Satirical Songs and Wit

Satirical Songs and Wit

Central daylight saving time MORNING 5:10-ULG-N-Farm hour and news. LidenereChoice WBBM-The Country hour. WJID-Breakfast Frolic. SPECIAL EVENTS WLS-Smile-a-Shile. WIND-Early Bird Rhythms. 11:15 a.m.-MO-Public Affairs: "Future Race Relations," 5:45.11MAQ-Prayer Early Bird. with T. V. Smith, moderator. 6:00-ULG-N -Old Time MUSIC. 1:20 p.m.-WJJD-Baseball: White Sox vs. Cleveland. WMAQ-News reports. Telecast on WGN-TV. STBM-Paul Gibson program. WCFL-Come On, pet Up. 1:45-RAO-First run of new Hiawatha Speedliner. Speakers: WLS-Farm Bulletin Board. Gov. Green and Charles IL Buford. WIND-News; Morning Watch. 4:00-WBBM-Jersey Stakes, withClemMcCarthyand Bill Corum. MIS-WMAQ-Town and Farm. WLS-Morning Devotions, VARIETY, COMEDY, AND DRAMA WIND-Morning Salute. 10:30 e.m.-W-G-N-Teen Timers club, with Art Mooney, guest. 6:30-W-G-H-Farm Service. 12:30 p.m.-W-G-N/Swinging at the Sugar Bowl, with Fred WLS-Doc Hopkins. Reynolds as Harold Teen. WIND-News; Wake Up 'Wait. WCFL-News; Come On, Get Up. 3:00-WMAQ-Doctors Today present "The Haunted House." 6:115-WG-N-Morning News. 5:30-M-G-N-True or False, with Eddie Dunn, M. C. WMAQ-This Farming Business. 6:30-WMAQ-Curtain Time presents "Call Me Gabriel." WIND-Yawn patrol. 7:00-14-G-N -Record Reveille. 7100-W-G-N-Twenty Questions. Guest: like Chase. MVAQ.Norman Ross Show 7:00-WIIBM-Sing It Again, with Don Seymour, Allen Dale WBOM-News of the World (C), and Patti Clayton. WJJD-News'reports. 8:00-WCFL-Gang Busters: True Crime Stories. WLS-Prairie Ramblers. 8:00WBBM-Joan Davis Time. Guest: Constance Bennett. WCFL-Martin Agronsky (A). WIND.News; Record Shop. 8:30-W-G-N-Family Theatre: Lee Bonnell and Gale Storm 7:15-WCHI-News R9port8., in "The Unsung Hero." WBOM-News reports. 8:30-WMAQ-Judy Canova show, with Mel Blanc, Joe Kearns, WCFL-Halloween Martin, MUSIC WJJD-Wake Up. Chicago. Its-Mac and Bob. 2:00 p.m.-WMAQ-Eastman School symphony, with Dr. Howard WIND-Record Shop. Hanson presenting his Concerto for Organ, Harp and Strings. 7:20-WG-N-Record Reveille. 2:00-WCFL-Piano Playhouse, with Arthur Ferrante and 7130-WDBM.Listen to Cliff. Louis Teicher. WJJD-Ulmer Turner, news. 3:30-WMAQ-First Piano quartet: Tschaikowsky's W1S-Prairie Ramblers. WIND-Musical News Review. Concerto No, 1. WAAPGospel Tabernacle. 5:30-WMAQ-NBC Symphony McDonald's Symphony No,2. WSBC-Viennese Melodies. 8:30-WBBM-Abe Burrows show. Satirical songs and wit. Tiasoirm.olit Hamilton, news. SISNews reports. 8:00-W13BM-flit Parade, with Frank Sinatra and Beryl Ives. WJJD-Soall Business. 9:00-W-G-N, 116NB-Chicago Theater of the Air starts summer 6:0041-0-N-Robert F. Hurleigh. concert series, with Ruth Slater, Reinhold Schmidt, Nancy WCFL-Favorito Son quest. Carr, Henry Weber, conducting, Speaker: Col. Robert R. IBM-News reports. WMAG-Tunes and Tips. McCormick, editor and publisher of THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, WLS-VIctorious Living. TELEVISION WJJD-News. 8:20 p.m.-WGN-TV-Western.Film: "Boiling Point," with 0115-ULG-N-Two Ton Bak. Hoot Gibson. VD-78O Prevue Time, 1115-De Zurik Sisters. 8:3045KB-Midget Auto Races from Soldiers' field. 0:30-11LG-N-Uteek-end Reporter. WMAQ-Music that Sings. WLS-Doo Hopkins. WBBM-Paul Gibson. I 9:45-WCFL-Bits from the Best. !LS-Stump Vs. INews Broadcast. 10:00-W-G-N -Passing Parade. 8845-WBBM-Musical Menus. UGNB-Symphonic Hour. WMAG-Hobby Horse Presents. 6:115-44GN 8:00WN WBBM-You Are There (C). WCFL-Shoppers Special. 10:45-WLS 7:00-WCFL9:004/GN 11:00-WIND I WMAII.News reports. 9:00-$.4G-N-Paul Neilson, news. 7:15WGN 10:00-WBBM 10:15-W-0-4-Your Answer, Please. WMAG-Frank Merriwell (N). 11:3040 I 7:45-WLS 10:30-WIND 11:30-WIND WMAQ-Just Music. IIBBM-Listen to Cliff, 10:30-W-G-N-Tomorrow's Tribune. WJJD-Ernie Simon. AFTERNOON WBBM-News reports. 51.S-Your Home Beautiful. 12:00-WCFL 12:45-WMAQ 'l:00-%H 12:00-WIND1:00-WIND 5:00-WDOM 100-W-G-N-Song Souvenir. 9:15-14-G-N -Morning Melodies. 12:30-WMAQ3:45-WCFL 10:45 -W-G-N-Billy Bishop's orch. WIND-Eddy Howard. 11:00-WJ4tQ EVENING WEIMA-News. VW-Ervin Lewis. 6:00AINA10:00-WCFL 11:00-W-G-N -Nees reports. WCFL-Don Artiste. 11:00-WIND 6:00-WCFL 10:00-WIND 11:00-WMAQ WMAQ-Neas reports. 9130-*G-N-R. Milton Carleton, 7:00-8I11)1013G-UGH Wen...Community Concert. *VAG-Archie Andrews (N). 12:00-WIND 8:00-WIND11;004IGN 1:30WGN WBBM-Newe report.. WAAF-Nation's Downbeat. 9:45-WLS 11:10 -W-G-N=Teddy Phillips. IBBM-Mary Lee Taylor. 11:15-8MAQ-Don Elder, sports. ILS-Hollywood Headlines (A). 11:,0-W-G=N.4ayne Gregg. WCFL.Just for Fun. WBEM-Dance orchestra.. WINO-News; Prep Sport*. ITelevision Programs WCFL-Slack Time. 9:45-W-G-N-Spots of Music. WON-TV'(Channel 9) 1:10-Players 11:45-W-G-N-Gay Claridge. WCFL-Saturday Strings. of the Day.1:20-Sox vs. Cleve- WBBM-Glorla Van. VIND-Bing Sings. land.3:30-Tenth Inning.3:00- 12:00-W7G-11-Weather Report, news. SLS-Handy Man. Newsreel,8:10-Telefilm Snap- WEER-Birk Courtenay. A0:00-10-G-N -June Baker Program. shots.8:20-"Dolling:Po1nt," WBOMMatInee at Midnight. WPAQ-Meet the Meeks (N). 9:20-United Press Ness. WMAQ-1160 Club. IITSM-News; Let's Pretend (C) WDKD (Channel 4) 8:00-FIlm 12:02-14-G-8-David Le Winter's VLS-Rex Allen. Shorts.8:30-Midget Auto Racing, orchestra. WOES-Italian Community Hour. 10:30-Today's World Picture. 12:15-W-G-N -Henry King. VCFL-Party Tine. 12:30-W-G-N-Billy Bishop. VSBC-Polish Poppies. WENR-Guest Star. 1:00-W-G-N-Gay Claridge. 1:80-W-G-N -News reports. 10115-W-G-N-Helody Mows. litFL-Small Fry Stories. gLS-Organ Music. RDBM-In My Opinion. WIND-Linn Burton Highlights. 5:G-W-G-N -True or False (M). CHICAGO FREQUENCIES VJJO-Fun for Kids. WGH - 720 WABI-1110 FM SMAQ-NBC Symphony. WIND- 560 10190ALC4 -Tien Timers club. gENR-Harry Wismar (A). WJJB-1160 %CHB- 45.9 WILL- 580 WUOB-1230 IMAQ-Smilin, Ed McConnell. WAIT-Stay In the Know. and- 98.7 SEM-Junior Miso. *MAO-. 670 WEOC-1240 WEFM- 45.1 UJJD-Magic Carpet. WBBM- 780 WSBC-1240 11CFL.Land of the Lost (A). 5:45-WENR-Jack Beall (A). and- 99.5 WGES-Al Benson records. WAIT- 820 WCRW-1240 WBEZ- 44.5 WCFL-Elliotts Sports Page. WEER- 890 WMR0-1280 iljjD-Quirdowd. WIND-Man gho Came to Supper. WWW. 95.5 WLS-Hour of Faith. WAAF. 950 WJOL.1340 WEAW- 96.7 WIND.News; Children's Party. WJJD-Race Result's. WCF1,1000 WGES-1390 sone-97.4 TA1T-Table Talks. EVENING OMP-1590 WHFC-I450 WEBS- 97.0 .6:00-W-G-N-WGMB-capitol Comment. (M) 10i43-WLS-News Reports. indicates 'MBS WRG8C-103.1 WIND-Young America Speaks. WCFL-UtS-WIND-News. NBC WFMF-100.3 A1:00-Wri-N-Birthday Party. WBBM-Sports Report. (C) CBS WDIK- 96.3 WEFM-The Master's Album. (A) ABC IONS-Melody to 6 P.m. WJJD-Dob Elson. WENR. 94.7 WORM-Theater of Today (C). WOAK- 9843_ WCFL-Junior Junction (A). AGES-Polish Program. IMS.Hertha and Helen. 6:15-W-G-N-Telephone Quiz. WWAQ-In Our Town. WGNO-Dinner Concert. 8111S-SUAQ-Pub1ic Affairs (N). WCFL-Duilding Code Discussion. 1013M-A Ring for Cupid. WBBM-Success Story. WJJD-Club IS. WJJD-Dinner Winner. litS-Alr Edition. .._1(AIT;"Veterans. 6:30-W-G-N-Background for ii.7V-W-V-11-1U1111 nUflUer, new. Stardom. WINW-Stars over Hollywood. WDBM-Abe Burrows show (C). CM-Abbott and Costello. WLS-Child's World. MAD-Rio Rhythms. WMAQ-Curtain Time (N). %LS-American Farmer. WAAF-Jiyin' with J. Cooper. WJJD-Keith Sheeler. WCFL-Bing Crosby. WAIT-Strictly Show Dusinesa. WIND-Bob Finnegan, sports. 11:115-14-G-N-Novelty Shop. WJJD-Marty Hogan. VIND-Story Book Land. .6:45-W-G-N -Farm report. VLS-Stories About Corn. UGNB-Dance Music. AFTERNOON IVIESIA1-11ongy Carmichael (C) 12:00-14-4-N-Movie Matinee. WCFLMonzaretWhl Una. WOBFI-Orand Central Station. WIND-Serenade at Dinner, SUAQ-Farm and Home Hour (N). WJJD-United Nations program. SCFL-Hews reports. 7:00-W-G-H-Twonty Questions (H). 11LS-Farm World Today. WWI-Music of Enchantrrent. SAAF-News; Symphonic hour NMAQ-Life of Rkley. WIND-News; (Jenny Goodman. WJJD-Troubador. I/JJD-Al Benson. WCFL-Ross Dolan, Detective WAIT-Flying Reporters. MB-Suspense. 12: 15-WCFL-Favorite Melodies. 7:15-WLS-Mac and Bob. 12:3041-0-N-Swinging at the WJJD-News; Ranch Rouse. Sugar Bowl. 7:30-W-G,H-Stop He, If You've UGNO-Symphonlee for Youth (4).. Heard This (H). WMAQ-Edward Tomlinson. WMAQ-Truth or Consequences. WCFL-Don Artiste. WCFL-Fnmous Jury Trials (A), WIND-Luncheon Melodies. WJJD-Suppertime Frolics. WSSM-County Fair (C). WLS-Uarn Dance. 111S-Karl and Harty. WIND-Cub news. l2!45-SCFL-Foremost Music. 8:00-W-CrII-Keeping Up With Kids. ES-Stories about Corn. WHB-Concert Hall, WIND-Don Artiste.

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