Guillermina Seri Department of Political Science 113 Lippman Hall Union College 807 Union St., Schenectady, New York, 12308 [email protected] CURRENT AND PAST POSITIONS Fall 2015- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Director Fall 2013- Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Union College Fall 2007- Spring 2013 – Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Union College 2006-07 Visiting Assistant Professor, Peace and Conflict Studies, Colgate University 2005-06 Postdoctoral Fellow, Peace and Conflict Studies, Colgate University Two last positions in Argentina: 1997-2000. Professor, Master in Social Sciences. National University of Catamarca 1997-2001. Assistant Professor. Political theory. National University of Entre Ríos EDUCATION Ph.D. Political Science, University of Florida. August 2005 (Double Major: Comparative Politics and Political Theory). Dissertation: “Policing and Democracy: The Influence of Narratives on Police Discretion.” M.A. Social Sciences (Major: Methodology), FLACSO, Buenos Aires, 1998. Thesis: Acerca de los usos estatales del terror. Una indagación en el contexto argentino [On state uses of terror: An exploration of the Argentine case] Licenciada en Ciencia Política (5-year program, 36 year long courses in Political Science), Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina, 1986. FORTHCOMING/WORK IN PROGRESS: -(Forthcoming) (co-authored with Mary Rose Kubal): “How Policy Fields are Born: The Rise of Democratic Security in Argentina,” Journal of Latin American Studies. -Police Abuse in Democracy (Book, co-edited with Michelle Bonner, Mary Rose Kubal, and Michael Kempa) (Manuscript under review). -(co-authored with Jinee Lokaneeta): “Police and State. Governing Citizenship through Violence.” (Book chapter, in Police Abuse in Democracy). -For the Common Good: Unlawful Governance in Democracies – (Book manuscript; Expected completion: Winter 2018). PUBLICATIONS: Book: Seguridad: Crime, Police Power, and Democracy in Argentina (Continuum, 2012, ISBN: 9781441145789) Paperback: Seguridad. Crime, Police Power, and Democracy in Argentina (Bloomsbury: 2013) http://www.bloomsbury.com/us/seguridad-9781623564193/#sthash.CqrJjklj.dpuf 1 Guillermina Seri – CV Book Chapters -“‘To Double Oppression, Double Rebellion’. Women, Capital, and Crisis in ‘Post-Neoliberal’ Latin America,” Scandalous Economics. Gender and the Politics of Financial Crises (Jacqui True and Aida Hozic eds, Oxford, April 2016). -“Argentina: Revisiting Police Corruption and Police Reforms in a Captive State,” Police Corruption and Police Reforms in Developing Societies (Kempe Ronald Hope, Sr., ed.), CRC Press, September 25, 2015. -“‘All the People Necessary Will Die to Achieve Security'" Anti-Security (Mark Neocleous and George Rigakos eds; Red Quill Books, 2011) -“Discrecionalidad policial como ley no escrita. Gobernando en el estado de excepción,” Mirada (de) uniforme. Hacia una crítica de la razón policial (Gregorio Kaminsky and Diego Galeano eds) Teseo/Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, 2011. -“Vicious Legacies? State Violence(s) in Argentina,” State Violence and Genocide in Latin America: The Cold War Years (Esparza, M., Huttenbach H. & D. Feierstein eds; London, Routledge, September 2009). -“Police Discretion as Unwritten Law: Governing the State of Exception,” Police Discretion and Law (Radha Kalyani ed.), AMICUS, ICFAI University, Hyderabad, India, 2009. -“On the “triple frontier” and the ‘Borderization’ of Argentina: a Tale on Zones,” Sovereign Lives. Grammars of Power in an Era of Globalisation (ed. by Jenny Edkins, Véronique PinFat, and Michael Shapiro) Routledge, 2004. -(with Philip Williams): “The Limits of Reformism: The Rise and Fall of Christian Democracy in El Salvador and Guatemala” Christian Democracy in Latin America: Electoral Competition and Regime Conflicts (ed. by Tim Scully and Scott Mainwaring; Stanford University Press, 2003). -(Translated into Spanish): “Los límites del reformismo: el ascenso y la caída de la democracia cristiana en El Salvador y Guatemala” La democracia cristiana en América Latina. Conflictos y competencia electoral (Scott Mainwaring and Timothy Scully eds) (Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City, 2010). -“Ajuste estructural y políticas terroristas: ¿una relación contingente?” Algunos desafíos políticos internacionales de nuestra época (ed. Arturo Fernández and Silvia Gaveglio). Homo Sapiens, Rosario, Argentina, 1998. Journal Articles -“Metáforas policiales, elisiones, y calidad de la democracia en Argentina y Uruguay,” Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político, August 2009 [“Police Metaphors, Elisions, and Quality of Democracy in Argentina and Uruguay”]. -“Terror, reconciliation, redemption. The politics of memory in Argentina,” Radical Philosophy 147, January/February 2008. -“Terreur, réconciliation et rédemption : politiques de la mémoire en Argentine,” Revue internationale des livres et des idées, Numéro 3, janvier-février 2008. 2 Guillermina Seri – CV -“Police Discretion as Unwritten Law: Governing the State of Exception,” Critical Sense 13 (2). -“Portiers and Gatekeepers. Sovereign Formations,” Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence Issue 1, No 1, Fall 2003, Milan. -“LatinOamericans and Globalization,” Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence Issue 1, No 1, Fall 2003, Milan. -(with Alejandro Horowicz) “Zapping: ¿un modelo de afasia ?”. Revista de la Red de Teoría Social – Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina, 1999. Encyclopedia -“The 1969 Uprisings in Córdoba and Rosario, Argentina.” Encyclopedia of Protest and Revolution in World History (Immanuel Ness ed., Wiley-Blackwell, April 2009). -Associate Editor (Editor for the section of Argentina), International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present (Wiley-Blackwell, April 2009): Invited, edited and/or translated eighteen articles on Argentina. Book Reviews -“Claudia Aradau, Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics Out of Security,” Radical Philosophy 50, July/August 2008. -“Mark Neocleous, The monstrous and the dead: Burke, Marx, Fascism. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 36 (2). -“Crime and the Administration of Justice in Buenos Aires, 1785-1853 by Osvaldo Barreneche.” The Latin Americanist 50 (2), Spring 2007. -“Giorgio Agamben's The Open. Man and Animal.” Politics and Culture Issue 3, 2005. Book Textbox -“Generation X in Argentina: a one person’s snapshot,” Generation X Goes Global: Mapping a Youth Culture in Motion, edited by Christine Henseler (Routledge, 2012). Conference Proceedings – Digital Book (CD – Rom) -“Metáforas policiales, elisiones, y calidad de la democracia en Argentina y Uruguay”. Ernesto Bohoslavsky, Lila Caimari and Cristiana Schettini (eds). "La policía en perspectiva histórica: Argentina y Brasil" (http://www.crimenysociedad.com.ar/files/). Media (Invited articles) - “El blues del mal menor,” [“Lesser Evil Blues”] Pausa, October 8, 2016 - “Sobre la libertad que viene” [“On the Freedom to Come”], Revista Cronopio 48, March 2014. -“El poder de los policías,” [“The Power of the Police”] Newsweek Argentina, October 6, 2010. -“Una oportunidad histórica única,” [“ ] El Diario, July 11, 2011. Other articles (published as teaching materials for high school teachers) – Board of Education, Entre Ríos, Argentina: -“¿Repensamos nuestra relación con el conocimiento?” (“Rethinking our Relation to 3 Guillermina Seri – CV Knowledge”) and “Acerca de la noción de fetichismo” (“On the Concept of Fetishism”), 1998. -“El proceso de formación de los Estados Nacionales: la constitución de una nueva territorialidad" (The Process of Constitution of Nation States”), March 1996. RESEARCH POSITIONS Colgate University Peace and Conflict Studies 2005-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Department of political science Fall 2001. Research assistant (Dr. Leslie Anderson. Work on the Argentinean Congress) Spring 2000. Research assistant (Dr. Philip Williams. Work on the Christian Democratic party in Central America). CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS APSA 2017 (American Political Science Association), San Francisco, August 31-September 3. -Paper presentation: “Por la Patria Grande: Legitimizing State Abuses under the ‘Pink Tide’ (1999-).” -Discussant in the panel “Populism and Human Rights: Assessing a Complicated Relationship.” WPSA 2017, Vancouver, April 13-15 -Paper presentation: “Unlawful state action and (social) media: Making state abuses visible in democracies.” -Paper presentation (co-authored with Jinee Lokaneeta): “Police as State: Governing Citizenship and Rights through Violence.” Capital at 150, Hofstra University, April 6-7, 2017. -Paper presentation: “Primitive Accumulation and Rights Exclusions: Making Sense of the Present in Light of Capital.” WPSA 2016 (Western Political Science Association), San Diego, March 24-26 -Roundatble: “Political Theory and the Crises of Police Violence: Debating Methods and Epistemologies.” “Police Science in the 21st Century” Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, September 26- 27, 2015. -Presentation: “Police Science and the Crisis of Policing.” APSA 2015. September 3-6, San Francisco -Paper: Unlawful Police Governance in Democracies: Normalizing Identities and Reproducing State Bonds.” 4 Guillermina Seri – CV WPSA 2015. (Western Political Science Association) – Las Vegas, April 2-4, 2015 -Paper: “Unlawful Governance in Democracies. A Conceptual Discussion.” Panel: "Security, Governance, and Violence: Policing in Political Theory.” APSA 2014, Washington, DC, August 28-31,
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