VicWLPV¶&RPPXQLFDWLRQ Pursuant to A rticle 15 of the Rome Statute Requesting Investigation and Prosecution of High-level Vatican Officials for Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence as C rimes Against Humanity and Torture as a C rime Against Humanity I C C File No. O TP-C R-159/11 Submitted on Behalf of The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests And Individual Victims/Survivors 13 September 2011 www.ccrjustice.org T A B L E O F C O N T E N TS IND E X O F APPE NDI C ES A ND E X H IBI TS .................................................................................... iv I. B A C K G R O UND A ND IN T R O DU C T I O N ............................................................................. 2 II. F A C T U A L B A C K G R O UND ................................................................................................... 6 G O V E RN M E N T A ND IN T E R-G O V E RN M E N T A L C O M M ISSI O NS, INQ UIRI ES A ND G R A ND JURI ES ............................................................................................................................... 8 CANADA ....................................................................................................................................... 8 IRELAND ..................................................................................................................................... 10 UNITED STATES ........................................................................................................................ 16 IN T E R-G O V E RN M E N T A L B O DI ES A ND O R G A NI Z A T I O NS ............................................ 31 United Nations Committee Against Torture ................................................................................. 31 Report of Rapporteur to the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe .............................................................................................. 33 F INDIN GS O F C H UR C H-APPO IN T E D C O M M ISSI O NS A ND E XPE R TS, N O N- G O V E RN M E N T A L R EPO R TS A LSO PR ESE N T E V ID E N C E O F T H E W ID ESPR E A D A ND SYST E M I C B ASIS O F SE X U A L V I O L E N C E IN T H E C H UR C H. ............................... 34 BELGIUM .................................................................................................................................... 34 GERMANY .................................................................................................................................. 34 UNITED STATES ........................................................................................................................ 36 C O M M O N PR A C T I C ES F O UND IN DIF F E R E N T C O N T E X TS T H A T A ID IN T H E C O V E RUP O F C ASES O F SE X U A L V I O L E N C E. ................................................................... 37 Refusing to Cooperate with Civil Authorities ............................................................................... 37 Priest-shifting ................................................................................................................................ 38 Destruction of Evidence / Obstruction of Justice .......................................................................... 43 Punishing Whistleblowers, Rewarding Coverups ......................................................................... 44 O T H E R E V ID E N C E O F PO L I C I ES A ND PR A C TI C ES T H A T SE R V E T O PE RPE T U A T E T H E V I O L E N C E ............................................................................................................................ 46 Victim blaming ............................................................................................................................. 48 C O MPL A IN A N TS A ND W I T N ESSES ........................................................................................ 49 Wilfried Fesselmann ..................................................................................................................... 49 Benjamin Kitobo ........................................................................................................................... 50 Megan Peterson ............................................................................................................................. 51 Confidential Complaints 1, 2, and 3 ............................................................................................. 51 III. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ............................................................. 51 T H E ST RU C T UR E: C H A IN O F C O M M A ND ........................................................................... 52 C H UR C H ST RU C T UR E A ND G UIDIN G PO L I C IES R E L A T E D .......................................... 53 726(;8$/µ$%86(¶&/$,06 .................................................................................................. 53 ii I V. INDI V IDU A L H I G H-L E V E L V A T I C A N O F F I C IA LS ..................................................... 55 POPE B E N E DI C T X V I (PR E V I O USL Y C A RDIN A L JOSEPH R A T ZIN G E R) .................... 55 C A RDIN A L A N G E L O SO D A N O ................................................................................................. 57 C A RDIN A L T A R C ISI O B E R T O N E ............................................................................................ 58 C A RDIN A L W I L L I A M L E V A D A ............................................................................................... 58 INI T I A T I O N O F IN V EST I G A T I O N ........................................................................................... 59 T H E SI T U A T I O N PR ESE N T E D SA T ISF I ES T H E JURISDI C T I O N R E Q UIR E M E N T IN T H A T I T C O NST I T U T ES C RI M ES A G A INST H U M A NI T Y ................................................. 61 The Conduct in Question Constitutes a "Widespread or Systematic Attack Directed Against a Civilian Population" ...................................................................................................................... 61 Rape and Sexual Violence are among "the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole." ................................................................................................................ 65 Rape and Sexual Violence in this Context May Also Constitute Torture. .................................... 66 V. INDI V IDU A L C RI M IN A L R ESPO NSIBI L I T Y: ................................................................ 69 T H E H I G H-L E V E L V A T I C A N O F F I C I A LS SH O U L D B E IN V EST I G A T E D A ND PR OSE C U T E D IN A C C O RD A N C E W I T H T H E PRIN C IPL ES O F DIR E C T A ND SUPE RI O R R ESPO NSIBI L I T Y SE T O U T IN A R T I C L ES 25(C) A ND (D) AND 28(B) O F T H E R O M E ST A T U T E. ................................................................................................................ 69 V I. C O N C L USI O N ....................................................................................................................... 71 iii INDEX OF APPENDICES AND EXHIBITS* Appendix A ± Expert Declarations Exhibit Document Title No. A-1 Expert Opinion by Thomas P. Doyle A-2 Curriculum Vitae of Thomas P. Doyle A-3 Expert Opinion by Patrick J. Wall A-4 Curriculum Vitae of Patrick J. Wall Appendix B ± Vatican and National Conference Documents B-1 1741 Sacramentum Poenitentiae Constitution Sacramentum Poenitentiae, 1 June 1741, in Codex Iuris Canonici, Documenta, Document V in AAS 9 (1917), Part II, 505-508. B-2 1866 Pope Pius I X Instruction Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office Instruction, Codex Iuris Canonici Vol. 5, Curia Romana, 20 Feb. 1866. B-3 1917 Instruction Codex Iuris Canonici (1917), Providentissima Mater Ecclesia, Pope Benedict XV, 27 May 1917, 2368, par. 1 and 2359, par. 2. B-4 1922 Instruction 1922 Instruction, On the manner of proceeding in cases of the crime of solicitation (Instructio de modo procedendi in causis sollicitationis), Vatican Polyglot Press (Rome, 1922). B-5 1962 Instruction - (Crimen or Crimen Sollicitationis) Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation, The Decree Crimen Sollicitationis, The Vatican Press, 16 Mar. 1962. B-6 Framework Report Child Sexual Abuse: Framework for a Church Response, Report of the ,ULVK&DWKROLF%LVKRSV¶$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHHRQ&KLOG6H[XDO$EXVHE\3ULHVWVDQG Religious, Veritas Publications (Dublin, 1996). Exhibit B-6(a): Confidential Letter by Archbishop Luciano Storero, Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland, to the Members of the Irish Episcopal Conference, Regarding the Framework Document, 31 Jan.1997. * This version of the Appendix Table of Contents has been reformatted for the web. iv B-7 SST Letter Apostolic Letter Given Motu Propio re: Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela, Pope John Paul II, 30 April 2001. (Also annexed in Italian and Portuguese). B-8 The Norms of Motu Propio, Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela, Historical Introduction, Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (2001). B-9 Letter from Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Bishops of the Entire Catholic Church, et al, Regarding the More Serious Offenses reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 18 May 2001. B-10 Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela (2001 with 2003 changes), Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 2003. B-11 Dallas Charter (2002) Charter for the Protection of Children
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