JUL 23 1945 LIBRARY MiCHMJAN VTATtf CUt.LRGB QFAOKI. AINU AFP SCIMNC* y *k»L }*• .- •'••- WLM~- 1 *Z±£"M W* h *£ w l:m&r'^jfc&*<* tote Gal/eae. EAST LANSING . Julu 1945 • **••••••• Albert John Cepela, 1946 Albert J. Cepela, a private first class in the Army, was killed in action in France on March 7, 1945. Pfc. Cepela entered from Grand Rapids * ^llt&ie Men Qaue AU * and was enrolled in engineering during 1942-43. Chester F. Czajkowski, 1944 *****•••** Lt. Chester F. Czajkowski, a B-24 pilot and holder of the Air Medal and the Purple Heart, was killed in action in the Pacific area on March 10, 1945. Lt. Czajkowski entered from Ham- Leland Keith Dewey, 192S John H. Spalink, Jr., 1944 tramck and was enrolled as a sophomore in engi­ Leland K. Dewey, a major in the Army, died in John H. Spalink, Jr.. a staff sergeant in in­ neering during 1941-42. a Japanese prison camp in the Philippine Islands fantry, was killed in action on Luzon Island in on July 24, 1942. Major Dewey was graduated in the Philippines on February 4, 1945. Entering Jack Chester Grant, 1945 engineering on June 22. 1925, entering from from Grand Rapids. Michigan, Sgt. Spalink was Cedar Springs, Michigan. He is survived by his enrolled in business administration during 1940-42. Jack C. Grant, a second lieutenant in the Army, wife, the former Dorothy Fisk. w'27, a son. a was killed in action in Germany on March 16, daughter, and his parents. 1945. Lt. Grant was enrolled in business admin­ James David Evans, 1941 istration during 1941-43, entering from Grand James D. Evans, a private in the Army, died Rapids. Delbert W. Swellander, 1946 in a German prison camp on February 8, 1945, Delbert W. Swellander, a private in the para­ of pneumonia. Pvt. Evans was enrolled in agri­ Donald George Wilson, 1945 chute infantry, was killed in action in Italy on culture during 1937-38, entering from Chase, Donald G. Wilson, a first lieutenant in the March 4, 1944. Pvt. Swellander entered from Michigan. Army Air Forces, was killed in action over Italy Escanaba, Michigan, and was enrolled in hotel on March 16, 1945. Entering from Lansing, Lt. administration 1942-43. George Catlin Thomas, 1946 Wilson was enrolled in engineering during 1941-43. George C. Thomas, an infantry private, was Joel Burklund, Jr., 1943 killed in action on Leyte on February 8, 1945. Enrolled in engineering during fall term of 1942, Melvin Henry Hansens, 1946 Sgt. Joel Burklund, Jr., tail gunner on a Fly­ Pvt. Thomas entered from Detroit. Melvin H. Hansens, a private first class in the ing Fortress which failed to return from a mis­ Army, was killed in action in France on March sion April 11, 1944, over Poznan, Poland, now is 17, 1945. Enrolled in the general college during listed as "presumed dead." Entering from Grand John Frederick Lake, 1945 1942-43, Pfc. Hansens entered from East Lan­ Rapids, Sgt. Burklund was enrolled in business John F. Lake, a second lieutenant in the Army sing. He is survived by his parents, a sister, administration 1939-40. Air Forces, was killed in action on Tinian Island on February 10, 1945. Lt. Lake was enrolled in and three brothers, including Curtis G., '42, and engineering during 1941-43, entering from Gay- Elton J., '38. Duane Delbert Gruner, 1947 lord, Michigan. Duane D. Gruner, a private in the Army, died Kenneth Floyd Compson, 1945 November 17, 1944, of wounds received in action Kenneth F. Compson, a first lieutenant in the in France. Pvt. Gruner was enrolled in general Francis F. Unland, 1946 Army Air Forces, died in Italy on March 18, 1945, college the fall term of 1943. entering from Francis F. Unland, a private in infantry, was Fenton, Michigan. killed in action in Germany on February 23, 1945. of burns suffered two days earlier when the Pvt. Unland entered from Detroit and was en­ motors in his plane exploded as he was about to rolled in business administration during 1942-43. take off on a mission. Lt. Compson was enrolled Leonard Wilbur Bond, 1944 in engineering during 1942-43, and entered from Leonard W. Bond, a second lieutenant in the William Hugh Topham, 1945 Flint. Army Air Forces, was killed in a plane crash in William H. Topham, a private first class in the Scotland on December 10, 1944. Lt. Bond entered Marine Corps, was killed in action on Iwo Jima Robert George Dyke, 1944 from St. Johns, Michigan, and was enrolled in on February 25, 1945. Enrolled in forestry dur­ Robert G. Dyke, an infantry lieutenant, was agriculture during 1940-43. ing 1941-42, Pfc. Topham entered from Saginaw killed in action in Germany on March 18. Enter­ and was the son of Bernard T. Topham, '13. ing from Detroit, Lt. Dyke was enrolled in engi­ Lorwyn Elwyn Peterson, 1930 neering during 1940-44. He is survived by his Lorwyn E. Peterson, a lieutenant colonel in the Theodore William Hart, 1941 wife and parents. Army, died January 23, 1945, in the Philippines, Lt. Theodore W. Hart, holder of the Silver Star of wounds received while aiding the evacuation of Medal, was killed in action in Germany on Febru­ John Steve Solar, 1944 wounded men under his command. He was ary 26, 1945. Lt. Hart was enrolled in hotel John S. Solar, a second lieutenant in the posthumously awarded the Silver Star medal. administration during 1937-38 and 1939-40. and Army, was killed in action in Germany on March Entering from Brooklyn, Michigan, Lt. Col. entered from Detroit. He is survived by his Peterson was graduated in business administration 18, 1945. Lt. Solar entered from Manistique, wife and twin daughters and by his parents. on June 23, 1930. He is survived by his wife, Michigan, and was enrolled in business administra­ daughter, and parents. tion during 1940-44. Alexander Borkowski, 1944 Capt. Alexander Borkowski, holder of the Bronze Ward Burdett Brunner, 1946 Charles Robert Taylor, 1943 Star medal, died on February 27, 1945, of wounds E. Ward B. Brunner, a sergeant in the in­ Charles R. Taylor, a second lieutenant in the received in action in Germany. Capt. Borkowski, fantry, was killed in action in Germany on March Army Air Forces, was killed in action in France who was a brother of Joseph Borkowski, '43, was 19, 1945. Entering from Detroit, Sgt. Brunner on January 28. 1945. Entering from Augusta, enrolled in business administration during 1940-41. was enrolled in forestry during the fall and winter Michigan, Lt. Taylor was enrolled in business He entered from Grand Rapids. terms of 1942-43. administration during 1939-40. Robert Lionel French, 1943 Herbert Seymour Geller, 1946 Parr Cline LaMonte, 1935 Robert L. French, a first lieutenant in the Army Herbert S. Geller, a second lieutenant in the First Lieutenant Parr C. LaMonte, holder of and holder of the Silver Star medal with cluster, 8th Air Force, was killed in action over England the Silver Star and Purple Heart medals, was was killed in action in Germany on February 28, on March 19, 1945. Lt. Geller was enrolled in killed in action in France on January 29, 1945. 1945. Entering from Dearborn, Michigan, Lt. general college during the summer and fall of Lt. LaMonte was graduated in agriculture on French was enrolled in applied science during 1942, and entered from Detroit. June 10, 1935, entering from Charlotte, Michigan. 1939-43. Harry Linn Martin, 1936 Neil Douglas Graham, 1942 James Ross Patterson, 1942 Harry L. Martin, a first lieutenant in the Neil D. Graham, a private in the Army, was James R. Patterson, a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, was killed in action on Iwo Jima killed in action in Germany on February 10, 1945. Army, was killed in an accident at Sheppard on March 26, 1945. Entering from Bucyrus, Ohio, Entering from Concord, Michigan, Pvt. Graham Field, Texas, on March 7, 1945. Entering from Lt. Martin was graduated from business adminis­ was graduated in liberal arts on July 31, 1942. Grosse He, Michigan, Lt. Patterson was enrolled tration on July 31, 1936. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary in forestry during 1938-39 and 1941-43. His wife Louise Porter, w'44, and his parents. and his mother survive. (Turn to Page 19) 2 . THE RECORD MlcUufon State QoUeae Lloyd H. Geil, Editor Jack Wild, Associate Editor RECORD Glen 0. Stewart. Alumni Editor July, 1945 Founded January 14, 1896 — Entered as second-class matter, East Lansing Vol. 50 NO. 3 Quarterly Commencement JlufkliCfUU Five hundred forty-four men and women, representing 53 Michigan coun­ ties and 16 other states, participated in Michigan State College's fourth wartime commencement exercises on June 9. Honorary degrees of doctor of engineer­ ing and doctor of science, respectively, were awarded to two former M.S.C. stu­ dents, Albert H. Case, vice-president and general manager of the U. S. Phosphoric Products division of Tennessee corpora­ tion, Tampa, Florida, and Dr. Leon J. Cole, professor of genetics at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin. Two prominent educators were the speakers for graduation exercises. Dr. Franklyn B. Snyder, president of North­ Members of the 1945 class enter the college auditorium for Michigan State's 87th annual commencement exercises. Fourth group to be graduated since western university, delivered the com­ America went to war, the class numbered 544 men and women. Sixteen gradu­ mencement address, and the Reverend ated "with high honor" and 84 "with honor" at exercises attended by 3,500 J. Hugh O'Donnell, president of the parents and friends.
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