Vol. 59-No. 1 Philadelphia, March 9, 1912 Price 5 Cents Laudable Efforts Being Made By Mutual Friends of President Johnson, of the American League, and President Ward, of the Boston National Club, to Heal the Feud Between These Big Base Ball Men. EW YORK, N. T., March 4. can command a salary of $3000,** says Base Ball Editor Joseph Vila, Hugh Jennings, manager of the Detroit of the New York "Sun," makes Tigers, who w.as in Ithaca several days the interesting and authoritative last week, coaching the Cornell base ball announcement that the John squad. Jennings declares that if a man son-Ward feud is to be healed. cannot command that sum he might bet Mr. Vila, who is usually in a position to ter go into some other business right know whereof he speaks, especially in away. After 10 years or so a base ball connection with American League inside player loses his speed, and then he has to affairs, says that mutual friends of Ban rely on his .bank account. If he has not Johnson, president of the American made much money he has no funds to League, and John M. Ward, president of draw on and he finds himself compelled the Boston National League Club, have to look elsewhere for a living when per been working hard lately to bring these haps he is not fitted for anything else. rivals together, and from present indi cations there will be a cordial handshake in the near future. It appears that Ward STOVALL DISPLEASED? made a big hit at the recent National League meeting here when Report That He Will "Wait to Secure Trans HE SUPPORTED AUGUST IIERRMANN, fer to the Cubs. of Cincinnati, in his successful fight to St. Louis, Mo., March 4. It is stated restore harmonious relations with the here that first baseman George Stovall, American League. Ward and his part obtained by the local American League ner, James E. Gaffney, openly advocated club from the Cleveland Club in fexchange a resolution providing for the penaliz for "Lefty" George, is expected to at ing of parties to the National Agreement tempt to buy his release from Colonel who might wilfully cause friction with Hedges with money furnished by Charles the rival league. Ward©s strong argu Murphy, president of the Chicago Cubs. ment favoring the peace agreement and In a letter to, the Browns© boss the first the perpetuation of organized base ball, baseman says that he will be here next it seems, not only won the admiration Wednesday to discuss the situation, but of Hermann and his allies, but also he carefully refrains from saying that he brought the American League men to a will report to begin training. On the realizing sense that the Boston President other hand, Stovali will try to escape was guided by proper motives. Herr- from the Browns to join the Cubs. mann, so the story goes, PROCEEDED TO PLACATE JOHNSON, ST. LOUIS RECRUITS as did several American League club owners, while Johnson himself expressed Manager Bresnahan Calls for Infielder satisfaction with Ward©s policy. It will be remembered that when Ward was a Steinfeldt and Pitcher Ewing. candidate for the National League presi West Baden, Ind., March 4. Manager dency two years ago, he was vigorously Bresnahan, of the St. Louis National opposed by Johnson, who declared that Club, has instructed Bob Ewing, pitcher, he would not sit with Ward as a mem and Harry Steinfeldt, third baseman, to ber of the National Base Ball Commis report for a workout here with the Cardi sion. Because of alleged remarks by nals, although neither of these veterans Johnson, Ward brought a suit for $50,000 has signed. This is interpreted to mean damages against him in the Federal that Bresnahan does not expect Mike courts and received a verdict of $1000. Mowrey, a hold-out, to play with his team Johnson©s attorneys appealed, but no date this year. Bresnahan, after letting out has been set for a new trial. Ward, veterans like catcher Phelps, and pitchers after getting hold of the Boston Club, Lush and Willis, failed to get any good was appointed a member of DEL GAINOR youngsters, and must take what he can get to open the coming season. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE RULES COMMITTE, first Baseman of the Detroit American League Club »._______ and as chaiman he met Umpire Thomas Del Gainor, the brilliant young first baseman of the Detroit Club, of the American CASE OF SWEENEY Connelly, chairman of the American League, was one of the stars of the 1911 season. He made good from the start of League committee. The relations be the campaign and his batting, fielding and dashing all-round Work made him a mighty tween Ward and Connelly became de- factor in the Detroit team©s record-breaking pace in the first third of the 1911 race. The Crack New York American Catcher cidely friendly, and the latter is said to On the Athletics© first trip to Detroit pitcher Coombs broke Gainer©s wrist with a pitched ball, disabling him until late in the season. From that time Detroit©s for Wants a $6000 Contract. have joined the peacemakers. Gaffney tunes waned, as the loss of Gainor broke up the infield and weakened the team also New York, March 4. -Catcher Ed. is friendly with Johnson, while James in batting and base-i-unning. Gainor was born at Klkins. W. Va., in 1886. He McAleer and John I. Taylor. of the Bos started his professional career with the Grafton Club, of the West Virginia League, Sweeney, of the Highlanders, an ton Americans, Connie Mack, of the in 1909. From that club the Fort Wavne (Central League) Club secured him, and nounced in Chicago on Thursday that with that Class B club he did such brilliant work in 1910 that the Detroit Club pur unless he received $6000 for his serv Athletics, Frank J. Farrell, of the High chased his release. landers, and Clark Griffith, of Washing ices this year he would remain out of ton, are friends of Ward. With these the game and attend to a private business influences at work, therefore, Ward and venture. According to the officials of the Johnson are gradually drifting toward club Sweeney has received a liberal offer to the Legislature for many years ap to sign and the figures will remain un each other, with a love feast apparently ADVICE TO COLLEGIANS changed. If Sweeney holds out Street inevitable. peared in the House on March 1. The will do a greater part of the catching. Committee on Legal Affairs by a vote of Jennings Says $3000 Should Be Their Price According to the official averages there Sunday Law in Boston 8 to 7 reported the bill, which gives cities for Professionalism. is little difference in the calibre of the Boston, Mass., March 4. The first and towns the option of permitting all Ithaca, N. Y., March 4. "No college two catchers and therefore Street will bill modifying the restrictions regarding kinds or sports after 1 P. M., provided base ball player should go into profes prove an able substitute for Sweeney in sports on Sunday that has been reported no admission is charged. sional base ball as a business unless he every particular. MARCH 9, .1912 latter event the Cubs will likely go dtt pitching staff of the Des Moines team, playing just the same as usual. will nmnage Clear Lake. Emmetsburg, Estberville and Eldora, will all be in the YALE PITCHER INJURED field. THE LID PRIED OFF IN THE His Upper Cheekbone Fractured By Hit A PERMANENT HOME REBATE INQUIRY TOUCHING From Foul Tip. As a SprfeJg Training Place for Washington- WINDY CITY New Haven, February 29. The first BASE BALL base ball accident at Yale this season, Is Assurred. and one of the most serious in years, Special to "Sporting Life." , The White Sox the First to Start was disclosed today when H. Briar Scott, \ Washington, D. C., March 4. When The Federal Grand Jury in Chicago of Steubenville, Ohio, a ©varsity pitcher the Nationals go into training next for the More or Less Sunny of last season and depended upon as Spring it will in all probability be in to Investigate Allegation of one of the mainstays in the box for Yale their owrt training camp, to be located Sooth The Cubs Still Have Two this year, came out of the infirmary after somewhere much farther South than Rebates By the Pennsylvania a five-day stay. The entire right side Charlottesville. Manager Griffith has Hold-Guts on Their List, of Scott©s face in the region of the eye opened negotiations with the business Railroad to American League* is sunken, the result of being hit by a men of a Southern city who are expected foul tip while practicing batting. The to agree to build a ball park and living BY BICHABD G. TOBIN. upper cheekbone was fractured and house with ample accommodations for Chicago, 111., March 2. An -investi Chicago, 111., March 3. Editor "Sport knocked in three-quarters of an inch. the players, in return for which they are gation into the routing of American ing Life." The Chicago Cubs and White The eye also was badly injured, but not to receive a goodly portion of the gate League base ball teams during the last Sox pried the lid off the Winter base so seriously as permanently to affect receipts of exhibition games, many of season has been ordered ball season during the past the eyesight. A base ball* would fit in which will be with National League by the Federal grand jury, week, and began their according to a report which Spring training.
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