Seattle aP cific nivU ersity Digital Commons @ SPU Seattle eS minary Publications Seattle eS minary, 1891 – 1915 December 1st, 1910 The eceD mber 1910 Cascade Seattle eS minary Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.spu.edu/ archives_publications_seminary Recommended Citation Seattle eS minary, "The eD cember 1910 Cascade" (1910). Seattle Seminary Publications. 15. https://digitalcommons.spu.edu/archives_publications_seminary/15 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Seattle eS minary, 1891 – 1915 at Digital Commons @ SPU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Seattle eS minary Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ SPU. J( ~~ GO TO FOR PHOTOGRAPHS ••'MWl•&+•~El PINNEY PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE 3RD FLOOR WASHINGTON BLDG. 705 FIRST AVE. Table of Contents Page. Christmas __ ___ __________ ______ __________ ____________ _ 2 Ephraim's Search For Christ --------------------------- 3 Boost The Cascade ------------------------------------ 5 Duty ------------------------------------------------ 5 Snoqualmie Falls -------------------------------------- 6 l\Iissionary Notes-------------------------------------- 7 Editorials ___ __ ____ ______ _ __ _ ______ __ ___ ____ _ __ _______ 8 Exchanges ------------------------------------------- 9 Societies __________________ ------------------__ ____ __ _ 10 Athletics --------------------------------------------- 12 ~Iinistry Conference ----------------------------------- 1:3 Smears and Slams------------------------------------- 14 Class Notes ------------------------------------------ 16 J9wman&Htmlord@ BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS ENGRAVERS, PRINTERS (]iWl$a~LW!fy>~ta*'*~*~~aMi\"¥~'Mtt-•~1.~j[] 616-620 FIRST AVE., SEATTLE Page One THE CASCADE TIIE CASGADK And we find ma'1y thus who never saw back and armed with a switch, asking St. Nick or hcng up their stocking. noy; fie children have behaved. switch­ CHRISTMAS Now it is often observed by having a ing the bad and leaving presents for Freder ick C. Thompson . r:ublic tree in the town hall with gifts the good. So here we often hear hung it, and fo,. entertainment, songs ·'You'd l!etter look out or Pelznickel No holiday on the world's calender heart's. Grandfathers of today relate and recitations hy the ch11dren. will c1tch you." appeals to m01·e hearts than Christ­ with enthusiasm the incidents connect­ In New Mexico among the old Span­ The members of the Greek Church mas. "The Merry Xmas Bells" peal ed with Christmas when they were ish settlement, Xmas begins more than in Alaska make a large star of bright forth glad tiding:; on Christmas morn; boys and .spent the WY with their a week befcre the day. After dark­ paper and headed by the star bearer echo answering echo until the earth grandfathers. ness has fallen, each evening of tne and two men ' ' ith lanterns on long is encircled by their joyous music Who would Torget Santa Claus, the week previous to Christmas, small poles, companies of these people go From the first Xmas carol sung by tire Xmas tree an.I all their attendant pa;ti.es go frow Louse to house, Bc.lect· from house to house during the even­ hosts of heav(.n to the shepherds joys'? ing a different nouse each evening ings of Xmas week. They are usually watching their flocks on the hills of Strange and beyond our conception and on arrival, knock at the do::ir and made welcome where they call and are Judea men caught the refrain and is the spirit of interpretation that begin to sing. Presently someone from served with refreshments, after which though two thousand years have pas­ caused the English Parliment in 1643 within asks, "Who is there?" The re­ they sing carols. sed, it has lost none of its charm and to abolish the day and the "Pilgrim ply is made in these words "The Vir­ After the second night, the star gladdening influence. "Glory to God Fathers" to discourage the observance gin Mary and St. Joseph seek lodgings bearers and protectors are followed in the highest, and on earth peace of it in our own colonies. Little wond­ in your home." At first, to carry out by men and boys in fantastic dress, good will toward men," ever touches er to us that such laws and ideas thE: stor_,., admtW'l.llCP. is refused but who try to de~troy the· star in imita­ the chord of love, for unto us was could not long prevail, and happy are soon the door ii; opened, the party tion of the soldiers of Herod who "born this day in the city of David a we that the Xmas carol and spirit enter and all kneel in prayer. Tue sought the life of the babe Jesus. Savior, which ;s Christ the Lord." grow dearer to us with each year. rest of the evc!ling is spent in games. Through all these customs and cere­ As this birthday draws near, every We understand that the customs Xmas eve in th•) town hall all gather monies, we are made mindful of one pulse is quickened by the thought, and observance of the day m foreign to see the play picturing scenes con­ great central th0ugbt and by them are every eye is .irightened in anticipa­ lands differ from our own, yet few of nected with the birth of Christ. brought nearer each other in love, tion, for on that day, Christmas, strife us know the difference in custom and The Pennslyvania Dutch children and the birthday of the "Man of Gali­ and bitternes are elimated by "peace" observance in our own comminwealth know our Santa as P elzenickel, who lee' was a manifestation of the love and "goodwill." Joy is unrestrained, and her dependEoncies. goes about witil a. bag of toys on his of God the Father to all men. greeted by friend, neighbor and stra.1- Does noise make you nervous? If ger with "A Merry Christmas to you,'' so, do not plan to spend your Xmas fills each cup to overflowing and love in the South. For from midnight of EPHR.AIM'S SEARCH FOR. CHRIST reigns supreme. Xmas eve young America and old Mary M. Eva. Men not only manifest the spirit of vent their surplus enthusiasm by the The day bad passed and sunk away seP.n traveling over the rough moun­ the day in their greetings. As the ringing of bells, tooting of horns and to rest, twilight had drawn her cur­ tain side in sea!·ch of a lost lamb Wisemen made gifts showing devotion firing of cannon. Sky rockets, crack­ tain bet ween the earth and sky; e"en which could not be found with the to the Christ Child, we as a token of ers, anything to make a racket. Christ­ night was spread,ng her mantle over ninety and nine who were safe in the love and goodwill make gifts to our mas day means that the brass bands the hills of Blethlehem. The shep­ fold. He toil~d onward over the friends and neighbors. and soldiers must look and do their herds were in the field watching their mountain and after much searching Though the g£neral undcrstanrling best for today they are on parade. flocks when lo! Angeles appeared unto he heard the sad bleat of the lost and spirit of the day is universal, And last but not least, the darkies are them and annonuced the birth of the lamb and soon found it. It was on special and individual customs are ob­ all out and on every hand you are infant Christ. They pointed out a star this evening that Ephraim first heard served among different peoples and greeted with "Christmas gif,' Mistah: to the shepherds and told them that the name of Christ and His purpose communities in commemoration of it. Christmas gif', Missus," from them. by following the star they would find in coming to the world. He was deep­ First, following the thought of the Othewise their custom is as onrs, Him. The shepherds gathered togeth­ ly impressed· .and was very anxious to sacredness of the day, it appeals to us Santa Claus, plum pudding and all. er many costly presents and set out learn more about Christ. as the day best suited for us to gather As noted, for many years, in New on their journ8y to find Christ and A few days later Ephraim felt a with our loved ones, there to feast England the people did not belive in when they fell down and worshipped longing in bis heart to find Christ so and make merry. Few of us but look it. They lookej upon it as a pagan Him. he asked bis master if be might be upon such times, preserved by mem­ fe,;tival, and in Massachusetts to say A few years later a little shepherd permitted to set out in search of Him. ory, as the richest treasure of our "Merry Xmas" violated a state law. lad by the name of Ephraim could be His master, being a kind man, was Page Two Page Three T II E CA S C AD E. 'l'HE CASCADE. afraid that the journey would be too when I can help her. I am sure Christ ones." His eyes closed; his Jim bs re­ DUTY. much for him but he pleaded so hard would help her if He were nere." So laxed, but there was a smile around What is duty? It is that service in that his master consented, so he start­ he stayed with the widow. his lips. He at last saw Christ and which an individual is under moral ed on his journey. He took as much She told Ephraim where her father's had gone to dwell with Him forever. obligation to io or to refrain from food with him as he could carry and house was, so after many weeks of doing; in dictionary terms and yet enough to last him many days.
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