sup­ House bill 2082, providing for the return of dent of the. United States were commu­ ported by public funds in the disposition ·Of prohibition; to the Committee on the Judi­ nicated to the Senate by Mr. MiJ ler, one the surplus material, equipment, and ma- ciary. of his secretaries, and he announced that 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5073 the President had approved and signed ENROLLED BILLS ANJJ JOINT RESOLU­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, EITC. the following acts: TION SIGNED The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern;. On May 26, 1944: The message further announced that pore laid before the Senate the following B. 254. An act for the relief of Edward · the Speaker had affixed his ·signature to Iet~ers, which were referred as indicated: Glllam; the following enrolled bills and joint REPORT OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FEDERAL S.
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