Appendix a Property List And

Appendix a Property List And

APPENDIX A PROPERTY LIST AND MAP MAS0000003MAS00000037/17 0001 mn of Flit Flat/Hie Number Block Name Address Postcode Estate Storeys Resident Tenure Priority 1st Flatl Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 2 Glllray House London SW10 0BT Cremorne Estate Grnd &. 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flats Glllray House London SW10 081 Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant Flat 4 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flats Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 6 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat? Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flats Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flats Slllray House London SW10OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 10 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant Flat 11 Glllray House London SW10 0BT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 12 Grllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 13 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremome Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 14 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 15 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant Flat 16 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 17 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 18 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 19 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 20 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 21 Glliray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 22 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 23 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant :lat 24 Glllray House London SW10OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant :lat25 Glllray House London SWIG OBT Cremorne'Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 26 Gillray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Gmd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 27 Glliray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant tat 28 Gillray House London SW10OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant ;lat 29 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 30 Glliray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 31 Glllray House London SW10 OBT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant ;lat32 Glllray House London SW100BT Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant lat 1 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Gmd & ? Floors 32 Tenat Flat 2 Riley House London SW10 DBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flats Riley House London SW1D0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder lat 4 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant lat 5 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Leaseholder |Flat 6 Riley House London SW100B5 Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat? Riley House London SW10 OBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant lata Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant lat 9 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Leaseholder IFIat 10 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 11 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant lat 12 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 13 Alley House London SW10 OBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant IFIat 14 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 15 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder at 16 Hiley House London SW1D0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 17 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant {Flat 18 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant Flat 19 Riley House London SW10 0BS CremorneEstate- Grnd & ? Floors 32 Tenant ..11 . H" ^ — at 20 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 21 Riley House London SW10 0BS Crembme festate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder | Flat 22 Riley House London SW100BS Cremdrne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 23 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 24 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 25 Riley House London SW100BS Cremorne Estate Grnd &? Floors 32 Tenant j Fiat 26 Riley House London SW10 OBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 2? Riley House London SW10 OBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 28 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 29 Riley House London SW10 OBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder |FIat30 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 31 Riley House London SW10QBS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant at 32 Riley House London SW10 0BS Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant 3tl Lacland House London SW10 0BP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant IFIat 2 Lacland House London SW10 0BP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat3 Laciand House London SW10 OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant it 4 Lacland House London SW10 0BP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder K5 Lacland House London [SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant MAS0000003MAS00000037/27 0002 Ufa* c rial o Londor 1 SW10 OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant rial / LaCfdnu nousc Londor SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 8 ciA/i n nan Lonoor Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 9 3 W iU UDr CremotfifSl^stafii. '. brnd & / Floors 32 Tenant Flat 10 1 arlsinH Hnnco Londor cu/i n ADD Cren?o rn^'Estate brno fit 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 11 LarlanH Hnucp c\A/in nap CremorriS Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 12 1 arlanrf HnncA Londor SWIU UDr Cremorrie Estate brno at / Floors 32 Tenant Flat 13 Larfanri HOIJ^P LU r 1U u JjVV 1\J UDr Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 14 1 artnnH Hnncp Lunuufi j W _ U UDr Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant 1 arlanH Hnncp Flat 15 LUilQDil JCIA/i W iUn flBUDDr uremornc csiaie urno fx / rioors 32 Tenant cm/1 n, ADD Flat 16 LaLldllU nUU5c London JWIU UDr Cremorne Estdte brna & / Floors 32 Tenant J srlanH Hnnco London JWIU UDr Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 18 LaLldll1 arlanUH nUU5Mnnco6 London aVViU UDr Cremorne Estate umO tk 1 rlOOrS 32 Tenant Flat 19 LaLldllU rlUUac London Jcw wimu ODUDDr Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 5n LaLlallU riUUac London JU UDr Cremorne Estate urno « / rioors 32 Leaseholder Flat 21 1 nrlanH HHIICP LUl IUUI1 owJU uor ^IcITIUrilc CaLalc uinu at / riouia Tenant Flat 22 LaLiaii1 arlanruf nuusHmiccp 1 A n H Art i>VV IV UDr Cremorne Estate urno 01 / noors •A ln Tenant Flat 23 1Lauiaii sirlanuH nuus Mmicce L,UllUU[1 Jw iu UDr Cremorne Estate urnu <K / riuurs Leaseholder Flat 24 LaLldllU nULfac Lunuon 5 W JU UDr Cremorne Estate ornu 01 f rioors 3Z Tenant Flat 25 Lacland House London SW10 OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 26 Lacland House London SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 2? Lacland House London SW10 OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 28 Lacland House London SW10 OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder Flat 29 Lacland House London SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Hat SO Lacland House London SW1D OBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant Flat 31 Lacland House London SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Leaseholder :lat32 Lacland House London SWIOOBP Cremorne Estate Grnd & 7 Floors 32 Tenant — : —1 , 1lat l London CIA/I n noUDiU i brno ql r rioors 32 Leaseholder Mifrnsn s House Flat 2 Mllman s House London iWlr»A< UI A UDna\U i Cremorne Estate.- Grnd & 7 Floors an Tenant Flats Mllman s House London dWIU UDU CrCremorne rp/i JUfcRse Estatt a e ; urnu BL / rlODia 3Z Tenant f lat 4 Mllman s House London iWlu UDU Crem o rn eTstate • Grnd & 7 Floors aTZ Leaseholder F tatS Mllman's House London iWIK F1U I nUH noUi i CremornS Estate urnu ot / rioors Tenant Flat6 Mllman's House London 3Wicm/iUn UD rtoiU i Cremorne Estate^ urno at / nuuis 37 Leaseholder Flat? Milman s House London jWlu UDU Cremorne Estate urnu ot / riuuia Tenant r tat 8 Mltman's House London C\A/1 n DQI 1 uremorne csidic f^rrtrt Bi 7 PloAfC 3£7 Leaseholder oW J.U UDU uriiu ot / nuuis r lat 9 Mllman s House London 3WJ.U UDU Cremorne Estate Rrnui nHu Hiot 7i nuu Clnnri ac 3Z Tenant :lat 10 MIIm3n's House London 3W1U UUU Cremorne Estate urno at / noura 3£ Tenant :lat 11 Mllman s House London bWlCIA/I Un nnUDi Ui Cremorne' Estate flmA Bi 7 Elnnrc 37A Tenant urnu at / riuuis r at 12 Milman s House London lU UDU cremorne cnaic uniu ot / nuuis 3A7 Leaseholder F at 13 Mllman's House London oWlcvA/Ui AUD nmU i Cremorne Estate fZmri Bi 7 Clonrc 3 7A Tenant :lat 14 Vtllman's House London bWlc\A/iU A naUDiU i Cremorne Estate ArnH A 7 Plnnrc 37 Tenant urnu ot / riuuia •lat IS Milman's House London 3 Wlu uou Lremorric cMaic uinf^rnuH fAx 7/ Plnnrnuuic3 32 Tena nt irlat 16 oilman's House London oWXCIA/IUA ria UblU i Cremorne Estate urnu ot / nuuid 37 Tenant iFlat 17 VUlman s House .ondon aWlxJ UDU 3re morns Estate f^rnH Ri 7 Plnnrc 32 Tenant lat 18 oilman s House .ondon ctA/ifi nai i .remorne caiaic Ullif^rnuH aAt 7/ Plnfirnuuic9 32 Tenant >WXU UOU lat 19 vniman s House .ondon sWlC\A/I Ufi noUDiU i *wAmrsfr\a Cf-f-fro •rnu ot / nuui a 37 Tenant -.remurne csiaic rl 3t 20 Wilrnan's House .ondon iWlCIA/I Un UDom Ui ^^Annnma Aetata VJIIIdrnri URi 0 1 7/ Floorni/ui s3 32 Tenant Fl at 21 i^JIman s House .ondon JW J.U UDU ••rciiiurnc caiaic TTAH 81 7 Floors 32 lat 22 Oilman s House .ondon :u/i n nni i —remijr FIE cavalc irnri A 7 Floor*; 32 Fenant riA/9 WXi nU na UDi iU ~ nH A 7 Floors fo n a nt lat 23 oilman s House .ondon >WXU UDU -remorne CSLOLC jinr u ot / riuuia 32 1 clldllL |rlat24 1Oilman' s House ondon iVVlU UDU < Iremorne Estate 'Zrnri B.

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